Ropejock Stories

Ropejock Stories


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I just learned yesterday that Jack, aka Ropejock, passed away earlier this week. Who was he, and why does it matter? Jack was the proprietor of a website called Jack’s Male Tickling Rack. In the years that it was active—I want to say from 1995 to 2001, someone please correct me if that’s wrong—hundreds of men of all sexual persuasions visited that site every day. Its purpose, in Jack’s own words, was “to present a curated archive of stories and articles, by a variety of talented authors, relating to the more intense aspects of M/M bondage and tickle torture.” The archives on Jack’s Rack held the largest known collection of male tickling erotica, much of it painstakingly digitized from barely legible photocopies. Stories were arranged by category, and there were many of them: Tickle Wagers, Forced Workouts, Tickle Interrogations, Revenge Tickling, Tickle Games, Tickle Adventures, Tickle Initiations, Brotherly Tickling, Punishment Tickling, Endurance Tickling, True Tickling Tales, Surprise Tickling, Military Tickling, Cop Tickling, Ticklish Celebrities, Heroes and Villains, Clinical Tickling, Tickle Torture, and Cum Control . Later on he added the sections Tickling Drawings, Tools of the Trade , and Interactive Stories , but his main interest was in authors and their work. Again quoting from his introduction to the site: “I was frustrated by the absence of a really good, free, stable M/M Tickling story archive which contained the types of stories that I like to read. Being somewhat of an author myself, I was also appalled at the lack of care and credit given to some of the great stories that have been posted on the Net for years. I had the idea of starting a story collection, giving proper credit to the authors, making it easy to contact them, and presenting their stories in complete versions, exactly as written.” There has not been a more complete male tickling library than the one Jack assembled, and if the site had stopped there, it would have been assured its place in a unique corner of history. But it didn’t stop there, because Jack’s Rack also had a forum, called the Message Rack. The importance of that forum doesn’t need to be explained to anyone who ever visited it. There, men posted questions, personal accounts, complaints, and every other form of comment under the sun. They shared their agonies, fantasies, regrets, and erotic longings. Often, dozens of participants engaged in a particular discussion. These men were able to learn a lot by communicating with each other; but the primary, most precious thing they learned was that they were not alone. I was fortunate enough to make some good friends through the Message Rack, guys I still correspond with in the U.S., Canada, and—I wouldn’t forget you, Wendell!—Bermuda. Through them, Jack’s Rack had a real impact on my life, and I am only one of hundreds, probably thousands, of men who could say the same. I’m sorry that I never got to meet Jack, who lived in New York. I always found his persona just a tad intimidating. He was a “man’s man” who listed his hobbies as “Bondage, Interrogations, Music, Movies, Cards, and Drinking Beer.” His favorite sports? “Wrassling, Bondage, Interrogations, and Drinking Beer.” Nor did he call himself “Ropejock” for nothing; he was a bondage master, and even posted his instructions (in the Tools of the Trade section) on how to build a good set of stocks. Yet, though he was a “tough guy,” he was also intelligent, honorable, and had a great sense of humor. He taught himself HTML from scratch so he could create his site the way he wanted it, giving it a classic, playful, masculine look. He wrote fifteen of the stories that were archived there. And he did everything necessary to moderate a message board that, as Internet use exploded, made excruciating demands on his time and resources. In the end, it was too much. Jack had to close down the site when his battle with brain cancer wouldn’t permit him to continue. Through two surgeries, chemo, and radiation therapy, he hoped to get well, to get the site up and thriving again. But it wasn’t to be. So adios, Ropejock. I can do no better than to quote from a memorial piece written by someone who was fortunate enough to know you: "Not many people are able to make a difference in the world, even in a small way. I hope you know that you were one who did." ( Note: Most of Jack's Rack has been archived, and can be found at the following URL: I have been told that, over time, some of the links have failed to function. But even the slightly curious would, I feel, get something out of paying the site a visit.)
I am just another another guy who enjoyed Jack's site. I never had any of the experiences, but it was fun to read those of others. A shame it is no longer available.
I first encountered the site in 2000 as a 17/18 year old. It was among my first steps of looking into Human sexuality and a good step in my road of discovering more about myself. It was cool reading the stories, imaging I was the guy tied up and tickled, edged, and stuff. I know I had a lot of my teenage and young adult jack off sessions while reading those stories, often more than once a day. After a while, It was gone and I couldn't find it. I found some archive a while back, but then lost that too. And now I read this. ...and it makes me kinda sad, even a little depressed. It brings to mind that part of my youth. It also sucks (for my part) in that I never get to do this stuff that I would so love to and never have. ...but on the other hand, it is cool to know I wasn't the only one this man's efforts touched. It reminds me of my past and great memories, some of which I can still relive now that I found this archive, though I still could use a friend. Maybe someday. :) In any case, I hope he rests in peace, he will be missed. Thanks man.
OMG thanks so much for posting this info. I loved that site and have photos saved from it. I think I downloaded the foot pix in 1998 but lost the link to the site due to various computer crashes over the years. Sorry to hear he passed away. Thanks for posting about him. I just found this page by doing a search in google for jack's tickle rack. I had forgot that his nic was Ropejock. There was a photos set I had from his page that I wanted to sent to a friend in New Orleans. We were just discussing that site today, I'll share this link with him. He'll appreciate it as well:-) I added you to my LJ. Cheers:-)
so sad to hear about jack passing away. Although i dont know him personally, i always knew he would be a nice person. I just came to know about him through this site. Couldnt access the site so entered "ropejock" in the search engine. Thats how i reached here. I had been visiting the site since 1999. it was one of the first sites that i came across when i started using the net back then. I always knew this was a great site and well maintained by "someone", but hearing from u about everything jack did, confirms that. It is very nostalgic remembering the first sites that u visit on the net. especially when ur totally uninitiated in sex. how quickly time passes! it seems just like yesterday, although it is like 8 years. i remember all those late nights sitting in front of the computer, reading all the nice stories on jacks rack. Thank you Jack for bringing such joy to my life and many others. I know u will be reading this in some world.
Wow. I had no idea. I knew Jack well and he taught me a lot, about bondage, about life, about myself. He and I both had a habit of "falling off the earth" on occasion and while I've made some effort to get in touch with him over the last few years, I never had any luck. Now I know why. I referred to him as my Big Bad Bondage Master (or just "BBBM" in print), a private joke between us, but he was also my friend and mentor. In addition to playing at his apartment, visiting the LURE, or going to the New York Bondage club, we ate out, saw movies, attended Broadway shows -- the big, scary, very manly man could tell you anything about any show that ever ran on the Great White Way -- and just cuddled on his couch in front of the TV. I once gave him a Zippo lighter with "B.B.B.M." engraved on it. I was touched when, years after we'd stopped having regular contact when I visited him on a trip to New York, I saw he still used the lighter. I still have a T-shirt he gave me many years ago from his place of work. I was noticing the other day that it is very worn, almost see-through due to its age and wear, and considered throwing it out. I'm glad I didn't. He was the first man I was ever with. Ever. And I was very lucky that he was.
I used to visit his site practically every day. I started when I was a curious little 12 year old. I must say that it was Jack, more perhaps than anyone alse, who has shaped my sexuality into what it is now, and for that there will never be enough words of thanks. Then came the time that I couldn't visit his site for a long time. When I finally did, I found out all that about his death and I almost - honestly - broke into tears. I'm really, really sorry and sad about what happened. There aren't that many people who'd devote their time, money and health for the benefit of such a society as ours. So a great many thanks to him and to you all who helped this site exist. Especially to waynwrite for posting his message here. P.S. Do you know how long will the archives be accessible through the net? P.P.S. Does ANYONE have the guts and balls to continue with Ropejock's work? It would be sad if all of it just gradually dissolved into nothing, wouldn't it? So sad...

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Just some short, fun fluff featuring my boy Eridan. An idea I've been toying with for a while.
Cas has needed to use the bathroom for a long time now, but when he finally has the opportunity, he chooses not to - but only since Dean is kissing, groping, and grinding on him - something he wouldn't dare interrupt. Cas figures he can hold it for a few more minutes until after they have sex, but what he didn't plan was for Dean to start tickling him.
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