Two Faced Young Master Tease Me

Two Faced Young Master Tease Me


Two Faced Young Master Tease Me
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Hi there! I'm new to the translation world! Currently translating Young master, come and possess me & But I fell in love with you! If you have any other Chinese novels you want me to translate, feel free to let me know!

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This is a translation site for mainly Chinese novels! All novel updates will be uploaded at the date indicated and at 9pm GMT:+7. Let me know if there are any novels you want me to translate, I will see if I am interested in it too! Enjoy!

They were shocked because master not only turned into a
woman, his mana was also too weak that they could hardly feel it now.

His face now looked like a map of black and blue bruises as if
he had been beaten up not long ago.

It brought up the memory of when they first met him. They had willingly
surrendered to him because they were almost beaten into a pulp. Fox had overwhelmed them almost completely because his magic far surpassed their
capabilities when they battled him.

Now Fox was not only weaker than them, his power was also so negligible that he
was as weak as a normal human being...

Although they are the subordinates of Fox, they seldom follow him at

That is because Fox likes his independence and space. If a person really kept track of it, the number of fingers
on one hand would be one too many times for Fox to summon them in a year. Lynx, on the other hand was one
seriously troublesome kitty. She loved to raise hell and tease the dangerous
creatures she met even though she lacked the skills to get off scot-free.
Fox had spent countless times digging her out of the danger that she had
landed herself in.

Jackal once suggested to Fox that he should terminate the contract with
Lynx, but Fox thought that he was too much of a busybody.

"Isn't this fun?" Fox shrugged his shoulders as his eyes glinted with
mischievous delight.

Jackal often scratched his head because he couldn't understand Lynx’s
childish behavior, and he found it harder to even understand his master’s

Now his great master’s precious body had been severely injured while he laid
securely in the cocoon of a man’s arms. His sensitive nose could pick the
distinct scent of his master emanating from the man too. Did he make a

Jackal couldn’t figure out what had happened even though he kept searching his head for

He was still pondering about the thousand ways he could best solve this
situation and the risk that he needed to consider but Lynx, who had never
liked to use her brain, suddenly started to remove the bandages made of
torn clothes on Tang Cheng Cheng's back.

They could see clearly that Tang Cheng Cheng’s wounds were still not fully
healed, but it had been treated partially before they came.

Jackal lowered his head to examine the wound, and scratched his head on why Fox could not
completely heal the wound. It may be because Fox had sustained too severe an
injury by battling with a not so ordinary opponent which caused his mana to
drastically decline.

If this was a stranger, Jackal would not even bother to lift a finger to
help them, but he could scent master’s energy coming from his body too.
Furthermore this man was hugging his master, so he still made the
decision to treat the man’s wounds as a precaution.

"There’s an injury, an injury!" Lynx raised her head and said to Jackal.

Jackal came from a line of famous medical healers that was known far and
wide in the demon world. Back then, he was beaten to the ground by Fox because he wanted so desperately to be accepted as a subordinate of Fox. Fox
just left with a look of disdain.

He then bragged that he was well versed in medical skills and would be
useful in the future. This made Fox's golden pupils instantly glimmer in greedy
interest and it almost blinded him in his brilliance.

If he were to say that Fox chose his subordinates by setting the bar for how
useful they would be to him then why did he even choose to accept Lynx at

That useless kitty had only practiced divinity for a mere two hundred years.
Her capability was as weak as tofu, so she contributed not even a speck of
usefulness to their team at all. Her only talent was that she is extremely

He couldn't for the life of his, understand why… He shook away the grudges
he held in his head and decided to stop thinking about nonsense.

TL: Tang Cheng Cheng is in Li Haijiao/Fox’s body now

After cutting open the clothes on Tang Cheng Cheng's body, he began to use
magic to treat her. He scraped off the rotten flesh and cleared the poison
in her body and blood. The whole process took about half an hour before a
thin scab formed to cover the wound. Tang Cheng Cheng's pale face immediately
returned to her usual rosy complexion.

"Treat the master, treat the master!" Lynx pointed to Fox.

Jackal took out a bottle of ointment and rubbed it on Fox's face. A burst of
coolness penetrated into the skin causing the bruises on his face to
disappear in just a blink of an eye. Fox finally woke up.

"Hmph, how could you only turn up now?" Fox half-jokingly accused them.

"Master, who is this person?" Jackal pointed at Tang Cheng Cheng and asked.

Jackal was surprised while Lynx’s round eyes widened. One
of her opal colored eyeballs then rolled off her eye socket which cause to hurriedly chase after it to stuff it back.

Fox later explained the whole situation to them and finally realized
what had happened.

Did their master really lose his body in order to save a mere mortal?

If this matter spreads out, how can these three demons still dare to show their faces in the demon world?

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AMSTERDAM, Netherlands -- A teacher at a Dutch school stood up on her desk in front of all of her students and began taking off her shirt and pants. Photos and video taken of the teacher’s strip tease were posted to Facebook and were quickly shared all over. But once Debby Heerkens, a science teacher at Groene Hart Rijnwoude School, had removed her outer layers her students realized she was wearing a skintight suit showing the entire muscular structure on her body. She then removed that to show the students another suit showing internal organs and a 3rd suit featuring the skeletal structure.
This is likely a lesson Heerkens’ students won’t soon forget.
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Babysitters have to deal with a lot: high energy kids, cleaning up after the kids and more. Here are some of the most inappropriate things they have to deal with.
“I once babysat just one night for these strange parents. The children were two five year olds, one was adopted. The parents told me that their biological son, X, was allowed to play Grand Theft Auto in his bedroom for as long as he wanted and that they had a stash of candy for just him and there were no restrictions. Yes, he was a brat. But then the parents told me about Y, who they adopted a few months prior. They actually told me ‘he’s not allowed to leave the living room, because he’s adopted.’ And that was their only reasoning. It was shocking and to this day I can’t fathom or understand those people’s reasoning. Also, I can’t imagine what else he was denied or how else his treatment was altered just because he was adopted.” Source
“We’d just moved to a new town in rural Ireland and I got part time work experience in a local school. John, only 11, one day asked me on behalf of his mum if I did babysitting. I said usually no but if she needed help I’d help out. So eventually I met her and she asked me a specific day. I said yes. So I get there and the mother is just on her way out the door. ‘Ok the younger ones are in bed, it’s just John and Sarah you have to look after. And if John asks, could you make a run to the shop to get him some tobacco and vodka. There’s some lemonade he can mix it with don’t worry.’ It turns out little John was an alcoholic. At 11. Twice later that year teachers caught him with beer in his bag and even had to call the police when he gave an 8 year old a sip of Guinness. Turns out John’s parents used to use vodka and even whiskey to shut him up when he was loud (it’s later been discovered he had ADHD).” Source
“When I was 11 my sister and I were frequently watched by the same sitter. A 17 year old girl. I thought she was hot. Like many 11 year old boys I was subject to frequent unwanted erections. One Saturday night my sister was asleep and I was watching Are You Afraid of the Dark with our sitter. Thats when it happened. BOING an erection showed up. I was embarrassed and unsure what to do, I started to squirm a little and try to formulate a plan. I was too late, my sitter glanced over and saw the erection. What she did next blew my 11 year old mind. She started to stroke it over the fabric. Then she reached in and pulled it out. She proceeded to give me what was my first, and by far my most memorable hand job. All the way to the happy ending. I was hyped. I was stoked. I was a legend in my own mind. She only watched us once or twice after that and there was no repeat of the event. It took me close to twenty years to realize that what she did was COMPLETELY F–KED UP. The boost to my ego, and the way it affected my opinion of sex and women was not great. I came to expect sexual satisfaction, I became the type to ‘whip it out’ at my first chance alone with any female and see what happened. All in all, I think it warped my perception of women, sex and relationships very much and was a contributing factor to many years of having very little relation in my mind between sexual activity and emotional connection.” Source
“I came home from work one Friday to find my wife babysitting a neighbor’s child, probably 18 months. I was told they were out for the evening and would be coming back late, probably picking him up Saturday morning. By Monday, I wasn’t sure if I should call COPS or just start raising him. From the moment I got home Friday, I took care of him, played with him, fed him, changed him. I’d heard him crying every day from their apartment; he’d be left to cry himself to sleep at night. When I put him to bed the first night, he started crying as soon as the light was off. We’d put his playpen next to our bed for him to sleep in, so I laid down on the bed and put my hand on his back and talked to him quietly. After a few minutes, he fell fast asleep. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday night, all I had to do was lay him down, put my hand on his back, and say ‘See you in the morning.’ I did not have to stay in the room, he’d fall asleep with no crying or fuss. He just wanted to know that he wasn’t being abandoned. They came back Tuesday. We’d been knocking on their door and calling every day. They acted as if nothing were wrong, and only paid my wife for one day. After they finally showed up and got him, I could hear him crying in their apartment again. It seemed to anger his mother when I told her how I got him to sleep quietly every night. Shortly after, they moved.” Source
“The family had two boys, about 2 and 8. The older boy was very mischievous, and didn’t like to go to bed when he was told. The younger one would follow his brother around, so it was a pain getting them both to sleep. The parents told me to deal with this by locking them both into their rooms, and to ignore them if they cried. I felt really uncomfortable locking them in, knowing that if there was a fire or any emergency I might not be able to reach them in time and they would be trapped. I also felt that it was cruel to ignore a crying toddler in my care. I instead played with them until they were really tired, put them to sleep, and sometimes sat right outside their doors to make sure they stayed in bed.” Source
“When I was 17 years old I babysat for a couple that lived about 15 minutes from our house. Dad was invariably the one who drove me home. One evening he started stating what he considered facts: ‘You’re tired of all those 17 year old boys. You’re ready for a real man.’ I answered awkwardly, slowly understanding where he was going with this. The drive ended and I hurried out of the car. The next time they asked me to babysit, I thought about it, and thought maybe I was just overreacting and went back. That night he and his wife were accompanied by his younger brother. Dad and younger brother drove me home. They lit a joint and handed it to me. I partook while they began to dream up schemes to hang out with me outside of the babysitting gig. I never went back after that. In hindsight, I can understand why the mom was always so frustrated that their sitters would never stick around.” Source
“It was the early 70s and I was babysitting occasionally. Jobs were posted on a dorm bulletin board. I arrived at an apartment full of stoned people, including the parents, getting high for a concert. The kids were asleep already. They offered me a hit. At first I was gobsmacked that they wanted me to watch their kids while high. And then I thought they probably smoke around them all the time. Then one of them said, ‘So, you goin’ to the concert?’ ‘No. I’m babysitting.’ ‘Oh, right, man.'” Source
“I did a bit of baby sitting and had asked to look after a baby, so I rode my bike about 15km to get to their place. The kid was a lot younger than I had been used to looking after. The mom left and didn’t really say when she was back, so I fell asleep on the couch, woke up a few times and checked on the baby. It was the 80s so no mobile phones and I just sort of assumed this is what I was supposed to do. She turned up about 8am the next morning, thanked me for the babysitting and I sort of waited awkwardly till I realized I wasn’t getting paid, so rode back home. In retrospect, that is some next level irresponsibility, even by 80s standards. I also still don’t get how she thought that it wouldn’t be paid.” Source
“When I was 11, I babysat for a couple that lived 8 blocks from my house. They had one child and both parents were doctors. They were nice people and I baby sat for them almost every Saturday night. When they got home, they would pay me to the quarter hour. No rounding up for good measure. The worst part? The husband would ask me if I could walk home by myself. He was always tired and not in any condition to walk or drive. What was I supposed to say? No? So I would bolt home, scared s**tless. If my parents were home, I would call my dad to come get me. Sometimes he was sleeping and he had to get out of bed. The docs would make me wait out front for him, too. They needed their sleep. This made my parents furious but this went on for about 6 months. Finally, my mom had enough. The next time the Drs. called me to babysit she scolded them saying, ‘Listen, my daughter is no longer going to babysit for you if you will not drive or walk her home at the end of the night. My husband and I don’t think it is our responsibility to pick her up. We raised 3 daughters and had plenty of sitters over the years. We always gave them rides home or put them in a cab. Always. You need to step up and take this responsibility.’ I was floored. My mom was full of calm, but righteous indignation. It was beautiful to witness. ‘And for the record, I know this is your first child so you may not know these things, but it’s customary to round up when calculating the pay. The quarter hour payment is ridiculous. Especially because you’re not driving her home. Surely you can spa
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