Spanked Over Mom's Knee Videos

Spanked Over Mom's Knee Videos


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Subject: Spankings over my mom's knee
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Date Posted: 09:56:42 10/25/17 Wed

My mom believed in spankings, and I certainly got my share of them from her, right up until I turned 19. Note that I used the word spankings, because that is what mom did, she spanked She never whipped or beat anyone, she used the old fashion method of turning the offending child over her knee, and then applying either 10 or 20 spanks ( dependent upon the reason for the spanking) usually to the seat of the pants with her right hand. I can only remember my mother ever spanking my bare bottom twice, and she always spanked with her hand, never anything else.

Most spankings from mom were given in private, with a few exceptions when that was not possible. We always had a complete understanding of why we were being spanked, and I can say that mom's spankings were always fair and well deserved. Mom did have a relatively strong right hand, so when we were spanked the stinging sensation did last for a bit, but it was a spanking and we were supposed to feel it for awhile. We always got over being spanked, mostly because we knew what we had done to get the spanking and knew that we deserved it.

My mom was a very good mom, even though she did spank whenever necessary. Looking back all those years, I am thankful for the spankings my mom gave me. I think they made me a better person.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings over my mom's knee

Date Posted: 20:00:13 10/31/17 Tue

Dan, sounds like you had a great Mom. I envy you. As a kid I think I would have given anything for a spanking over a maternal knee from a mom who I knew loved me and who was spanking me because she loved me.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Spankings over my mom's knee

Date Posted: 11:29:37 08/02/18 Thu

Jer: A spanking over my mom's knee was a special event which helped me to learn many valuable life lessons. My mom didn't just spank, she took the time to explain why I was going to be spanked and told me what I would need to do to avoid more spankings. I managed to avoid some of them, but not all of them. I probably went over my mom's knee a total of 10 to 12 times.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings over my mom's knee

Date Posted: 14:34:54 11/01/17 Wed

The spankings I’d get from my mom (over the knee) were almost always bare. They were usually with her hand, but maybe 1/4 of the time I’d get the hairbrush (for more serious offenses). By contrast, my dad only used the hairbrush maybe 10% of the time, but his normal hand spankings were very effective!

If Mom gave me a spanking during the day, she would tell Dad when he got home, which usually meant another one from him. Real teamwork! Mom only spanked me until about age 13, after that it was just Dad and his belt.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings over my mom's knee

Date Posted: 15:08:05 11/01/17 Wed

Pretty much all of mine were that way. Always in private. When I was young, it was pretty quick. As I got older, it started to become more of a ritual.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Spankings over my mom's knee

Date Posted: 19:06:37 11/02/17 Thu

As with Gary, my mom always spanked my bare bottom. Also they were mostly by her hand until I was 7 or so and after that mostly she used a heavy ruler. On the other hand I never stopped going over her knee, though when I was older we were usually on the couch or a bed which supported much of my body.

When out some place she'd warn me by saying, "Jonny, do I need to take your pants down?" And she didn't hesitate to do so. We might go some place a little private like a restroom, but not always. There was a bench right in front of our A&P where I received a few bare bottom spankings as did other kids. I was also spanked on park benches in the park or at rest stops while traveling.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Spankings over my mom's knee

Alan to Cassandra
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Date Posted: 12:28:18 11/27/17 Mon

Tell us about the ritual.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Spankings over my mom's knee

Date Posted: 11:50:42 12/03/17 Sun

Nothing too interesting.

It just went from being quick to more drawn out.

Basically, it started when my mom told me to go to my room and wait for her. While in there, I had to take off my pants and had to be standing when she entered.

Once she did, she offered to let me explain my side of the story if there was one. Then she'd get me in position. Mostly over her lap, but possibly lying flat with a pillow under my waist. She'd then spank me, and afterward, let me up.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings over my mom's knee

Gary Steven
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Date Posted: 11:22:00 11/02/17 Thu

My mother always spanked bare bottom. I got most of the spankings from her over her knee with pants and underwear down around my knees. She pretty much just used her hand until I turned 7 then she started introducing implements such as a hairbrush, flyswatter or paddle. The last time I was over her knee was when I was eight. After that, I usually had to bend over a chair or the arm of the couch. She also stopped using her hand completely for my spankings at the same time she stopped turning me over her knee. As far as public or private, all spankings were pretty much done on the spot, so if we were in public she would spank my bare bottom "in front of God and everybody" as she would put it.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings over my mom's knee

Date Posted: 21:52:48 11/02/17 Thu

Both of my parents spanked over the knee pretty much exclusively, with mom having the primary responsibility when I was a younger kid. As I got older, dad slowly took over the responsibilities. The last one I got from mom occurred when I was fourteen, the summer between my eight and ninth grade years.

Both parents spanked bare, and there was no exception just because it was mom doing it. Mom could make me cry as easily as my dad right up until the last one I got from her, so I suspect the reason she stopped at that point was because she had become uncomfortable with it by then and thought it should be more of a father-son thing if it was needed after that point.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings over my mom's knee

Date Posted: 12:30:43 11/25/17 Sat

Our parents must have had the same spanking manuals! Both of mine spanked over knees on the bare bottom as well. I got my last from mom during my freshman year, though she never announced that it would be her last. My dad spanked me for the last time a month before graduation.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings over my mom's knee

Date Posted: 15:29:25 11/26/17 Sun

Dan, I only recall my other spanking me over her knee once. And that was when I was a toddler. It has to be one of mu earliest memories. What makes it memorable is that it was the only time I asked her to spank me over her knee instead of standing bent over, with a switch as she'd always done before.

I remember that, after that I'd rather her take me over her knee and hand spank me. I couldn't have been more than 4, or maybe 5. She never spanked me over her knee again. But then I never asked her to either.

I remember when I was a toddler and up until the age of 6 or 7, she'd try to hold me after one of those stand up switchings and comfort me. I'd never let her. So long as I was little enough that I knew there was no danger of hurting her I shake and pull away as violently as I could without risking doing anyone and harm.

The one exception was the one time I was over her knee. She held me in her lap as long as I needed it then and I melted into her as I cried myself out.

Ever wonder if there may be some chemical in the body that is stimulated at times of intense bonding with a mother and her small child? Maybe the kind of emotional and psychological release, as well as learning experiences, provided by a good spanking is something a small child needs to learn from his or her mother? That's the person a small is likely to trust more than anyone else in the world. Dad coming in a close second but balancing and then moving he balance – for boys especially – to their fathers.

Is that the general patters, with plenty of overlapping lines in there?

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