Tableofcontents Latex

Tableofcontents Latex


Tableofcontents Latex

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Is it possible with LaTeX commands, or a LaTeX package, to format the Table Of Contents (TOC) of a book so that the TOC looks like this :
Each chapter title is displayed with the prefix "Chapter " and no reference to the page of the book.
Each Section is shown with the reference on the right of the toc to the book page and separated with some "...."
The list of subsection is displayed as ()...
(note: numbering issues are already solved)
You can achieve your desired format using the titletoc format.
I have used the command titlecontents command
to customize the chapter , and its sibling command titlecontents* (which removes line breaks between entries) to customize the subsection format.
This is compatible with the hyperref package, should you wish to load it.
Here's a complete MWE for you to play with.
You can achieve this design with the etoc package.
The update adds code to handle the Chapter vz. Annex thing, in order for the correct (set up in French via Babel) heading in the TOC, depending on the case. In the book class, the toc file does not contain the information that we have an annex, except via the change in the numbering which goes Alphabetical. It is easier to add something in the toc to inform etoc of this, rather than testing in the chapter style if we have a Roman or an Alpha numbering.
Extended code to handle Annexes (the \appendix command) and unnumbered chapters ( \backmatter ).
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I am having trouble in making table of contents using \tableofcontents command.Here is my long latex file.
As far i know the section command automatically adds the title in table of contents but where as for \section*{} i saw it doesn't include those and also as i made section in many pages making it bold and large in the table of content also it goes big but i want that to manually make it modify.Anyone on this can help (and also when i preview it in pdf i see my whole written text and like centered and doesn't consume whole page).
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By Admin June 4, 2021 August 4, 2021
% Presentation structure
\section{Problem statement}
\section{Existing results}
\subsection{Method 1}
\subsection{Method 2}
\subsection{Method 3}
\section{Comparative study}
% Create a Table of Contents in Beamer
\title { How to make โ€œoutlineโ€ frame in Beamer? }
% to enforce entries in the table of contents
% Create a Table of Contents in Beamer
% Theme choice:

% Title page details:
\title{How to make โ€œoutlineโ€ frame in Beamer?}


% Title page frame

% Outline frame

% Presentation structure
\section{Problem statement}
\section{Existing results}
\subsection{Method 1}
\subsection{Method 2}
\subsection{Method 3}
\section{Comparative study}

% to enforce entries in the table of contents

% Hide subsections from table of contents
\tableofcontents [ hideallsubsections ]
% Hide subsections from table of contents
\tableofcontents [ currentsection ]
% Outline frame

% Current section
\AtBeginSection[ ]
% Outline frame
Creating the table of contents in Beamer can be done with the same manner as in standard LaTeX. The first thing that we should do is to structure our presentation using the commands \section{} and \subsection{} ( \section*{} and \subsection*{} , to hide it from table of contents). It should be noted that with beamer class these commands will not create a heading at the position where we use them.
Letโ€™s assume we have the following structure:
Here is the corresponding LaTeX code to this structure:
You are already familiar with frame environment which has been used in this lesson to create the title page. With the same manner, we will create a frame and add a title to it, letโ€™s say โ€œOutlineโ€ or โ€œPresentation planโ€. Then we will add \tableofcontents command inside it to print all sections and subsections of the presentation. Here is a complete code:
Sometimes, itโ€™s convenient to remove all subsections from the table of contents. This can be done easily using the following line code:
Using this in the previous code, we get the following presentation outline:
If you wish to show table of contents with highlighted current section before starting every section you can use the following code:
and here how we get before every section:
If we would like to show the table of contents in an incremental way, we can add the option pausesections to the \tableofcontents command. Here is the corresponding LaTeX code:
This yields the following effect triggered by mouse click or keyboard next slide key . is a personal website about creating stylish and modern presentations in LaTeX , through step-by-step lessons. report this ad
ยฉ 2022ย Copyright LaTeX Beamer | Privacy Policy

LaTeX specific issues not fitting into one of the other forums of this category.
I am writing my thesis in LaTex and have had to make several adjustments to fit my school's guidelines. The last thing I have left to do is to format my Table of Contents to match theirs. I need to fix the top margin and change the font size just for the Table of Contents. If anyone has some hints, please let me know. Thanks so much (I tried to use tocloft, but when I tried to call the package, I got 58 errors and could not get it to run)
Hi stephkees, I assume that if you provide a minimal working example you may get faster and more specific help, because we can see the packages used by you, your documentclass and so on. And you could tell us what exactly needs to be fixed with the top margin and which font sizes need to be changed. Stefan
OK. I am using several smaller documents with one main file using inputs. Here is the main file. \documentclass[12pt, reqno, oneside]{myamsbook} \pagestyle{plain} \raggedbottom % \def\thechapter{\Roman{chapter}} \usepackage{amsmath}% \usepackage{amsfonts}% \usepackage{amssymb}% \usepackage{graphicx}% \numberwithin{equation}{section} %----------------------------------------------------------- \usepackage[left=1.5in, right=1in, top=1in, bottom=1in, includeheadfoot]{geometry} \linespread{2.1} \begin{document} \frontmatter \input{titlepage} \input{signature} \input{copyright} \input{acknowledgement} \input{abstract} \tableofcontents \mainmatter \setlength{\parindent}{.5in} \numberwithin{equation}{chapter} \input{intro} \input{theory} \input{literature} \input{econmodels} \input{model} \input{case1} \input{case2} \input{case3} \input{conclusion} \bibliography{mybib}{} \bibliographystyle{amsplain} \end{document} I started with the amsbook.cls file and already had to make several changes in the way the chapters were set up, so I saved it in a new file named myamsbook. Even before I made those changes, the Table of Contents page had a 2.5in top margin. I need it to be 2in exactly. Also, my table of contents is running onto 2 pages and I would like to change spacing between lines to make it fit 1 page. Thanks for the feedback Also, I noticed that my Bibliography is doing the same thing. I would really appreciate any help I can get. My defense is this Wednesday and all I have left to do is the formatting.
\renewcommand * \@ starttoc [ 2 ] { %
\let \@ secnumber \@ empty % for \@tocwrite and \chaptermark
\else \@ tocwrite { chapter } { #2 } \fi
\typeout { #2 } \@ xp \chaptermark \@ xp { #2 } %
\@ makeschapterhead { #2 } \@ afterheading
\@ xp \newwrite\csname tf@#1 \endcsname
\immediate \@ xp \openout\csname tf@#1 \endcsname \jobname .#1 \relax
That worked great for the Table of Contents. Thanks so much Is there another quick fix for the Bibliography?
\if @openright \cleardoublepage\else\clearpage\fi
\thispagestyle { plain } \global \@ topnum \z @
\renewcommand * \@ bibtitlestyle { %
\@ xp \bibchapter \@ xp* \@ xp { \bibname } %
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