Swingers Life Style Stories

Swingers Life Style Stories


Swingers Life Style Stories
My initial trip to a lifestyle resort brought more firsts than I was ready for
The Police Officer Came While He Watched Me Suck My Husband’s Cock
How Does Your Sex Perspective Color Your Notion of Pleasure?
I Took His Cock, But Did I Spill The Drink?
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Will Smith Slaps Chris Rock out of love for Jada Pinkett-Smith
When you meet the perfect person in your relationship, be careful!
Bubbles poured in endless streams from above our heads into the giant inflatable pool below. Little clumps of iridescent foam broke off and floated up into the dancing strobe lights. Revelers who had come in bathing suits and lingerie…
Conversations about sex from all around the world
Wildly in love wife and mom, unapologetic bisexual and free spirit. Half of the consensually non-monogamous couple who write The Monogamish Marriage blog.

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A group of swingers have given a rare and honest insight into the inner workings of the taboo lifestyle, revealing the truth behind people’s common misconceptions.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s “You Can’t Ask That” features different groups of Australians and asks them questions that people want to know the answer to but wouldn’t bring up in a regular situation.
Some of the past participants include former cult members, drag queens, transgender people, strippers and, in the latest episode, swingers.
The participants start off by addressing some of the myths around swinging and swingers parties.
There’s a common misconception that at these parties partners get chosen by everyone putting their car keys in a bowl. Whoever’s keys you pick out is then your partner for the night.
But according to the participants, this rarely, if ever, happens. More often than not partners are chosen on a preferential basis.
“I would much rather have sex with a couple that we have talked with over drinks for an hour than be forced into a bedroom with another person,” Sally from Melbourne said.
Megan, a single woman who is involved in the Brisbane swinger scene, said: “That would terrify me because you don’t really have a choice about who you’re going home with or who you’re hooking up with.”
Megan is known as a “unicorn” in the swinging community because of her single status and said that a lot of couples often look to incorporate another woman in their sex lives.
She said that many people believe women are forced into the swinging scene by their husbands or boyfriends and that the community is just full of “sleazy, old, fat men.”
“The thing is that can be true sometimes because all types of people like to swing,” Megan said. “(It’s) people wanting to explore their sexuality with each other in a couple situation.”
For the people being interviewed the decision to get into swinging was very much a mutual decision between both partners.
Husband and wife Andrew and Sally first got into the scene shortly after their engagement.
“I was only 18 when I met Andrew. He was pretty much one of my first sexual partners,” Sally said.
“As the wedding date slowly crept up on us, I sort of felt the pressure of, ‘I haven’t had any other sexual experiences, I haven’t played with anyone else.’”
She said it was a co-worker that first suggested that just because they were getting married didn’t mean they had to be monogamous.
The couple now regularly attend swingers events together, naming “jelly wrestling” and “the raw lust of it” as some of the most exciting aspects.
Interviewees answered a range of questions like “What are the best sex tips you have learned?” and “What is it like to lose your swinging virginity?” but one of the big ones asked was what it was like to see their partner with someone else.
Jess from Sydney said jealousy is definitely a factor, particularly in the beginning.
“I’m not going to say I don’t get jealous, especially in the early days … because, you know, I compared myself to that girl and I was like, ‘How did she do that?’” she said.
“(But) I think just being able to communicate that with Lawrence has taught me … I don’t have to be jealous. I can just appreciate and love him and love her for what they’re doing. And do it better sometimes.”
Most of the couples agreed that communication between couples was key and a lot of the time seeing their partner with someone else was part of the thrill.
All of the interviewees were very forthcoming with information and the episode didn’t really leave much to the imagination.
While some viewers praised the show as “wonderfully honest” and “very eye-opening,” others weren’t so impressed.
“While I’m cool with people enjoying whatever they like, I actually felt like I was tricked into listening to porn without my consent,” one person wrote on social media.
“Bit ironic really when they were talking up the understanding of consent within the swinging community.”
Another said, “Now I am very broad minded but that needed some serious warnings before it was on. Bit OTT. Love the concept in the right situation.”
“Bit verbally graphic for 9 pm my adult kids. Walked out! … not a prude just saying,” one person wrote.

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When I first set out to write about swinging for an article about the lifestyle, the last thing I expected was to find myself nodding when a slim, curly-haired brunette asks if she may take off my panties. It’s a windy Friday night and I’m in a cozy, apartment-style swing club in Midtown Manhattan, my short, cherry-red dress folded down to my waist — all in the name of research, of course. The bartender, a curvy blonde, leans over to kiss me. My favorite black bra is on the floor. Still, I’m out-clothed only by the three men seated in chairs lined up against the walls of the tiny room, barely large enough to fit us all. Just an hour earlier, it was the smoking room, outfitted with an ashtray collecting cigarette butts next to a small television playing an ABC “20/20″ special on sexual offenders. The men, all uniformly dressed in slacks and button-downs, are quiet and make no attempts to join the three of us. It’s only when we’re interrupted by the swing club owner—”five minutes to closing,” he warns—that I notice a fourth man in the room, optimistically wearing only a condom on his penis, now half-heartedly erect.
Anywhere from 30 to 250 people, both singles and couples, can be found at swing clubs on any given night. I’m here on “Women Who Love C**k Night,” the one night a week that the club allows single, uncoupled men to attend.
One must be either penis-friendly or very assertive on such nights. Prior to finding myself entangled with these two women in front of a group of onlookers, I had spent most of my swinging evening as a broken record, repeating “thank you, no,” and “I’m just watching tonight” on a loop.
“Let me go down on you,” a tall, dark-haired single man in his 40s had pressed. “You won’t regret it.” I politely declined his advances, and his persistence annoyed me. I felt like a juicy rotisserie chicken in stilettos, spinning in a butcher-shop window: If I leaned too far into the playroom (a cozy bedroom equipped with two beds and a small cushioned viewing bench), strange male hands attached themselves to my body. Squeezed between two men in the foyer, just outside the small room where a couple sensually undressed each other, I felt a large hand on the small of my back. A different hand, belonging to the generous cunnilingus benefactor, rubbed my shoulders. I began to understand why most clubs only have one night a week, if any at all, that permit single men.
I started excusing myself to refill my drink, ducking through the crowd of men in various states of undress, to chat up the bartender. Our conversation got more flirtatious each time I returned. I wasn’t even aware I knew how to flirt with women—I’ve never had so much as a drunken girl-on-girl make-out session for the viewing pleasure of beer-guzzling frat guys. When I made my final journey to the bar, she was gone, and I followed the slack-jawed stares of the men in the room like breadcrumbs along the underground sex railroad. They lead me to the smoking room, where my new friend had made a new, now naked, friend of her own. When they spied me peeking from the doorway, they motioned me over to join them, waving me into the room like they were inviting me for tea. And just like that, I went from zero to threesome.
Forty minutes later, after gathering my undergarments and dictating my phone number to the brunette—she stores it under “NYC Swingers” in her contacts list—I make my way home.
I have yet to swing again, but if I do, I can probably get a group discount. Most of my friends have requested that I take them on a field trip to a swing club … just to watch, of course. Though, I’ll probably have to find a new partner once I’m there — I’m still waiting for the brunette to call.
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My husband and I had our first (unplanned) swinging experience. What should we do now?
Lives in Los Angeles ( 2020 – present ) · · 11 mo ·
What does it feel like to go to a swinger party as a wife who is swapped around and creampied?
I want to try swinging. How do I approach my husband with this request?
What was your naughtiest experience at a swingers resort?
My wife and I would like to try swinger sex. What's the best and safest way to make it happen?
At what age do most couples become swingers?
Nunya from Life’s Smart Ass ( Graduated 1964 ) · Author has 1.8K answers and 665.4K answer views · 11 mo ·
What does it feel like to go to a swinger party as a wife who is swapped around and creampied?
I want to try swinging. How do I approach my husband with this request?
What was your naughtiest experience at a swingers resort?
My wife and I would like to try swinger sex. What's the best and safest way to make it happen?
At what age do most couples become swingers?
What's it like to go to a swinger's club for the first time?
Would you ever or have you done wife swapping (swinging)? If so, how was the experience?
What’s the naughtiest experience you’ve ever had at a swingers’ party?
What's your best experience at swingers party?
How do I get a husband to agree to swing with me?
Has anyone ever had a bad experience while swinging?
How did you get your wife to her first swing?
Are you and your husband on any swinger sites?
Has anybody had a bad experience at a swinger’s party?
What does it feel like to go to a swinger party as a wife who is swapped around and creampied?
I want to try swinging. How do I approach my husband with this request?
What was your naughtiest experience at a swingers resort?
My wife and I would like to try swinger sex. What's the best and safest way to make it happen?
At what age do most couples become swingers?
What's it like to go to a swinger's club for the first time?
Would you ever or have you done wife swapping (swinging)? If so, how was the experience?
What’s the naughtiest experience you’ve ever had at a swingers’ party?
What's your best experience at swingers party?
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My husband and I went over to another couples house last weekend. We’ve been friends for a few years and usually try to get together at least once a month and have drinks or something similar. Anyway, they just got a hot tub, so of course we had to try it out. All four of us had some drinks and were having a good time, when my husband (jokingly) suggests we go skinny dipping to “christen” the new hot tub. Normally I don’t think any of us would have done something like this, but since the hot tub was so deep, and you can’t really see below the bubbles and jets, it just sort of happened. Everyon
My husband and I went over to another couples house last weekend. We’ve been friends for a few years and usually try to get together at least once a month and have drinks or something similar. Anyway, they just got a hot tub, so of course we had to try it out. All four of us had some drinks and were having a good time, when my husband (jokingly) suggests we go skinny dipping to “christen” the new hot tub. Normally I don’t think any of us would have done something like this, but since the hot tub was so deep, and you can’t really see below the bubbles and jets, it just sort of happened. Everyone was pretty tipsy and even though we all started with only our head and necks visible above the water, we got braver pretty quickly.
Eventually, my husband and I, and my friend and her husband are all just sitting on the edge of the hot tub just hanging out naked. Obviously both the guys are aroused and are not really making an effort to hide it. I was pretty excited and I could tell my girl friend was as well. It was just so hot to see my hubby naked and see both of them looking at us that I ended up giving my husband a blow job in front of both of them, which turns into us having sex (each with their respective partners) simultaneously in the hot tub together.
It probably would’ve ended there (and not even really counted as swinging) but in the heat of the moment, I reached over and started rubbing the other husbands balls while they screwed. So he returns the favor by grabbing my breast and it sort of progressed from there. The night ended with me blowing my hubby while the other man took me from behind. While it was probably one of the hottest things I’ve ever experienced, I don’t really know what to do next. My husband and I talked the morning after and both agreed that while it was amazing, it would be hard to organically recreate the passion and spontaneous nature of what happened. And neither of us are sure about actively seeking out another couple or trying to recreate what happened with a couple we don’t know as well. Which is why I’m coming here for advice.
Also probably worth mentioning, but my husband did open up to me later that he enjoyed watching me with other men (apparently something he’s fantasized about before), which sort of explains how enthusiastic he was about watching me have sex with my girl friends hubby. So that’s something too. HELP!
Try the slide next, it’s pretty cool too. Oh! And remember, when walking on the rope bridge, bounce occasionally, it surprises the other person on the bridge every….single….time. Grest fun that! Then, on rainy days, stay in and turn all the chairs into a fort in the living room with the blankets. That’s an unbeatable experience also. Have fun and know that I’m now sad that I can’t be there to help play! 👋🏻

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