Sister Spank Story

Sister Spank Story

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Madam Sister: A When spanking story by Backtosquare
When's place wasn't exactly a true corner. In fact, it was situated just to the right of the TV, in sight of everyone in the lounge, especially those seated on the sofa. On the wall, a piece of cardboard hanged with the following word on.
Jane had suggested to mom, after returning from the Mall where the sign was created, that it could be a good reminder for When, each time she deserved to be put in the corner after a bare bottom spanking. Mom, of course, agreed. And so, When had spent a lot of time under the sign, with a sore red bottom, in sight of anybody present, family, friends and even Jane's school's mates.
Yet again, When placed herself there, putting her hands on her head as usual. She tried to resist crying, but in vain. Never before, had she felt so broken, so inferior, so pathetic. She was at her young sister's mercy and she know it. She didn't feel hate or anger towards her, just fear; a huge sentiment of fear with even a few piece of gratitude when Jane showing graciousness.
"Mommy didn't spank you this time, and your bottom is just pink, but it's okay, isn't it?"
When didn't answer because she had no right to. When she was in the corner, the rules are simple. Hands on head, bottom bared, no talking, no moving and of course, no rubbing. She could only quit when mom, or at least Jane, give the authorization.
For now, Jane put the TV on and enjoyed her cartoons, looking sometimes at the lovely pink bum of her sobbing sister. When was trying constantly to silence her tears, so that Jane didn't use that as an excuse to spank her again or even worse. But the cartoon's plot seems to concern Jane more than her sister this time, allowing When to breathe a little bit. At the ending of the first episode, Jane gets to talk again.
"Can my gentle sister bring me a glass of orange juice, please?
She didn't react at the overplayed courtesy of her sister and settled for doing what she had asked for.
"Well you're not in service right now. You can call me 'sis'."
"And I'm not ordering you. I'm asking you a favor, you don't have to. You can stay in your place if you prefer."
"No problem, sis. It makes me happy to do it for you. You was so kind to protect me, it's the last I can do for you."
"You know, this will not change the report I will give mom. If I you've misbehaved, I'll tell her, orange juice or not."
"I understand it, sis. But I'm still grateful to you. So I will do it."
"Okay, can you put a straw inside? Oh, and bring me some cookies too, please."
Jane watched her sister go to the kitchen with a big smile. A few instants later, When returned with the juice and cookies, but a new episode has begun. Without wanting to interrupt Jane's cartoon, she stood sometimes besides her sister, until she was further instructed.
Jane pointing finger to the table to notify where When could put the glasses and the plate, and, with the other hand, she placed another finger close to her mouse, indicating silence. Once it was done, she's pointing to the corner with a thankful but authoritarian smile. When nodded and returned to her place, putting her hands on her head, as she should do usually. She's just hoping that her sister didn't fool her when mommy came back. She waited without a single noise until the end of the last episode and Jane turned out the TV. But Jane didn't say anything, so When didn't move, not having the permission to do so.
Finally, Jane broke the silence. "I think your bottom going to stay pink until this evening. At least."
When, although she was already immobile, froze at this comment. She had not thought of that. When mommy returned and give her her traditional bedtime spanking, she would certainly see that When had already been spanked. Even if Jane said that she have been an obedient girl, mom would want to know why and after that, she will punish When as a consequence. Tears started to flow again as she thought about she would now suffer the painful paddle brush every night from now. But Jane continued.
"You cry cause your poor bottom going to be very, very sore tonight, right? Don't worry, your smart sister has a solution. Anyways, corner time's over, so you can turn around. But if you want to know my solution, keep your hands on head. Don't forget to call me 'Madam', you're in service now.
"Yes, Madam." Answered When politely, and keeping her hands on head.
"Good, you're learning! Well, course when mom sees your pink rear, she'll punish you, no matter what I say. So, the solution is that she must not see it, not until morning.
-I know, I know. But I can put you to bed before she comes back. I'll tell her you were so tired from working that I let you going to bed early and that she should give you a wake up spanking instead.
"You... You would do that for me, Madam?"
"Only if you are a good and obedient girl. Can you do that?"
"Yes, Madam! Thank you so much! I will do anything you want!"
"Since you are talking about this, you can do something for me."
"After mommy give you your wake up spanking, tell her everything would be better if I become your big sister and you my little sister."
"If…if you want so." Answered When, with a little embarrassment in her voice. "But what do I say?"
"Oh, it's easy! Just tell her the truth, that I'm smarter, more mature and more responsible than you and that I deserve the title of 'big sister' more than you. I'm sure she will agreed."
"I will tell her, I promise, Madam."
"Oh, and tell her too that, it would be wise to have your bedtime earlier, just as tonight. After all, you are a little girl, isn't you?"
"Yes, Madam, you're right... I'm a little girl," conceded When, downhearted.
The new little sister tried to accept that fact, but it was still a good deal for her. It was hard, very hard, to be degraded so much and she was more humiliated than she could imagine, yet she preferred it that than the sting of the feared paddle brush every night.
"Anyways," resumed Jane," time to get back to work. Clear the table and finish sweeping."
When obeyed again without protest and completed finally the last task, under her new big sisters' gaze. All the chores that mom has ordered were done and at least, it was something that she would not be punished. But the day was not over yet, despite the fact she has now an advanced bedtime.
She felt very tired after all her work and she really want to sit down and recover her breath. She'd been on her both feet all afternoon and even her 'rest' time was standing during corner time. Jane seemed have noticed her little sister shape and so she reacted as a responsible big sister would.
"It's done! Well done, all you're chores are done. Mommy will not be upset to you tonight. If you continue to be obedient to your big sister, your booty won't get the paddle brush tonight. Happy?
"'Madam' has finished her day, just like you. 'Sis' is back! And for prove it, I propose you to play with me in my bedroom."
"You're worked well and you're tired. You need rest. I will be not a good big sister if I don't take care of you, would I?"
"Thank you, sis. I appreciate, it's very nice."
"I don't know... I'm not used to playing together."
"Don't be shy, I will not eat you! Really no idea?"
"Hum... Something restful, with I can sit. It will be good."
"If you want so, but sitting with your sore bum... well, it will hurt you again."
"Maybe... But it doesn't matter. I deserved this spanking after all."
"Well said, little sis. You're acting like a good girl, mommy will be so happy. And I have an idea. Drawing lying on my bed; so you can draw on your tummy and save your bum. OK?"
"Yes... It will be perfect... I would never have get this idea myself. Thank you, sis."
For the first time of her life, When felt like Jane considered her like a real sister. She was wondering if it was the fact she let her be the big sister. Sometimes, she'd feel some form of pity from her, but it never before had she been so nice. She was scared to think Jane would trap her later, but for once, she wants to enjoy it.
She followed her in her bedroom, it was her first time she was there a purpose other than clear it. Jane helped her to lie down on her belly, in the same manner as a little girl who is too small to climb in. Despite the fact it was embarrassing, she experienced a new emotion of wellness. Maybe the condition of being the little sister was really more adapted to her, she thought.
After that, Jane gave her a drawing sheet with a support and a box of colored pencil. Then, she took the same thing for her, with keeping felt pen for her instead of the pencil. After all, it was easier for When to manipulate a pencil and it's less messy too. When nodded her head with conviction, she didn't want to spoil everything by staining the bed.
"Hmmm! Maybe we can draw something about this day, as a memory?
"Well, fine! I have an idea. We both draw the best thing that happens to us today. Once we have completed it, we'll show each other and explain the idea. Alright?
"What can I choose? So much choice..."
For When, the choice is must narrow. The best thing, well, it was happened now! But drawing her in the process of drawing, was too much difficult and too inceptive for her. She wanted also to thank her sister for her kindness and show her that she accepted her inferior condition.
Finally, she found the perfect theme. So, she started her drawing, applying as much thought as possible, particularly when she draws Jane's character. She took a long time to do it, a lot more than her sister, but Jane are unusually patient and understanding. Once it was finished, Jane revealed her artwork first. On it, When could see herself serving orange juice and cookies to her sister, with Jane sitting on sofa and pointing with calm and authority to the table to put the snacks and the corner where When must go after that.
When admired the drawing and congratulate her sister sincerely. She hoped now that her modest sketch will please Jane enough. On it, Jane was the most effective done. She gracefully stretched her hand to a kneeling When, roughly drawn, and ready to kiss it docilely.
"Not bad! You made me rather pretty, it's nice."
"Thank you, sis. I know I'm not a good drawer, I'm pleased me you appreciate it."
"Guess it! Look on my work, it will help you."
When looked closely her sister drawing and, after comparing it to hers, she found the difference. She apologized and blushed for her carelessness, then corrected it with the pink pencil. She had forgotten to color her bum-cheeks in pink.
"Well, it's better now! Now, I recognize you in it!"
"Sure! A pink bottom, it's necessarily for me!"
"Funny, but right! It's good to see you smile and joke. I'm tired of seeing you sad and crying because of all your spankings. I want to see laughing too. And I know how make it possible!"
Barely finishing her sentence, Jane jumped on her 'little sister' and tackled her on the bed. When was paralyzed by the suddenness of the rush and by the force used by Jane. Her arms were restrained with only one hand and her legs totally blocked with her sister sitting on them. The balance of physical power was clearly one way. While, in reality When, was nearly two years old, this situation favored the fact that Jane really deserves the title of older sister. With a royal and triumphant smile, Jane used her free hand to tickle the naked and disarmed body of When. Quickly, she started to laugh, couldn't stop it and she have a lot of difficulty to speak.
"Ha ha ha ha! Please! Ha ha ha ha! Stop! Ha ha ha ha ha!"
"Come on, sis! It's better than a spanking, isn't it?"
"Ha ha ha ha ha! May... Ha ha ha maybe... Ha ha haha!"
"Ha ha ha ha! Please! Ha ha ha ha I... Ha ha ha ha do... Ha ha ha all... all ha ha ha... You... Ha ha ha... Want! Ha ha ha ha!"
"All I want, ask Jane stopping tickle, Really?"
"Yes, please! I can't take it! I'll do everything, sis!"
"Even if I ask you to say to mom that you have been a naughty brat? That you deserve to be harshly spanked with the big paddle brush every night? That you deserve to be full time nude, even in public?"
"You must change your attitude!" Answered Jane with the most gentle and reassuring voice possible. "If you continue to lie, you will never be a good girl. It will mean more spanking, more shaming, more mouthsoaping for you. Do you understand what I try to teach you, When?"
"Yes, sis... I'm sorry, I did'nt want to lie, I..."
"Shhh, it's ok, I forgive you. You're just too small to understand. Swear just to be a compliant little girl and to obey to your big sister, and all will be fine."
"I swear to be a compliant little girl and to obey you... Big sis."
"Good, that's better! Do you wish for me to braid you some pigtails? I think it would be cute on you!"
"Yes, big sis. I will love that you braid me, I love when you take care of me."
"Fine! Put your head on my knee, your big sister will take good of you, just as you want."
Quietly, When lay her head down, her cheek just on her sibling's thigh. She closed her eyes and let Jane manipulate her hair. For once, she felt truly peaceful and happy. Big sis did it very slowly and When was totally in a bliss that she has never felted before.
Then her sister ask her to turn her head in other side and start again with a new tuft. Once completed, Jae puts her little sister on her feet and showed her on the mirror. As Jane had promised, When found herself very cute, ridiculously childish, but cute. She thanked her and they hugged together, with Jane pats gently When's still sore backside,.
"Oh, it's almost half past six! We must hurry if we want respect your new curfew, isn't it? We have to eat and after I will bath you. Ok?"
-Yes, you're right. I'll hurry to prepare meal!"
-You better! If you're not in bed on time, yours little cheeks will burn like hell!"
When shivered for few instants, but she feels less insecure than before. With what had happened just now, she is sure that her big sis will never let her fall in to the threatening hell of pain she was so afraid of; as long as she obeyed her as a good obedient little girl should do anyway.
The two girls went down to the kitchen, the place where they supper, since When have swept the dining room. Jane, because she was the one in charge, took care of warming up the meal that mom had made. Meat pies and some vegetables, not very difficult to bake, but still not something which can be entrust in the hands of a clumsy girl, according to Jane.
When nodded and set the table and simply admiring her sister mastery. Jane smiled at the amazed gaze of her sister and serve a good portion of vegetables to each one, then she took out the pies of the stove. She asked When to eat all her part, because she needed to recover her energy after this exhausting day. When did as she was told, savoring every bite. Then, once theirs plates are empty, she washes quickly all the used flatware.
"Fine! Now your little tummy's fully, it's time for my little sis to take a shower. Bathtime!"
"Tut-tut," objected Jane. "I can't let you alone in the bath. Just imagine if you skid and hurt yourself. I will bath you, it's safer."
When nodded once again, all while trying to retains tears of shame again. She appreciated a lot her new careful sister, but each time she felt more pathetic and piteous. Now, she is not allowed to take a shower alone. What will be her next degradation?
The important thing was however to still be compliant, so she followed her sister to the bathroom without jibbing. Jane helped her to enter in the bath and started to rinse her from head to toes. The water was neither too hot nor too cold. Then she soaped her sister on every part of her body, even on the most privates. When blushed at this moment and Jane gently gossiped at her embarrassment.
Ashamed, When closeed her eyes an instant and open up just after all in yelling. The water was suddenly extremely cold and Jane laughs out loud at her reaction. She had cut the hot water for rinsing her, while When has closed her eyes.
"Just a little joke." Answered Jane in stopping all water and surrounding her sister with a big towel. Are you upset about me?"
"No... No... Sis." Shivered the wetted girl. "I was just surprised."
"Shhh! All is fine! This towel will warm you quickly. And then, a little cold on your hot bottom is not a bad thing, isn't it?"
"I admit," When blushed again. "It's the best thing that happens on this part of my body today."
The two girls laughed together, like two normal sisters, while Jane rubbed When with the towel, drying her. But quickly, Jane took a more serious look and ordered her sister to brush her teeth. When complied, take her toothbrush and the toothpaste, but once again Jane stopped her.
"Not the toothpaste, sweetie. You should use something that will prevent you for lying like this afternoon. Understand?"
Eyes moist, When pointed questionably to the liquid soap and her sister nodded silently. The naked one accepted her fate and put the soapy brush to her mouth, trying to not grince.
"3 minutes of brushing means 180 seconds. I forgave you when you are lying during the tickling, but you still deserve a spanking. So, during you brushing, I will give you one smack each second, 180 in all. Don't worry, I will count. Focus on your teeth."
With her eyes more moist, When obeyed as her buttocks spanked once again. Jane spanked her booty with the same strength than during dishes, so When could go ahead to support it and continue her task, despite the periodic sting on her rear.
"...177 *smack*, 178 *smack*, 179 *smack*, 180 *smack*! Done! You can spit, but no rinse. The more the taste rests in your mouth, the less you will lie in the future. Bedtime now, little one."
Again, When did what her sister said without complaint. She now had a well-spanked pink bottom, moist salty eyes and a distasteful soapy taste in her mouth. But despite the strict and harsh discipline Jane has imposed to her, she still wasn't angry with her sister. Jane cared about her, she was now sure of that and all the things she must submit for were for her own good.
Jane knew better than her; that was evident. She was her big sister after all. She'd proven it every time; even now she helped her to go upstairs to her room. She helped her into put her pink cutie drop seat pajamas, her Christmas present. On her backside was written 'If you are naughty...', and if the flap was dropped, which was mostly the case, it read '...You'll get a sore booty!'. And as usual, it's was the message that was visible. Once she was fully dressed, When had the unpleasant surprise to see her sister take her slipper in her hand.
"The slipper?" shivered the girl in Pj's. "Why big sis?
"Well, it's for your bedtime spanking, silly!
"But," mumbled When, at the edges of tears. "You said that you tell mom to giv
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