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Communities > Dermatology > spontaneous large red itchy welts

I am a 24 year old female.  About 6 months ago I started getting small red bite-like bumps that would itch like crazy.  They seemed to appear in the morning after sleeping.  My first thought was bed bugs or some other creepy crawlie and we did a sweep of our home and found nothing.  I share a bed with my fiance and our son sleeps in his own room.  Neither of them have been getting the spots.  The itchies would last about a week and when they're gone the skin pigment is slightly darker.  We spent 2 weeks away from home in another state and I still received them there.  Shortly after they seemed to stop.  There was about a 1-2 month period where I did not receive any.  I became pregnant in early April and have since started getting these itchy red bumps on a much greater scale.  They started again showing only in the morning and growing to be slightly larger than the end of a pencil eraser.  Now, they start all throughout the day, i get small red blotchy spots that do not itch at all.  They turn into nickel size swollen intensely itchy bumps that last weeks.  They started on my right upper arm, then my left upper arm was attached.  My right forearm was hit bad and now my left is covered in them.  Sometimes they seem to form a line with a fairly equal distance between them.  I also have been getting them on the tops of both feet and on my fingers/hands.  They last about 2 weeks now.  When they go away, they still have a raised bump that itches but the redness and harsh look is gone.  I've been to an allergist who said it was not hives and referred me to a dermatologist.  I had a biopsy done on a fresh one and am still waiting to hear the results.  I have not been able to find anything online similar to what I have.  I've also switched to a gluten free diet recently because my symptoms matched very closely to those of dermatitis herpetiformis, which comes from gluten intolerance/sensitivity.  The pictures of rashes people suffer with this problem however, don't match mine.  The picture shows the large bumps that developed overnight.  There are two small ones that are starting on the inside of my forearm also.  Tomorrow, they'll be the same size.  Any help is greatly appreciated!

Hi everyone,

Starting yesterday afternoon, I've noticed some strange red bumps that look like bug bites, but what's confusing me is th...

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Did anyone's bumps appear much bigger (2+ inch diameter) than the original picture and NOT particular itchy? I woke up this morning with five of those welts all over my body (thigh, upper arm, neck, ear) and they are not itchy but mainly warm to touch. I had another one a week ago on my thigh which had since reduced to a faint purple mark (still large in size). I thought they were bug bites but 1) the welts don't match any particular bug bite, 2) my husband did not get any.

I woke up this morning with these huge quarter sized and also various sized multiple welts all over my body. They itch like crazy and are warm to the touch. I have done nothing different that I can tell that would cause this. My husband has zero welts on him. Maybe it's stress??? Idk.. But I'm going crazy with this itching! They are still popping up in various locations throughout my body. Hope I can figure this out soon!

I have the exact same thing.
I feel it happens over night. I've had it on and off for 2 years (mostly off), on arms, hands, feet and now my waist.
Ive been through multiple pesticides...and no bugs! In different houses and in different countries...i get them.
So..... i'm quite certain we have allergies to something, whether its dust or something we consume, this is our body reacting to it.
I feel we all have initially sensitive skin, which causes us to have a heightened reaction causing these 'mosquito-like' welps.
I will find out what is causing this..... sooner or later.
I'm not sure if its perhaps something like gluten or dairy is the culprit, or something down those lines.
I can say the last 2 mornings i have woken up with more itchy welps on my arms, hands and feet...the night before each morning just so happened to be the nights i had a rare glass of red wine......could a reaction to alcohol be the problem???

Hello, The Picture Looks Exactly Like mine. I awoke last night with two welts, one on my back and one on my arm. The only difference is that within the few hours before writing this Ive gained five more welts. Three on my back one on my under arm and one more on my forearm. I'm starting to think allergies cause I know I don't have bed bugs and some of the welts happened during the day. Think I just Got Another, I Don't Know Whats Causing This but I don't like it.

This is crazy. I am experiencing the same exact thing. Mine has just started up. Like about a month or so. It started with small little bits looking marks that extremely itched. People also suggested bed bugs but our place showed no signs of any bugs. Its impossible not to itch them and it seems like that makes it spread or something. It will start as just a small red circle then eventually turn to a raised mosquito looking like bum. I've also gotten some on my neck and back that were in a row with at least 3 "bits" and all evenly spaced. Then I will still have the random ones on my body. They are always in a group of 2 or more. I have them on my arms, legs, hip, back and neck. Its already so annoying. I haven't seen the doctor yet but now I feel that they are probably going to say the same thing.

Bhupinder Kaur, MD
Jul 01, 2009

Without examination,confirmation of a diagnosis is tough but it can be due to hives Hives (medically known as urticaria) are red,itchy,raised areas of skin that appear in varying shapes and sizes. They have a tendency to change size rapidly and to move around, disappearing in one place and reappearing in other places, often in a matter of hours.

Many cases of hives are "idiopathic," meaning no cause is known. Others may be triggered by viral infections or medications.

The mainstay of treatment of hives is antihistamine which may be necessary for prolonged periods (in excess of 6 weeks). You can take non-sedating antihistamines such as Cetirizine(Zyrtec) or Loratadine(Claritin) to get symptom relief. Sedating antihistamines such as Chlorphenamine(Benadryl) is used at night to get urticaria control. Short courses of oral cortisone or steroids are taken for short periods (one to three days) to settle more severe symptoms but since you are pregnant so these are to be taken after consultation of your gynecologist.You may take Vitamin C and apply calamine lotion on the rashes.

If the hives don’t go after 6 wks of treatment also, then it can be a case of chronic urticaria which needs further evaluation as it may be due to auto antibodies.

Hope it helps. Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional queries.Kind regards.

PLEASE READ THIS SO I CAN AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE.. I FOUND A NATURAL CURE FOR MYSELF... I am not sure what I had but I know it was infestation by the intense itching and spreading, maybe Scabies or some other type of mites.. I  had bought this natural cleaner at Walmart called "the amazing Whip it multi purpose stain remover concentrate"with a yellow label (check the ingredients, it's totally fine for your skin!!), and I had FOOD GRADE Diatomatious Earth on hand for flea control for the cats and dogs.  I had been trying all the natural cures that worked last time (clove and tea tree oil, neem, aloe vera, lemongrass, enzymes),but weeks were going by and I was no better off.  I tried one last protocol after reading they like moist environments... first I sat in the infrared sauna (if you don't have access, I'm not convinced that did any good, but want to share exactly what i did), then i rinsed off and dried, and put the Walmart stuff (also on Amazon for 30 bucks, I used the concentrated form), let it dry and then patted the food grade Diatomatious Earth on and went to bed. I did this 2 days ago, 2 or 3 times a day... I haven't itched since and am healing up!!! PASS THIS ALONG!!

I’ve been having this same problem for over a year! I thought I was going crazy! I don’t drink any alcohol by the way.

I have the same thing on my arms and legs and feet,can't figure it out.

You have scabies.  Get a skin scrape and two to three treatments of ivermectin or stromectol and some peritherin creme and do this for three weeks and they will go away

Hi there.
Got something similar. I was in Thailand, I visit the local quemist for some cream or something than will stop the itch. I was toll, I was eating something than my body did not like.
When I came home my doc give me Cortisone and a couple of creams. nothing will help for more than a day.I decide to take the advice about the food intolerance more seriously . I stopped eating gluten, (Bread, cakes, pasta.....)and surprise, surprise the itch stop. I also stopped eating milk products. Because I don't like soy product I just get everything Lactose free. Ones a month I go to my local Italian bakery  get the crunchiest and hottest roll fill it with cheese and meats and eat it. A few hours after, came  the itch and the skin star to break and dry. For about 3 day I suffer the itch, dry and painful skin pain again. ........ all for the love of bread. Look into your food intakes and see if you are developing a food intolerance.

Smother spots with TEA TREE OIL! I had the same intensely itchy red spots on my thighs and shoulders and upper arms. I woke up about 6 weeks ago with about 5 itchy red spots on my thighs and thought a mosquito had been feasting. They were sooooo itchy that day, they drove me mad. Way more itchy than mosquito bites. I scratched one so hard through my clothes that I bruised the skin around it! Next morning, there were more red spots. I thought bugs or fleas, so washed clothes, pillows, bedding - everything. I then went interstate for 2 weeks into a whole new environment - and a couple of days later there were another half dozen on my shoulders, under my arms, and upper arms. I couldn't believe it. They were so itchy. And the ones on my legs were still there - and getting MORE itchy!
When I got back home, I looked for a home remedy online for scabies, even though I didn't really think they looked like scabies. That's where I saw the tea tree oil suggestion. I started by just dabbing it on, but then decided to slather it on after my shower. I used half the bottle, smothering my skin in the whole area around the spots. And followed up with a good covering of calamine lotion, let it dry then went to bed, leaving everything on my skin for the night. The relief in the morning was fabulous. The itchiness was heaps less and by the next day (after the same treatment) the itchiness was almost gone. The spots faded over the next few days and no more appeared - and no more itch. Still all good 2 weeks later. Fingers crossed. Hope this helps. (And no - I don't work for a tea tree oil company!!)

So for Months Ive been dealing with these Itchy Welty Bumps from Hell & Researching ALL DAY EVERYDAY trying to figure this out myself, since the Drs are incapable to do what I did, Whichs figure it out, bc it's literally starting to make me crazy with the Intense Itching & Bruising (from the God Awful Itchy)... However, I truly think I FINALLY figured out what I have!!!

Have any of you seen Pics of "Allergic Eczema"?? I honestly would've shot down someone trying to tell me this was Eczema, because Ive only known Eczema as Dry Itchy Patches, much like Psoriasis, NOT LIKE THIS, but apparently there's a plethora of different Types of Eczema, which I had NO CLUE... & with Allergic Eczema the Symptoms are a dead Ringer for this Devil's Itch, including: Itching, Burning Sensation/Pain, Red Bumps that Ooze/Drain/Crust, Warm/Tender Skin, Scaly/Raw/Thickened Skin, Dry/Red/Rough Skin, Inflammation, Cuts & Rash... Symptoms CAN spread to other areas of the Body & People with a Family History of Asthma & HayFever, seem to be more prone to developing Allergic Eczema. There can be Trigger's that set off This Type of Eczema, the obvious being your Skin coming in contact with something it didn't like & having a Delayed (24-48hr) Allergic Reaction, but Stress is another HUGE TRIGGER for this Type of Eczema. Which, for me, that makes ALOT OF SENSE. Ugh!

So, if you've been DXed with "Contact Dermatitis", it can't be, because  even though Contact Dermatitis has the SAME Symptoms as "Allergic Eczema", it DOESN'T have Itchy Sores... So if you have the same Sores as me & Online Pics of Allergic Eczema, then you
now know what you're suffering from & it's NOT Contact Dermatitis.

I'm hoping this is the DX you ALL need to finally get the Correct Meds to end this Nightmare! (PS. Please let me know/Post, if this Matches your Itchy Bumps/Rash or if you ask your Dr & he winds up DXing you with this). Thank you in advance! TAKE CARE!

I think you’re right. I got HEPATITIS air filters in the house and had my home professionally cleaned, including the use of a UVC light, and my symptoms completely disappeared. Thank you for this post!

Oops— not sure why it autocorrected hepa filters to hepatitis!

Wasn’t able to see the original pic from Jamie so I’ll describe mine. Anyone know how to view it?

For the past year I’ve been getting welts about the size of quarters or larger that appear anywhere on my body but mostly on hips, thighs, between elbows and knees, and in armpit area. I nearly always have at least one or two welts but can have up to 30 at a time, especially during times of stress. The welts are very itchy and often wake me up at night. I can get them at any time of the day but mostly get them at night, and not necessarily just in bed. My skin is so dry that I have to slather myself in moisturizer and then cover up my body with pajamas at night so as not to transfer moisturizer so I don’t think it is a bug ( I’ve also searched everywhere for bed bugs). Plus I’m always covered up, and there are never any bite marks or clusters of bites. When the we
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