Spanked In The Office

Spanked In The Office


Spanked In The Office


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Yesterday afternoon I was preparing to leave the office at the end of the working day when all of a sudden my female boss Kate said hang on Young Man not so fast you and I need to have a little chat and I replied what about and she replied just step into my office and you will find out Young Man and I so I immediately did as I was told and stepped into her office and she said ok Young Man close the door so I did and she said ok Young Man Katrina and Rita told me that you have been harrassing them and they don't like it Young Man and she said I'm afraid that means that I'm going to have to let you go from working here and myself and Katrina and Rita will be making official complaints about you to the police Young Man and I asked her is there any way that I can avoid being let go or avoid them going to the police about me and Kate said yes actually there is Young Man and I replied what's that and she replied that you agree to allow myself or Katrina or Rita to take turns to spank your bare bottom over our knees Young Man and I replied Yes ok Ma'am I agree to that and she said ok Young Man come over here and stand in front of me and as soon as I did she immediately put her fingers inside the waistband of my pants and underpants and pulled them down and ordered me to get over her knee and so I immediately did as I was told and placed myself over her knee and she immediately began to spank my bare bottom over and over again alternating between my buttocks and my thighs and halfway through the Spanking Katrina and Rita both walked into Kate's office and they both said we can see that he agreed to have his bare bottom soundly Spanked and Kate asked which one of you lovely ladies would like to be next to have his bare bottom over your knee and Rita replied I would love to have his bare bottom over my knee Kate and hearing this while I was still over Kate's knee I couldn't believe it and Rita said don't worry Young Man you are certainly going to learn a lesson here today one that you certainly won't forget anytime soon and with that Kate said ok Young Man stand up by no means touch or rub your bare bottom and with that Kate immediately swapped places with Rita who immediately tapped her knee and said ok Young Man get over my knee right now and so I immediately did as I was told and placed myself over Rita's knee and she immediately began to spank my bare bottom this time with the palm of her hand until I was kicking my legs and begging her to stop Spanking my bare bottom but she just ignored me and continued to spank my bare bottom over and over again and after about 45 minutes she then said ok Young Man stand up but don't touch or rub your bare bottom and so I stood up and immediately Rita said ok Katrina your turn to have his bare bottom over your knee and so Katrina sat down on the straight back wooden chair in the office and tapped her knee and said ok Young Man get over my knee right now we have no time to waste and so I immediately placed myself over her knee and she said ok Rita or Kate can one of you please pass me my ebony hairbrush or the paddle I'm going to make sure that his bare bottom earns a solid lesson over my knee and so Kate passed the ebony hairbrush to her and she immediately bought the ebony hairbrush down on my bare bottom over and over again alternating between my buttocks and my thighs over and over again until I was crying and begging her to stop but she just ignored me and continued to spank my bare bottom and Kate said to her you are doing a great job Katrina and Katrina said thanks Kate it's great to be able to punish a naughty boys bare bottom over our knees to teach him a lesson not to harrass us ladies ever again and Kate said ok Katrina that's enough Spanking and told Katrina to let me up and Katrina said ok Young Man get up off my lap now and Kate said the Spanking part of your punishment and your humiliation might be over Young Man but now it's time for the next part of your punishment and your humiliation and she said ok Young Man Lay down on your back on the desk right now and while I was getting into position to lay down on my back on the desk I Saw Rita and Katrina doing squatting practice and Kate said yes that's right Young Man the next part of your punishment and humiliation is to have Katrina and Rita take turns to sit on your face with their panties on to tease you and then I'm going to finish by sitting on your face with my panties off and she said well we might as well get started she said ok Rita your first take a seat on his face with your panties on and Katrina get ready your next straight after Rita and both ladies asked what about you Kate and she replied I will be sitting on his face Last with my panties off as pure humiliation to wrap up his punishment here today and with that Rita lowered her ass on to my face I could barely breathe and Rita said that's part of your punishment young man she sat on my face for up to 1 hour before she finally swapped places with Katrina and Katrina said ok Young Man have a few breaths before I Lower my bottom onto your face because she said once I do I will make sure that you can't breathe young man and she most certainly did for the next hour and with about five minutes left of her sitting on my face she said ok Kate you might as well take your panties off and prepare to sit on his face and Kate said ok thanks Katrina I will do that right now and without any further hesitation she took off her pants and underpants and said ok Katrina let's swap places and with that Katrina lifted herself off my face and swapped places with Kate I only got about 30 seconds of air before Kate lowered her bottom onto my face and said ok Young Man start licking my p**** right now I want it done for the next hour I couldn't believe it she actually wanted her p**** licked and she said ok Young Man just remember that if you don't do what I say you can be dismissed from working here and we will make official police complaints about your behaviour it's totally up to you Young Man so I immediately started to lick her p**** and did so for the next 2 hours and after 2 hours she said ok Young Man that completes your punishment and your humiliation for today and she said don't worry Young Man you still have a job here and we won't be making any police complaints your slate is clear Young Man and she said however Young Man you are on your last chance working here and she said ok Young Man tomorrow afternoon myself and my husband would like to kidnap you and keep you tied to a chair at an abandoned building somewhere to make ransom money demands to your family and friends and I replied no problem Kate and she said great I will let my husband know and we will organise everything between us tonight when I go home to be with my husband and I will discuss the details with you in the morning before we kidnap you straight away after work ok and I replied Yes Ma'am and she said good see you tomorrow morning and I replied bye Ma'am and left work and headed home curious about being kidnapped and held for ransom by Kate and her husband and I said absolutely nothing to my mother Narelle or to my wife Amy but I was very curious indeed the next morning I arrived at work at 7:15am and Kate said ok Young Man this afternoon myself and my husband will drag you to the car after we use chloroform to render you unconscious and she said then we will tie up your hands and feet with rope and I asked her will I need to be gagged and she replied absolutely with some Grey duct tape over your mouth to keep you nice and quiet while we abduct you because we can't have you screaming for help now can we and I replied that's right we can't and she said we have you kidnapped for up to 6 months until your family agree to pay the ransom money and I replied sounds good to me Ma'am and she replied that's good Young Man because I'm in charge not you and I replied Yes Ma'am you are

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Has anyone ever been spanked at the doctor’s office as a kid?
Has your boss ever spanked you at work? If so, what did you do?
As an adult, have you been spanked by someone other than your husband?
Has anyone ever been spanked by their in-laws? If you have, why and how?
What did you do to get the worst spanking that you've ever gotten?
When I was 15 I got spanked on my bare bottom at the doctor’s office.
Has your boss ever spanked you at work? If so, what did you do?
As an adult, have you been spanked by someone other than your husband?
Has anyone ever been spanked by their in-laws? If you have, why and how?
What did you do to get the worst spanking that you've ever gotten?
Have you ever been spanked by your doctor?
Does anyone care to share some spanking fantasies?
What was the worst thing that happened while you got spanked?
Has anyone ever been spanked at work?
What rules are you breaking that you get spanked so often?
What is the most unusual spanking experience you have had?
Has anyone ever been spanked by priests? How, why, and what year?
What was the most painful bare‐bottom spanking you received as a child?
Is there a safe way to ask a stranger for a spanking as punishment (let’s use an old lady as an example)?
Has your boss ever spanked you at work? If so, what did you do?
As an adult, have you been spanked by someone other than your husband?
Has anyone ever been spanked by their in-laws? If you have, why and how?
What did you do to get the worst spanking that you've ever gotten?
Have you ever been spanked by your doctor?
Does anyone care to share some spanking fantasies?
What was the worst thing that happened while you got spanked?
Has anyone ever been spanked at work?
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My younger brother and I were several times. Kind of ironic since I’m a nurse now, but we hated the doctor. But since our Dad was a doctor- a gastroenterologist at the local hospital, he made sure all of us kids got checkups every year.
We hated being handled in general- our blood pressure taken, weighed and height measured, that thermometer jammed into our mouths.
We hated those crinkly paper gowns and the tissue paper on the exam table
We hated the ice-cold stethoscope, I swore they kept that thing in the freezer
We hated having the doctor see our genitals. At least we had a woman doctor, good f
My younger brother and I were several times. Kind of ironic since I’m a nurse now, but we hated the doctor. But since our Dad was a doctor- a gastroenterologist at the local hospital, he made sure all of us kids got checkups every year.
We hated being handled in general- our blood pressure taken, weighed and height measured, that thermometer jammed into our mouths.
We hated those crinkly paper gowns and the tissue paper on the exam table
We hated the ice-cold stethoscope, I swore they kept that thing in the freezer
We hated having the doctor see our genitals. At least we had a woman doctor, good from Kris and my perspective, bad from Alex’s perspective. They finally switched him to a male doctor when he was 13 or 14, several years after he started asking. And let’s not talk about when Kris and I got old enough to need to be spread open and Q-tips stuck to scrape our insides.
And yes, we hated needles. Every year our Dad made sure we got a flu shot and our blood levels drawn, so we were guaranteed to needle pokes every single checkup. Sometimes more if we needed some other shots. At the same time myself in particular was fascinated about learning about myself what all those number for “Potassium” or “LDL” or “Hematocrit met, how blood pressure worked, what they were looking for in urine..
My older sister Kris was by far the bravest one in the family, she called herself “Kris Courageous” and if she was afraid of shots, she certainly wasn’t going to let us know about it. And if she didn’t like them she didn’t let us know either, lest that be interpreted that as fear. So she always cooperated with the doctor and went so far as to keep her band-aids on until they fell off, as a show of her courage. The other two of us, me the chicken of the family and Alex the schemer, needed occasional spankings to keep us cooperative, the fear of a spanking being much worse than the fear of a shot. Sometimes we were spanked at home after a visit, sometimes actually at the doctor’s office.
They had what our parents called the “spanking room”, it was down a long hall off from the radiology department in the basement next to the boiler room. It had a toilet, sink, and mop sink in it; I think it was actually meant for the custodian, but there was no “employees only sign” on it. At the doctor’s office “do we need to go to the bathroom” was code for “do you need a spanking?”. If one of us needed spanking, the other two kids would be stationed at the end of the hall to talk and make sure no one went down the hall. Beyond the couple of “being spanked for fussing about a shot or blood draw after being warned to stop” incidents, a few stand out:
At age 7 Alex had an absolutely raging case of strep throat. We take him to the doctor and he keeps refusing to open his mouth up to have his throat swabbed. Mom tells him “If you don’t open up now, we’re going to the ‘bathroom’”. Alex tentatively opens his mouth, but as soon as the swab lightly touches the back of his throat, he yells and bites down and bites the swab in too. Mom says “excuse us, we need to go to the ‘bathroom’, we’ll be back in 20 minutes”, and takes Alex downstairs and spanks him until his red, sore throat is a pale comparison to how red and sore his bottom is . Then he’s brought right back upstairs to have his throat swab completed.
Another incident involving strep throat was me, when I was 8. I had gone to the doctor for strep throat and got a liquid antibiotic. Supposedly it was supposed to taste good to kids but, I hated it. There was flavoring in it, but it had a very medicine like bitterness to it underneath. The first dose I chocked down and then had a fit of coughing, but when it was time for the second dose, I refused to open my mouth. Mom told me I had five seconds to open my mouth, or I was going to be spanked, and started counting. At 4–1/2 I opened, and Mom poured it in.
So now I had this vile liquid in my mouth. I couldn’t bring myself to swallow it, but I knew things would go very bad if I spit it out. So I simultaneously pucker my mouth and clench my teeth to keep from spitting, but then the other part of me spit it out. The result is the pink spray goes everywhere - the sink, the kitchen walls, the stove. I think some even got on the ceiling. But most of it hits Mom’s face. Mom grabs my spanking stick from the pantry and leads me to my room, pulls down my shorts and bends me over the bed, and gives me an absolutely terrible spanking that I didn’t forget.
The next morning Mom takes me back to the doctor’s office. I’m so sick I just throw on shorts and a T-shirt instead of my usual dress, nice shoes, and hat or hair ribbon I wear any time I go out. I expected the doctor to give me something that tastes better, but instead the nurse brings out a Rocephin shot. I start crying when I see how long and huge the needle that’s about to be used on me is, but the fresh memory of how much yesterday’s spanking hurt keeps my compliant, and to add insult to injury I have to pull down my shorts down and my panties down part way so they can stab it deep into the muscles of my hip. And man, immunization shots really hurt, but this was at a whole different level. At least I started to feel better rapidly.
The next time I’m sick, Mom asks me if I’m going to take my medicine of if I need another shot. I yell “I’ll take it I’ll take it! I don’t need another shot! I’ll take my medicine!!! Don’t give me a shot!” At least this time I got it in pill form.
A couple of times shortly after school was out, Mom would announce “I made appointments for your checkups the third week of August. So we’d have the whole summer dreading our upcoming appointments. I asked Mom to please make our appointments earlier in the summer and not tell us in advance, which she did. And she actually went to the other extreme. One morning she wakes us up and says “Kids, shower real good, put on sleeveless shirt or dress, drink plenty of water, and don’t eat anything, we’re going to the grocery store”.
Alex and I knew exactly what was happening. The sleeveless shirts were to make it easy for the doctor to give us our shots and draw our blood, drinking plenty of water was to make our blood draws go faster and easier and so we could perform for our urine tests, eating anything would mess up some of our blood test values, and the showering really well part should be obvious.
Kris wasn’t dumb by any means, but she lacked a lot of common sense, and was surprised by how upset Alex and I were on this trip to the “grocery store” and then was absolutely shocked when we pulled up to the clinic instead. After our checkups we did go out to eat and then go to the grocery store, so I guess technically Mom wasn’t lying. She didn’t pull the charade again because Alex and I saw though it and Kris didn’t care, or at least pretended not to.
Our parents always had us drink plenty of water at our checkups, point being to make sure we were nice and hydrated so we could perform when it was time for our urinalysis, and to make our blood draws go faster and easier. One day our exams are done, we’ve changed back into our street clothes, and the nurse brings our flu shot needles in. Kris always wanted to go first to show her bravery while me and Alex looked on in horror. Then Mom asks who is next. Alex and I both start shaking our heads vigorously so Mom comes ov
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