Tanaka Cosplay

Tanaka Cosplay


Tanaka Cosplay
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18 результат. для gundam tanaka cosplay
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4.9 out of 5 stars

13 ratings

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Polyester -Material:Polyester. -Package includes:Coat + Shirt + Trousers + Short Sleeve + Scarf. -The costume will be made in standard Asia size. Please get the size Chart in the item description. -Please kindly send us message once you don't know the sizes.Provide us height,weight,bust,waist and hip sizes. -This costume make by Professinal And Exquisite Workmanship, Fine Close Stitches. 100% Brand New and High Quality.

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Package Dimensions


11.81 x 7.87 x 3.94 inches; 1 Pounds Department


Unisex-adult Date First Available


July 15, 2020 ASIN



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Dear Customers, Welcome to my shop. If you have any questions, welcome to contact us first : ) Size——Unit CM S:Height 155—160; Bust 84—89; Waist 75—77; Hip 87—90; Shoulder Width 43; M:Height 160—165; Bust 90—92; Waist 78—80; Hip 91—93; Shoulder Width 44; L:Height 165—170; Bust 93—95; Waist 81—83; Hip 94—96; Shoulder Width 45; XL:Height 170—175; Bust 96—98; Waist 84—86; Hip 97—99; Shoulder Width 46; XXL:Height 175—180; Bust 99—101; Waist 87—89; Hip 100—102; Shoulder Width 47; NOTE: 1. The sizes showed in the chart are measured by hand, so it cannot avoid 1-3cm error. 2. If the number of items you want to buy is beyond our stock showed about the item, please contact us and send the amount you want. 3. If the item lose or is damaged, please contact us first and please do NOT leave us negative or neutral feedback, we promise we will try to solve the problem to get your satisfaction. 4.Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. 5. Unit :1CM=0.39 Inch Finally, all of our items are selected by heart. We try to ensure their quality and hope that it won’t let your down.

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To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Haikyuu!! Ryuunosuke Tanaka Cosplay Costume

average based on 5 product ratings

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Bust - Wrap the tape around your chest at the armpits, over the fullest part of your chest and shoulder blades.
Waist - Wrap the tape around the natural waist, the smallest part, which is about an inch above the belly button. Keep one finger between the tape and your body.
Hips - Wrap the tape around the widest part of your hips across the hip bone.
Thigh - Measurement around the widest part of your thigh.
Shoulder width - Measurement from your left shoulder to your right shoulder on the back.
Bicep - Measurement around the widest part of your upper arm.
Arm length - Measurement from your shoulder to your wrist.

● Package: only Tanaka Haikyuu jersey. Just in order to let you put on a high degree of reduction costume, the materials are carefully selected. Suitable for Autumn, Summer and Spring season.

● 100% brand new and high quality Tanaka Haikyuu uniform will definitely make you the most eye-catching in cosplay shows, parties, comic cons, stage performances, daily life, and more.

● Ryūnosuke Tanaka was previously a second-year student and a wing spiker at Karasuno High. During official matches, he had on the Karasuno uniform numbered with a '5'.

Note: A pair of knee pads will be given if you buy this costume. 

Our Cosplay Costumes,wigs and other accessories are shipped from China and USA directly. Most of them are ready-to-ship.The shipping time varies on different items and shipping way you choose.You can see the expected delivery time after you add into shopping cart.

We advise you to place an order early so that there is enough time before you receive the items.

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Der Druck auf diesem Anzug ist sehr klar, ich mag es sehr!
Der Stoff dieses Anzugs ist sehr weich und sehr sportlich geeignet!
The quality, color and print of the clothes are all very good. Miccostumes has always been reassuring.

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