Switch Blayde

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Published: 07.01.2018 . 78,000 Words.
Stores are vandalized. Shop owners beaten and extorted. Their wives and daughters violated. Women, enslaved and forced into prostitution, are living a life of hell. No one is safe from the brutal gang terrorizing the city.

Fear causes the victims to clam up, except those brave enough to trust the system. But going to the police doesn't help. It makes it worse. The police are powerless to stop the gang, constrained by the rules of law which the gang uses to its advantage.

Lincoln Steele lives by no such rules. The former Army Ranger had been on enough Special Ops missions to know that rules sometimes need to be broken. For justice to be served. Steele goes after the gang, putting his life and the lives of those he promised to help at risk.

In this first novel of the acclaimed Lincoln Steele series, Steele does what he does best — get to the truth and make the guilty pay.

As with other S.W. Blayde's novels, this one contains explicit sex. But it's not porn. The sex is necessary to tell the story, just as graphic violence is used with violent plots.

S.W. Blayde posts on StoriesOnline as Switch Blayde.
A gripping novel couldn't put the book down till Finnished it
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Aren't there gradations of evil? Is evil a great perilous gulf into which one falls with the first sin, plummeting to the depth?

September 13, 2018



Copyright © 2020 STORIES BY XPANTHER — Escapade WordPress theme by GoDaddy

Feature Writer: Joe H
Feature Title: The Preacher’s Wife
Contact: onesrulestoday@yahoo.com
Uploaded: 06.11.2011
URL: http://www.asstr.org/files/Authors/Jones/
Story Codes: Religious, Blasphemy, WS, Orgy, Satanic, Drug Abuse, Pedo
The preacher’s wife, Grace was a very unsatisfied, unfulfilled unhappy woman. She was 42 years old, 5’6″ tall and 120 pounds. Very attractive. She wanted to help others religiously and married a successful preacher when she was a virgin and 20 years old. She regretted the day, looking back. He was so involved with the bible, preaching, praying and starting his camp for troubled youth that he never paid any attention to her needs.
She had compared notes with other married women and realized he was a lousy lover. He never gave her an orgasm. He must have thought sex was only to reproduce because he only fucked her to have children. Well, they didn’t and he quit, leaving her unloved and frustrated. She still felt like a virgin. She had grown to hate the pious cold shit head. They even had separate bedrooms.
She was responsible for all the unused drugs that church members brought in to be properly disposed of. She had a huge secret stash of drugs and dipped in regularly. She stayed high and lived in a fantasy world of lovers who would ravish her body. Fuck the pious up tight church members and her pathetic preacher husband and his little cock that got off too quick.
She quit wearing panties and let her pubic hair grow around her unsatisfied swollen cunt. Her husband and church members would have been horrified had they seen her parade around her bedroom nude, high as a kite, fucking her cunt with a black dildo until she had an explosive orgasm. She bet there would be talk if they saw her lay in the bath tub pissing herself and telling the walls that she would fuck Satan if he would have her. She bet he would be a good hot fuck.
Not only pills, but she was also a secret drunk. She loved getting stoned at night locked in her room fucking herself and finally passing out. A lot of make up and mouth wash and a pretend I give a shit attitude fooled everyone.
Her preacher husband and the church do good-ers felt she should help at the camp for troubled youth. Fine, at least she could get away from the God freaks, up tight motherfuckers. She hid her stash of pills and booze in a locked bag. Fuck the camp too. She wore no panties on her horny wet cunt and no bra. Shit, her tits were small and no one knew her anyway. Fuck the bible thumpers, up tight boring cock suckers.
She was high on pills but didn’t dare have a drink as she arrived and met the staff and got a cabin assigned. They just knew her as Grace, nothing more.
They assigned her to the so called troubled youth. The boys and girls, aged 10 to 16 were nothing more than over protected ass holes from rich families with no fucking clue. Fucking boring. More pills to get through\ the day. Several of the boys actually gave her a leer. Maybe her nipples were hard or did her short skirt ride up a little high? Anyway, maybe they would actually have naughty thoughts. She certainly did.
Then, one day it happened. She was assigned a one on one with a 14 year old boy who no one could help. He was a ward of the state. A freak they told her. Be careful they said. He might be mentally unstable. They offered protection but she declined and popped more pills.
A fucking freak he was. He slouched in, eyes down and sullen, dressed in all black. Hair long dyed black, body piercing in his nose, mouth, tongue, nipples, eye brows and who knows? He had a loose fitting cut off t-shirt and loose shorts low over his hip bones showing off his many tattoos. His died black hair and tattoos contrasted with his pale white skin.
He gave her a hostile look and asked what the fuck she was looking at. Grace told him he looked about as fucked up as she felt. She told him a bunch of up tight bible thumping clueless motherfuckers thought she gave a good fuck and could help these rich little cock-suckers. He smiled and stuck his hand out and said his name was Hoss. He told Grace that she was the first honest, caring person that he had met here and he would like to talk with her. He got up and sat next to her on the couch.
Grace said she would like that and it was very important for both of them to be honest and open in everything. She asked how he got the name Hoss. He smiled showing his tongue stud and said that when he was born his father said he was hung like a horse. There was something about this weird boy that made her braless nipples hard and a wetness in her horny unloved cunt.
She took his hand and asked what kind of home life he had.
Hoss squeezed her hand and said he hadn’t had any love at all. His mother and father were very critical of everything he tried to do. Their idea of love was whipping him and the praying over him. That is when he had found acceptance with other drop outs and ran away from home. He choked up and started to cry for the first time since he left home. Grace put her arm around him and pulled his head to her braless breast. Like a baby he nursed through her thin blouse as she rubbed his back under his t-shirt.
While he nursed her hard nipple his hand rested on her bare thigh where her short skirt had pulled up. Her cunt almost exploded.
He suddenly realized what he was doing and he pulled away from her breast and, with tears streaming, said he was sorry for being a baby. Grace took his head in her hands and kissed the tears away and then felt his studded tongue in her mouth. Her cunt was flowing and she was near orgasm. She said she understood his torment and thought it was fair to share her story if he was interested.
As she kissed his forehead and cheeks she said she also had an unfulfilled loveless life. She needed this fucked up freak more than anything and was ready to let him take her but she decided to go slow. She rested her hand on his bare thigh and got an impression of a huge snake of a cock under his thin black shorts.
She held him close and let him see tears run down her cheeks. She said she had married a preacher to serve the Lord when she was very young. She found him to be cold and interested only in the needy church congregation.
She said he hadn’t made love to her in 20 years and the congregation thought she made a poor preacher’s wife. She said he seemed to understand and wondered if she should go on with her story. The snake in his shorts seemed to be growing and his hand was a little higher on her bare thigh.
She hoped her cunt juice didn’t run down her leg. He asked her to please continue her story with him.
That is when she confessed to stock pilling drugs that were turned in and found she needed to stay high to deal with the church members and her husband. She also confessed that she also drank until she passed out some nights. He said he took any drugs he could find and wished he was high now.
That is when Grace decided to pull the bag of drugs from her purse and a bottle of Vodka. She saw his eyes light up and she squeezed his leg and said fuck these cock-suckers who think they know every fucking thing, lets get fucking high while we talk. She gave him a number of pills and he chased them with the Vodka. She did the same. In no time they were both totally wasted and drunk.
Hoss slurred that he loved staying high and he had tremendous orgasms when he masturbated. She said she understood that because she used a big black dildo to fuck herself to great orgasms. She said if she was really frustrated she would lay in the tub and spread her legs and piss and pray that if there was a Satan her cunt was his. She pretended the black dildo was his big cock fucking his sperm and spawn in her.
He said he would also serve Satan with her and he was so fucking high that he wanted to see her cunt that she would give to the Master. She took a big drink and pulled her dress up and showed him her swollen wet cunt slit.
He stood up and dropped his shorts and his 14 year old 8″ cock stood rigid.
She took him to the bathroom and she lay in the tub nude and spread her legs and asked him to join her pissing and her piss gushed as he lay next to her and his piss shot into the air splashing and soaking both of them.
When they finished, laying in warm piss she asked him to ravish her cunt like the Satan she prayed for.
She yelled to fuck her unchristian cunt as he plowed her with his huge cock. His balls slapped her ass and piss splashed as she felt his cock fill her where her husband’s never touched. She said his cock was fantastic and she wished the congregation and her pious husband could see her praying to Satan and being fucked by a boy who she wished was Satan.
Hoss kept pounding one huge orgasm after another from her wild cunt. After one huge orgasm he pulled out and dipped his cock in their piss and told her to fucking suck him. She sucked her cunt juices, piss and his pre-cum from his obscene tattooed fuck meat and he plunged back into her cunt.
As he drove his prick even deeper he told her that Satan would want her husband to watch her get ravished by a freak. They could torture and even kill the cock-sucker after they humiliated him if she wanted to. Her answer was a huge orgasm and then she passed out.
Grace woke in a fog. She seemed to be laying on an old smelly mattress in a dirty room. She remembered a little of what happened after she passed out from a huge orgasm. Hoss shook her awake and said they had to leave.
He had broken into the main office and stolen money and may have killed some do gooder cock-sucker who tried to catch him. He had her drugs and booze and the stolen money in a bag.
Then she was in a car giving black guys blow jobs. She may have been fucked but couldn’t remember. Then she was in a very nice hotel room watching Hoss give well dressed older guys blow jobs. Men who paid a lot for boys. Then she and Hoss were popping more pills and drinking from a new bottle of something while she sat on his hard cock. He said they had made a lot of money whoring.
Now she was in this fucked up piece of shit room. Just then the door opened and a young girl of about 12 entered. She looked like Hoss.
Skinny, black hair, body piercings, black cut off shirt and baggy black pants that almost fell off of her hip bones. Red eyes and fucking high.
She said her name was Rhonda and she was a friend of Hoss who used to live here with a bunch of other young run away drop outs. She said they got by how ever they could and were a tight family. Rhonda gave Grace more pills and a bottle after she took some and a big swig. She said Hoss was out trying to score drugs for them.
Grace said she was trying to remember last night after they ran away from the troubled youth center. She said she thinks she whored and sucked cock for money and saw Hoss sucking older men’s cocks. Rhonda laughed and said staying high and fucking was what they did. Kids could make a lot of money. Hoss had told her that Grace was older and married to a preacher who never even fucked her. Grace said she would kill the motherfucking preacher if she had the chance and drink his blood.
Grace said she was fucking horny talking about killing as she pulled her dress off. Rhonda stuck her tongue out and said her stud would feel good on a clit. Rhonda pushed Grace onto her back and spread her legs. Rhonda put her face between Grace’s legs and spread her swollen cum crusted cunt lips. Her studded tongue entered Grace’s bubbly cunt and rapidly flicked over her hard clit until Grace screamed and had another huge orgasm.
Rhonda kissed her and fucked her mouth with her studded tongue. Grace tasted her unwashed fucked cunt and about came again.
More drugs and booze and Rhonda’s skinny body was nude, showing her body piercings and tattoos. She was sitting on Grace’s face and Grace was eating her first cunt. Rhomda roared and collapsed on Grace. She said Grace was a fucking hot older woman. Hoss had told her that she was a hot fuck too. After all, they were family and shared everything.
Hoss came in the room and Rhonda told him they had eaten each other’s cunts out and she loved her.. Hoss said he loved her too. She was the only one at the camp who was fucking cool and let him be himself. Grace said she never had children and she loved them as her son and daughter. She said her ass hole husband and the up tight congregation would never understand her need for family love, what the motherfuckers called incest.
Hoss said he had scored a bunch of drugs and had swiped some booze at a liquor store and they should celebrate. And they did. Totally fucked up but in love. Both kids sucking Grace’s tits. Rhonda, so skinny and young and hot looking nude with her body art and piercings and no morals. Hoss, a hot little freaky looking criminal with a big cock and an appetite for violence.
Grace said it was time to go see her ass hole husband and decide what to do with him. Both Rhonda and Hoss said they would go and do anything with her. Hoss said he would kill the motherfucker if she wanted him to. Grace said he would shit when he saw them with her. She said he would also shit a huge turd when he saw her dyed black hair, tongue stud and nipple rings.
She was so fucked up she didn’t remember when she got them.
Grace’s preacher husband James was sitting. alone. in his study preparing a sermon on the many blessings on leading a christian family life. He heard a noise and thought maybe it was someone in need of his guidance. Little did he know.
He was shocked when he looked up and saw Grace leaning on the door jam, obviously drunk, dirty dress, dyed black hair and holding a bottle of spirits.
She slurred, “Did you wonder where I was, you cold self-centered motherfucker? Well, let me tell you. You sent me to that camp for troubled youth to have more time with your prissy helpless congregation.” She took a big drink and continued. “That is the best fucking thing that has happened to me. Thank you. I met a 14 year old boy who respected me and we connected. He has a cock like a horse and fucks me senseless. I met a 12 year old little girl who loves me and eats my hairy cunt. Too bad you never would, you missed a real fucking treat. They may look like hippy Goth freaks to you but they are family to me. I’ll make you a deal you can’t pass up, you pathetic prick. Accept me and our new children and we will live here secretly or I’ll take them to church and you will be a dead and gone motherfucker.”
Preacher James stood up and started to tell Grace to get out when Hoss came in and hit him in the stomach and then in the face. James fell back bleeding in his chair and Hoss taped him to it, helpless. James’ eyes bulged when he saw how freaky Hoss looked. Grace introduced him as her son and lover Hoss and then brought in Rhonda who she introduced as her daughter and lover Rhonda.
Grace said it looked like that made Hoss as horny as she was. She pulled her dress off and showed her nipple rings and leaking hairy cunt. She spread her legs and told Hoss to fuck his mother in front of his new father. James thought he was in a night mare as the freaky dirty boy’s huge cock slammed into her open cunt. How could his faithful wife be drunk and fucking a boy in front of him?
After Grace had a huge orgasm and Hoss pulled his spent cock out of her fucked cunt. James saw this dirty little tattooed skinny girl eat her cunt out. Then something strange happened, Hoss held James’ mouth open and put a hand full of pills down his throat followed by Vodka.
As James slipped off into a drunken high state he felt his clothes cut off. Then his hands were freed. My God, how did this happen, his cock was hard and he didn’t give a fuck. He had never felt so enlightened and free before. Also horny like never in his protected life.
He went over to Gra
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