Study skills перевод

Study skills перевод

Study skills перевод

Перевод 'study skills' на русский

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Перевод 'study skills' на русский

Перейти на сайт так английский ты еще не учил! Материал готовится, пожалуйста, возвращайтесь позднее. Study skills or study strategies are approaches applied to learning. Study skills are an array of study skills, which may tackle the process of organizing and taking in new information, retaining information, or dealing with assessments. They include mnemonics, which aid the retention of lists of information, effective reading, and concentration techniques,as well as efficient notetaking. While often left up to the student and their support network, study skills are increasingly taught in High School and at the University level. Study skills are discrete techniques that can be learned, usually in a short time, and applied to all or most fields of study. They must therefore be distinguished from strategies that are specific to a particular field of study e. Historical context The term study skills is used for general approaches to learning, skills for specific courses of study. There are many theoretical works on the subject, including a vast number of popular books and websites. Manuals for students have been published since the s In the s and s, college instructors in the fields of psychology and the study of education used research, theory, and experience with their own students in writing manuals. Marvin Cohn based the advice for parents in his book Helping Your Teen-Age Student on his experience as a researcher and head of a university reading clinic that tutored teenagers and young adults. In , when Dr. A work in two volumes, one for upper elementary grades and the other for middle school, the Guide has methods for taking tests and schoolwork. Types Method based on memorization such as rehearsal and rote learning Memorization is the process of committing something to memory. The act of memorization is often a deliberate mental process undertaken in order to store in memory for later recall items such as experiences, names, appointments, addresses, telephone numbers, lists, stories, poems, pictures, maps, diagrams, facts, music or other visual, auditory, or tactical information. Memorization may also refer to the process of storing particular data into the memory of a device. One of the most basic approaches to learning any information is simply to repeat it by rote. Typically this will include reading over notes or a textbook, and re-writing notes. Methods based on communication skills e. Выбрать следующее задание Ты добавил. В вашем браузере отключен JavaScript. Пожалуйста, включите его в настройках, чтобы пользоваться сервисом Lingualeo.

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