Spanking Franco

Spanking Franco


Spanking Franco
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peter d mikov: why is he still crying ? befor i put him in the... | more »
Denny: Ive only been spanked by one Black Woman that I... | more »
rich: absolutely fantastic art!... | more »
"I expect that the ironing will be finished when I get home from work each day! I have an important business meeting tonight and my skirt is still waiting to be pressed. Perhaps a little reminder with our favorite carpet beater will encourage you to be more focussed in the future? Once we are finished, you can spend the evening kneeling in the closet, polishing all of my shoes - and they had better be shining when I get home or you and I will be having a bottom beating appointment every night for the rest of this week. Do I make myself clear young man?"
Another nice illustration from Lumasoc and a reminder that I am actually still here! Some more good stuff in the pipeline so stay tuned. Have a nice weekend!
 "Yes I agree Shirley, our new inmate turned out to be a bit of a cry baby! Still, it's his own fault - he should have cooperated when you asked him to bend over for the cavity search. They never learn. You did a great job with that paddle girl - he was howling and blubbering after the third stroke. We will let him cool off in the cage for a couple of hours before taking him off to meet his new cell mates."
Otto was kind enough to send me some more of his artwork which I will share over the coming weeks. A couple of pieces, such as the one above, are on an institutional - rather than domestic - theme. It's nice to imagine that there are places to which misbehaved hubbies and partners can be sent for intensive therapy and further training.
I have also added a story which Underling wrote to accompany his "Late Home" picture and you can find that under the relevant post. Have a nice weekend!
Have just returned from a business trip in cold, snowy Denmark and it's time to begin catching up with a backlog of posts. I have quite a bit of new material waiting in my "Inbox" and will get busy putting some of it up in the coming days.
To start off, here is another great drawing from our good friend Franco - for those that prefer the more mature spanker. I am certainly not ageist and enjoy a matronly spanker from time to time. Keep the contributions flowing and I will try to get things moving again. 
I was delighted to learn
that Lady Governa is an enthusiastic reader of this Blog. She is a wonderfully
creative person with the style of a stern, vintage governess. She is also a
true expert in the kind of traditional, old-fashioned disciplinary methods about
which all of us love to read. I reproduce here a brief paragraph from her
fascinating website.
"The man is belittled
& kept in his place for his own good & her own pleasure...
He is a ward, a pupil, an
infant, a sissy, a doll, a pet, a toy, a plaything ... for a moment or a
lifetime, as she so wishes. He is a vulnerable yet potent creation of the woman
who controls and nurtures him, as is her prerogative. The adult male is enticed
and regressed by the adult female and forced into a helpless and vulnerable
state in her delicate hands. The man is physically, mentally, emotionally and
sexually dominated and manipulated by the woman. He is immobilised and
incapacitated, disciplined and humiliated by her. He is made to submit to her
will, her whim and her desire. The man is stripped of his adult male status and
he is laid bare by her natural seductive power and control.
The woman utilises her
womanly wiles and charms to emasculate and disempower the man. His freedom of
choice and movement is taken from him and he must do as the woman demands for
her pleasure or suffer her displeasure. He is kept as a plaything in restraint
and containment by his female owner. He loses control of the most basic of
functions of movement, feeding, toileting and sex. He is disciplined and
punished, mocked and chastised, teased and cooed over, dressed in frills and
fancies, displayed as a novelty, treated as a human toy for her entertainment.
He is ashamed yet aroused at this humiliation and cruelty that he cannot stop.
His inherent weakness is his sexual desire for seduction by the female and this
is used against him by the provocative and powerful woman. His erect cock is
the explicit manifestation of the desire that he cannot hide and she controls its
pleasure and pain, release and restraint, as she sees fit. He is a dependant
for his physical and sexual release and he must beg for her attention and her
mercy. The man is belittled in this most fundamental form of male submission
and female domination. Her feminine beauty is the natural weapon of the woman
and her high heels, black stockings, red lips & red nails adorn this.
He loves and hates it. He
craves and fights it."
"I hope we understand each other now, Mr. Phillips, although that really shouldn't have been necessary. The company procedure for male medicals is clearly laid out in your employee pack, and yet you chose to be a baby about it.
I'm going to be adding a note to your file about your difficult behaviour, which I'm sure will be dealt with thoroughly back at work. They have whole days set aside for that sort of thing. For now, if you give me any more trouble then you'll simply be paddled again, even harder - after which you'll be getting your internal exam, AND providing your sperm sample, out there in the waiting room in full view of everybody."
A wonderful New Year present from our good friend Underling. It's time for annual company medicals at Osiris - at least for the male employees! The accompanying text is also Underling's work. He sends his best wishes to all readers for the year ahead. He has also kindly sent me a short story to accompany his previous drawing and I will edit that post later to include it. I am sure you will all join me in hoping to see more of Underling's outstanding work in 2010.
"Now David, the ladies are ready to hear your apology. I suggest that you are as sincere as possible because it may have some bearing upon the degree of leniency that our chief warder considers appropriate to grant you. We usually enjoy plenty of groveling, begging and pleading. This will of course be followed by a great deal of howling, crying, blubbering and bawling!"
Some more wonderful Lady Carole artwork.
Dear friends and readers all over the world - this post is just to wish you all the compliments of the season and good health, happiness and peace in the year ahead. I would also like to thank everyone who has sent me contributions for the site, posted comments or dropped me the occasional email. Your encouragement and support has helped to keep the Blog going in what has been a very busy and demanding year in my profession! I look forward to keeping in touch with you all in 2010 - and, hopefully, to posting a little more often too.
"Don't be such a big baby - I have only just started! Your bottom is going to be a lot more painful by the time I finish with it my dear. And don't think you are getting your clothes back anytime soon either. You know the rules - bare bottom spanking and bare for the rest of the day! Now stop wriggling all over my lap and take your punishment like a man."
Was delighted to receive this nice CG art from a new contributor - OTTO. He also kindly sent me some more of his work and I will feature a selection of these later. 
"Well dear - when I said we were going to a speed dating event, I didn't quite give you the full picture. It's actually more what you might call speed spanking! Now remember ladies - just five minutes to get to know each naughty bottom and then change when you hear the bell! You can choose who you would like to take home at the end of the evening."
Some delicious artwork I found in my files drawn by Lady Carole. I think "speed spanking" might just catch on - what do you think ladies? 
"It's all very well crying and howling now dear. You should have thought of that when we told you to finish tidying the house! Carpet beaters are not only for getting dust out of rugs you know - they can be used for husbands who sit around all day on their lazy, fat bottoms! Keep going Maria - I don't think he is truly sorry yet. He always cries like a baby anyway. Another twenty strokes should do the trick!".
Another illustration kindly provided by Lumasoc. I understand that carpet or rug beaters are popular instruments of discipline in Italy!
Owww! Please Ma'am - I promise I'll be good!

peter d mikov: why is he still crying ? befor i put him in the... | more »
Denny: Ive only been spanked by one Black Woman that I... | more »
rich: absolutely fantastic art!... | more »
Well I am still getting requests for more of Franco's unique work and, to keep our senior citizens happy, I am delighted to oblidge! He is a great artisit and we all love his skill in depicting wriggly, squirming, bottom-up, leg-kicking overlap positions!
You and William are fortunate to have found each other. The fact that you love each other and can satisfy each others needs is a wonderful thing. - Bob

Posted by:
Bob |
May 04, 2006 at 06:55 PM

William is marched into the bedroom where he is undressed and led into the bath room for a good old fassioned scrub brush bath. He trys to protest and recieves some good hard smacks on his wet bare bottom. After his bath he is marched back into the bedroom where he is given his first over the knee bare bottom spanking via an old fassioned wooden round wide back hair brush. His bottom is turned deep crimson with some fine puffy welts. By this time he is a sobbing, sniffeling, wimpering, very sorry little boy with a stiff penis. I lead him by the ear for some serious corner time. With hands on head and at attention. His sobbing and crying continue. My next manuver is to collect him and proceed to administer another hard spanking via a wooden paddle I have named the "Hole E. Terror. He kicks and quirms and promises Me the world to stop. Fat chance right? When I Am satisfied he is by now the owner of a blistered bottom with purple and crimson mixed in. Another trip to the corner follows. His tears and sobbing are very real and his wimpering is ongoing. When I collect him this time, I lead him by his ear back into the bathroom where he is given a series of four bags full cleansing enema. I then seat him in the bath tub which causes him to cry and moan because of his super sore bottom. I then give him a cute school girls hair cut and a good shampooing. During the rinse process the water stings his bottom which causes him to cry more. Just as I planned it! I then march him into the bedroom where I again seat him in front of My vanity and prepare to convert, transform, and recreate My william into Katrina Santa Cruz My personal love and body servant. The process takes several hours and a few good spankings for good measure. I will have no protests or complaining. She is then assigned lines to write with no mistakes or errors. I then give her chores like hand washing My fine silk panties and shining My heals and boots. I then enjoy a good session of oral sex on My Source of Life, AKA My vagina, and some fantastic cumms. A good sound bed time blistering ends the evening and all that is needed is for Me to ride her rock hard penis till I have many earth shaking orgasms. This is our life and this is how we pleasure each other. William is My husband and I just adore him to pieces. I rule and he obeys. I command and he obeys. I order and he willingly follows. We are so very much in love. I also love to use the harness with the vibrating penis on her. I pump and hump her. She just creams all over herself. I hope others can enjoy a life of love and pleasure like ours. Happy spanking and bottoms are for blistering. Governess Rachel.

Posted by:
Governess Rachel |
May 04, 2006 at 08:51 AM is my great pleasure!! Thank you

Posted by:
Franco |
May 04, 2006 at 12:52 AM

Franco, I could be one of those "older Williams" for this kind of treatment. Thanks again for sharing your work with us. - Bob

Posted by:
Bob |
May 03, 2006 at 01:25 AM

I must say that your methods to deal with "William" would also benefit many "Williams" I see on the streets every day. Bravo!!

Posted by:
Franco |
May 02, 2006 at 11:35 PM

Just a note to You Mr. Franco, My katrina just loves your art work. She just gets all hard and erect when she sees them. I also think you have a very special talent. I totally dress the part when we do our role plays. I Am the older Lady, Ms. Parker who becomes Governess Parker at the request of williams parents who are at witts end and have all but given up. They turn to Ms. Parker for help. She is then given complete control of william who has no idea what is in store for him. Williams parents have never really used spanking to discipline him. They prefered to try to reason with him and to deny him privilages. Ms. Parker brings william in so he can hear first hand that his parents will be placing Her in complete control of his behavior modification. William protests and threatens, and attempts to leave. Ms. Parker quickly moves in and restrains william with an arm and neck lock. She then secures his hands behind him and then dismisses his parents. Williams training is about to begin.

Posted by:
Governess Rachel |
May 02, 2006 at 03:04 PM

Greetings....This is such a wonderful Blog, and I am so happy to share my work with everyone. Our Kind host wrote the following descriptions of my work, that I was quite taken with:
"depicting wriggly, squirming, bottom-up, leg-kicking overlap positions!"
I'm not making this post out of my ego, but that he noticed pretty much a consistant rut that I have in my work. The young men who are bared, and then jack-knifed UP AND OVER the peak of the mature matronly lap is me. One way to relive pleasurable and pleasurably embarrassing events is to visually depict yourself. Imagine what an impression is made in a boy who is spanked like this frequently, then can look back under and through the chair at a full length mirror on a wardrobe door and view, his lengthy, tingly, slappy ordeal. I learned "bottoms Up" at such a tender age.

Posted by:
Franco |
April 22, 2006 at 02:19 AM

Perfect pose, look how full those balls are!

Posted by:
Dougie |
April 21, 2006 at 05:21 AM

I can just see her commenting "Wow. You're growing up! Your testicals have dropped since the last time I spanked you. Such a big boy should know how to properly behave!" LOL:P
Please, can you email me more of Franco drawings and other spanking art ?

Posted by:
Fabrice |
February 25, 2005 at 09:17 PM

Thanks for continuing to bring us Franco's artwork. He's one of my favorites and I don't know where else to find his pictures. Keep up the good work!

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Owww! Please Ma'am - I promise I'll be good!

"Lee Warner's drawings are based on digitally altered, legal photo-composites
depicting fictional scenes. No children were harmed in the creation of these images."

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