Sucking Your Own Dick

Sucking Your Own Dick


You came (wink-wink, see what I did there?), saw, and conquered your fear of stigma and decided to research websites answering the question, “can I suck my own dick?” Great! I’m glad you are researching this subject before jumping in headfirst.
I’m all in for that, and backing you up all the way. To each its own. Whatever floats your boat, captain. Hey, I’ve done the same thing and ALMOST sucked my own cock! That’s right. You cannot deny the power of human curiosity. Men will not admit it, but most of us have thought about what it would feel like to suck our own dicks.
Obviously, you are unsure how to begin the self-head-giving process. We’re here to help. Before you jump headfirst into this guide, remember this: to develop the proper skills to suck your own dick will not be an overnight process. Achievement requires dedicated practice every single day for the long haul.
We have outlined tried-and-true cock blowing techniques in this detailed guide. If studied and executed correctly, you can become a self-dick sucking machine in no time. Think of it like this: you have the best tool at your disposal to learn the craft and perfect the moves-your own body.
First, before I begin with the guide, let’s start with a little personal story to motivate your quest…
20 years ago my ugly-duckling syndromic self was sitting in my hot, sweaty bedroom with my hormones raging. I had a strong desire to feel a warm moist mouth wrapped around my dick and would do almost anything to achieve that pursuit, but I did not have the luxury to get another person with an available mouth, which led to an enlightening thought of sucking my own dick. 
I grabbed a rollaway bed and folded it halfway, laid my body on the carpet in front of it, pulled my legs all the way back towards my head Ta-chi style (My body had better flexibility back then), and managed to pull the bed on top of my legs to pull my penis closer to my mouth. I could hardly breathe, but my need to get some neck was so strong, so I pushed my head forward. I then used all my strength to thrust my pelvic area towards my mouth and managed to get the tip of my dick to touch my lips. Success!
Some of you might be more successful at achieving a self-blowjob than I was. However, note something: you don’t have to settle with sucking your own dick, man. I know you’re an open-minded, adventurous person who loves to try new things-I get it. But nothing is wrong with letting a consenting adult do the dick sucking for you. 
Check out Adult Friend Finder to find all types of cock suckers tonight with various skill sets ready to put in the work, tonight or any night for that matter!
To make this process work flawlessly in your favor, you need to be a preferably fit person. That means eliminating an unhealthy diet and adopting one that benefits your regimen.
For example, overly muscular guys or potbelly men would likely have a more difficult time bringing their legs to their heads and getting their lips to touch the tip than someone fit and slim. 
A way around this obstacle if you have some meat on your bones is doing stretching exercises every single day if you are not already doing them.
Doing yoga exercises is a great way to increase body flexibility, and get it used to doing extreme stretches you never thought possible. Moreover, yoga exercise is relaxing and will help you mentally cope with whatever life adversity is pushing you to suck your own dick-some people believe that mentally sound people are not sitting around thinking about putting their mouths on their cocks. I am! 
Consulting a yoga instructor will help in the quest, but never reveal to anyone in the class that you are enrolled specifically to suck your own cock. Your ass might get kicked out of the class or even the authorities called on you.
Thankfully, you have my experience to help. Here is an easy two-step stretching exercise to help you adapt better positions:
Repeat these steps everyday and you should be able to lie down on the floor with your legs spread apart as far as they will go, and curl your back enough to bring the penis to your mouth.
You have now unlocked an easy way to suck your own cock! 
My personal method required me lying on the floor because that worked for me. You have to move your ligaments around and test different positions to discover what works for you.
The proper way to correctly position your body, however, is by sitting upright, and pulling your legs straight up towards the ceiling – get someone to help you get them there the first time if you are not that flexible yet.
Then, you will push your head down towards your penis and should have no problem bopping on your corn on the cob. Use the free hand to raise the hard cock up to create better aerodynamics reaching your mouth.
Plenty of ‘autofellatio’ videos display this method and there is no shortage of them on the world wide web.
If you are unsuccessful at giving yourself the pleasure you want, then this act might not be for you. Again, Adult Friend Finder has plenty of profiles featuring adults who are avid cock suckers. 
However, if you are a well-endowed man, who also possesses a long slobbery tongue, then you should have no problem giving yourself head. 
If you want to get a larger penis, then you have several options. Natural supplements and jelqing exercises are some of the more popular ways to increase the size of your penis to finally reach your mouth.
Early civilizations have a history of people sucking their own dicks. They normally do it for spiritual reasons. The most famous is the Ancient Egyptians. It was believed that ingesting your own sperm connected you with the constellations some type of way. This belief is very interesting because you would think the Greeks would have been the original inventors of this sexual act. Obviously, they learn it from the Egyptians.
This is a no-brainer question, but let’s get practical about the answer. Many gay guys will suck their own cocks just to practice the act on themselves before moving on their boyfriends. They want to ensure that their cock-licking technique is A-1.
Cocksucking is technically a gay act because you are essentially sucking a dick, but some people would say that self sucking is masturbation because you are doing it to yourself for pleasure. Only one person is involved. But on the flip side, when you think about the visuals of your own cum dripping from the side of your mouth from sucking your own dick would be considered gay to many.
If you cannot please yourself, how can you please someone else?
Of course getting your penis in your mouth is possible. I was able to touch the tip my first time. There are plenty of blogs and forums of people who write extensively about their cock sucking claims. You can even Google ‘autofellatio’ and see the genuine videos of guys giving themselves blowjobs. 
Do I really need to name them? The benefits should be obvious. First, if you consider yourself gay then you can practice dick sucking on yourself while pleasing yourself. You can test the waters and make sure your lips are nice and strong before moving onto your boyfriend.
Moreover, you are getting yourself off, so your raging hormones will get settled. This self-serving satisfaction is quelled in men who would otherwise rape or do something ungodly to get their pleasure.
A guy who can suck his own dick is a happy guy.
While this act might seem fun and extremely beneficial to you, there are some dangers. If you force your head down too far in the wrong position you can crack your neck. If you perform my technique with the rollaway bed, and there is no one in your home to help, you can get stuck in a compromising position that might require EMT services or the fire department. That’s why I suggest you never try that technique.
Unconfirmed reports circulate the net about guys unfortunately dying after attempting self sex when their breathing tube is cut off and they die of suffocation.
Another huge risk is an obvious BLOW to your relationship. If your girlfriend or even boyfriend for that matter finds out that you are sitting at home all day sucking on your own cock, they might feel like you are cheating on them with yourself. They might start wondering if the sex they give you is even enough since you can now please yourself. The obvious thoughts that run through is what do you need them for? Once you discover the pleasures of giving yourself a blow job, you might want to do it all the time and then your significant other becomes a side relationship.
Sucking your own dick takes dedication, want, and skill (full body and limb flexibility) to achieve the pleasure. Without it, making it work is nearly impossible.
We hope you have learned how to suck your own dick, or at least got a great laugh if that is what you were looking for.
Listen here, my friend. You do not need to suck your own dick anymore. There are plenty of online blowjob sites where you can find a companion, regardless of gender, to do the cock sucking for you.
But if you decide there are some questions and hopefully this article has provided the answers.
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Martin Moore on October 28, 2020 March 18, 2020
Admit it, you have tried to suck your own dick. If you haven’t, you’re about to. Out of curiosity, to prove a point, or for whatever reason but you will do it.
I remember trying to suck my own penis for the first time when I was around 13-14 years old. I didn’t find much info on the internet back in the day. Naturally, I had to trust my guts and figure out how to suck my own dick by myslef.
Well, the experiment failed miserably as I came pretty close. I could actually lick the tip of my penis but not more.
I returned to the experiment a couple years later, however, it wasn’t easy at that time either. However, I took up the challenge and actually managed to suck my own cock.
Spoiler Alert: it’s more fun when someone else gives you a blowjob.
Also, it’s worth mentioning that currently I’m not able to perform self fellatio. I guess I lost my flexibility over the years, since I didn’t train much.
Well, as you can see from the intro, it is indeed possible to suck your own cock.
However, it will require some training and even weight loss. Unless, of course you have a huge penis that reaches your nipples once erect. Or if you want to have one, take a look at penis extenders. It’s the only way to have permanent or, at least, semi-permanent results.
I looked around the internet and there are various reports from guys who actually can suck their own dick sharing their stories. Also there are plenty of those that start like this:
The guy I dated showed me a trick that can’t be unseen…
So, if you’re the average dude with an average penis, you can, in fact, learn how to suck your own cock. However, it will require some time and dedication.
Self sucking can be a pleasurous activity, if you do it right. However, before you even consider learning to suck your own dick, you need evaluate your body properly.
As you probably understand, it will require quite some bending and stamina, so, in case you have some health issues, better find someone who can do the job for you, or consult with a physician who can help you work on your flexibility. Stay safe and don’t do stupid things.
Now that we have our safety 101 covered, let’s see what it takes to learn to suck your own dick.
Yes, unfortunately you will need to loose the beer belly if you don’t have a super long penis and want to self suck.
When it comes to penis length vs belly size, a shorter penis wins over big belly.
Overall, the penis size has very little importance when you have the obstacle (the belly) out of the way.
So, lose the fat. You’ll look and feel better. Also, will be able to reach your penis with your mouth as well.
Back in the day, I weighted around 155 – 160 pounds and my height is around 6’1.
As you can see I wasn’t super skinny but didn’t have a beer belly in front of me either.
Working on your flexibility is essential in order to be able to suck your own dick.
If you haven’t been practicing yoga or Pilates, it’s time you start to. Unless you’re super flexible by nature. However, most of us aren’t.
So, you can either sing up for a yoga class or check out this yoga for flexibility guide. it has some very useful exercises for self sucking.
When it comes to sucking your own dick, you need to be an expert on stretching and bending. Especially in the neck and back area.
Having strength in your whole upper body is also useful. This way you’ll be able to stay in the position longer.
TIP: do bending exercises with a friend. Sit down and try to bend yourself in half. Ask a friend for an extra push on the back to help you bend even more.
Another thing you need to do is chill and relax.
First – don’t get pissed if you won’t be able to suck your cock from the first try, practically no one can do that.
Second – do a warm up before the action. This way your muscles will loosen up and you’ll be able to get into position easier. Also, warming up reduces the risk of any trauma. As, I said before, don’t do stupid things and don’t go over your limits.
This step is easy. The harder you are, the longer your dick is. The longer the dick is – the easier to reach it.
Overall, my suggestion would be to not play with yourself or your partner for at least a couple of days before you suck your own dick.
This way you’ll build-up your excitement and get a harder dick to start with.
To reach the super erection and keep it for as long as possible, you can consider getting a cock ring.
A penis ring increases the blood flow to your penis and stops it from getting out. So, your erection will be longer and, of course, harder.
Also, if adult content get’s you in the mood faster, find some videos in advance. Otherwise, when you’re in the position – you will struggle a lot.
There are a couple positions that are comfortable enough to suck your own dick. Unless you’re one of those super humans that can bend like a snake.
The sitting down position is very easy and straight forward. Basically you need to sit down and bend your waist while bringing your head towards your erect penis.
However, the fun part is discovering the perfect place for sitting. For some men it’s the floor, for the others it’s a chair or any other object.
Well, this is the method I used on myself back in the day.
Since I wasn’t much of an athlete and wasn’t super flexible, I found that the easiest way to do it is laying on the floor and getting some help from a wall.
Also, having a pillow under your head can be helpful.
So, put yourself in a 90 degrees angle with your legs up against the wall. Once you have your super erection in place, start bending your head and shoulders towards your private parts.
At the same time, bring your legs and penis towards your face. Best outcome – they meet in the middle.
Since you’re a man, you know that orgasms don’t come clean. You’ll have your dick in your mouth, so you have to decide whether you’re swallowing or spitting.
If you haven’t tasted your cum yet, try it before self sucking, it will help you decide.
If you’re a spitter, choosing the self sucking while sitting should be more comfortable.
If you’re a swallower, cumming when on your back won’t cause you any problems.
As you can see, sucking your own dick is possible and can be done by most men.
However, just like most pleasures in life, it will require effort.
Even though self-sucking is not for everyone, I am sure that nearly everyone has tried it once.
So, if you decide to give it a go, be sure to be safe and don’t perform any actions that are above your physical capacities.
Also, get a cock ring to keep the super erection longer. Or if you feel like you want to have a longer penis, consider getting a penis extender.
Hey, I'm Martin Moore and I brought Male Sex Toys website to life. Being a medicine student and a sex toy enthusiast gave me the power to help men around the world make better purchasing decisions. So, no more sloppy fake vaginas that break after a couple of uses. Time to explore what real men play with.
When I was in 6 th grade I stated trying to suck my dick. After 6 months I was able to get the head in my mouth. Then in7 th grade I was able to deep Throat my dick suck my balls and lick my own butthole until I was in middle twenties
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