Self Fuck Suck

Self Fuck Suck


Self Fuck Suck
John Raoux / AP Photo; AP file photo
@mislavkolakusic / Twitter screen shot
@damiengtayle / Twitter screen shot
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George Upper is the former Editor-in-Chief of The Western Journal and an occasional co-host of "WJ Live," powered by The Western Journal. He is currently editor-at-large. A former U.S. Army special operator, teacher and consultant, he is a lifetime member of the NRA and an active volunteer leader in his church. Born in Foxborough, Massachusetts, he has lived most of his life in central North Carolina.

George Upper, editor-at-large of The Western Journal, is a former U.S. Army special operator, teacher, manager and consultant. Born in Massachusetts, he graduated from Foxborough High School before joining the Army and spending most of the next three years at Fort Bragg. He now lives in central North Carolina with his wife and a Maine Coon named Princess Leia, for whose name he is not responsible. He is active in the teaching and security ministries in his church and is a lifetime member of the NRA. In his spare time he shoots, reads a lot of Lawrence Block and John D. MacDonald, and watches Bruce Campbell movies. He writes "The Upper Cut," a weekly column that appears quarterly (more or less). He is a fan of individual freedom, Tommy Bahama, fine-point G-2 pens, and the Oxford comma.

B.A., English, UNCG; M.A., English, UNCG; MBA, UNCG

Faith, Business, Leadership and Management, Military

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Despite urging the woman to stay away from contact lenses, the doctor said the woman has gone back to wearing them.

President Joe Biden took it upon himself to provide relationship advice to a girl who can't be older than 16.
Inside Creative House / Getty Images

A new analysis shows an average of one educator a day is arrested in connection with a sex-related crime against a child.

Former President Donald Trump revealed what he will do differently if he returns to the White House in 2024.
@roger_farina / Twitter screen shot

A marriage proposal that took place at a recent New York Islanders hockey game did not appear to be a success.

A federal agency has confirmed that electric vehicles and their lithium-ion batteries pose new problems for firefighters after a hurricane.
Brevard County Sheriff's Office / Facebook screen shot

A kidnapping suspect's attempt to hide under a pile of trash and dirty laundry didn't go so well when police unleashed an animal.

A hunter was forced to resort to his sidearm in an unreal encounter with a predator he was mindful enough to record on video.
@mislavkolakusic / Twitter screen shot

The unprecedented purchase of billions of COVID vaccines deserves further discussion - but so far the silence has been deafening.

They should hope Trump doesn't call their bluff. Because it will leave many Democrats flat-footed and scrambling for alibis themselves.
Elon Musk recently predicted that “self-driving will encompass all modes of driving by the end of the next year.” Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?
The only problem is that by “recently,” I mean March 11, 2018.
Musk was essentially predicting what would happen over what was then the next 21 months or so. It’s now been about 54 months, and if we’re any nearer to a revolution in self-driving automobiles, it’s being hidden pretty darn well.
At the time, Musk was touting “Autopilot 2.0” software that he predicted would be “2 to 3 times” more safe than you and me — you know, human drivers — behind the wheel, according to an industry report on the South by Southwest conference published by Electrek , which covers the electric transportation and sustainable energy beat.
I should point out that Electrek has been criticized in the past for its overly positive coverage of electric vehicles in general — and Tesla in particular — so it’s possible that the outlet put as positive a spin as it could find on those 2018 comments from Musk. But 54 months is 54 months, no matter what spin you’re in.
Last year, management consultants McKinsey & Company calculated that $106 billion had been spent over the previous 10 years on the development of “autonomous technology.” It also noted that “recent investments have flattened,” which, I probably don’t need to mention, is what typically happens when investors aren’t seeing a return on their money.
Even Electrek felt it needed to mention that Musk had been pushing his timeline out for at least three years.
“Musk has often put forward this timeline of self-driving being just ‘two years’ away since back in 2015 when Tesla was just starting to work on Autopilot,” the outlet reported.
“When launching Autopilot 2.0 at the end of 2016, Musk said that [fully autonomous self-driving] would start being pushed to the fleet in 2017, but he later admitted that the development process was more difficult than anticipated and Tesla has fallen behind.”
“I would be shocked if we do not achieve full self-driving safer than human this year,” Musk claimed in January of this year, according to a Feb. 1 Autoweek report. “I would be shocked.”
He added that the feature would soon be “the most important source of profitability for Tesla.”
Year’s almost up, and all I’ve been hearing from Musk in recent months has been how spammy Twitter is. He’s not wrong, but I’m not sure that observation is getting Tesla any closer to a self-driving car.
The automotive industry website Jalopnik noted Tuesday that Musk has been “promising that Teslas will be able to completely drive themselves with[in] a year to 18 months from whatever date he’s currently existing in,” calling the broken promises a “glorious tradition.”
And it shared a video compilation of some of those predictions:
“Only idiots think Elon Musk is a genius!” the video concludes. That seems harsh to me. If anything, that video proves what a genius Musk actually is — at marketing, anyway.
Maybe not so much at developing self-driving cars.
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Not many results contain fuck Search only for self "fuck" suck ?
27. ya gotta be warmed up first and formost. don't try it in the morning after being in be all day, try doing it at night after a hot day full of physically demanding work. make sure your muscles are literally warm, put a heater on in your bedroom if you have to, and streeetch. its easier with your feet over your head so you have your body ...
Self sucking is very hot , c** has hardly no taste at all, and once you start you can not quit. I have been self sucking for about 6 years , finally I found a really cool guy and we have been sucking each other off like there is no tomorrow . But I am very picky . I love his big c*** shaved and mine is too, kind of like Candy .
Self -Driving EVs Still Suck at Basic Tasks After $100 Billion and 10 Years of Promises. By George Upper October 13, 2022 at 4:15am . Facebook. Share on Facebook ... "Musk has often put forward this timeline of self -driving being just 'two years' away since back in 2015 when Tesla was just starting to work on Autopilot," the outlet ...
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Not many results contain fuck Search only for self "fuck" suck ?
27. ya gotta be warmed up first and formost. don't try it in the morning after being in be all day, try doing it at night after a hot day full of physically demanding work. make sure your muscles are literally warm, put a heater on in your bedroom if you have to, and streeetch. its easier with your feet over your head so you have your body ...
Self sucking is very hot , c** has hardly no taste at all, and once you start you can not quit. I have been self sucking for about 6 years , finally I found a really cool guy and we have been sucking each other off like there is no tomorrow . But I am very picky . I love his big c*** shaved and mine is too, kind of like Candy .
Self -Driving EVs Still Suck at Basic Tasks After $100 Billion and 10 Years of Promises. By George Upper October 13, 2022 at 4:15am . Facebook. Share on Facebook ... "Musk has often put forward this timeline of self -driving being just 'two years' away since back in 2015 when Tesla was just starting to work on Autopilot," the outlet ...
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Not many results contain fuck Search only for self "fuck" suck ?
27. ya gotta be warmed up first and formost. don't try it in the morning after being in be all day, try doing it at night after a hot day full of physically demanding work. make sure your muscles are literally warm, put a heater on in your bedroom if you have to, and streeetch. its easier with your feet over your head so you have your body ...
Self sucking is very hot , c** has hardly no taste at all, and once you start you can not quit. I have been self sucking for about 6 years , finally I found a really cool guy and we have been sucking each other off like there is no tomorrow . But I am very picky . I love his big c*** shaved and mine is too, kind of like Candy .
Self -Driving EVs Still Suck at Basic Tasks After $100 Billion and 10 Years of Promises. By George Upper October 13, 2022 at 4:15am . Facebook. Share on Facebook ... "Musk has often put forward this timeline of self -driving being just 'two years' away since back in 2015 when Tesla was just starting to work on Autopilot," the outlet ...
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