Superheroine Stories

Superheroine Stories


Superheroine Stories

The day had finally arrived. She was going to go free.

It seemed like an eternity. Five years in jail. She pondered

the irony of being released after serving only one third of

her sentence for good behavior. After all, it was the

overwhelming obsession with bad behavior which had allowed

her to keep a low profile while in jail. "Five years" Zahava

muttered to herself as she approached the main gate of the

corrections facility. She remembered the day she arrived

here. How humiliated she was over the fact that Supergirl

had foiled her plans. She, Zahava, the greatest female

criminal to have ever lived, had been defeated by Supergirl.

Even though she was far more cunning than Supergirl, in the

end it was those insurmountable super powers which did her

in. "She could have never taken me if the playing field was

level" Zahava thought to herself over and over and over

again in those first incarcerated days. She had slipped into

a deep depression figuring that she would spend at least

fifteen years in jail. Probably more as she would surely get

into trouble and have time added to her sentence. It didn't

matter though. She had nothing to live for on the outside.

Supergirl, that powerful invincible bitch, had destroyed all

that she had on the outside. The five million dollars which

she had still stashed away caused her no comfort. She had

failed and it was all Supergirl's fault.

As the weeks went by, Zahava slowly began to emerge

from her deep state of depression, but she was still

consumed by anger and the intense desire for revenge. But

even if she was out, how do you get revenge on someone who

is practically invincible? Her anger gave way to motivation.

After all, she was a brilliant criminal who had masterminded

some of the greatest heists in history. Third world

governments had constantly sought her out in order to

fulfill dubious missions which were in the ruling dictator's

interest. Assassinations? In an eye blink. Just pay the

price. Classified material? No problem. She was the one who

had eluded the CIA, the British MI-5, the French Douzieme,

the Israeli Mossad, and the Soviet KGB. Surely she could

figure out a way to put all the time she had in jail to

better use.

She began going to the prison library and reading up on

everything ever written about Supergirl and her cousin,

Superman. Maybe she can find something that will help in her

quest for revenge. She knew about kryptonite, but she also

knew that what little of it was left on Earth was carefully

guarded by Star Labs security. There was a time when she

would have scoffed at the notion of those Star Lab rent-a-

cops stopping her, but she had followed the travails of Lex

Luthor, who if nothing else, had taught Star Labs many

things about keeping the kryptonite safe. It would be

practically impossible to get to that these days.

She poured over volumes and volumes of material about

the kryptonian cousins, and wanted to vomit many times as

she read about the numerous awards and citations which the

two had received over the years. Beyond what was available

in the prison library, she ordered anything which she could

get her hands on. This went on for eighteen months when she

finally came across an item which she found exceedingly

interesting. An interview with Jimmy Olson in which he

recalled an episode which had been a close call for Superman

in the early 60's. Olson had been captured in order to lead

Superman a trap where he would be destroyed by a chunk of

kryptonite. He was saved at the last second when he noticed

a lead pipe in the room they were in. Once Olson had put the

kryptonite in the pipe, Superman recovered and in a fit of

rage, he used his super strength and tossed the pipe in the

metropolis river. Olson recalled how in retrospect Superman

was upset at this emotional reaction. He should have sent

the pipe into space rather than into the river. Granted, it

is hard to think clearly when you have just been brought

back from the clutches of death, but it was a mistake.

Superman never searched for the pipe for fear that it may

have cracked and he would, once again, be exposed to the

deadly rays only this time under water. Olson concluded the

interview by saying that it probably would never be found.

Zahava's eyes lit up. Granted, it was a long shot, but

if she could get her hands on that kryptonite, her next

meeting with that over confident blonde superhero bitch will

be quite different from the last one.

From that day on, her life had a purpose. She would

ensure that she would get her sentence commuted and she

would use every minute of her time in prison to prepare for

her new mission in life; the destruction of Supergirl.

A strange feeling of excitement swept her body as she

made this decision.

For the next three and a half years, Zahava was a model

prisoner. She ignored all the taunts from the other

prisoners and spent all her time either in the gym or in the

library learning all she could about underwater river


All her work in the gym had not gone unnoticed by both

male and female guards in the prison. She was impressive to

begin with. 5 foot 9, long brown flowing hair, and a

beautiful 36 24 36 figure. All her gym worked had turned her

into an even more stunning beauty.

She could have defended herself against the sexual

advances of the guards. After all, they were no match for

her martial arts skills and she had become quite powerful

from lifting weights. She was so consumed with her desire

for revenge that she submitted to them. She would not risk a

delay in her release. Having sex with the guards initially

disgusted her, but over time she actually began to enjoy it,

although she never showed it. There were two reasons why the

sex had become enjoyable to her. She had become enamored

with her body and the feeling of power which she now had

from all her working out. Also, the majority of her previous

sexual experiences had been work related forcing her to play

an aggressive role to maintain her image. She enjoyed being

the aggressor, but it was interesting for her to change


She would, however, come back and kill each and every

one of the filthy pigs who had taken advantage of her need

to maintain her good behavior record. But first things

first. She must destroy Supergirl! Nothing else mattered.

Today, five years later, Zahava walked out of the

prison gates in perfect physical condition and chock full of

river exploration knowledge. She had especially been

encouraged by the fact that the Metropolis river was among

the shallowest of all rivers.

She immediately accessed her hidden funds and purchased

the most sophisticated under water search equipment. She

contacted the only person in the world who she almost

trusted in Germany and asked him to send her three

trustworthy men to help her. After all, she had to keep this

a secret.

Within a month, Zahava and her three man crew, former

east German intelligence operatives, where in her state of

the art research ship on the Metropolis river. They knew

they were searching for a lead pipe but had no further


Three months had gone by and Zahava was growing

increasingly edgy. The search was not going well and the

crew was beginning to tire. They had been up and down every

inch of the river and had not found it. The crew was tired

and restless. Despair was setting in.

Zahava was beginning to lose hope as she was completing

her morning dive. Her thoughts had been wandering and she

wasn't paying attention. Suddenly she saw the hull of a

rapidly approaching ship. She was right in its path! She

dove frantically trying to avoid certain death at the hands

of the ship's propellers. The shallow river provided little

protection. She reached the bottom of the river and prayed

as the large shipped passed over her. If only she had been

paying attention. To her luck, she was five feet below the

propeller, thus avoiding being sliced to shreds. The power

of the propeller however sent her flying across the bottom

of the river. She slammed into an underwater rock knocking

the air out of her body. Her mouthpiece came flying out. As

she struggled to regain her composure and put her mouthpiece

back in her mouth, she noticed a lead pipe sticking out of

the rock. "Could this be it?" She thought. After all, it had

been in the water for nearly 35 years. "It could be!" Her

heart was racing as she began chipping away at the rock with

her pick. She was breathing heavily and her oxygen was

running low, but she could not risk leaving this site. Her

oxygen gauge was dangerously low. She kept chipping away at

the rock. Finally, the pipe was free. Zahava could hardly

contain herself as she rose to the surface.

Moments later, she was back on her ship and alone in

her cabin. She had not told anyone what she found. She

removed her wet bikini and dried herself off.

She gently broke open the pipe. Green beams of light

began to shine out. She reached in and pulled out the rock.

She had found it!! She had found it!! She couldn't believe

it!! She now possessed the means to destroy Supergirl!!

She help the rock tightly in her hand and looked at

herself in the mirror. She felt more powerful than ever.

Supergirl would be vanquished.

Suddenly a strong wave of sexual excitement overcame

her. She had never experienced this before. She let her

towel fall to the floor and examined her flawless body in

the full length mirror. Her legs grew week and could not

hold her. She collapsed on the bed clutching the rock in one

hand and her breast in the other. She could not contain

herself and her free hand wandered quickly to her nether

region. Within seconds she was in the throes of the most

incredible orgasm she had ever experienced. Spent and

exhausted, she quickly drifted into a deep sleep. She did

not notice the rock slipping from her hand, hitting the

floor, and splitting in two.

She awoke hours later and was panic stricken when she

did not have the kryptonite in the hand. She frantically

jumped to her feet and found the glowing rock on the floor

now in two pieces. She was annoyed at her carelessness, but

was relieved to see that she had one large piece and one

tiny piece. She believed the fact that she now had two

pieces instead of one put her in an even more powerful

position. Once again a wave of sexual passion overcame her

and she brought herself to another super powered orgasm.

The following day, she admitted defeat to her crew,

sent them home, sold the equipment, and made her way back to

her former home, the home of Supergirl, Crystal City. It was

time to put her plan in motion.

One month later

Zahava looked over her new hide-out. It was a huge

warehouse in the middle of an industrial zone long past its

prime. She had gone to great lengths to build the lead lined

room which was the centerpiece of her plan. She walked into

the lead room and examined the Picasso painting which stood

in the corner. Stealing this painting had been another

stroke of brilliance worthy of her past except for the clues

which she had deliberately left. There is no way that

Supergirl would not find her soon she thought to herself as

she played with the lead locket which was hanging from a

chain around her neck.

She examined herself in the mirror and like what she

saw. She had dressed for the occasion. The momentous

occasion. The destruction of Supergirl. She wanted her to

feel the humiliation that she felt. She wanted to experience

the feeling of being vanquished by a superior opponent.

Strong waves of passion flowed through her body once

again as she replayed the plan over and over again in her

head. She must control these sexual urges. There was work to

do. This was easier said than done as she looked at her

stunning image in the mirror. She was dressed in workout

clothes in a Supergirl motif. A skin tight blue sleeveless

top cut off at the midriff accentuating her large firm

breasts, high cut red bikini bottoms showing off her shapely

long legs, and high top red sneakers. Practical and


She could hardly wait.

All eyes turned as Supergirl entered the office of the

museum's security office. She was quite a sight to behold in

her skintight costume which accentuated her absolutely

stunning figure. Normally, the security chief would spend

more time looking at her long, tan shapely legs, and at

those extraordinary breasts barely contained within the

skintight indestructible fabric of her costume, but last

night's theft had effectively emasculated him for the

moment. This was a full blown catastrophe and the only one

who could save his sorry ass right now was Supergirl.

She strode confidently towards his desk, folded her

arms in front of her chest and stood there. She made no

attempt to grab the chief's extended hand.

"Time is of the essence" Supergirl said confidently

disposing with the need for cordial pleasantries. "Let me

see what you've got." "Absolutely, Supergirl" the chief

replied. "Here is what our security cameras picked up last

night." Supergirl studied the monitor intently as the

stealthy figure carefully made its way towards the Picasso

at no time giving the camera a head on view. She watched as

the painting was removed from the wall. "Here it comes

Supergirl. This is where she makes her mistake" the chief

said. Supergirl continued to look at the monitor as the

hapless thief inadvertently tripped and came crashing to the

floor along with the painting. At this point the thief's

face was plainly visible. "Zahava!" Supergirl thought to

herself. She was riveted to the screen as she observed

Zahava's stunned expression when she realized that her face

had been caught on camera. She appeared to panic and dropped

something from one of her pockets as she grabbed the

painting and fled the scene. "Quite amateurish. Five years

in jail must have seriously eroded your skills" Supergirl

thought to herself.

"I've seen enough" Supergirl declared confidently. "Let

me see what she dropped." Supergirl studied the matchbook

which Zahava had inadvertently dropped. She recognized the

imprint as that of a seedy dive in an old industrial section

of the city. "You'll have your painting back in no time" she

announced and with that she was off.

"So, Zahava's back" Supergirl thought as she was flying

towards the industrial zone. "I'll have to make this a very

short lived comeback."

Within seconds she was over the industrial zone and

began using her x-ray vision to scan the area. She didn't

expect to find Zahava this way, but it was worth a shot. She

really didn't want to go into that bar and start asking

questions. Much to her surprise, she quickly located Zahava

going about her business in one of the warehouses. "This was

easier than I expected. I guess she is not nearly as good as

she was before she went to jail" she thought.

Seconds later Supergirl came crashing through the

ceiling catching a stunned Zahava completely by surprise.

Zahava's heart began to pound with fear, excitement and

anticipation. She had been expecting Supergirl, but her

sudden entrance caught her off guard. It didn't matter


"Supergirl!!" Zahava exclaimed. "What are you doing


Supergirl walked slowly and confidently towards the

center of the room. She faced Zahava who was about 6 feet

away. There she stood. Hands on her hips, shoulders back,

legs spread slightly apart. The great Supergirl. Powerful,

invincible, indestructible. Her confident eyes stared

straight at Zahava. "Where is the painting Zahava?" She

asked in an authoritative voice.

Zahava seethed at the sight of her old adversary. The

object of her obsession. The person she was about to

destroy. It bothered her that she had not aged a bit in

nearly six years. She still looked incredible.

"Supergirl, where are your manners? Can't you even say

hello? After all, we haven't seen each other in five and a

half years. Here you come crashing through my ceiling making

a mess and causing all sorts of damage and you can't even

utter a cordial greeting? You don't still hold a grudge do

you? I certainly don't. I've done my time and I've learned

to forgive."

"The painting Zahava!!" Supergirl roared.

"I don't know what you're talking about Supergirl. Who

do you think you are coming in here and accusing me of all

sorts of things." She really hated her.

"Listen to me Zahava. You're a loser!! You understand?

A loser? You may have been a half decent adversary six years

ago, but now you are all washed up. For Pete sakes, you

actually tripped over your own feet in that museum. Who do

you think you're kidding. You're all washed up and your

going to jail. Now, I want the painting!!!! I know it's here

because you couldn't have had time to hide it anywhere


Zahava could hardly contain her rage at this

overconfident arrogant egomaniacal bitch. Just a few more


"Supergirl" Zahava said "I'm afraid I'm going to have

to ask you to leave. In fact, you have offended me so deeply

that I won't even charge you for the damage to my warehouse.

I just want you to leave now!"

Supergirl stared incredulously as Zahava walked towards

her. "Was she nuts?" She thought. Zahava walked up to

Supergirl, grabbed one of her arms which were still resting

provocatively on her hips, and attempted to walk Supergirl

to the door. "What is wrong with you?" Supergirl shouted as

she pushed Zahava away. This sent Zahava into a rage. She

lunged at Supergirl and attempted to push her the way she

was just pushed. "How dare you push me Supergirl!" She

exclaimed pushing Supergirl. She did not budge. She pushed

her back. Zahava came lunging back and punched Supergirl in

the stomach. This had no effect. Zahava punched her once

more, again to no avail. The lead pendent around her neck

swung with the force of the blow. Supergirl had not moved

one inch since she came into the room. She grabbed Zahava

and threw her across the room. She landed with a thud. She

tried to get up but was dazed by the blow.

"Have you lost your mind Zahava?" Supergirl asked in

amazement. " What happened to you in prison? Surely you know

that you cannot hurt me. Why are you bothering? You are no

match for my superpowers. You never were in the past, and

you surely are not now. You're past your prime old girl.

Although I must say you're looking quite fit. The prison

gym, huh? Well, you'll have plenty of time to keep on

working out, you washed up has-been. By the way, what's with

the outfit? Are you trying to be me? You'll never be me.

You'll never defeat me. You'll never succeed while I'm

around. Now, once again, where is the painting?"

"You know what you need Supergirl? You need a good ass

kicking. That's what you need" Zahava said defiantly.

Supergirl was stunned by this diatribe. '"What planet

are you on you psycho?" Supergirl cried out as she

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Miho Ichiki
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