Snake Sex Stories

Snake Sex Stories


Snake in the Grass
(F/snakes, mast)
By Hullo Nurse

Hi! My name is Samantha. I know you may think I'm strange, but I've always been fascinated by snakes. Most women are afraid of them, but I think they're incredible creatures. I love to watch them curl up in a ball under the heat lamp in the aquarium. I'm awed every time I watch them eat, but I do have a difficult time dropping the mice in there to them.

I have 2 snakes, they're named Hiss and Fang. They are about 3.5' long and a good 1.5-2" wide, gray with diamond shaped dark patches, and as gentle as can be.

I've raised them since they were old enough for me to handled. They trust me and I trust them. They've never bitten me, not even tried, well except for when they were little and nipping everything. But they have never pierced my skin and haven't tried to bite since they have gotten older. My fascination started when I was just a wee tike.

So, how exactly did I get into sex with snakes, you ask? Well, a lot of the time when I'm at home alone I have one of the snakes draped around my neck or curled up on my lap. I love my guys and they like to spend time out of their aquariums with me. Sometimes I will put a bit of a treat on my hand or shoulder. They can always tell the difference between the treat and my skin.

Well, one day I was surfing the net and was getting very horny. I was looking at some pictures at this one site and boy, did it get my juices flowing. I kept rummaging through this site and the next thing you know there are bestiality pictures on my screen. You know those pop-up ads that are always showing up when you are surfing a porn site. I remember thinking, "How in the world can anyone have sex with an animal?" But, as I stared at the pictures on the screen my curiosity was peaked.

I clicked onto the link and saw for the first time a woman being fucked by a dog. My pussy became wetter and wetter. I couldn't believe this turned me on. They had an "eel" category, so I clicked on it. Oh my god, right there on the screen of my computer was a girl with her legs spread wide open and the tail end of an eel slithering out of her pussy! I really got horny then. I couldn't believe it! I looked at picture after picture and the crotch of my panties was soaked.

Now, you all know how snakes have an incredible sense of smell. Well, needless to say Hiss started his way down to investigate the source of this overpowering smell that was coming from my nether regions. I didn't think anything of it at first. The snakes are always moving around when they get tired of one spot. Hiss's head was right at my crotch. His tongue kept darting in and out of his mouth. He was enjoying the scent of my sopping wet pussy.

I don't know what came over me, but the next thing I knew I had dropped my shorts and panties onto the floor and spread my legs wide open. I moved over to the bed and pulled my knees up to my chest. Hiss's head went between my legs and was bumping against my labia. God, it felt good! It was so wicked, so taboo that it turned me on like I had never been before.

After realizing that there was nothing for him down there Hiss started to make his way back up to my shoulder. I stopped him in his tracks and put him back down between my legs.

I took hold of his tail end and snaked it between my outer lips. I used it to rub my clit and I was getting all worked up. Hiss didn't seem to mind this handling of him so I kept it up. I clicked on a movie and watched on my computer screen as this girl put a snake into her pussy, literally into it! I just had to try it myself!

I took Hiss's tail end and started to work it into my sopping wet hole. It really felt good. His skin is a little rough and added a sensation that I have never had before. He had just shed his skin a couple of days ago, so this was new skin. I wouldn't want to do this when he was sloughing his old skin off, no way! But right now the scales added bumps and grooves that I could feel as I pushed more and more of his body into my pussy.

Snakes are very flexible and as I pushed more in it was like he curved on himself inside my tight hole. I was feeling very full, but wanted more and more. I got about 1.5' inside me before I just couldn't take anymore. Then I started playing with my clit. I figured Hiss could exit my vagina at his own pace and that it would seriously get me off. You know, the not having control over it and not being able to tell him what to do.

Mmmmmm, I was already creaming so much, my pussy was slowly milking Hiss, as I used my kegal muscles to increase the sensations. Hiss started to slither away and as he started to slowly exit my body it felt like nothing I had ever experienced before.

It is hard to describe, not like a dildo, because dildos aren't this long; neither is a real dick. It was kind of like an extra long set of beads (like anal beads), I guess. It felt like he would never get all of his body out of my pussy. He met no resistance and to add to my pleasure he went straight up, right over my clit! It was so intense. I was already on the verge of a mind-blowing climax before Hiss started to move, but now that I had this constant moving out of my pussy and clitoral stimulation too...

The orgasm that I had was the most intense one I have ever had in my life, even to this day. It started when Hiss brought his head back towards my pussy lips and kept sniffing the air with his tongue.

Every few times his tongue would actually make contact with my clit. I had my knees pulled all the way to my chest so my pussy was spread as wide as I could get it. My clit was hard as it could be and defiantly out from under its hood. When I felt Hiss's forked tongue touch my clit for the first time he set off my orgasm.

My legs pulled themselves back even further on their own in order to open my pussy up more so I let go of them and started to pinch and roll my nipples. I pinched them so hard that I had a tear form in the corner of my eye, but it felt SO good I couldn't stop.

My orgasm continued the entire time Hiss extracted himself from inside me and I think I even squirted for the first time ever. My pussy was spasming over and over again and my clit was throbbing and I felt this extreme urge to piss, but I knew I couldn't piss and climax at the same time.

And then there was this shot of fluid from my pussy as Hiss came all the way out. All I could do was let my legs flop down on the bed and try to control my breathing as my pussy and clit continued to spasm over and over again.

Since then I do it with my friends at least once a week. They seem to like it and now that I'm more experienced with snakes I've found a great lubricant called Benson & Sons Snake Oil that I coat my snake with firs and it really makes the whole thing great!

Yes, I know, it all sounds pretty perverted, but hey, it feels SO good I can't help myself.


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Violated by a serpent unlike any she'd ever seen, or is it?
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I'd walked a long way from my village, climbing the mountain trail into the next valley looking for the herbs and roots I needed for my spells and cures. When I saw the narrow waterfall spilling down the cliff into the sun-warmed pool below I couldn't resist; I was hot and dirty from the climb, and the water was too enticing to pass by. I stopped and listened, but heard nothing but the reassuring sound of the falling water and the far-away calls of the forest animals; I was alone.
Stripping off my clothing I left it piled at the pool's edge along with my knife and gathering bag, walking slowing into the clear blue water. It was deliciously warm against my skin, refreshing and clean. I spent more time that I'd intended swimming, washing, and just floating on my back with the sun shining down on my face. Finally I pulled myself out of the water onto a warm, moss-covered rock that slanted up out of the water at the deeper end of the pool, the muted roar of the waterfall raining down lulling me to sleep as I lay back, the air and sun drying my skin.
Something roused me sometime later; an odd gurgle in the water, the silence of the many sweetly calling birds that had accompanied my frolics in the pool with their songs. As I struggled up from sleep I felt it; the cool wet sliding of scales against my leg. My eyes flew open, wide and horrified as I saw the largest snake I'd ever see slithering out of the water onto the mossy rock where I'd been sleeping. Its head was easily the size of a large man's, teeth like daggers and flat black eyes that -- did I only imagine it? -- seemed to be filled with a terrible knowledge and cruel delight. Quicker than a thought it struck as I screamed - unable to help myself so overcome with terror I was -- its teeth biting into my shoulder as it flexed its muscular body and began winding me in its thick coils. The snake was both long and heavy, the coils tightening around me until I could barely breath, pinning my arms to my sides as it wrapped around my torso. I kicked and screamed until my lungs burned and my limbs grew weak, but the snakes smooth cool scales continued to slide over my skin, enmeshing me further in their embrace.
Finally the serpent seemed satisfied that I was helpless, retracting its teeth from my aching shoulder as its head reared back, black tongue flickering over my face as I cried out again and turned my head away. Another powerful contraction of the snakes body rippled around me as it shifted, wrapping my torso from just below my breasts to my hips. I was on my back, completely ensnared, looking up at the snake's flat black eyes -- just waiting for it to start to devour me. But, it seemed, the strangely intelligent seeming creature had other plans for me.
The serpent's mouth gapped open as it hissed threateningly, then dipping its head and letting its forked black tongue trace over my heaving breasts. I shuddered, revolted, but it seemed to excite the snake as its tongue flickered over my nipple, wrapping around the fear-hardened bud. I gasped at the shock of sensation, then screamed -- and screamed again as I felt the coils shift around me, the lower half of the snake's long body sliding between my thighs, against the secret folds of my sex. I shuddered in horror as its tail slowly wrapped around my thigh, the ripples of muscular contractions sliding the cool, slick, slightly rough scales of the snake's underside over and over the folds of my cunt while its tongue continued to flick and tug on my hardened nipples. To my horror and shame I could feel myself becoming aroused from the stimulation, the smell of my juices scenting the air.
The snake shuddered as its tongue tasted the smell of me, my arousal, those cruel black eyes reflecting impossible knowledge as it reared back and hissed down at me. As I shuddered in fear I could feel something else rubbing against my nether lips, something rougher -- almost as though covered in soft spines -- that grew firmer and larger moment to moment. Hissing at me again the snake's coils loosened -- though not enough for me to be able to wriggle loose from its embrace -- pulling away from my sex, its tail wrapped only loosely, as though an anchor, around my leg. I couldn't help but look down my body to see what was happening, why it had stopped squeezing and sliding against me. I dearly wished that I had not, in that moment, as I saw the thick protrusions that jutted from a slit in its -- no HIS -- scales. Though not overly long, the dual hemipenes were frighteningly broad, with the red, swollen heads covered with what seemed to be soft spines or hooks. Even as I looked down at them in wide-eyed disbelief they twitched and flexed as the snake rotated the loop of his lower body to -- as I then realized with dawning fear and revulsion -- line up with the moist warm slit of my pussy.
I drew a breath and screamed, arching my back and throwing my body from side to side in the snake's coils; desperately trying to kick and press my thighs together to protect myself from the serpent's intended violation of my tender sex. The great snake hissed explosively in my face, warning me, his coils tightening again until it became difficult for me to breathe. As my struggles grew weaker he shifted his body against me again, sliding the slightly rough belly scales over my tender nether lips until I can again feel the swollen heads of his dual cocks pressing against my opening. I whimpered, but with no further warning the serpent's thick body convulsed around me as one of the thick, spiny cocks sank into my pussy. I cried out as bulbous head scraped the inside of my sex, forcing it open, splitting me around it. With another rolling twitch of his body the serpent plunged his cock into me again, and again.
As if this horrifying violation were not enough, with each twitch and thrust of the snake's long body I could feel the second engorged head sliding along the slick track between my plundered cunt and my ass, nudging at the untried opening between my firm rounded cheeks. My breath caught each time I felt it press against the tightly clenched bud of my ass, my fear spiraling higher and higher as the undulating convulsions of the snake's body became stronger and more vicious. Finally he pulled his swollen cock almost all of the way out of my abused pussy, and for a moment I thought it might be over. But the thought had barely had the time to flicker through my brain before I felt his thick, scaled body shift between my legs again, the engorged spiny head of his second cock pressing firmly against the tight bud of my ass. For the first time I spoke coherently, a single sobbing denial forced from my lips as the serpent thrust his body against me, between my legs, impaling me with both of his thick, bulbous cocks, "NO!"
The snake's head whipped around to look into my face as I screamed the denial, his mouth opening wide to expose the dagger-like fangs as he hissed explosively and reared back. The cruel black eyes looked down at me as the shudders of his undulations rippled down his body, pulling and plunging his cocks in and out of my cunt and ass, stretching them to accommodate his girth as they swelled even more. The soft-seeming spines scraped the tender walls of both my orifices as he thrust and plunged into me, the slightly rough scales of his belly sliding back and forth over the bud of my clitoris, over and over again, enflaming it unbearably until I shuddered in the tight embrace of his coils as each undulation filled me.
Suddenly the serpent shuddered again, the powerful undulation tightening his body around my torso as it plunged his cocks deep and hard into my openings. Rearing back, fangs bared, he struck; sinking his teeth deep into my exposed breast so that it seemed the entire soft, fleshy mound was pulled inside his mouth. I screamed again in pain and crippling fear as his teeth pierced me, feeling the twitching and shuddering of his cocks as he spurted his seed into me, the panicked twitching of my body milking his thick lengths.
I don't know for how long we remained locked together after he filled me with his cum; the shock and pain and terror finally overwhelmed my senses and I lost consciousness. I awoke in a dry cool cave, the light filtered through a fall of thick green vines and sweetly scented flowers. The punctures in my shoulder and breast were raw and sore, but seemed to have been cleaned and tended. A whimper escaped from my lips as I moved my legs, the tenderness and pain between my thighs and inside my body more than enough evidence that I had, indeed, been used thoroughly. From behind me I head a rustling, like scales slithering over dry sand -- the creature alerted by my pained sound that I was awake. I turned my head fearfully, a shudder running over my body as I anticipated seeing yet again the cruel serpent which had violated me.
And indeed, those same flat black eyes met mine as I gazed up, still filled with cruelty and impossible knowledge, but now also alight with sadistic pleasure and amusement as I gazed upon him. Upon something I could never have dreamed of, even in my darkest nightmares. Something impossible....
The author would appreciate your feedback.
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I want more of this story as well please because I want to see and read if she got pregnant by the serpent and if she did get pregnant I wander how many little serpents/snakes she is going to have. And if she gets pregnant by him/his offspring for all eternity non stop forever and ever.So please more chapters of this story as well as more pages if a whole book about it. Thank you very much.
As the others wrote, this is a very unique story idea. I read your second chapter first and liked both very much. Hope you will continue with this.
Unique can't wait for a second chapter.
This is so unique, in the good way. It's an original peice, and I'd love if you made a sequel.
I love snakes and you combined it with something else I love. Well done. I hope you write more on this story because I want to know what she sees and if she'll escape...if she'll even want to?
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