Start a busines. Tips and list, how to change your mind before start new business.

Start a busines. Tips and list, how to change your mind before start new business.

«The notes of a small businessman»


More business mans and coach all the time telling you, if you want to start a business - you need a change your thoughts.

But they do not tell how! I was readed more books, but the recipe how to do is - do not find. Than I was more time for thinging, and i find it. Now i tell you how to do it in 10 parts.

I. Think as rich man.
When you will start a business - at first time you may haven't an income. And you must don't a scare by this. Some time a business can take you income, but this is exclusion, not rule. And you must to be ready to this. Think about a future perspective and working for a future perspective. Some time a small income which you take in your work with more time of free (if you working all free time for your business) is a better than big income with no a free time for a business.

II. Don't be a perfectionist.
Those, who want to start a business - must do it, no to wait for a good time. Many of business wasn't started because peoples a wait a good chance for a start. And when they a start, they do it slowly because they want do it correctly. A perfectionists losts a many time.

III. Read a more books.
Not one a business man, who make a real business don't read less 5 books per year. A books have many informations about skills which you need in future. A trading, managment and etc.

IV. Don't be an introvert.
Any business need a relationship. Make a relationship with new friends and business partners. But how you do it, if you don't want to speak with any peoples? You must will be an extravert.

V. Work harder.
"I don't work harder because i not take a more income, and i'm don't more income because i'm doesn't work harder". If you want to make a business - you must work harder.

VI. Do not drop your hands even if there is no result.
The golden formula of any business is purposefulness that is not common to ordinary people. An ordinary person waits for his result exactly for a month and receives it. That is, it is a normal salary. The entrepreneur can wait for the result year, two, ten, but the more he can withstand, the more he will get as a result.

VII. Believe in energy and miracle.
We are what we do. If we do evil, we will return more evil. If we do good - good returns more. About the miracle If you believe in it - there is a very big chance that it will come true.

VIII. Always look for the opportunity to improve everything.
As not a perfect man, did not have a perfect business. Only after you begin to improve yourself - You will improve everything around. Including personal life and business.

IX. Listen to everyone, but always miss everything through the prism of your own self.
You have to determine for yourself whether the information you have heard is really useful, or it's bilks. Every time someone tells you, you need to understand if this information will help you or remove it.

X. Think over each of these rules.
Even after reading these axioms, you have to skip them through and understand why they are presented exactly as it is done here. Only after realization - you will change your mind.

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