Special offer when buying 1,000 needle you get the inplanator for free. It will now always be paid for by the U.S. budget and the U.S. auto industry 🇺🇸 

Special offer when buying 1,000 needle you get the inplanator for free. It will now always be paid for by the U.S. budget and the U.S. auto industry 🇺🇸 

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

RFID chips may be attached to COVID-19 vaccines

The Trump administration has announced a $138 million contract with ApiJect Systems America for medical injecting devices, which is scheduled to begin in October 2020. This agreement should help fight COVID-19 and its participants expect that by the end of the year Americans will receive 100 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine. According to the company's official press release, the vaccine will operate with a special RFID label on each syringe, which will allow to track the geography of vaccination. It is not necessary to find that this option will be optional.


E-mail: grinenko-ecg@mail.ru / grishaev-ecg@mail.ru

+7 (916) 442-39-29

+7 (499) 301-04-39

Order a call grishaev.gav

          Welcome to AD ! 

ApiJect will produce syringes for the vaccine using "Blow, Fill, Seal" technology, and externally vaccine containers are similar to eye drop bubbles that are enough to attach the needle to. 

ApiJect Systems America CEO Jay Walker said in an interview with CBN that the containers for coronavirus vaccines can contain a chip containing information about the vaccine, but it will not contain any personal information about the patient. The U.S. government and the U.S. Special Services know something about this Contract Trump and what the U.S. government decided 🇺🇸 the U.S. government allowed the chips to be placed in vaccines 💉? 

For those still doubting the reality of chipping through vaccines, despite the mass of materials, just look at syringes with chips for farm animals, freely sold and actively used, answering, what prevents you from doing the same for humans? But it was just a preamble. And now to the current situation. Fresh information, how the routine testing was organized (not yet vaccinated, but only preparation for it, but everything will be similar) of the entire population on a covid in a few days in Slovakia, as well as the test of "health passports" in Britain - read carefully, very relevant for all: 

Half a step before the world vaccination

RFID chips may be attached to COVID-19 vaccines


Before your eyes and ears a short video, only 3.30 minutes, basic information from 0.50 to 1.50 minutes, the American medic speaks about the microchip, which is available in each syringe, where the vaccine will be pumped in the future. The chip allegedly does not contain personalized data, but allows authorities to obtain information about the vaccinated, who-where-once was vaccinated. As you know, if there is a big date, a database, for every citizen - the authorities have not the slightest problems in the future with the rapid identification of vaccinated at any time and place simply will not arise, for example, in Russia all the data about each are in the FIR.

As for the Russian Federation, in the summer the representative of the int-ta Im. Gamalei, the developer of the vaccine Sputnik (so far all his vaccine development ended only in criminal cases), officially stated that each dose of the vaccine from kovid has an identifiable label and is controlled by the application, and later specified that vaccination should become mandatory. At the same time, the institution, which created a dubious vaccine, directly talk about the exclusion of unvaccinated to some professions. According to the totality of the data, in the case of voluntary vaccination, the mark on vaccination of this product will be more like a mark of ignorance and naivety, and all absolutely who received the vaccine will be registered and under control. As for what microchips/tags will be introduced into your body and what their real functions will be, you may want to think for yourself based on your trust in the authorities and doctors. This has been detailed in many posts:

Luciferase and the quantum-labeled vaccine under the skin - "666"?

5G link is forced into quarantine: how does it relate to coronavirus?

Biometricization of all living things - the era of new digital slavery?

Will the vaccine kill more than the covid and change a person genetically?

NEW NORMAL "your" body - microchips and implants-biosensors?

CHIPS and neurointerfaces - according to laws and GOSTs: "unclassified materials" h.1

CHIPIZATION and neuroimplants - already technically possible? h.2

Cyborg children - from distant to neurotechnology, neuronet and neuro-device? h.3

For those still doubting the reality of chipping through vaccines, despite the mass of materials, just look at syringes with chips for farm animals, freely sold and actively used, answering, what prevents you from doing the same for humans? But it was just a preamble. And now to the current situation. Fresh information, how the routine testing was organized (not yet vaccinated, but only preparation for it, but everything will be similar) of the entire population on a covid in a few days in Slovakia, as well as the test of "health passports" in Britain - read carefully, very relevant for all:

Half a step before the world vaccination


The population of Slovakia was driven through covid tests with mandatory certificates, the introduction of "health passports" from the Rockefellers began at airports around the world

[Spoiler (click to open)]

The latest news from the series of global battle with the spread of coronavirus does not inspire optimism, but at the same time absolutely expected. In preparation for voluntary-forced vaccination of the entire globe, which, according to the declared elite "philanthropists", is the ideal solution to the problem of global warming (how, it is already clear), Christians, atheists, Buddhists, Europeans, Africans and Asians are working out strict social training measures.

So far, our Slavic relatives from Slovakia, whose entire country has turned into a real experimental testing ground, have been the most unlucky. Meanwhile, British and American officials and security forces have agreed to introduce electronic "covid passes" on Flights from London to New York, of course, with an expansion of this practice for any international movement of citizens. And even if you feel absolutely healthy and not contagious, know - you too will come very soon.

43 million euros (taking into account co-financing from the EU), 50,000 participants (medics, officials, volunteers, security forces, rescuers and soldiers - and the servicemen were 3000 people and they actually led the process), testing the entire population of a small country (5.5 million) - these are the figures of a large-scale operation on one-time testing of all citizens of Slovakia on antigen to COVID-19. Express tests purchased from South Korea were taken from the local population on October 31-November 1 and November 7-8. To do this, five thousand special points were equipped throughout the country. In addition to hospitals on the streets of major cities, temporary laboratories placed in containers have been opened.

Here's how one of the direct participants describes the procedure:

"I am studying medical, in testing participated as medical staff. On the day of testing we were given personal protective equipment, as much as requested, and boxes with express tests, no special orders were received, training we also did not pass, but all acted very quickly and harmoniously. We were commanded by the military. There was no big queue. And after 20 minutes of waiting people already knew their result. Testing points have been opened all over the country, from cities to villages.

All the data of the person who was checked was recorded in 

But the most important thing is that the certificate (yet - paper) with the passed negative test turned into a full analogue of the passport in Slovakia, it even exceeds the identity card by status. If you appear on the street without this piece of paper, as Russian citizens write, communicating with local residents, you face a fine at any time. And, of course, the citizen who has not confirmed his "safe status" is denied access to all shops and social institutions.

What is happening in Slovakia is a direct illustration of the scenario described earlier in the article "Digital Immune Passport of a Slave..." . Citing the plans of speakers, who are considered by many to be the mouthpieces of the likely organizers of the planned academy, we addressed a report by the Harvard Ethics Center (USA), co-authored with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation, with the participation of social engineers from the Santa Fe Institute and founded by "philanthropist" -inoculation bill Gates of Microsoft Corporation. The report was called the Roadmap to Pandemic Resistance.

"The system of testing, tracking people's routes, movements and selective isolation should replace home quarantine. Testing (for coronavirus) testing, being sectoral or universal, will require the test-tested ID card, which will be read in private companies, schools and social services. For those who have installed an app on their phone that alerts them to the virus, you can also provide a function for storing up-to-date medical information. At the end of the report, see an app detailing how such ID certificate cards can work." 

Authors inspired by the Rockefeller Foundation.

In the "know-how" of combating coronavirus offered by Harvard and Microsoft, we see the already familiar electronic certificates (at the first stage - for those who passed the COVID-19 test, then - for the vaccinated). And here is what Mr. Gates, who has no experience and education in this area, said in one of the answers to the questions of his fans on Reddit, turned by the world media into the main specialist in planetary health - this was said back on March 19, 2020:

 “Ultimately we will have several digital certificates showing who has recently recovered or been tested, or who received the vaccine we have. Once we know who tested positive, we can figure out how to support them so they can remain isolated and still get the food and medicine they need. ”

 As you can see, the plans of the globalists do not provide for citizens who have not shown any result, since they simply refused to be tested and vaccinated. Hiding behind abstract "public safety" they are ready to grossly trample on the rights of everyone to voluntary medical intervention, freedom of movement, freedom to sell and buy. Well, or to give "the right to choose" with the condemnation of refuseniks to starvation. Here is such an interesting "voluntariness".

 How this will be implemented is already quite clear from the news from the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). These prudent guys always make business plans in advance, they have nothing to hide. Information from the Welcome Times online resource for tourists from October 9:

 “Along with a passport and visas, travelers in the future may need one more document. This is an air passenger pass that allows you to travel around the world without a 14-day quarantine, ATOR reports. The issuance of such "antique travel passes" has already begun on flights from the UK.

 At London Heathrow Airport, the first international CommonPass electronic passenger pass was issued, which indicates that the owner does not have a coronavirus and allows him to travel without quarantine at the destination.

 Passengers of two airlines can issue such a certificate - the American United Airlines on the London-New York flight and the Hong Kong Cathay Pacific, which flies from London to Hong Kong and Singapore. "

 CommonPass is launched by the Commons Project and the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with government representatives from 37 countries. The organizers of the project want to create a common global framework that allows people to electronically document their negative COVID-19 status and present it when boarding a plane or crossing a border.

 A pilot rollout of CommonPass infrastructure will begin on flights between London and New York, expanding to routes across Europe, the Americas, Africa, the Middle East and Asia by the end of this year. Governments of 20 countries have agreed to test the pilot scheme. Which ones - the organizers do not say. The full-scale implementation of the global network is scheduled for early 2021. "

 CommonPass is a smartphone application that works very simply: after passing a coronavirus test in a certified laboratory, the result is downloaded to a smartphone via a QR code, which can then be scanned by airline employees and border guards. When scanning the QR code when boarding a plane or crossing the border, the system will check the compliance of the traveler's data with the epidemiological requirements of the destination country. At the same time, the Common Pass system allows countries to implement their own requirements for cross-border entry and health checks, including the need for additional laboratory tests and vaccinations (!).

 Does this remind you of anything again?

 Apparently, until we snap the handcuffs on our wrists, you will not understand anything?

 Well, of course, a modest at the first stage analogue of immune certificates with the right of access in the spring of 2020 was introduced by the criminal team of the fascist S.S. Sobyanin in Moscow. While we are talking about the obligation to record your entrance to the authorities and institutions of leisure and catering, as well as to identify the person by phone number by scanning the same QR code. A little later, it will not be difficult for the same number to demand from a citizen to confirm his immune status. In addition, in the Russian Telegram there is already talk that the capital authorities are never going to abolish this system - from the word "absolutely".

 Here is another extremely entertaining piece of information from the international independent publication MintPress dated October 26 this year:

 “On October 21, leaders of the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) and US Customs and Border Protection joined government officials and academics from more than 30 countries at Heathrow Airport in London. There, they oversaw the boarding procedure for United Airlines Flight 15 to Newark, New Jersey, using a new technology called Common Pass.

 This medical passport is a digital certificate (mobile application) that will soon be required for air travel, public transport, visiting stadiums, etc.

 First, the digital certificate will be used to verify that everyone has done a PCR test for COVID-19. If he is not negative, he will not be allowed to travel. The Common Pass will force people to consent and opt out of non-disclosure of their health information in order to fulfill all travel requirements, which may include various medical examinations and vaccinations (!) Required to enter each country, state or province as if the vaccination were some sacred symbol of immunity.

 We will live in a world where everyone is considered “sick” until proven innocence. When people give up their freedoms for safety and the Common Pass, they will be controlled by an international clique of medical fascists who seek to own and control our bodies and our DNA. Future travel requirements will include anything deemed necessary for the “common good,” including COVID-19 vaccinations, influenza vaccinations and a variety of other injections, other deemed necessary interventions, blood sampling and other medical procedures.

 These medical procedures create an in-app electronic medical record and place the person on national and local registries. A person's personal medical record is recorded in the application and will compel everyone to comply with the prescribed rules of medical examination and procedures included in the register of reliable laboratories and vaccination centers. The Common Pass compliance mechanism will then either allow the person to travel or deprive him of his freedom, ”notes the author of the material, adding that Common Pass is“ the biggest threat to civil liberties since TSA ”(Transportation Security Guide - an organization created in the United States after the events of 9 /eleven).

 Let's take a closer look at this office, the Commons Project, which is referred to on its website as a "non-profit public foundation." And already on the main page of the project we see a proposal, after which there are almost no questions left: "The Commons Project was founded with the support of ... the Rockefeller Foundation."

 Actually, all CP technical products boil down to three smartphone applications that allow you to quickly use information about the health and vaccination of the user to give him the appropriate social status. However, the scope of the site of this project, the number and status of its trustees in the United States and around the world is impressive: it includes employees of scientific institutions around the world, including a representative of Johns Hopkins University (why this is important, we will clarify below), major American and world politicians, representatives of private medicine, "philanthropists", top managers of the BlackRock investment corporation, the World Economic Forum, the head of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the US Department of Health and many other famous personalities.

 CP co-founder Bradley Perkins previously worked at the Centers for Disease Control for about 10 years, then served on the health council for the US intelligence-affiliated RAND Corporation. He graduated from Yale University, wrote speeches to ex-President Bill Clinton even before graduation (by the way, the Clinton Foundation also supports the CP project). He also served as Senior Technology Officer for the Vanguard Corporation Hospital System, sponsored by Morgan Stanley and, since 2004, controlled by the Blackstone Group. As you can see, in his track record almost all well-known managers, consulting and investment groups of the so-called. "Masters of money" who own the US Federal Reserve.

 Another co-founder of the project, Paul Meyer, served in the line of operations of the American intelligence services before joining the field of commercial health care - from the NATO war in Yugoslavia to the Clinton era. He was also featured in the cross-border human trafficking scandal, which included the International Rescue Committee.

 Here is such a serious criminal company gathered in a "humanitarian project" to give humanity a "public benefit", to allow "individuals to access their analyzes and vaccination records, and to be sure that they confirm their COVID status without revealing additional personal information. ".

 Such influential characters are clearly organized to solve global problems, moreover, tasks of a military-strategic nature, which would have been worth a long time ago - given to the intelligence services of the United States других and other states that have not yet completely lost their national sovereignty.

 Finally, one more important touch - the Common Pass project is fully supported by the World Economic Forum and is being promoted including on its platform. The WEF, in turn, has long been heavily influenced by the Russians and Bill Gates. It was at the WEF site, sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, that a simulation game called Event 201 was held on October 18, 2019, and a sudden outbreak of the deadly ... coronavirus and possible response from the global economic community were simulated at Rockefeller Plaza.

 The moderation participants concluded that the pandemic will continue until an effective vaccine appears that will cover the entire planet, or until 80-90% of the world's population is infected. It is simply impossible not to notice all these obvious connections, and those people who continue to ridicule the facts, calling them "conspiracy theories," look simply no longer funny, but look extremely stupid. Since all these criminal mixes are in our hands and we are already identifying specific persons involved and executors of the project.

 So, dear conscientious or not conscientious citizens, we draw conclusions and prepare to defend our skin and country. In many European countries, in Germany, for example, there are now massive protests against the local authorities that have caved in under the globalists and have turned into an occupation administration for their own people. We have nowhere to retreat, and the plans of these dark characters, as we see, continue to be realized - approaching a sad ending for everyone.

 That is, a completely frankly constructed fake pandemic, which they intend to fight through vaccination and, under its cover, chipping, with the introduction of "immune passports" that will become admissions to life, has actually entered its final phase. All countries, from Britain and Australia to Poland and Slovakia, have actively joined the diabolical project.

The shortage of semiconductors stops the global auto industry. What is going on?

Due to the pandemic and trade wars, technology companies and automakers were left without semiconductors. Factories are halting around the world, resulting in multibillion-dollar losses

The development of RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) refers to the wartime, when the U.S. created the "your-alien" IFF radar recognition method. In terms of animal chipping, three components are needed: directly a chip, a reader and a database (containing information about the animal, its vaccinations and owner). The first person to be implanted in the chip, of course, was a British scientist - Professor of Cybernetics of the University of Reading - Kevin Warwick (a.k.a. Captain Cyborg). It happened in 1998. 

At the time, he argued that the implantation of a silicone chip is a perfect form of electronic labeling and is more reliable than a smart card: "The potential of this technology is enormous. It is quite possible to replace the Visa card for the implant. There is a very small risk of its loss or theft." And then, in 2002, Warwick implanted a matrix of one hundred electrodes, which he connected to a neural interface and a less complex device implanted by his wife Irene. Then the professor was nicknamed Captain Cyborg. Years later, in 2017, speaking about ethical issues and the protection of personal data, he said: "It is quite easy to pick up such (personal) information about a person without an implant. RFID technology is already used to mark goods, luggage and products in stores. Used for microchiping pets. Many of us carry THIS with us all day in our wallets: most modern mobile phones are equipped with RFID, as well as contactless cards, travel cards and electronic passports. Mobile phones are much more dangerous to our privacy. By introducing technology under the skin, instead of having it available only in our pockets - we do not make any big technological leap. The key point is free choice. If a company says that we will give you a job only if you have a chip (vaccine 💉) , there are already, really, ethical questions" (issues of the U.S. criminal code arise) ! 


Principia Scientific International posted a disturbing video of Bill Gates bragging about how his "incredible" COVID19 vaccine, "7 billion people must pass" and contains something new - "instructions in code" - will change our DNA ...

 There is no doubt that the vaccines developed and launched to combat the new coronavirus are composed of recombinant DNA.

 Recombinants are molecules of the genetic code of DNA of two or more different species that are inserted into a host organism to create new genetic combinations that are said to be of value to science, medicine, agriculture and industry.

 Since the focus of all genetics is on the gene, the fundamental goal of Big Pharma laboratory geneticists is to isolate, characterize, and manipulate genes.

 Watch the manic Bill reveal the beans in the video below:

 Mainstream media and high-profile politicians have tried to suppress and / or deny that modified DNA, capable of altering our own DNA, is a new "tool" in these experimental vaccines.

 But "vaccine hesitancy" (a polite term for avoiding poisoning with these potions) is on the rise, especially among medical professionals who are considered one of the first groups to receive these Frankenstein injections.

 Vaccine hesitancy among healthcare professionals medpagetoday.com reports:

 “Health professionals want more data on the COVID-19 vaccine before they make it themselves,” the Washington Post reported.

 Surveys and statements from medical societies have revealed some hesitation among doctors and nurses about vaccinations. For example, a UCLA report released last week found that 66% of Los Angeles healthcare providers who responded to an online survey said they would postpone vaccinations.

 The American Nursing Association said a third of its members do not intend to receive the vaccine, and another third are at a loss to answer.

 Two-thirds of doctors in New Jersey said they would take the vaccine, but some who were contacted by state officials said they "don't want to participate in the first round, so they can wait and see if there are potential side effects." New Jersey This was announced by Health Commissioner Judith Persicilli on November 9 at a press briefing. [one]

 A recently withdrawn report from Johns Hopkins University (but saved on the Way Back machine) acknowledges that such a massive vaccination of the world's population is virtually unnecessary because the excess mortality rate is low to negligible. The university admitted:

 “Surprisingly, the death rate in the elderly has not changed before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not visible on the CDC data. In fact, the percentage of deaths across all age groups remains relatively the same. »[2]

 Indeed, even the CDC now admits that their COVID19 alarmist claimed the death toll has dropped. [3]

 In light of all the mistakes, shenanigans, hasty vaccines, misinformation and propaganda, we should all take a long pause for reflection and listen to the wise words of one of the most respected British doctors, Dr. Vernon Coleman.

 Dr. Coleman writes:

 “I have recorded many videos about vaccines, wrote many articles and a book on vaccines (written in 2011), and I have nothing more to say about damn things. I won't get vaccinated against COVID-19 or the flu, but what everyone else is doing is, of course, a choice they have to make themselves. I understand that some people think the risk is worth it and believe the official government line that the known dangers of the disease outweigh the dangers of the vaccine (which I think are largely unknown yet). Of course, it is important that people (including children who are now allowed to make their own decisions) are aware of all the risks - from both COVID-19 and the vaccine - so that they can make a decision. It worries me that now that censors control all media (including social media), independent information is very scarce. " [four]

 I put more faith in the professional judgment and experience of Dr. Coleman and the tens of thousands of medical professionals who signed the Great Barrington Declaration than I do in mainstream media, celebrities, politicians and psychopathic eugenics like Bill Gates.

 So guess where I think Bill should shove his vaccine?


In the ass of the vaccine? It's too soft on you. Investigation and prison terms, including life imprisonment. Or the People's Loop on lampposts or fascists cross in the ass without any investigation and judgment for all the defendants of the project COVID -19, it is fair. Choose for yourself. 

Published December 5, 2020

Written by John O'Sullivan

About the author: John O'Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (along with Dr. Tim Ball) Principia Scientific International (PSI). John is an experienced science writer and legal analyst who helped Dr. Ball defeat world's leading climate expert Michael "hockey stick" Mann in the "scientific process of the century." O'Sullivan is considered a visionary who in 2010 formed the original group of Killers scientists, who then worked together to create the world's first full-scale refutation of the theory of greenhouse gases and their new follow-up book.

The microchip in a disposable syringe in a sterile package is designed for electronic identification of the following animals:

Cattle (cows, bulls).

Small cattle (sheep, goats, sheep).



Pets (including exotic animals).


The microchip is enclosed with a special capsule made of biocompatible glass, treated with anti-migration coating. This treatment excludes the movement (migration) of the microchip under the animal's skin.

The syringe case is made of plastic. The syringe is equipped with a lock ring, the task of which is to prevent the premature and unplanned extraction of the chip from the syringe. The needle of the syringe is made of steel with a diamond sharpening. The needle is wearing a plastic cap for safety.


Subcutaneous chipping

Ear electronic tags

Ear visual tags



Delivery to Russia for free from 100 pieces

The application of logos 

ear tags

Minimum order 

1 product


Special offer when buying 1,000 needle you get the inplanator for free. 

It will now always be paid for by the U.S. budget and the U.S. auto industry 🇺🇸 


E-mail: grinenko-ecg@mail.ru / grishaev-ecg@mail.ru

+7 (916) 442-39-29

+7 (499) 301-04-39

Order a call grishaev.gav

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