Erotic Mind Control Story Archives

Erotic Mind Control Story Archives


Erotic Mind Control Story Archives
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A small chance to get away, Jamie starts more testing. by Milflover311
Parking lot fun and meeting a friend. by TinkerToyMaker
Counterfeit art dealer gets 2 for 1 special. by hypnosissir
Deputy head teacher has special plans for parent's evening. by ClarenceBeeks
Devon asks Emily to use her powers in the bedroom. by cozywe
This text is not so much a story as a real hypnosis test. by Zosimael
Pearl at the Spa. by wildflower2176
Miranda is there to do a job, but Deena shows her purpose. by Norm_dePlume
The bimbo-MILF's husband becomes a cuckold thanks to the App. by mypenname3000
Crime doesn't pay. Unless La Contessa likes you. by TMaskedWriter
A woman is targeted by sinister brainwashers. by JukeboxEMCSA
Anbar nukes Zainab's credit score to secure her enslavement. by AlectaShadow
Vikki sees a hypnotherapist to help with her memory. by Harpy18
Jason turns Janice and his mum into mind controlled sluts. by janice_goodall
Kelli's new contract work deepens issues and old grievances. by mechan11
Superheroine trapped by magic, seduced by lust. by skarletteone
Hera and Dan face a minor roadblock with two strippers. by JohnnyMcThunder
Brianna, Marie - and what Mel and the others are planning... by Verensei
Cian visits Wren's home! by kinkybunny123
Ben & Karen go on Spring Break. by ao1701e
The naughty mommy makes her daughter's bully into a bimbo! by mypenname3000
Trinity and Radiance comfort one another. by KallieHF
The hypnotic making of a lesbian and her submissive. by yuma44
Mary has always led a chaste life. But something's changing. by SleepySarah22
His new roommate gets what’s coming to her. by chuvstvennaya_devyushka
Spin! Random Mind Control Sex Stories
Is there anything I wouldn't do for him? by sweet_lusciousdesire
A nosy reporter investigates a seductive cult. by The_Fractal_King
Motorcycle mechanic Chey gets hit with a gypsy bimbo curse. by ChrystalWynd
Young heroine struggles for justice and revenge. by Naughtynerdygirl
No wishing for more wishes, but it only takes one. by ShibbolethParty
Amy and her mother continue to obey. by hypnocontrol
Akio descends deeper and loves every minute of it. by MasterMigorian
How to influence people with a magic ring. by ao1701e
Another go-round with the sex drug libidifem. by TheOxRocks
The family falls deeper under Andrew's influence. by TwistedDaveAuthor
Ch-ch-ch-changes - Turn and face the strange - Changes. by HankDolworth
Hundreds of years have passed and the world is changing. by china-doll
Accidental master + insatiable slave = total campus conquest. by Mesmerciless
It all comes to an end. by FacetiousTales
The third chapter of the direct sequel to Celestial Matters. by Noble_Truth
A whole school of gorgeous, hypnotized coeds at his command. by JCBeleren
Reconnections to the new NCN form factor... finale pt1. by HankDolworth
Chance's beautiful twins must be saved, whatever the cost. by JCBeleren
Ryan starts dating. by FacetiousTales
A plan to help Zac.. A family vacation finally begins. by HankDolworth
Leaving Berkeley. Showdown. Lilith. Jack's Fate. Beginnings. by wayneandanntriskelion
The second chapter of the direct sequel to Celestial Matters. by Noble_Truth
Spring Forward, Fall Back? by conanthe
Returning from break, interruptions, and Jennifer's plan. by shudai
Mary tries out her control on other women. by china-doll
Ben & Karen spend July 4th at the cabin with her BFF. by ao1701e
The final chapter - The semester comes to a close. by shudai
ik zou wel willen om die man te zijn.
Hypnosis doesnt work like that. If you dont want to be, you wont. After all, if it worked, the CIA wouldn’t...
lack of information on people doing this to her and why and who was behind it all, you left the readers...
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"The difference between the right word, and the almost right word, is like the difference between lightning, and a lightning bug" -Mark Twain
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Abandoned Innocents - by Kitty - When 14 year old Naomi's parents decide to leave the country for 3 months, they put her older brother Wesley in charge of her. Wes likes to party, and thinks Naomi is old enough to take care of herself. So he leaves her at home alone, for days at a time. Once her brother's friends find out she's all alone, they take advantage of her innocents and things get a little out of hand. (Mf, ped, reluc, inc, drugs, mc)

Part 2 -
Part 3

A Beginning To An End - by JMS - A man controlling a young girl in her sexual development aided by young boys who want sex to fulfill their fantasies. (M/f-teen, mf-teens, 1st, mc)

A Bet Is A Bet Is A Bet - by JMS - A poker game with four guys who like to bet and a young girl who likes to impress. (M+/F-teen, underage, mc, beast, voy)

Part 2

Abducted Social Worker - by The Cryptkeeper - Young, white social worker abducted, drugged, and raped by black, drug-dealing pimp and his black lesbian partner. (MF, FF, nc, rp, bd, intr, drugs, v, mc)

A Brutal And Violent Beating And Fuck - by Littledickboy111 - I called my girlfriend's cell phone and instead of her answering it was her attacker who had brutally beaten, raped and was now destroying my girlfriend. (MF, nc, rp, v, oral, anal, tor, mc)

Absolute Power - by WarLord - Billy is given great power and as he is tested he confronts other men of power. (FFm, inc, bi, mc, bd, orgy)

Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 7

Accidents - by Homer Vargas - Steve's superheroine wife keeps having "addicents." (Fdom/M, mc, preg, humor)

A Change In Authority - by Pallidan - A mother catches her daughter being dominated in her room and becomes excited watching. She gets caught watching and ends up having to submit to the girl's domination in turn and she is no longer the authority in the house. (FF, dom, inc, voy, reluc, mc)

A Cheerleader's Story - by Maryanne - Tryouts for cheerleader become something more than just tryouts. (MF-teens, mc, oral, hypno)

A Cock For Kali - by Author Obscure - Charlie Post, a student who lived off campus gets the full treatment from female professor with a dominance fetish. (Fdom/M, mc, control, college)

A Craigslist Ad - by mark715 - A semi-true story about getting my wife involved with a older satanic man. (MF, wife, reluc, mast, oral, anal, mc, bd, cult)

A Dark And Strange Visitation - by Your Teddy Bear - Wife is subjected to voodoo spells and has an illicite affair with a young black teen and consequences ensue. (F/m-teen, voy, mc, intr, preg)

Adventures Of Jade - by Hummmvee - Jade gets a teaching job at a local Academy for girls. Lots of 'rugmunching' and intrigue. Slow, juicy buildups with character development. (FFf, mc, nc, bdsm, v, sn, medical fetish)

Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 7 -
Part 8 -
Part 9

Adventures Of Jade: Book 2 - by Hummmvee - Jade gets a phys-ed teaching job at an all-girl school. Trouble soon follows. (Mf+, inc, ped, voy, reluc, mc) [Book One is available in directory 21.]

Adventures Of A Millionaire - by The Millionaire - It all started back in 1992, I was working for an advertisement firm in downtown Chicago. I decided one day that I would try my luck at playing the Lottery. So I picked 6 numbers and continued playing those numbers religiously every week for 5 years straight. Then one night after another long day at the office, I sat down, cracked open a cold beer and turned on the news and waited for the weekly drawing. (MF, mc, 1st)

Affairs Of Wizards, The - by Anonymous - Never ever play games with a Wizard, because he might just paly games back at you. (MF, mc, magic, preg)

African Drums - by Dark Dreamer - This is the story of a spoiled teenage coed who is forced to accompany her parents on an African safari. She becomes separated and is kidnapped and abused by jungle savages and other nasty sorts. There is no real violence... aside from the rapes, non-consensual sex and bondage, that is. Our heroine does come out essentially unharmed in the end. (MF+/F, nc, rp, bi, dom, mc, size, intr)

After Reawakening - by Homer Vargas - Some time ago, Aunt Sue published a sweet, sexy story, "Reawakening" about a middle-age widow whose raunchy friend sets her up with a younger man for "dancing lessons." Dancing led rapidly to mutual passion and passion to both parties falling in love "over our heads:" a very happy ending. Without really changing the ending as Aunt Sue wrote it, I have written a coda that does throw a different, Homer Vargasian, light on things. (Fdom, mc, humor, preg)

A Fox In The Chicken Coop - by Ifurita X - This is a story about control. Stepmother hypnotizes husband and stepdaughter and makes them to do her bidding. (F/f-teen, M/f-teen, d/s, underage, mc, inc, 1st, hypno)

Agency, The - by J. Taylor - This story is about white slavery. An owner of an oriental "talent" agency seduces attractive young American girls with drugs and money. (MF, mc, drugs, nc)

A Good Host - by A.R.C. - A lucky teenager gains the ability to take over other people's bodies. (MF, exh, mast, oral, mc, sci-fi)

Alan - by Julian Coreto - After a strange encounter with a dying man, Alan discovers some new abilities. (M-teen/F+, school, nc, 1st, mc)
Part 2 -
Part 3
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 7 -
Part 8 -
Part 9 -
Part 10 -
Part 11

All Alone In The Woods - by Matthew Steele - At her parent's cabin in the mountains, Laura plans spending a nice day reading poetry. The day is beautiful, she is alone and happy, and has not a care in the world. Then Laura meets her neighbor. Join her as Laura spends the rest of the day tied to tree, a victim of her neighbor's shapeshifting. He is a mental werewolf. (MF, rp, v, 1st, beast, mc)

Part 2

Alexei, The Recycled Trophy Wife - by Quid Pro Quo - At 35, Alexei, the wife of Dmitry, a high-ranking Russian politician, has aged to the point where most politicians divorce their first wives and marry younger trophy wives. But Dmitry loves his wife and believes in "reduce, reuse, and recycle". With the help of his lusty mother-in-law, Alexei is transformed into a hot 18-year-old again. (FFM, bi, inc, oral, anal, mc, drugs, preg)

Alexis At Home - by Snow Ghost - I had hypnotized Alexis, but an oversight on my part led to some totally unex
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