Scorpio Hot

Scorpio Hot


Scorpio Hot

Why are Scorpios women so hot?

Why are Scorpios women so hot?

Posted By Athur A.
Posted On January 19

Scorpio is definitely one of the sexiest zodiac signs. Both Scorpio men and women have special charms that can make anyone fall in love. In particular, Scorpio women have the ability to hypnotize anyone just by their appearance. Their powerful eyes and captivating aura can make anyone fall in love. This miraculous ability of the Scorpio woman can make any passerby do nothing but admire them. Scorpio woman is the definition of female strength and beauty. If you are wondering why Scorpio women are so hot, the reasons below may help you find the answer!
Scorpio ensures her femininity, but she balances it with qualities that are considered more masculine, like aggression and assertiveness.
Loving a Scorpio woman is never dull. At first, she may seem mysterious, but she will reveal more and more sides of herself throughout your relationship with her.
When a Scorpio woman is bold enough to be herself, you also feel more comfortable being who you really are. Again, what makes a Scorpio woman attractive has a lot to do with how you feel about yourself around her. 
The openness towards Scorpio women can be intimidating at first. However, once you realize she is a safe place for all your quirks, you can relax in a way you thought impossible.
A Scorpio woman is the ultimate hunt for someone who identifies as sapiosexual, which means finding attractive or stimulating intelligence. However, even if you don’t think intellectually when looking for a mate, you will be stunned by what the Scorpio woman has to offer.
Scorpio women are highly motivated by their need to be emotionally protected. While other Zodiac signs have this need to one degree or another, the way Scorpio women fulfill that need is unique. 
She is constantly scanning the world like a human surveillance camera, gathering information so she can form a big picture of the world and her place in it.
After the Scorpio woman has wrapped you in her loyalty, she will use her wisdom to protect you in the same way she protects herself. Life is often confusing, but a Scorpio woman’s confident assessment of the world can overcome difficulties enough to make it less. Her confidence is fascinating.
It can be frustrating at first when it takes a while for a Scorpio woman to show all the different sides of herself. It can also be annoying because she can play hard to get at first.
However, the best part of this is that when the Scorpio woman finally commits to you, she is loyal. She has an element of self-interest in this, as she has a high need for emotional security. 
She’s not openly clingy like a Cancer woman can be, but she really doesn’t want to hurt her heart. So she realized that taking good care of her partner was a barrier against that.
Still, it’s great to have someone committed to you, and that’s just one of the things about Scorpios that make them so attractive. Just remember that Scorpio women expect you to be loyal to her too!
One understandable reason you might be afraid to share your favorite weird fantasies with a Scorpio woman is fear that the words might get out of hand. What if the whole world found out how weird you really are? Well, fear not with a Scorpio woman!
She’s been aware of the more complicated aspects of life since she was a little girl, and she understands that you can’t usually talk about those things in public. By the time you get to the end, Scorpio knows when to keep it a secret.
When you know your secrets are safe with a Scorpio woman, there’s no limit to how much fun can happen between the two of you. This makes the Scorpio woman truly irresistible.
The Scorpio woman is not wishy-washy. She knows what she wants and what she doesn’t, and she acts on that with surgical precision.
If a Scorpio woman is in a relationship with you, she’s there because she wants to be. She may be in a situation that doesn’t make sense to others looking in from the outside, but rest assured she’s there because she’s figuring something out from it.
She won’t come up with an obvious situation that won’t work, and she can usually identify that very early on. Even if her decision isn’t what you wanted, you can at least respect her clarity in making it.
Are Scorpios good in bed? They are when they want to be, but they are really not the indiscriminate horndogs that some people imagine.
For Scorpio, sex is an intense experience, and the Scorpio woman will devote herself to the right partner. However, Scorpio’s sex drive is not for anyone. If a Scorpio woman’s love life is unsatisfactory, she’s not interested in sex.
If you have a Scorpio woman in bed with you, you know she’s there because she wants to be there. So what makes Scorpio so attractive is in part that she makes you feel attractive.
You feel desirable when your Scorpio lover lets you into her world – and who doesn’t want to feel that way?
There is a difference between being aggressive and mean. The Scorpio woman tends to be aggressive unless she is really provoked to cross the line. Assertiveness, like anything else, has its time and place.
The Scorpio woman can use aggression in a healthy way to fight for the sake of herself and those within her loyalties. When you are in the loyalty zone of a Scorpio woman, you feel protected.
If the Scorpio woman has any athletic abilities, it can be a great outlet for her aggression. She will love to compete with you and win. The sexy time after a good workout or a sports match can be especially rewarding.
Are Scorpios charming? They have a lot going for them so they don’t really have to try to seduce anyone. Magnetic is a more precise term, as people tend to look to them.
Why are Scorpios magnetic? They have a strong blend of traits ranging from bright, aggressive to assertive. All these make up a beauty that is more than just deep skin.
A Scorpio woman would not be the right partner for someone who wants to lead a boring life. However, if she thinks you’re worthy of the challenge, feel honored and know that you’re in a relationship that never ceases to be fascinating.

Scorpio men can be pretty hard to understand as they are skilled at hiding their feelings and staying low-key. They hate giving their power away and would take a long time confiding in someone blindly. So, if your Scorpio man is acting hot and cold and keeps you at a distance, it is something to be cautious of. Has your Scorpio man stopped texting you or is he ignoring you recently? Why is your Scorpio guy behaving distant and cold all of a sudden? Is he still interested in you and wants to pursue you?
Here is what you need to know about his distant behavior and how to deal with a Scorpio man when he withdraws from you or wants a break:
The Scorpio male is extremely sensitive and emotional though he wears a cold exterior that scares most people off. He is too kind and caring about the one he loves and adores. If he is hurt, he could be equally vengeful and cut off ties without communicating at all. So, in case he chooses to stop conversing, it may be a warning sign that your Scorpio guy is over you .
Scorpios can be competitive and project a sense of exclusivity. He wants to earn his spot in a person's life without giving away all of themselves too quickly. He wants to be the alpha, driven and dedicated to have the best. If he is acting distant despite being all mushy around you, it could be that the Scorpio man is trying to use you or test whether you still care to be around and chase him if he leaves.
If your Scorpio guy is ignoring you , he may be obsessed about you but too shy to admit it. Emotions of a Scorpio man can be too messy to make sense of. His dark past and complex understanding of the human psyche can put him in a tight spot when he is trying to understand what he feels for you. He may just need some time to process and handle the emotional tide that he feels pulled into when he has fallen in love.
He does not want you around himself for he has discovered an unpalatable truth about you. He is too irritated by a hurtful behavior of yours and is facing difficulty forgiving you. So, shutting you out or hurting you in return seems like an apt response for him. He leaves your calls unanswered or does not respond to your texts because he is too bitter and angry.
Scorpio men can have laser focus attention towards their goals especially when they are firm about achieving what they want. He could be struggling with work or is dumped with too many responsibilities to make time for you. So, when he acts aloof he could just have zoned out under the stress or pressure of his professional life and you should stop taking that personally to avoid complexities.
When he notices all the little details you share with him and opens his heart out to you, it's a clear sign the Scorpio man likes you . When a Scorpio man is trying to spend more time with you, being protective about you and tries to get dangerously close to you physically, you can tell that he has the hots for you. Scorpio's love language is physical so no matter how intellectually compatible, they will always be drawn towards someone who they feel a sensual connection with.
The men born under the Scorpio Zodiac sign build high walls around themselves even when they have fallen for someone because they tend to be suspicious of people. Being a highly intuitive sign, a Scorpio native can smell lies and deceit from a distance and this is why they need to be absolutely sure of who they let into their inner circle. If you have recently met this Scorpio man and can sense his closeness towards you, you'll need to be extremely transparent and loyal to him so that he can feel safe to open up. Act like you didn't realize that he is withdrawing himself so he knows that you are not too clingy or paranoid about controlling his life.
A Scorpio man is deep and wants to build a meaningful bond with someone who can speak his language. They do not take their love life casually unless they make it absolutely clear they are looking for a purely physical relationship. He wants to develop a lasting relationship otherwise that's strong and free from doubts. If he senses betrayal, he could be turned off for good. This means that he would prove to you to learn about you, dig deep into your past so that he has a true understanding of who he is dealing with.
He'll want to know about your vision of life and your plans of the future. Your perspectives or outlook towards your experiences and the people you choose hang out with. He wants to know if your thoughts align with his because he cannot handle fickle people and make concrete future plans with you if he sees potential.
Sex for a Scorpio man is a deep expression of emotions and feelings for someone, so he would speak about his fantasies and explore yours without inhibitions. Scorpio men are not for the faint hearted. So, if you are too shy he might just be too much for you. However, regardless of what he needs he is respectful of others privacy as he is a pirate person himself. So, be true and honest about who you are and what you need to win over him.
For nearly 15 years now, I have been writing about the mysteries of the zodiac signs, their characteristics and personality traits, their compatibility, their relationships and their passionate loves, with all the beauty but also all the complexity this can entail.
All the secrets about Zodiac Signs and their compatibility in love revealed

Scorpio Dates: October 23 – November 21
Body Part: The Genitals & the Bowels

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Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, and that shouldn’t be taken lightly—nor should Scorpios! Those born under this sign are dead serious in their mission to learn about others. There’s no fluff or chatter for Scorpios, either; these folks will zero-in on the essential questions, gleaning the secrets that lie within.
The Scorpio zodiac sign concerns itself with beginnings and endings, and is unafraid of either. They also travel in a world that is black and white and has little use for gray. The curiosity of Scorpios is immeasurable, which may be why they are such adept investigators. The folks with a Scorpio horoscope sign love to probe and know how to get to the bottom of things. The fact that they have a keen sense of intuition certainly helps.
The constellation known as Scorpio goes back to Babylonian times, where it was called “the creature with the burning sting.” Scorpio contains the red star Antares, which means “the rival of Mars,” and is also called “the heart of the Scorpion.” This potent fixed star is observed in various astrological and magical practices as having an intense Mars-like quality.
In Greek mythology, the Scorpion is associated with the death of Orion. There are many versions of this tale, but the one connected to Scorpio tells of a boastful hunter Orion, who bragged that he could kill all of the animals in the wild kingdom.
The earth goddess Gaia objected and sent a Scorpion to stop Orion. He confronted, and fought the Scorpion, but died when the great beast stung him in the head. The Scorpion was placed in the heavens as a reward from Gaia for his service, and Zeus placed Orion there as well to commend his valiant fight.
Scorpio season in the western tropical zodiac begins on October 23, commencing the middle of the autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the time of year when the sun’s heat and light are beginning to wane, with the darkness of night beginning to outweigh the daylight hours.
From this point, the days continue to decrease in length toward the Winter Solstice. It is during Scorpio’s time that many world cultures observe themes of death and rebirth, in holidays like Halloween, Samhain, All Saints Day, and El Día de Los Muertos. Scorpio’s connection with inward reflection, the shadows, and transformation is mirrored in the mystery and melancholy of the Autumn season.
Scorpio is the third of the four fixed signs of the zodiac, who all hold the elemental energy of endurance and stability in the center phase of the four seasons. Scorpio begins the middle of Autumn, when the season is most “fixed” and established, lending to the deep, tenacious, and obsessive tendencies of Scorpio.
Scorpio’s personality traits are related to its element, which is water , the second heaviest element, thought by ancient astrologers to be the fluid, adaptive, yet a tangible form of matter. Water represents the moistening and cohering principle that binds and connects all forms of nature. Without it, nothing that takes a material form could “stick” together. Water fertilizes earth so that nature and creativity can incubate and bloom. Scorpio’s creativity, intuition, imagination, and strong investigative powers are all akin to the consolidating connectivity of the water element.
In classical astrology, Mars is the planetary ruler of both Aries and Scorpio. Aries was thought to be the day, or diurnal home of Mars, with Mars finding a second nocturnal home in brooding and secretive Scorpio.
In Scorpio, Mars has full affinity and potency in the warrior-like tendencies of this sign, but because it is in its nocturnal home, these powers take on a more secretive and covert expression. This placement presents in a slower, cooler, and more calculated use of anger and drive.
Scorpio is more patient, and emotionally and psychologically nuanced than brash and brazen Aries. Those born with Mars in Scorpio can be more tactical and observant to wield behind the scenes of power. The motto “revenge is a dish best served cold” suits this tenacious and fixated archetype.
The planet Pluto , named for the god of the underworld, was discovered during a pivotal time in modern history. Found by astronomer Clyde Tombaugh in 1930, Pluto appeared out of the darkness through theories of a trans-Neptunian planet. At the time, many powerful Plutonian synchronicities were happening in the world, like massive world wars, the exploration of depth psychology, and the splitting of the atom. The latter discovery saddled humanity with the responsibility and ability to unleash mass destruction never seen before.
Astrologers of the modern era assigned Pluto as a co-ruler of Scorpio, since it’s dark themes of power, destruction, and inner discovery were similar to the themes this mysterious archetype explores. Combined with the assertive power of Mars, Scorpio’s Plutonian sub-signature makes this archetype uniquely suited to confront and transform personal and collective trauma.
Scorpio is in polarity with the fixed earth sign Taurus. Ruled by Mars, Scorpio likes to confront and conquer, where Taurus, ruled by Venus, likes to connect and keep the peace. Venus , when in the opposite sign of her preferred home, is said to be in detriment, or at a sort of disadvantage in Scorpio.
Imagine the planetary goddess of love, luxury, and attraction having to stay in a secret military bunker, with only weapons and war trophies as the resources to make a life. With this sign placement, she would have to compensate, with Venus in Scorpio natives often being private, secretive, and perhaps mistrustful in love. They may have frequent conflicts in following their passions and may be overwhelmed by their desires and emotional attachments.
Those born with this placement have a do or die attitude when it comes to love, either going all-in or becoming vengeful if they are scorned. Love, affection, and connection may either be somewhat fraught for these natives, or very potent, exciting, and outside the norms of society. The passion and friction that this placement produces may be channeled into the artistic pursuits of these creative individuals.
Since the moon is said to be exalted in Taurus, it is in its fall in the opposite sign of Scorpio. While not as challenging to integrate as a detriment, the fall shows the emotional “pitfalls” that those with this placement may fall into. Here, the moon’s nurturing and receptive qualities are concentrated and intensified in this fixed water sign.
The moon in Mars’ nocturnal sign can heighten the powers of intuition and concentration, but can also exacerbate dark moods. Those with this placement often have a potent, all-encompassing emotional life, that is deep and shadowy. These natives could face many inner demons and are also acutely aware of the psychic imbalances of others in their sphere. On the positive side, the moon in Scorpio is often found in the charts of uniquely creative and intuitive people who make great investigators, psychologists, or psychic counselors. People with this placement may need to do a lot of their healing and soul-tending to keep their psychic boundaries clear when working and living with others.
In the modern astrology system of the Twelfth Letter Alphabet, each zodiac sign rules one of the twelve houses in the birth chart . This innovation was created by psychological astrologers to match sign affinities to related house topics.
Scorpio was assigned the eighth house of endings, death, and inheritances since Scorpio’s dark territory seemed aligned with the concerns of this house. Since Scorpio is ruled by assertive Mars, and potent Pluto, it invites these transformative planetary sub-signatures to the eighth house.
In traditional astrology, Scorpio’s planetary ruler Mars was said to find his “joy” in the sixth house of “bad fortune,” health, and service of the birth chart . This is related to Mars classically being considered one of the more difficult, or “malefic” planets in astrology, responsible for conflicts, violence, and injuries in the life of these natives when badly placed. Since the sixth house has a
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