Spanking Stories Babysitter

Spanking Stories Babysitter


Spanking Stories Babysitter
Betty is a mother of three from Arizona. At the time of interview, her two daughters were aged nine and ten, and she also had a 10-year-old stepdaughter.
Are your children defiant when they are told they are
going to get a spanking?
Yes, sometimes they are. My children, like all children,
hate getting spanked, so when I tell them they are going to receive one they
are never happy. When I tell them they are getting a spanking, they usually cry
and whine about how they don’t want one but they usually follow me to the spot
and comply. Parents have to learn to deal with this, as it can be emotionally
difficult to spank your child when you know they do not like it at all.
Yes, there are times. Recently Sasha disobeyed me and I told
her she was going to get a spanking. She immediately screamed ‘no’ at me and
ran off. I followed her as she ran out the door. This is a scenario I fear, but
really it was just my daughter being hysterical rather than my daughter
actually running away.
I walked out and stood by the door. She stopped running and
turned to me. I calmly asked her whether she was going to come inside, and made
it clear I was not going to go chasing after her. She apologised to me but didn’t
Finally, a neighbour broke up the stand off as she walked
by, asking what was wrong. I told her that Sasha was going to get a spanking
for disobeying me and she was avoiding me. My neighbour, who happens to be
pro-spanking as well, told Sasha: “Its best if you just go inside and get
it over with.”
Sasha walked over to me. I brought her inside, took her to
the couch and quickly bent her over my knee. I gave my little lecture once she
was in position over my lap because I was worried she would try running off
again. She was crying the whole time but actually was much calmer. I gave her
the spanking, then told her not to run off like that again or she would get a
much worse one.
On the other end of the spectrum, I’ve had times when my
kids completely comply. I remember one time Paige earned a spanking and I told
her so. She walked right over to me. I was already sitting down and instead of
waiting for my lecture, she lay down across my lap waiting for her spanking.
How do the children react during the spanking?
Well, considering I just use my hand, I can produce a lot of
pain. Typically, after each spank, as I make contact with their bottom, they
flinch or jump. Usually, they are very wriggly during the spanking, which is
the reason why I think that using that over the lap position is the safest way.

You’d think my youngest would react the worse, but actually
Sasha is the most dramatic. She cries, even screams, kicks her legs, tries to
move around, tries to cover her bottom with her hand. But these are things you
need to expect if you choose to use spanking. It’s hard and sometimes
discouraging, but you have to tell yourself you are doing it for their own good
and that you are shaping their behaviour.
What do you think of spanking on the bare bottom?
I don’t really spank that way. I don’t do it, mainly because
it is not necessary. I am not opposed to it though. Once the spankings stop
hurting as much, I may start pulling their pants down, although you have to be
careful to respect their privacy.
I have spanked them over their panties before, mainly when
they were wearing a skirt. With a skirt, it’s difficult sometimes to see their
bottom. So once they are over my knee, I flip their skirt up and turn it
against their shirt, then give the spanking as normal over their panties.
Do you ever spank more than one child at the same time?
A couple of months ago, I had a babysitter over to take care
of my kids while I was out for the evening. When I returned, I found the house
a mess and the babysitter almost in tears. She said that my girls weren’t
I called them over and asked them why they were not
behaving. They all were very guilty, none of them answering. The babysitter
said that Sasha had gotten them all riled up and wild.
So I said to the babysitter: “You know what I’m going
to do? I’m going to give each of them a spanking then have them apologize to
you.” My kids were not happy overhearing this.
I sat down on the couch and called them over. I asked my
kids “OK, who’s first?” None of them answered so I asked the
babysitter who was the worst behaved. She said that Sasha had started it all,
so I called Sasha over.
I asked the babysitter if she would be offended if I spanked
my kids in front of her, because I wanted them to understand that they were
getting spanked for disrespecting her, and having her present would send a
stronger message. She said she didn’t mind. So I had Sasha bend over my knee
and gave her 10 hard spanks. I could tell the babysitter was a little
uncomfortable seeing it, and Sasha was very uncomfortable getting it, but it
seemed like the appropriate thing to do. I did the same with Paige and
After all three had been spanked, I had them stand in front
of the babysitter and apologise to her.
So yes, there are lots of times when I have to spank two or
all three of my kids. I simply go about it the same, only the other one is
waiting for her turn. I think it is probably worse for the one going last
because they have to anticipate, and seeing their sister crying as they get a
spanking must be a little nerve-wracking.
Have you ever spanked your kids in public?
I have, but mostly when they were younger. I’ve done the
quick one swat spank as they are standing, simply to stop them misbehaving. I
don’t recommend doing that, I am just saying that I have done that.
I have given a couple over the knee spankings in public,
mostly when they were younger. I remember sitting on a park bench spanking one
of my daughters. Another time, I went into another room at a friend’s house and
did the deed.
The most recent example of that was around a year ago. Sasha
was being a brat at a clothing store when we were shopping. I kept warning her
to calm down. I took her into the dressing room, sat on one of the little
makeshift seats they have in there and told Sasha to bend over. I had to
instruct her to do so several times before she complied.
Although the spanking wasn’t actually in public, I’m sure anyone
who overheard was in no doubt about what was going on. 
Generally I don’t advise spanking in public. I usually wait
until I get them home. But every once in a while, they need to know that mom is
not ashamed to let everyone know that she spanks. 
How do you put your child in position for the spanking?
I presume you’re referring to the over the knee position. I
use it because it’s safe, it’s effective, it’s memorable and it creates an
attitude of submission – something essential for proper discipline.
Getting the child in position can be tricky at times,
because after all it’s not something any child wants. When your children are
younger it’s fairly simple – you can pick them up and place them over your lap.
Since they are so small, you can place them easily and hold them in place with
just your arm.
For older children, it would seem more difficult but really
it’s not very hard. Ideally, you want your child resting their pelvic region
over your thigh closest to them, with their arms dangling on the opposite side.

This causes the body to contort, with the bottom sticking
out making a very easy target. It can be dangerous to slap other parts of the
body, such as the back, and the legs tend to not be as effective.
But ideally, you want your child to bend over submissively for
their spanking. As I say, my kids nowadays tend to be quite obedient about
this. But if they are not, you can threaten them with a worse spanking, usually
in the form of more swats, if they don’t comply. This works a lot of times.
The other way is to force them over your knee. You have to be careful, though, and you need to remain calm at all times. With Sasha, I’ve used this method many times. I grab her left arm with my left hand and pull her towards me. As her legs come into contact with my lap, the momentum causes her to fall forward. As her stomach touches my lap, I reach my left arm around her, beneath her right armpit, and hold her in place. Now she is in the proper position and the spanking can begin.
Do you ever spank other kids besides your own?
No I don’t. While I don’t think it is necessarily wrong to
do that, at the same time I feel spanking is essentially the parent’s job. I
have had my kids’ friends over at our house many times and if they misbehave, I
simply call their parents and they deal with them. I wouldn’t have a problem
with my spanking my friends’ children, as long as they gave me permission, but
I feel they should be their child’s ultimate authority figure, not me.
What are your overall feelings about spanking?
I know that to many it may seem cruel or barbaric, but for
me, spanking is about being a good mother with good intentions, and trying to
raise my children to be good adults. I don’t enjoy spanking my kids and I’m not
exactly proud of it, but I’m not scared to tan their bottoms when I think it’s
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Subject: Babysitters who have spanked the boys they watch/watched

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Date Posted: 13:37:40 07/23/16 Sat

Is there anyone else here who babysits/has babysat kids who they had permission to spank?

Right after I started going to UCF a few years ago I used to babysit every day in the afternoon for a mother (a close friend of my mom who used to babysit me when I was little) who lived in the same neighborhood as the rental house I was staying in every day while she was at work, for a little less than a year.

There were two kids, a Amanda (11) and Joshua (10). For about the first two months, when their mother got home she would ask if they had been good for me, and if I gave her a bad report she would spank the one who misbehaved right in front of me, always over her knee and on the bare.

I saw her do this maybe 3 or 4 times, and then eventually she told me I might as well just give the spankings myself, but to please call her first and let her know if I thought they needed one.

So after that I babysat them for about 8-9 more months, and gave maybe 2 spankings a month. Usually it was Amanda I had to do it to, because she was just soooo bratty and disrespectful. I always did it the same way their mom did, bare bottom over the knee with my hand, and then corner time in the living room with their pants down after.

I never spanked unless I thought their mom would have in my place, and I always called her first and made sure she was ok with it, but the truth is I really did enjoy doing it. I would never admit it to anyone, but I always secretly hoped I would get to spank them when I went over. It was a total power trip, having that much authority over someone else and being able to make them take their pants down in front of me and see them naked, lol

I really enjoyed undressing them and having them over my lap, and seeing and touching their bare bottoms. I really liked Joshua, he was a really nice and sweet kid and I hardly ever had to spank him, but he had such a cute plump little butt, lol! It would bounce when I smacked it and turn really red, it was adorable! After I was done spanking I would always keep him over my lap and rub his bottom and lecture him, and really that part was just because I liked it. I hardly ever had to/got to spank him though, because he was always pretty good. When he was getting spanked he was obedient and didn't fight with me or make a fuss, but he did cry by the end usually.

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Stories from days past, you can find masterposts for series here about older stories, you can also post your favorite older stories here as well, be sure to credit the author.
More Stories wrote:
Jacked Off by the Babysitter by More Stories

When I was a teen my little brother and I had a babysitter watch after us when my parents went out. I personally felt like I was too old to have a babysitter, but since I was known for being a troublemaker, and I was stuck with a younger brother (11) too I was condemned to being babysat even at my age. Fortunately, we had a hot looking babysitter named Nancy, who was 18 with big firm boobies, green eyes and beautiful auburn hair. In front of my parents she always acted all calm and proper, but when my parents weren’t home she was a very different person. She would let us do a lot of things that my parents would never approve of like stay up and watching grown up programs on cable that had bad words and nudity, eat junk food, and even teach us dirty words. She knew I was a horny little devil and liked to tease me in different ways.

One night when babysitting us we were playing cops and robbers with my little brother to entertain him. We would take turns, one person being the policeman, and the other being the robber wearing a ski mask. We used the whole house, and with the lights off the robber would have to sneak into rooms and steal stuff putting it in a pillowcase without being caught. The police person would go through the house one room at a time looking for the robber. If you didn’t listen, and hide really good the policeman could find you and arrest you. We had these cheap handcuffs that were actually made from metal, but had a little hidden safety latch on them. Funny thing is it was really hard to reach the release latch if you were the one handcuffed.

One of the times when I was playing the policeman, and she was the robber, I caught her in the den hiding behind the couch. I got to arrest her and “play” search her for anything hidden on her or in her pockets. She let me reach under her shirt and feel her breast through her bra, and reach into her jeans pockets. I even tried to unbutton her pants and got as far as unbuttoning and unzipping them before she stopped me saying that was far enough. Seeing the top of her little white panties with a red elastic waistband and little colored dots on them made me really horny. Her smooth skin and flat tummy drove me wild. I wanted to do more but she would not let me.

We had been playing for a while so around 9:30 she told my brother it was bedtime. He didn’t want to go to bed and was being a brat about it. She ordered him to get into his pajamas, but said I could stay up longer. She put my brother to bed, and I went to change. She was sitting on the couch watching TV when I came out a while later in my lose-fitting pj’s with stripes on them. As soon as she saw me she started laughing poking fun at my pajamas. Feeling belittled I threw a fit and jumped on her trying to overpower her. I was trying to pin her down to the couch but she was stronger. In all the struggling and wriggling around together I got excited. I wasn’t wearing any underwear and with all the close contact I got a raging hard-on in my pants. Then she rolled me over on my stomach and managed to handcuff my arms behind my back! With my hands behind me I could not reach the little release catch. I was stuck handcuffed with a hard-on grinding against the ground now! I mean it got rock hard. She said she was going to spank me like a little baby if I kept misbehaving. I didn’t care. Then things got even worse (or better depending on how you look at it). When she rolled me over again to talk to me the head of my erect penis popped out of my pajama fly! I was so embarrassed that my face became hot. She stared wide-eyed at my helpless twitching penis as I lay there powerless to do anything and reached down and grabbed it by the shaft. I guess I have a pretty big dick for my age and she seemed to be very impressed with it. “Oh my!” she said with a sly tone in her voice. “Well we are a very bad boy aren’t we?” I was really embarrassed but really turned on too at the same time and just stood there speechless. Forcefully she pulled me over her lap on the couch with my shoulders propped up on the end of the couch. She pulled my pj pants all the way down and reaching underneath she started stroking my super hard dick with one hand, while spanking my naked butt with the other. “Bad boy!” she kept playfully saying while she lightly spanked my butt and stroked my dick. My dickhead now got wet with precum that she used as lube to stroke me ever further. She spanked and stroked me as I moaned in ecstasy till I arched my back and jutted my hips forward spurting all over the couch pillow! I was really embarrassed after, lying there handcuffed and bottomless with spooge all over me & the couch. She made me promise to not ever say anything about it or she would never baby sit for me again. I eagerly agreed. The she cleaned the couch off and flipped the cushion and told me I needed to go to bed.
Janienudiepants wrote:
Babysitter by Janienudiepants

Very nice story. I babysat a lot for my mom's divorced friends as a teen. Mainly single moms, occasionally everyone else. I dreaded some kids, and others I lived to die for, they were so cute. One pair of boys were four and seven, a bit like you, and cute as h*ll. At bedtime one thing you knew for sure who had a "hard-on." Their little flagpoles stood out of their pj tents once they found the hole. Of course, little boys button pjs have a huge hole in front -- they never button them, and their little d*cks found it all the time in tickle fights, wrestling playing around with them before bed or just sitting with me snuggled up watching TV. I grew up with the impression boys always had a hard-on.

I always enjoyed the cute little kids and what I saw. I imagine their mom played with them like I did. They weren't shy pulling each others pj bottoms down at all -- it was all great fun. They had such cute bottoms! And of course, they shouted with glee whenever they could pull something down from me!

still enjoy remembering...
A board for stories about girls pantsing and stripping others or getting pantsed and stripped


by PhilMarlowe » Mon Mar 02, 2020 2:58 am

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