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Сиде купить Марихуана [Hillary Clinton Kush]



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Сиде купить Марихуана [Hillary Clinton Kush]

Сиде купить Марихуана [Hillary Clinton Kush]

Разоблачения Клинтон: От педофилии до сатанизма

Сиде купить Марихуана [Hillary Clinton Kush]

Will Hillary Clinton Ever Support Cannabis Legalization?

Сиде купить Марихуана [Hillary Clinton Kush]

Throughout the past several months, cannabis reformers have been sizing up all of the candidates that have come crawling out of the woodwork to cast a bid for the presidential nomination. As with every major election, all of the groups currently working to change the marijuana laws in the United States are trying to get a grip on which candidate they should support in the campaign for the White House. Some of these handicapping strategies are relatively simple, like understanding that Chris Christie and Marco Rubio, have no chance with the voters due to their verbal disdain over what is currently underway in regards to the cannabis trade. After all, the latest polls consistently show that the majority of the population supports legalization in some form or fashion. In addition, recent surveys have revealed that voters want the federal government to stay out of state marijuana laws. In other words, speaking out against the legalization of cannabis, or even better, threatening to shut down the industry, is not the smartest platform to take in this election. Strangely, it is the Democratic candidates that have the cannabis nation a bit confused at this juncture. Right now, there is a great deal of support for Bernie Sanders who, while dragging his feet on offering a solid position on cannabis reform seems to wholeheartedly support putting an end to the drug war and also continuing to allow marijuana to do its thing in whatever states that are willing to have it. Because of this, Bernie Sanders is often viewed as the best bet for the next leader of the free world. Regardless of her slowpoke attitude, many pot proponents still want to side with Clinton because she is likable and seems to have the best odds at winning if another democrat is destined to control the Oval Office. According to a recent article in Bloomberg Politics, the billion dollar cannabis industry is very curious about where Hillary Clinton stands on the issue of legal marijuana — mostly because industry leaders may have some funds to donate to buoy her campaign. With the Iowa caucus set to launch the official election season in February, followed by primaries in New Hampshire the week after, Clinton is going to be forced to clarify her position on cannabis if she wants to compete with Bernie Sanders. Unfortunately, even if Clinton does speak out in favor of marijuana reform, it will not be enough to really mean much in the grand scheme of things. At this point, how can marijuana reformers really trust the validity of her voice will translate to her administration if she moves back into the White House in ? It should be noted that the Clintons are infamous for flipping their stance on the marijuana-related issues. Last year, Bill Clinton said that legalization should be left up to the state and not the federal government. Yet, he attempted to penalize physicians for discussing medical marijuana with patients throughout his administration. So, while Hillary may be undecided at this point, it is not unreasonable to consider that her opinion is capable of swinging towards the more progressive side of the debate. Tell us in the comments. If she supports no because she is a criminal. No Even if she were to suddenly say she supports Cannabis reform. I and many people I know will not ever vote for Hilary. Soccer Moms Unite in the campaign against the liar who is Mrs. Hilary Clinton. No way in hell would I vote for Her She is manipulative and only wants to use legalization as a platform for election because she is s candalous enough to understand what the people want and use it to worm her way I into our trust. Then, just like a Clinton, retracts her viewpoints and we are back to square one! If Hillary does not endorse some sort of legalization of marijuana, then I cannot vote nor campaign for her. At this point I am eye balling Bernie Sanders as the best alternative. Reid Craig. Sara Wieting. Nooo If she wants to study it.. One thing everyone knows.. A politician will say anything…. Although I very much am in favor of full legalization, I will not be voting for Hillary Clinton I do not trust her and I want a President I can trust to do the right thing. NEVER… never.. The whole family are professional politicians! The waited and saw mantra should be applied to prohibition, not legalization. Wait and see about legalization??? Cannabis has a worldwide 10, year old safe track record. How much longer would she wait? Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Connect with us. Bernie Beats Biden on Pot. Continue Reading. You may also like Freida Teubner September 21, at pm. Anthony September 21, at am. Reid Craig September 20, at pm. Sara Wieting September 20, at pm. The Sinned Angel September 20, at pm. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. More in Joint Opinions. Golden Tarp The Year of Change. To Top.

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