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Sex Nudisti Ru

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First nudist park opens in Paris 1529131
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Léo is dragged to a nudist camping resort by his mother. Like most boys at the age of 12 or 13, being nude in public holds little appeal for Léo, who protests by wearing extra layers. Until ... Read all Léo is dragged to a nudist camping resort by his mother. Like most boys at the age of 12 or 13, being nude in public holds little appeal for Léo, who protests by wearing extra layers. Until he meets a certain special girl, who captures his heart and releases his inhibitions. Léo is dragged to a nudist camping resort by his mother. Like most boys at the age of 12 or 13, being nude in public holds little appeal for Léo, who protests by wearing extra layers. Until he meets a certain special girl, who captures his heart and releases his inhibitions.
Geraldine Martineau was either 24 or 25 when she did this film, though she's supposed to be playing a teenage girl closer in age to Leo.
When Leo's mom sees him and Antoinette naked together, one can clearly see the age difference between the actors based solely on body development.
A very fine short film written by Jean-Julien Chervier. It's a story of a woman who brings her son to a vacation spot at a nudist camp. The boy, played by Marc Beffa, shows he is a lot wiser that most folks would perceive him to be, as he faces a life challenge of knowing the right thing to do when he meets one of the other female tourists at the camp and the two find themselves on a path to a budding romance. The lead female, played by Geraldine Martineau, is nude through most of this film, although Geraldine is indeed an adult so no controversy in that department. Trivia: Geraldine, it is understood, was well into her 20s when she played her role in this film 2009. Basically the film is about the main character overcoming fears that have haunted him up until that visit to the camp, and the 'thawing out,' as the title implies, reveals in the boy someone about to become a very responsible yet gentle young man who realizes the importance of a well- thought out decision with respects to folks around him. Nicely filmed in the hills of France, with the participation of Arte France Television and the Center of National Cinematography, and backed by the Aquitaine Region and the Department of Health, you are assured that this short film was produced under strict guidelines and regulations in order to insure that all was done in accordance to laws and proper procedure. La Fonte des Neiges has aired on French national television and has toured the French and U.S. film festivals. La Fonte des Neiges is one of the very rare naturist-nudist based films where a good sense of responsibility is exhibited at a time when romance sets in and represents a potentially consequential proposition.
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Nudista park nyílt Franciaországban /Fotó: AFP

A naturisták kedvükre meztelenkedhetnek a parkban /Fotó: AFP

Akit kukkoláson érnek, komoly büntetésre számíthat /Fotó: AFP

Itt senkinek sem kell szégyenlősködnie /Fotó: AFP

Augusztus 31-től egészen október 15-ig meztelenkedhetnek /Fotó: AFP










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Nudista park nyílt Franciaországban / Fotó: AFP
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