Free Exhibitionist Stories

Free Exhibitionist Stories


Free Exhibitionist Stories
I'm an exhibitionist and I can't stop it.
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Hi, I'm a 23yo girl who has been an exhibitionist for ten years. It is not something that I'm proud of but I'm not ashamed of it either. I have only ever confessed this to a couple of people in real life.
Like I said, it started about ten years ago. I remember the first time I had this feeling, swinging on a swing set in the park. An older man was watching me, I realised that he could see up my skirt. Instead of feeling grossed out by his actions I found it fun and I continued to swing and let him look up my skirt.
This behaviour quickly escalated into somewhat of an obsession for me. I would find any excuse I could to let guys see up my skirt. Over time I became more bold and daring in what I would do. Especially when I was younger, I wouldn't really ever try to hide the fact that I was exposing myself.
These days I still enjoy it immensely and practice it regularly, however, I'm a lot more subtle now. I get a greater thrill out of a guy thinking that I don't realise I'm exposing myself. If he knows that I know, it kind of ruins it for me. I like the idea that he thinks he's getting a sneaky look without me knowing.
If I was a guy I'm sure I would have been arrested by now. I guess I could get in trouble also but rather than put me off, it makes it more exciting.
Just be careful out there! It only takes one weirdo to go from fun to FUCKED UP in a matter of seconds.
Yeah, a dude would get arrested, but I expect very few people would turn in a young woman. Play safe!
You go, girl! If it's something you enjoy, more power to you. ;)
now that you are 30, what are your insights

So In my high school, a physical was originally planned for this Thursday (10/23/08)and I had planned to wear underwear. But the physical was unfortunately moved to Tuesday(10/21/08).

And I said to myself, what a unlucky moment.

The physical began with an interview with the nurse. After a few questions, she then said: "The doctor will examine you". "Take off all your clothes, except your underwear and socks".

I was feeling a bit embarrassed by the situation. And I then I told her: "I don't have any underwear on".

After a long time (In my mind, it seemed very long), she gave me a little bath towel.

I went into the fitting room, took off my clothes and put on the towel. But the bath towel was too small to fit around my waist and it could barely stay in place, and kept falling.

so I went into the doctor's office, we first shook hands, and the first thing that happened was that the towel fell straight to the floor. My face became red; I picked it up and put it back around my waist.

I then sat on a chair. The doctor asked me some questions. And then, he said "we need to weigh and measure you. I got up out of my chair and and again the towel fell to the floor. I tried to keep from laughing, and again,I picked it up and put it back around my waist.

I got on the scale and for the 3rd time the towel fell on the floor. I couldn't stop from laughing. "Don't you get funny with me", said the doctor. I then told him that I had an idea. I went to the fitting room and fastened the towel around my waist like briefs.

The rest of the physical went normally. I was about to leave when he said: "after swimming practice will need to do some cardiology tests"

And after about 30 seconds of practicing, my genitals fell out of the towel. He then took my blood pressure after practice.

then the Doctor said: "It doesn't matter. Remove the towel. Just stay naked in front of me".

I then finished the physical totally naked. It was was both embarrassing and funny.

After school, I walked with a friend and we met the doctor. The doctor then said (with a big smile): "You were a bit of an exhibitionist this morning. Boy, you are young, and you can continue to be funny. But, not everyone is nice like me, take care".

I then told the whole story to my friend. He laughed a lot. And then he said "He is right. You are an exhibitionist. We will make a video about this and put it on youtube".

(and very thanks to Nat the Grat) for his help in English.

your welcome on trying fix it
but I'm still trying to figure out why

the " and the ' are seen as weird symbols and letters.....

maybe Nat can fix this or you can its verrry weird

and I am Nate the great, nat is the moderator, I'm just on the forum

and again your welcome

that's all see when I use an ' it looks like an ' not like this ’

Bye Now

From Planet Nate Who loves the breeze on his Penis and Balls through his underwear free shorts!!!!!!!!!!( and enjoying the last days of hotness hopefully without accidents)
I think the problem is that his computer has a slightly different ASCII character set than is used in America. This causes his hyphens and quotation marks to come out as strange symbols when they are posted on NW54's server. I corrected the post he made yesterday and the one today (which is the same story) and they looked ok to me afterwards but I don't know if he will have the problem in reverse when he reads it on his computer- that is- if our hyphens and quotations marks will come out looking weird on his computer.

If anyone else is still seeing strange symbols mixed in with the text let me know.

- Nat
don't even talk to me about those backless gowns. when i was a little kid (still embarassed by a bare ass) and in th ehospital for a broken arm, for some reason, they saw fit to lead me down the halls to all these different rooms wearing one of those damn things. they didnt provide underwear, nore was i wearing any when i first got their. They didnt care, they were even nasty about it saying "stop your crying" or "hurry up" its the reason i hate doctors.
I am so sorry that those doctors were such jerks to you

when this happened, where were your parents???

I'm guessing if they were they would have been alot nicer or faked it, cause that can be seen as child abuse and is verrrrrry hypocritical that they were so mean

their job description is involved with kids, how is it now, you would think they would know how to deal with shit like that, well I guess they did in a bad way

I thought doctors were supposed to be caring, and nice to you, and calm you down, not make you feel worse...

and I'm sorry you had to go through with that....

that's all

Bye Now

From Planet Nate Who loves the breeze on his Penis and Balls through his underwear free shorts!!!!!!!!!!( and enjoying the last days of hotness hopefully without accidents)
wonderfully erotic story and I am sure there was and is more to cum!
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