Sharing Wives

Sharing Wives


Sharing Wives

Vale :

Good post, you bring up a few points that people probably don’t think about when they think about sharing their partner. I don’t imagine that this could work in every relationship, but like you said, there are some where it could work.

FoxieLadie :

It was Father’s Day at few days ago. My husband was down because his son didn’t contact him after he found out that my husband is in remission from cancer. I felt bad for my husband because he still has bronchitis, and he was a bit down on Father’s Day. I met a woman at the pool with whom I am friends. She does not live around here, but was down here visiting a friend. I knew she was my husband’s physical type, as she had a similar shape to mine. I asked my husband if he might like to have a ***** with her and me. I explained that I didn’t want him to have actual SEX with her, but that I thought I would be doing a nice thing for him by letting him experience two women in bed for the first time. He thought it was a great idea. I asked the woman in question if she would be willing to join us, and, considering that she just broke up with a cad, she said yes. So, we had our little ***** on Father’s Day. My husband was happy because I showed him how much I loved him and he was grateful to me for letting him experience two women at the same time. He fooled around with her, but he didn’t have sex with her. Later he told me he would be willing to do this with another man, too. I told him I didn’t require that...that I just wanted to do something nice for him. However, and this is a BIG however. My ex-boyfriend and I had a *** with a former girlfriend of mine. My ex-boyfriend disobeyed our "rules" by meeting the so-called "friend" of mine whom I brought to our bed on his own and having sex with her without me. She told me they had sex a few days after our ***, and this resulted in my breaking up with my ex-boyfriend and marrying my husband. The moral of the story is: in order for this to work, two people have to trust each other and set up rules with which they are comfortable before even CONSIDERING to embark on such an adventure. The *** with my husband and friend was great... the *** with my ex-boyfriend and my other friend was horrible. I don’t see anything wrong with showing your love by inviting someone else into your bed, IF the trust is there!

Spitfire :

Foxie, i know this might sound silly for you, but I’m just wondering, why did you think that offering your hubby to have 3some was a nice thing to do? How about a trip to Bahamas or a night at a hotel or two tickets to watch Knickerbocker as a treat???

Persephoni :

Interesting views but I could personally never share a man I was in love with. Each to their own though ;)

Johnny Nicks :

Persephoni, would you ever understand or believe a man, who was willing to share you, could love you?

Persephoni :

Depends Johny. If this man was into this and had made this clear at the beginning of a relationship then I would believe he held such a view and did perhaps have feelings for me. If, however, a man was possessive of me and wanted my absolute commitment during the relationship then, no I would neither understand nor believe that he ever actually loved me if he suddenly proposed this.

Spitfire :

I’m more interested in knowing where the thought came from, as I would never associate doing something nice for someone I love/trying to make someone I love happy with having 3some with that person.

Spitfire :

Boredom is one of the thing we should be prepared for once we decide to get married. Is having 3some the only way to spice things up? Isn’t sex suppose to be an intimate thing that should be shared between two people who love each other? Or has it become nothing but merely a mean for entertainment? Anyway, I think 3 in the bed will be too crowded 😃

Happy husband :

Hi I had this fancy for years but was to afraid to tell my wife so I was watching wife swap ***** with her all the time and it was obviously turning her on when she asked me why I was into wife ***** I told her my secret she found it difficult to understand how I could let another man make love to her because she couldn’t let me. I explained that I don’t want to play just watch so we did it and have been for about 3 years and have never fallen out or regretted any thing we have done

lovingman :

It’s been 7 months and no comments. Let me give you mine. I have let my wife enjoy sex with other man with bigger manhood for more than 30 years now and will continue until she no longer wants sex. I agree with you totally. Once you let her do it for her pleasure, not for the pleasure of the other man, there is no point for her to run away from me.

Old GA Boy :

You and your wonderful wife have the right attitude about living and loving. My wife and I were close to where you are. She never minded me seeing her with another man but not me with another female. We tried it once but she got mad as hell watching us. Do all that you can to keep your sweet wife as happy as you can. I applaud you both!

Old Ga Boy :

We had swapped with another couple but neither would have complete sex in the same room as their spouse. We got along great and he sex was marvelous. I developed a craving to watch my wife go from start to finish with another man. I told her and we discussed it. She initiated one with a very good friend of ours who was also a co-worker of mine. Engaged in foreplay with the 2 of us got her more aroused than she had ever been in her life. Lying beside her and another man and observing the action was the hottest thing i had ever seen.I loved seeing her body motions and twitches,feeling her leg muscles tighten up, her facial expressions change as she tried to hold back the impending ***** was priceless.And then letting go completely. She wore us both out. It was the most awesome sexual experience of our lives. More followed for abut 20 years. Each time was a "stand alone". When it was over, it was over. These were times for sheer physical pleasure. She was always respected and her boundaries maintained. There was never any physical or emotional problems. I loved her more than ever, still do, even though the sex with others went away. The wonderful memories are still vivid. It worked great for us but I’m sure it wouldn’t be the same for all couples.

Vale :

Thanks for sharing your experiences with us

SomebodyElse :

<> Spitfire, it’s become performance art for some. It’s a bridge WAY too far for me. Maybe I just don’t have that kind of confidence. Or I don’t want to take the risk inherent in letting in an outsider. I’m not that virtuous, it just has no upside and a potentially awful downside, imo. But I wouldn’t get Knicks tickets for him either. I’m not into torture.

Bri :

Hello... My wife and myself meet men every once in a while. We are totally in love and this is for sexual purposes only. We choose black, not my wifes idea, but mine. We always meet the guy beforehand several times to make sure we are all comfortable with each other. Not just for our sakes but for him also. We look for men who are totally respectful and will not allow the incident to cloud their own personal life with their wife or partner if they have them. Once we establish a great rapour with each other, we meet for sex. I watch but do join in to kiss my wife and touch her only. There is no limits and it lasts all evening, all night, until the next morning. This is not a must have for us but only when we both fancy a little difference in our always great sex life. To date, we have only done this three times in nearly four years, and are at the moment speaking with a guy. I can only say that if it is anything like the way my wife and myself play it, then the rewards are amazing.

Vale :

Thanks for sharing your experience Bri

Bri :

You are very much welcome... We are actually meeting a guy this Friday. We have met him five times over the last month or so for drinks, a meal, and we are looking forward to the occasion...

Qleophathyr :

We got some pretty crazy **** going on here. How can a sick man handle more than one woman at once I should ask. FoxieLady, lucky you didn’t kill him and saved him from a very embarrassing autopsy report.

Johnny Nicks :

Yeah we go that from all your three posts today..

Horney wife :

I have never shared my wife but my fantasy for the longest time has been that it is so hot to think about watching her having so much fun while I sit there and ***** me and my wife have a fantasy when we’re making love about getting a cab and she gives me ***** while he’s watching through the mirror and he pulls over on a dark Street opens the back door and wants to join in before I know what’s going on she sucking me off and he’s deep inside her in the backseat

Jonathan :

My wife loves to have sex in public she says that’s because they fantasize when you’re watching about them fuking her

Bri :

I have sex with my wife in a car parks and occasionally people have looked in...but we only involve a third person after meeting them a few times and in the comfort of a hotel room...

Johnny Nicks :

Gents we have rules about explicit obscene sexual talk.

Guest :

How do you ladies feel about having sex with another guy while you’re man watches? Does it turn you on to tease him like that knowing how much he enjoys watching

gummybears :

@ guest. It’s commonly known as "cuckold". . Umm.... It’s a thing. And folks seem comfortable with it. :)

Guest :

Is there a website where someone could meet people to fulfill these fantasies?

Guest :

Are there any ladies who like teasing their husband or boyfriend and enjoy being watched? I personally think if she enjoys her man watching her that is such a turn on. Please ladies can you tell us your side of the experience? We always hear his side what are your thoughts? Please respond thank you very much can’t wait to hear your side

Johnny Nicks :

Im sorry but this is a family website..You will need to go to a specialist +18 website for that kind of content.

Buddy :

I shared my x wife quite a few times and never was interested in 2 women, we both loved how hot she got and it’s still by far the best sexual experiences of my life! He wants to improve BOTH your sex lifes, you should try it

Julie Hotwife :

A wife’s point of view: For a hubby to share his loving wife with another man is a wonderful gift of trust. If the man is a great lover and respectful of the couple, the sex can be amazing, and really strengthen the marriage in so many ways. Everyone should try it at least once (but a hundred times is better!)

Nuffield :

At first I was reluctant to bring up the idea, but I wanted my wife to get more pleasure than I was giving. I decided to bring it up. I started cautiously, But my wife understood and said she had thought of it too. She agreed to try. I’ll describe our first one in another note.

Spitfire :

I just finished reading an awesome book about Greek mythology. So, apparently, Zeus, the god of gods I. Greek mythology was a compulsive cheater. His wife, Hera, finally had had enough and decided to give him a lesson. She had sex in front of Zeus and let everybody knew about it to humiliate Zeus. At that time, it was okay for men to cheat, but not for women. A cheating wife was an embarrassment for the husband, as it meant he couldn’t satisfy the wife, hence, couldn’t keep her on the leash. To humiliate Zeus even further, Hera got herself pregnant with the man she cuckolded Zeus with. The baby was born crippled and a constant remainder and humiliation of what happened. The word "cuckold" itself, means "horns" in Greek. It’s been said that cickoldingvmen grew horns, which was a sign of a man who couldn’t satisfy his wife hence, could only watch his wife having sex with another men.

SomebodyElse :

Nuffield, your post seems way too graphic for this PG-rated site.

Shy guy :

I have also had a fantasy of sharing my wife. She has said in many occasions that she would not do it but after watching videos of wife sharing she is now saying it looks like fun. I do have a friend who is interested but I will only do it if she is fully on board.

gummybears :

Do what your wife wants. Happy wife, happy life.

Nuffield :

My wife and I talked. Once I convinced her that I thought our relationship would actually improve if she had sex with me and a third party she agreed to try. We agreed on who to invite to participate and invited him over. Reluctant at first she accepted the situation. When the sex started we both were aroused. Afterward she actually thanked me for the experience. She said she would agreed to doing it again with my approval.

Shy Guy :

Nice was it someone you knew or somebody you met. We’re you the main person or did you sit back and let the other man take over.

Nuffield :

You could say that I was still the main person. I think it helped my wife accept what was a new situation for her.

Nuffield :

First time I was afraid I’d get very upset. But when I saw the pleasure she was getting and she nodded her OK, I actually started to enjoy it. I saw the beauty of her actions that I couldn’t see before. Afterwards she said she hoped I was OK and thanked me for my acceptance.

Spitfire :

Yes, I can imagine the joy. Like watching your favourite p0rn star .

Nuffield :

It was better. She was here and I could enjoy it with her.

Spitfire :

In the past, it’s called "gang banging"

Ismaeelnimaee :

We are in our fifties having the fantasi of sharing,more I as a husband ,I would not dream leaving her alone with an other guy of any type ,same I go for a trip with her. Go to a party or for a lunch ,in the same category ,I would not leave her alone with a guy with out me being present. I like to enjoy the pleasure and, be a part of it .

Brian :

I too had this fantasy of sharing my wife when I told her my fantasy it almost ended our marriage but after us talking about it she too was turned on by it and we met a guy and both he and I made love to her it was fantastic watching her ***** with him was a beautiful thing to see and then her and I made love with him there watching us made it more erotic we haven’t done this for years and we both miss it

Yonny Fair :

Please don’t listen to anyone but enjoy with your wife the way that is most beautiful and best for both of you. Enjoy all the variations you can, and all the se*xual temptations you want, if you don’t hurt anyone. "We humans are not animals", that is true because animals don’t rape their wives if they are not ready for se*x, or to force them to do anything they don’t want to have in se*x. Animals don’t kill female after being forced to have se*x, and we humans kill women and even small and innocent children because of our se*xual disorders. Animals don’t abuse children or puppies for their own se*xual abuse of them. We humans are not the same as animals in sex, we are far uglier beasts in se*x, so animals should serve us as an good example in se*x. In a good and honest relationship, enjoying all possible se*xual temptations with similar people is completely normal if you both want it, but not with one-sided coercion into anything in se*x. The advantage of us people in se*x unlike of animals should be that we can protect ourselves from possible pregnancy, and even from serious illnesses from insecurities of unknown and unreliable people, while animals are not able to control any of that. Female or male gay se*x, and bise*xual, transse*xual, cuckold, ***** se*x, group se*x ... it’s all harmless for our enjoyment if we don’t cause any unwanted consequences to anyone but we all enjoy se*x and our se*xual freedom without any humiliation from any of us. Especially women with their body and those so beautiful and thick crotch lips like a beautiful flower оn their body, and with all the erogenous zones that are so ideally built for our various se*xual pleasures if we both want it. There are no rules about se*x, but let each of us determine them in agreement with our partners.

gummybears :

Yonny has language skills!

Shy Guy :

I have always contemplated the idea of my wife with another. My wife never has warmed up to the idea but lately she has been teasing me. In the past she would say how attractive my best friend was and lately my sons football coach. I find it a turn on as I have said in my previous post. So recently when I was on a trip I was texting my best friend about my wife and my desire for a *****. I showed him picks of her in lingerie just to see what he would say. He said asked if I would allow her with another. I said I have thought about it long and hard and would consider. We have been friends a long time so initially that question felt a bit strange I think for both of us because I could tell he didn’t want to disrespect. I than asked if he would ever want to participate. He said he was very interested and would consider. He said she was very beautiful and would respect all boundaries. He really liked the pics I sent to him. I than went and told my wife that he said she was attractive. She was flattered because it made her feel good because he is an attractive guy. I told my buddy that when over he can flirt with her and will see where this all goes.

Nuffield :

Yonny is right. Our bodies don’t know if we are married. We all have feelings and desires. If my wife and I talk about it and agree,it is OK. If it brings my wife more pleasure than I can provide, it actually enhances our relationship.

gummybears :

Am at the point to agree. And ask if humans are evolving to fast to keep up with humans? Lol.

Spitfire :

I hope your brain is smart enough to understand the risk of this kind of lifestyle. One of my hospice clients was dying of AIDS. His wife have left him a long time ago. Now he’s got COVID too due to poor immune system. We visited him a 3 days ago but could only see him through the glass. 41 years old man, thin, frail and looked 70. He’s covered with sores and his skin looked burnt from the radiationtheraphy. He is going to die alone, surrounded by tubes and machines.

Shy Guy :

Spitfire you make sense, it’s our stupid temptations that get us. I get it and thanks for your honesty. We are playing with fire and it’s stupid.

Tony :

If it makes you both happy indulge in all the pleasures you both desire

Spitfire :

Update: the guy I mentioned above passed away yesterday. May his soul rest in peace. I hope he did have a good life, because it certainly wasn’t a good way to die.

Moody :

I obviously am not the owner of my spouse We got in to an agreement and that would stay firm until we start having an other look in to it We have been married for 19 years and have two daughters 17 and13 I am not bored of having sex with her but a new sensation has started to grow inside me ,when having sex with her ,I visualize her to be between me and an other healthy and young guy to be pleasured until her moning reaches the whole neighbourhood I love to direct an strangers good size ***** to her curvy ***** and watch until they finish

Nuffield :

Since I had prostate surgery I can’t give my wife all she needs. I love to see her gain the satisfaction she deserves. At first we were
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