Gloryhole Accident

Gloryhole Accident


Gloryhole Accident
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2 friends find an unexpected surprise at the glory Hole.
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This is a long time cumming it seems. I was going to give up on this one but I pushed through and am very glad that I did because I think this story is a big improvement to what I've submitted in the past. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. As always I appreciate all comments-positive and negative. So if you have something you want to say please do.
Before we get started, a little disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All characters and subject matter is just the perverse inner workings of my twisted imagination and is nothing more than mere fantasy. Any coincidence between people and subjects alive or dead is just that; a coincidence.
And with that, get your motors humming and happy stroking and/or poking. I hope you enjoy.
"There's no way, we would have heard about it by now." Jerry said, looking at Chucky, tightly wincing his eyes and doing very little to hide his skepticism.
"No dude, seriously, if I'm lying, I'm dying." Chucky pledged, putting one hand over his heart and the other in the air with his math book clutched in his fingers as they continued the walk home from school.
These two young men have been the best of friends since kindergarten and were known through their small, country town as a couple of pranksters. They proudly earned the nickname "The brat brothers," after they set up big Joe Cecil at the annual Country Fair.
Big Joe was Harper counties raining eating champ. He held a record in every kind of eating contest you could possibly think of. Pies, buffalo wings, hot dogs, watermelon, Bar B Q ribs, burgers, fried catfish. Harper county put on a contest for Just about everything that you could make an eating contest out of, and Joe had a local record in it. If there was a trophy to be won for eating in the last five years, then Big Bad Joseph had it sitting somewhere in his house and that was saying a lot.
Well during one hot day a couple of years back the boys got up the courage to cut halfway through Big Joe's chair legs with a saw that Chucky had snuck in by strapping it to his leg under his bibs. So when Big Joe sat down, the chair broke and Big Joe fell on his big ass, causing a riot of hysterical laughter.
If that wasn't bad enough, the boys did the same thing to the posts underneath the stage. So when big Joe's big ass came smashing into it, the platform skewed, leaning further and further to the side. The crowd gasped as the wood creaked and moaned under big Joe's rotund rear, slowly falling apart till it came crumbling down in a cloud of dust and splinters. No one ever found out for certain that it was the boys and they sure weren't going to tell any one. But there were whispers that the two were seen just moments before the contest started, crawling out from underneath that stage and running off in a rush of elbows and snickers.
"There's no way. I don't believe it," Jerry said, flat out shaking his head. He couldn't wrap his thoughts around the fact that there could be such a thing without a line of guys waiting impatiently, and circling the building.
"dude, my dad told me so. We were joking around, and pops had a few beers in him. Well, you know how he gets. Anyway, one of his buddies were at our house visiting and dad was rambling on, that's when I heard him mention this place." Chucky argued, trying to convince Jerry of what he was barely convinced of himself.
"So your drunk ass dad was mouthing to someone else's drunk ass dad about a glory hole right here in town, or so you say. I just don't think so Chucky, if there was something like that around here, then there would be a line stretched around the block and I would be standing at the front of it with a platinum membership card." Jerry just could not believe what his best friend was attempting to convince him of, no matter how much he wanted too.
"No, I went to him later on in the day and I was like, 'Hey dad, is what you told your friend true, you know, what you said about that glory hole thing.' "
"Really?" Jerry said with a high cynical voice as his eye's grew animatedly large, feigning disbelief. "Did he say anything else?"
Chucky smiled ear to ear, he'd known Jerry for a long time, so it was obvious to him that his best friend was beginning to wear down, even if he was trying to act uninterested. "You bet, I asked him if he ever went and tried it out himself and then he said, 'why would I go through the trouble when I have the same thing here at home.' "
Jerry's mind was racing now. On one hand; Chucky could totally be telling the truth. If he is, and that's A Godzilla-sized if. Then this could change everything for the two of them. But on the other hand, Chucky could just be setting Jerry up. A prank if you will; which they were both infamous for. The last thing Jerry wanted was a picture of him with his dick shoved through a hole in some random public bathroom stall posted on "Facebook".
"Well if you're so sure then where is it?" He finally conceded after bouncing the idea around in his noggin for a minute and mulling over everything that Chucky said.
"From what I heard my dad tell his buddy, it's inside the rest area just outside of town," Chucky stated triumphantly, finding it difficult to hide his wide, shit eating grin.
"Wha, Wait a minute," Jerry gasped, wheezing and bending over to catch his breath. He looked around for a moment and spotted a log a few yards away. He staggered over and flopped down to take a break. It was a hot, humid day and even though the boys were surrounded by vegetation and tree shade it did little to help the sweltering temperature. The front and back of their t-shirts were soaked through with perspiration and their faces were covered in glistening beads of moisture.
"Fuck it. Why not? let's go check it out then." Jerry said, throwing his hands up, deciding to play this out and see where it might lead them. Which is usually how Jerry wound up grounded and forbidden to contact Chucky for a month.
"Sweet, but there's a wee little problem. We'll have to skip school." Chucky knew this was what would get Jerry. The last time the two of them got caught skipping out on school Jerry's mom was really pissed. Chucky's parents kind of looked at it like they were just kids being kids. But Jerry's mom really bit into his ass. She swore that if he skipped one more day than she would skip his ass off to his dad and new stepmother. "The Wickedest Witch in all of Oz," as Jerry liked to affectionately refer to her.
Jerry sat there on the log shaking his head and stared at a beetle crawling across a fallen twig. He was quiet for a minute, going over the situation in his mind and chewing a hole through the inside of his lip. Suddenly he stood, looking Chucky right in the eye. "OK, I'll trust you. but you know what happens if this is bullshit, and I know you don't want your best friend to be shipped away to the horrible trailer of OZ with the flying step monkeys."
Chucky smiled, slapping Jerry across the shoulder. "Hell no dude you're my bro. besides, who else do I have to pick on around here," He didn't even attempt to hide his wide, triumphant grin as he tasseled Jerry's damp hair and pinched his nipple through the sweat drenched fabric of his t-shirt.
Jerry looked at Chucky with ice in his eyes. "I'm really serious bro. My mother doesn't make idol threats, you know that."
Chucky nodded, "so am I dude, so am I. But this is just too sweet to pass up. Besides, since when are you afraid of a little trouble?" He laughed, making a sad attempt at being humerus.
Jerry chuckled a little and smiled, figuring if you can't beat them then join them."OK then, so when do we do this?"
"Well," Chucky said, dragging the word out with his southern accent, taking off his hat and slicking back his drenched brown hair. "dad said Rosie is in business during school hours and on Sundays during church. Kind of makes sense when you think about it."
"Rosie huh?" Jerry asked in a low contemplative voice.
"Yeah, I guess that's the woman's name. OH, and Pop's said that she's in the center stall, so were supposed to use the first and last doors. At least, that's what I figured he was mumbling anyways."
Jerry grabbed his books feeling less and less sure the more he listened to Chucky. They got back on the March, shuffling there feet through the wilderness, "Okay, well you've obviously got this figured out, so what's your thoughts?"
"Yeah," Chucky said, smiling wickedly. "You could say that I've given it a little thought. Actually, It's more like a lot of thought, a whole lot of thought" like the thoughts running through his mind this very moment. Thoughts that were causing his young, eighteen year old and virile cock to swell and stiffen, stretching and straining against the rough fabric of his faded blue jeans.
It was suddenly quiet. Jerry turned around and found Chucky a few yards behind him, stopped in his tracks like he had frozen with a dim and dreamy look on his face. Of course, dim and dreamy could be mistaken with dumb and vacant.
"not those thoughts you perv," Jerry laughed, referring to the growing bulge in the front of Chucky's old 501's. "I meant, whats the plan, stay focused."
Chucky shook his head, "oh I am focused buddy, really fucking focused" he turned two shades of red darker than the Alabama heat had already made him. "Sorry about that big guy," Chucky whispered, looking down at his groin and patting the growing bulge."Not right now, your going to scare little Jerry, he's not used to seeing such a big strong hunk of beef." He laughed, carrying on a conversation with his erection.
Jerry was always quick to get pissed off when it came to cock jokes, or fat jokes, or just about any jokes that were made at some one's expense in general. He was the same in school. He had a habit of taking up for the underdog, which unfortunately was usually either Chucky, a nerd named Norman or himself. This, as you can imagine, didn't make him very popular among his peers. And in a town of six hundred people with only around a hundred and fifty of those people being students at a school house that literally accommodated all the grades from prekindergarten through twelfth. Let's just say that there wasn't much for the two of them other than each other and the hope that one day they would hook up with a sweet little honey.
Of course, an opportunity for the boys to hook up with any girls their age or older is almost impossible considering that only thirty of those one hundred and fifty students are seniors like themselves in a town full of farmers and bible thumpers. Not to mention that only Thirteen of those senior students were girls their age, and four of those sweet little honeys were guaranteed girl-on-girl types. After that, the football team pretty much got the rest, all the rest, and football players aren't known for sharing. Even the less desirable girlies were a no go. The ones that would most likely be sitting at Jerry and Chucky's table during lunch if they attended a more normal sized school, and would probably be desperate enough to give the two outsiders a tumble in the hay. But since pickings are slim, the less desirables are lucky enough to climb up the social ladder and are higher on the status meter than they would be under normal circumstances. Which means there is nothing left for the only two prankster, slackers in the school.
And then there is the issue of Jerry's weight. Sure, two hundred and fifty pounds wasn't small by any means. But at six feet tall he wasn't what his family or friend would consider fat. Of course that doesn't mean the rest of the town felt the same way. There wasn't a day that went by where Jerry didn't hear at least one derogatory comment concerning his weight. Even more unfortunate was the fact that his plus size wasn't shared with his man hood. Not that his cock was small by any means, even bigger than average, and really thick compared to most of the dicks Jerry seen in magazines and on porno flicks. But Chucky's was fairly close to the same girth and was a couple of inches longer than Jerry's, which didn't help his confidence level any.
Between the two of them though, not only did they refer to themselves as brothers, they looked the part as well. Both had dark hair and summer tanned skin. Chucky was only a couple of inches shorter with cute dimples at the corners of his mouth where Jerry had only one dimple that curled into a crooked grin. But Jerry was one up on Chucky with the brighter hue of blue in his eyes. More often than not, they both had a little scruff on their faces these days, country boys through and through.
Chucky wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead and sighed. "well come on then, I'll fill you in once we get to the shed. It's too hot to think and the heat makes the critters around here ornery."
"The shed" as the boys affectionately called it, is just what the name indicates. A poorly aged rickety old shack in the middle of nowhere. Most the boards that held it together were splintered and warped. The Bare reminiscence of red paint dotted the structure, sun-washed to an almost pink color and curling into flakes that could be easily scraped away. The boys had patched it up best they could with odd pieces of wood were it was needed the most in order to keep the "ornery" critters and such out. They've been talking about repainting it forever now. But the truth is, the run-down state of the place is part of the appeal. Old and forgotten, and then found by two kids and used as a clubhouse of sorts.
It also stood as the halfway point between the half-mile stretch of woods that separated their homes. Jerry had come across the shed one day when he was very young. His parents were fighting again and he just needed to escape, to get away. Jerry knew what his parents bickering and heartless remarks were inevitably leading to. Every-time they fought, it left him confused and angry. Jerry remembered like it was yesterday, he just couldn't take it anymore. He dashed out the back door of their old farmhouse, the screen-door banging shut as he recklessly ran out into the woods, his glassy blue eye's wet and red with tears.
Jerry ran as fast as his little legs could take him until he wound up in a part of the woods he had never been to before. Not that he knew these woods all that well back then anyway, hell he hardly had gone more than ten feet past the treeline at that age. It wasn't long before he was lost and alone and in a panic. That's when he first seen the shed. It looked creepy, hell all around scary at first. He stood, feeling his heart thumping in his chest and the burning in his lungs, biting his lip and staring at the old shack. a few minutes passed while Jerry tried to figure out what he should do next. Finally, he took a deep breath and gathered as much courage as he could muster and slowly approached the wicked looking structure.
He checked the door first, barely pushing on the cracked wood. It swung easily enough with a low creak that was almost silenced by the shrill call of an old crow perched in a tree somewhere that shook Jerry to the bone. After taking a moment to calm down, he inhaled a deep breath and peered through the slim opening. To say he wasn't ready for what was waiting inside is an understatement. There wasn't much that he could make out from where he was, so with another deep breath he slowly crept inside as quiet as a mouse. You know, just in case there was some backwoods, grotesque monster waiting for a chubby little morsel to come walking in or something.
He took a single step, and then two, his eye's darting around nervously, adjusting to the dark and dusty gloom. His gaze swept from one side of the room to the other until settling upon something he would have never guessed to find in a place like this. There, laying among a series of skin magazines with one hand in his pants and the other pressing a centerfold to his chest was a boy about Jerry's age. Jerry recognized The boy from school and walked in a few steps more. Chucky? Yeah, that's his name. He thought as he approached the snoring kid. There was a little bit of what Jerry hoped was drool at the corner of the kid's mouth. Of all the horrific and disturbing things that his mind had conjured up to frighten himself, the last thing he ever expected to see was this kid sprawled out and covered in pornography.
Jerry spotted a whole bunch of magazines in an old wood crate and pulled it over to a long, puke green, rear car seat that had some how found its way out here. He sat down causing a cloud of dust to rise and envelop him, burning his eyes and finding refuge in his throat and nose. He tried his best to muffle a loud cough, but then there wasn't much he could do about the bursting sneeze that followed. Chucky's eye's snapped wide open in surprise and looked right at Jerry, who had a hand over his mouth attempting to do his best impression of a statue. His eye's just as big, looking back directly at Chucky.
"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my clubhouse?" Chucky said, stretching as he sat up strait. That's when he recognized the fat kid from school. "Hey wait, I know you."
"My parents are fighting," Jerry whispered, staring down at the ground. "I fucking hate it when they fight. I just had to get away you know. Then I saw this place and thought I'd check it out. I didn't mean to bother you, didn't think anyone would be here you know."
"Oh," Chucky said, quickly catching the magazine as it slid off his chest. "I don't like when my parents fight either, but you'd think I'd be used to it as much as it happens. Anyway, You want to look at some pussy, It always makes me feel better?" He shrugged smiling at his classmate sympathetically.
"Sure," Jerry said in a low dreary voice as he flipped through half sticky, yellow pages. And ever since that day they've been inseparable. Brothers of circumstance, and the best of friends.
Once the two of them made it to the shed they both piled in. Jerry, always the last inside, latched it shut with an old chain lock they found on a rusted out trailer door laying next to some railroad tracks. The two of them flopped down on the futon they had pulled off the side of the road along with a warped plywood floor that they threw down and tossed a rug over. About once a year there's a town-wide yard sale. Three days of deals and second-hand junk for the masses to squabble over. After those three days though; most people just sit what they couldn't sale by the curb for the garbage man to pick up. Chucky's dad used to pack everyone up in his truck and go out grabbing whatever they wanted from the piles of leftovers. "Redneck shopping spree," he calls it.
"Home sweet home," Jerry chuckled as he began to relax and sink into the comfortable futon cushion, feeling the uncomfortable rails that ran underneath.
"Someday bro, we'll run some power out here and have a fridge, satellite TV, the works. You just wait and see," Chucky said as he reached into an old, faded orange-cooler and tossed Jerry a shiny can, took one for himself and slammed the lid shut with a frustrated bang. "Then we'll never drink hot fucking beer again." he grumbled.
"Yeah, and an air conditioner and we'll get the premium channels with the sports package and all the porn flicks we can handle," Jerry chuckled, adding to the dream.
"Right," Chucky agreed, laughing and popping the tab on top o
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