Amature Blogs

Amature Blogs


Amature Blogs

There is one word in particular that I have always had trouble prounouncing - "Suite".

Is it "Sweet" or "Soot" or ?? and my obviously incorrect pronunciation ( a hash of sweet/soot and please don't ask how many to mess that up :D) has got me many funny looks.

So I decided to look it up and along with it look up a few more of the "funny" ones and write up the phonetic way of prounouncing the words.

1. Suite - Yup it is "Sweet" and not "Soot" or my mish mash version

2. Scion - "Sion" ( easy for mumbaikers to remember).

- A young member of a rich and famous family.

3. Cynosure - "Sign-a-sure".

- A person or thing that is so good that it attracts a lot of attention.

4. Circumlocution - "Sir-come-lok-u-shun"

- An indirect way of saying something - especially something unpleasant.

5. Albeit - "All-be-it". 

Means - Although.

One of the few words which is actually a phonetic set up albeit with a missing L but we tend to mess it up.

6. Macabre - "Mah-Kaab". This is the English prounciation while the American sounds like " Muh-Kaab-Rahh."

- Used to describe something strange and unpleasant because it is connected with death or violence.

Please add on or send me words to add on.

Its been a while since I last posted even though this was in draft. So here goes - part 2 of words you would not believe exist !!!

At some point, will try post the etymology of these words for those interested in the origin of words.

Bissursolid : Mathemetical notation representing seventh power of a number

Degust : to taste food or drink carefully, so as to fully appreciate it

Didaskaleinophobia : Fear of going to school
Nigroglobulate : The act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto

Nudiustertian : The day before yesterday

Podobromhidrosis : Smelly feet

Radappertization : Treatment of food with ionizing radiation to kill bacteria 

Xertz : To gulp down quickly and greedily

zenzizenzizenzic : Mathemetical notation representing a number raised to the power of 8

While searching for the meaning of a word that I now forget, found the first word in the list below and that sparked my interest about finding weird and wonderful words that describe events/things/activities/phobias that one would not believe existed. 

What marvelous things exist and we know so little about so many of them.

Here goes and have fun trying to pronounce some of them. Please add to the list in the comments section or send me a message so I can add them to Part 2 and more.

While thinking about the Top 10, I realized that there were a lot more than 10 that I liked and it was challenging to form the list but here goes anyway.

The ones I could not fit in - Inception, Predator, Fifth Element and Mad Max - The Road Warrior.

 I don't enjoy the horror sci-fi genre so films of that nature are not on this list.

10. Independence Day - Roland Emmerich (1996)

Jingoistic, a bit campy but nevertheless lots of fun and Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum and some great special effects makes it eminently watchable.

9. Wall-E - Andrew Stanton (2008)

The one animated movie on this list.
The imagination that drives this movie was fascinating. Watch it for
the cinematic experience that it provides - special effects,
cinematography, scale and some of the science behind it etc.

8. The Minority Report - Steven Speilberg (2002)

Gripping thriller and sci-fi all rolled into one. Imagine police arresting people before they commit crimes but then if you know in advance, can free will be exercised to not commit the crime ?

Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell and Max Von Sydow in fine form.

7. Total Recall - Paul Verhoeven (1990)

This is the Arnold version and not the recent remake. Nice idea, great visual effects and it is fun watching Arnold trying to act in between doing what he does best - beat people up and quote one liners. Couple of samples -

"Deese guys were going to keel me... but I keeled dem ".

"Relax... you live longuh".

6. Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Steven Spielberg (1977)

Can you remember a single violent scene or significant action sequences ? You won't because there were none - Spielberg does a masterful job of keeping the tension going till the end without resorting to action/fights etc.

The visual effects were excellent (for those times anyway) and the finale is staged on a big scale.

5. Terminator 2 - Judgement Day - James Cameroon (1991)

Cameroon equals large scale and this movie is exactly that. The sound effects were awesome, the visual effects and costumes etc great. Again, serious advances made in special effects.

Arnold racing down the tunnel like corridor on a bike as he is chased by a truck - unforgettable.

4. Back to the Future - Robert Zemeckis (1985)

Marty Mcfly (Micheal J Fox) and his time travelling adventure has not lost the charm even after three decades. Christopher Lloyd as the crazy professor adds the zaniness.

3. Avatar - James Cameroon (2009)

The only word that really applies to this movie is "BIG" - in scale, effects, characters and action.
Loved, hated, controversial - you name it and every kind of reaction this film evoked.
Bottom line is that its unforgettable and a smash box office hit.

 2. Matrix Trilogy - Wachowski's siblings

Its dark, its complex, it has layered meanings, it has amazing action, it has dazzling effects and it makes you think if you want to.

1. Star Wars - first Trilogy - George Lucas(1977)

When this exploded into the public domain in 1977 and introduced Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Obi wan Kenobi, Yoda, Jabba the Hutt, Death Star, Darth Vader,R2D2, C3PO and much much more, no one thought it would impact the world the way it did.

Pure cinema wise - the effects were exceptional, the characters unforgettable to this day and the scale was epic.

 10. Body Double by Brian DePalma

Not too well known. A bit cheesy but nevertheless an entertaining thriller.

9. The Untouchables by Brian De Palma

An outstanding film about how Al Capone (Robert De Niro) is brought down by an honest cop(Kevin Costner) and his mentor (Sean Connery). Gripping from first to last frame.

8. Mission Impossible Series

Please don't tell me you didn't enjoy the special effects and stunts.

The third one was not upto par but on the whole extremely entertaining series. Tom Cruise does a great job.

7. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly by Sergio Leone

Clint Eastwood's best movie ( ok I am stretching here !!!). And to me the most under appreciated performance was by Eli Wallach as "The Ugly". The violence is gory sometimes but great western movie.

6. The Magnificent Seven by John Sturges

Remake of "The Seven Samurai" by Akira Kurosawa. Another western where 7 drifting gunmen are hired by villagers to fight bandits. Kurosawa's version was more elegantly shot but this does make for gripping theater.

5. Indian Jones and the Last Crusade - Steven Spielberg

A rollicking good fun movie and the addition of Sean Connery was a brilliant touch.

4. North by North West - Alfred Hitchcock

Besides the highlight scene shot in the corn fields, an absolutely thrilling whodunnit by the master himself. The charm of Cary Grant added more to the movie.

3. Rear Window - Alfred Hitchcock

Jimmy Stewart, Grace Kelly and a delightful murder mystery combined with the genius of Hitchcock.

2. Raiders of the Lost Ark - Steven Spielberg

The best of the Indiana Jones movies because of the freshness, the surprises and Harrison Ford. George Lucas and Spielberg make a great team.

And for the best......

1. Godfather by Francis Ford Coppola.

Oustanding transfer of an ordinary book onto film. Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino etc in a brilliantly scripted and shot trilogy.

1. Best matches are often played on the side courts.

2. There are many umpires who calling "lets" or "nets" instead of let.

3. Australian open has 3 primary courtes - Rod Laver, Margaret Court and HiSense.The last one has free entry if you have a grounds ticket.

4. Best place in Margaret Court to get a tan is to get tickets for gates 1 to 4 and 20. All day the sun shines brightly on you. For those not used to the sun, do not get these seats - you will roast.

5. The seats to avoid for the Rod Laver Arena are the mid to lower sections of Gates 11 to 16. Unrelenting sun will greet you till 8 pm.

6. There are retractable covers over the players seats that protect them from the sun between points.

7. Court 7 has the best and most shaded seats.

8. Almost all players will take 3 balls between plays and select two to keep. Wonder how they decide or is it a trigger? 

 9. There are lots of water fountains around the property - thank god. You can refill water instead of paying an arm and a leg each time and because of the heat water consumption goes up.

10. Legends tennis esp. the men's tournament is a lot of fun because of the trick shots and the antics of some of the players esp. Goran Ivanisevic and Mansoor Bahrami.

Reading an article in TIME, which happened to use a word that is
not in common use these days, reminded me about how languages change
and words take on new meanings as time passes.

I can remember some words that were commonly used in the 80's but have now almost but vanished.

When was the last time you heard somebody use - Oxymoron, Incandescence, eschew or ignominy.

What do you think these words meant when they first entered the language - Cute, Nice, Artificial, Prove and Tell ? Have fun looking them up.

beauty of languages is that they evolve and change because of the way
people communicate with each other. Gone are the days of long

Now its all about BFF, PPL, TYWM, YW, LOL, WTG, IDK and so on.

Life has become much faster and attention spans shorter. ADD is prevalent. Twitter rules as newspapers decline. In the end though we find ways to communicate in a new language.

And so in tune with the current times - tyvm for reading this and c u l8r.

On the way to office or on the way back, I see more and more people reading on Kindle or a variant. At one level it appears to be very convenient and at another, I just can't get rid of the habit of reading paper books.

The library seems a little less crowded with each passing year except for students doing research.

Wonder what will happen to books in a few years ? As of now books do outsell e-books but according to one report that is set to change by 2018.

In this posting, am listing some of the more popular fantasy fiction.

If you haven't read any or some of them, now's the time to go buy from the stores or borrow them from the library.

1. The Dresden Files Series - Jim Butcher

Harry Dresden is a wizard private investigator based in Chicago who solves mysteries and has exciting adventures which involve humans and supernatural beings both good and bad. The books are gripping and "unputdownable".

Mystery, betrayal, family conflicts, alliances formed and broken, good magic vs bad - it's all going on and the hooks between chapters are genius.

The first book in the series is "Storm Front" and the 15th is "Skin Game" . The 16th titled "Peace Talks" is work in progress.

Go through them in sequence because some of them are linked.

Butcher has another series called the "Codex Alera" where he has published 6 books.

Again fantasy fiction but set in ancient times and not the modern world of Dresden.

Wizardry, magic, political wheeling dealings, cities vs. tribes, old age vs new age and more.

Would recommend reading them but not before you read the Dresden files.

2. The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams

The guide is the first of 5 books. You can get a compendium called "A Trilogy in Four parts" and a fifth book called "Mostly Harmless" .

Its wacky, its funny and full of wit. The imagination is wonderful and springs so many surprises on you.

What springs to mind when you hear " The restaurant at the end of the universe"? And no - that's not what it means. You have to read the book to find out.

Discover Babel Fish, Marvin the Robot, why towels are important, Zaphod Beeblebrox and a lot more.

Hollywood tried to make a movie but that was no patch on the books and half the fun is in reading anyway.


3. The Lord of the Rings & Hobbit - JRR Tolkien

Peter Jackson did a fine job of translating Tolkien books onto the silver screen but the books were so much more.

The cinematic story is somewhat different in parts though eventually the conclusions are similar.

The original story is epic scale with lots of twists and turns and plenty of character sketching and scenario building before the crescendo. There are multiple threads that meet in the end.

Discover Tom Bombadil, Glorfindel and many more characters that were left out of the movie.

The trilogy is quite a sizeable sized book so will take you time to finish but its worth it.

Happy reading and if you have other fantasy fiction favourites please do add in the comments section.

For those of you have not had much exposure to limericks, they are an almost forgotten form of entertainment.

Essentially a poem with 5 lines - the first introduces the main rhyming word, the middle sets up the punchline and then the funny end which will elicit a laugh or at the very least make you smile.

It's a form which uses idioms, phonetics and most importantly puns. And the best part is that you can create your own limericks with a little bit of imagination.

Historically limericks have tended to be risque but Edward Lea r and Ogden Nash proved that "clean" limericks can be humorous as well.

Enjoy some samples. As you will see the greatest of writers could not resist the charm of limericks.

There was Old Man with a beard,
Who said, 'It is just as I feared!
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard (Edward Lear)

A flee and a fly in a flue Were caught, so what could they do ? Said the fly, "Let us flee" "Let us fly" said the flea So they through a flaw in the flue (Ogden Nash)

As a beauty I am not a great star
There are others more handsome by far,
But my face, I don't mind it,
Because I'm behind it,
'Tis the folks in the front that I jar ( Anonymous)

Our novels get longa and longa
Their language gets stronga and stronga
There’s much to be said For a life that is led
In illiterate places like Bonga (H. G. Wells)

There was a small boy of Quebec
Who was buried in snow to his neck
When they said, "Are you friz?"
He replied, " Yes, I is —
But we don't call this cold in Quebec" (Rudyard Kipling)

And finally -

There was a young lady from Niger, 

Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.
They came back from the ride
With the lady inside,
And the smile on the face of the tiger. (Anonymous)

Hope you enjoyed those. If you want to read more, find books by Ogden Nash and Edward Lear at your library.

Interestingly limericks are a predominantly English language phenomenon probably because of the the construct of the language and the way it lend itself to puns.

In case the creative urge overtakes you, do add your limericks to this blog.

For more of Ogden Nash's works use this link or this

For Edward Lear's work use this link

Happy reading.

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# America

# Hetalia

# Hetalia AMV

# Mr. Jones

# UK

# England

This is kind of like a personally blog, I suppose...
Don't worry, the icon isn't really what this blog is about. It's more for me to post about my favorite fandoms more than anything :3
Like it says, I'm an amateur when it comes to making fanmade stuff, but I try to post an AMV or two from time to time, and maybe even a fanfic if I have the time.... Not like it'd be any good...
Oh, yeah, feel free to ask if you want me to make an AMV for the following fandoms:
APH, KHR!, and KH for the time being, but I might add OHSHC if I am able to do it, and others? XD
This is the second AMV I completed. 
This was my first AMV that I successfully finished (my real first AMV was never finished). I know that one is just a slideshow, but I’m working on make one that actually has clips from the anime instead of photos of the characters.
My youtube account is KagamiKihoshi.
Well, I know it probably isn’t that great, but I hope to get better. I amThe EXTREME Amateur,after all :3
By the way, I only claim making the video. The song and photos used do NOT belong to me.

Early Prime Day deals & all the facts
Early Prime Day deals & all the facts
Early Prime Day deals & all the facts
Early Prime Day deals & all the facts
February 1, 2020, 1:40 AM · 4 min read
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Let’s get one thing straight: Women love porn. Sorry, grandma—but it’s true. Women watch it, listen to it, and crave a lot of it. And to deny and say that we don’t get turned on by visual or audible adult content is far from the truth.
According to a 2015 Marie Claire study that was conducted by contributing editor Amanda de Cadenet, one in three women watches porn. And according to Pornhub’s 2017 survey , the number-one search term for their entire site was “porn for women.” While there’s truth in numbers, the majority of the porn industry has been designed for the male gaze. This can make it hard for women to find content they deem, well, pleasurable.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that the adult industry isn’t changing. Women across the country have been launching adult websites with content made with and for a woman’s point of view. For instance,, hires women directors and writers to produce their content. And Dipsea provides feminist audible stories that ensure their female characters feel empowered and celebrated in their own skin.
But even though the industry is heading in the right direction, it can be hard to find women-led adult websites when you’re in the mood. So we thought we’d put all our favorites in one place, so you can just file this article away for…a rainy day.
Ericka Lust, who is known as an erotic indie filmmaker, started a project in 2013, where people could share their sexual fantasies. Eventually, this project morphed into XConfessions , an adult website that delivers weekly porn shorts that are based on real confessions by real people. According to the website, they never use the same story and setting twice, and they tell stories about what sex and desires really feel like. Although you do need to pay for the service, you gain access to their films, interviews, and confessions when you become a member. It’s worth it if you ask us.
Instead of searching the web for porn that matched her needs, Anna Richards decided to take things into her own hands by creating Frolic Me . Her content, which she produces and creates herself, “play[s] on erotic passion and desire” and is uploaded on a weekly basis to her site. While you do need a membership to view the content, you can either pay for a weekly subscription for $6.60 or a yearly subscription for $52.80.
Pink Label TV is a queer-owned hub for all y
Cute Busty Girl
Shemale Graziela Cinturinha
A Shenale Tube

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