Samantha Sex Stories

Samantha Sex Stories


Samantha Sex Stories
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SAMANTHA SEX STORIES Fans..THIS STORIES ALMOST ENTERTAIN YOU,, AND I THINK YOU CAN'T HOLD YOU'RE COCK BECAUSE ON seeing Samantha's HOT BOOBS YOU SEE..BUT FANS HOLD YOU'RE COCK AND READ FULL STORIES OF SAMANTHA … 1. Sex Hunger Of Kajal Agarwal and Samantha Sex Story PART-1 2.Sex Hunger Of Kajal Agarwal and Samantha Sex Story Part-2 Share this: Share
Samantha Finds Her Calling Samantha is introduced to Stephanie. by SamanthaWashington Lesbian Sex 08/02/2018 4.14 22.5k 13 2 14 Life after the Lottery Ch. 59 Dawn wants something. by drmac100 Novels and Novellas 05/24/2018 H 4.86 9.7k 19 5 20 Life after the Lottery Ch. 58 The trip to the Reservation. by drmac100 Novels and Novellas 01/16/2018 H
Samantha's breath caught in her throat as the purple vibrator was revealed in all its glory. Her jaw dropped at its size. It was at least eight inches long and impossibly thick. She had seen penis' in pictures before and knew they came in a lot of different shapes and sizes, but this seemed far too large, especially for someone who was a virgin.
"ahhhhh" shouted samantha .but her voice was so feeble and weak.he quickly removed his pyjama and underwear showed her his monster cock.her eyes were wide open and her mouth stopped shouting on seeing his cock."slap" suman slapped samantha's cheeks and let his cock into her mouth.he lunged towards her and hit her throat wall."ahhhh" moaned suman …
Reaching Samantha , he slid his hands across her round ass, admiring its firm contours his rigid cock still free of his pants. Samantha was wet now and dying for him to fuck her. Not a word was said when he ripped her thong off and impaled her with his hard-on. As he slid in, Samantha exclaimed in a breathy voice, "Fuck, that feels so good."
Aaron held Samantha's skirts up so he could watch his cock slip into her little wet pussy this time. The sight of the teen's blond bush and that of his cock just barely entering her pussy was making his cock even harder than before. Immediately upon feeling a cock inside her again, Samantha started breathing harder and harder.
samantha-sex-stories Daddy's plan B My name is Samantha , Sam for short I live with my dad he's almost 40 I think he works out alot and believe me I know he's strong. It all started when my mom died I don't remember how old I was it was hard on me and my dad. The day we got home Read more → Tagged with
A rich, handsome Spanish contractor had just given the main character a diamond bracelet and asked her to leave her unsatisfying husband. She refuses at first, but then he pulls out his big, steamy cock and fucks her in her marital bed, ejaculating deep into her neglected love-hole. I wish I could meet a man like that, not like my ex-husband.
Date: Thursday, 7 July 2022, 05:28 PM (2 minutes ago) Story By: NorseLoki. If you want to read the previous parts po which is written sa kaniya. Then search his username po " NorseLoki ". Or story. " Samantha and their Hardinero ". This is the continuation po of his Part 7.
Samantha took his limp penis in her hand and wiggled her nose again, releasing the area between his navel and his thighs from her numbing spell in order to restore its sensitivity. She knew that he could now feel that part of his body without being able to stop what was being done to it. Samantha stroked his penis and it began to stiffen.
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It was like any other day, Samantha has just finished the new studio, it was twice the size of the previous studio allowing for up to eight “stages” each stage was a full environment, not just a backdrop, she had gotten the idea from seeing a video on stages for tv shows.
This evening she had several stages setup for a sexy photo shoot. Samantha was just finishing up the last few touches when she heard a voice behind her, but it wasn't female, which made her start. Turning she saw a handsome man standing there, his hazel eyes seemed to drink her in as he spoke, “Sorry ma'am, I know you were expecting Trish, but she left work sick, and one of the girls asked me to stop by here too let you know she wouldn't make her appointment.”
Samantha wondered if he Trish's boyfriend, she was hoping not, “Ok thanks. How do you know Trish?” Samantha said only the slightest waver in her voice.
“Oh, we work together, but we aren't together Trish likes the ladies,” a mischievous smile on his face, “not that I judge mind you, looking at you I can totally see why women find women attractive.”
Samantha blushed ALL over and stammered, “Thanks, you are too kind, I am just the one behind the camera.”
The stranger let out a huff, “Please give me that camera,” and without thinking, she gave it to him. “Go over there to that set,” he said, pointing at veranda stage. Her curiosity was more powerful than her independent streak; also, she didn’t want him to leave just yet.
Taking a seat on the swing, Samantha posed like she had told so many others, the smile on her lips shy. Suddenly the flash went off, and he was moving to another angle firing off more shots. All the while giving instructions how he wanted her posed, move that arm a little, tilt your head like so, etc.…
When he asked her to undo the top couple buttons of her blouse, she did it without thinking. Samantha now comfortable, began to pose herself, ensuring her ample cleavage was on display. Without any further prompting, she undid her blouse, so it hung open, exposing the lacy black bra beneath.
After a few shots of the bra, Samantha felt incredibly sexy. Without thought, she adjusted, so her tits were all but falling out of her bra. She smiled at seeing the handsome man’s cock straining at his pants. She was really enjoying his unconscious reactions.
After snapping off a few more shots, he asked her to walk over and kneel on the carpet in front of the fireplace set. Samantha did as she was told, kneeling there her blouse open, her velvet sex aching for attention, her mind screaming, “stop you crazy slut.” She shut down her logic and decided to follow her desire.
He walked over to Samantha now standing over her looking down, he took a few photos. Samantha tried to not stare at the bulge in his pants, but she kept fantasizing about taking it out and licking his dick. As if he could read her thoughts, “You can take it out if you like,” he said in his smooth baritone.
Heart pounding Samantha unzipped his pants, pulling his hard on free. She began to kiss and lick it slowly, teasing him, making him want her before she took him in her mouth. As her lips slid over his shaft, he moaned. For the first time in her life, Samantha wanted a man to cum for her.
Just before he came, strong hands her pulled her to her feet, his lust filled eyes meet hers sending shivers down Samantha’s spine. Not breaking eye contact, he said: “Take off your skirt, and go over to bedroom set stand by the bed.” Biting her bottom lip, Samantha unzipped her skirt and let it hit the floor. Her blouse open, exposing her sexy lace bra and matching thong she knew she looked damn good.
Walking over to the bed, she placed a little more swing in her hips just for him. The click of the camera brought a smile came to her lips. Reaching the bed, Samantha leaned over, placed her hands on it looked over her shoulder with a sultry smile, click the camera went off again and again.
“Damn that is a fine ass,” he said, setting the camera on the table and confidently walked to her. Reaching Samantha, he slid his hands across her round ass, admiring its firm contours his rigid cock still free of his pants. Samantha was wet now and dying for him to fuck her. Not a word was said when he ripped her thong off and impaled her with his hard-on.
As he slid in, Samantha exclaimed in a breathy voice, “Fuck, that feels so good.”
He had her hips and pulled her to him as he slid into her, then he had a fist full of her long hair and pulled back, forcing her to look up. Samantha’s body exploded with the new sensations, she moaned and pushed back into him, wanting all of his cock. As they fell into a rhythm, her body sang with joy as her orgasm built then came crashing down with such force, she nearly blacked out.
Samantha's breathing was ragged her body flush with pleasure, as he pulled out. Strong hands caressed her firm ass, and a smooth, confident voice said, “I am going to have your ass. It is such a fine one.”
Samantha’s lowered inhibitions caused her to press her pert ass against his cock, letting him know she wanted his great cock to fill her virgin ass. He went slowly, letting her get accustomed to him. As the pain subsided and pleasure began to build, she began to push her ass back onto him.
Now she heard herself saying, “Fuck me hard! Just fuck me damn it,”. No sooner had the words left her mouth than he complied. Once again, an orgasm shot through her body narrowing her world down to a fine point of pleasure. When he pulled free, she fell to her knees, trying to catch her breath.
When she got control of herself, he was gone, so was her memory card. Fear shot through her upon realization, a man whose name she didn't know, had explicit photos of her. But she soon forgot all about the dangers of the missing pictures as she replayed the night's events.
The next day getting home, she received an email, from a new address, with an attachment. Opening it, she was shocked to see a picture of herself sucking a cock. The email said, “You are a damn fine woman. Your lips know how to make my cock scream with pleasure.
I am looking forward to many adventures together.” Samantha was aroused at the thoughts of what he could do to her.

The source of this story is Storiesonline
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: The Experiment - Samantha has heard from the girls at school that just putting the tip in can be dangerous, but she doesn't know why. Her mother has a suggestion to help her find out.
5/22/2010 - No change to the story, just putting Samantha's name in front of the title.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft 

Samantha's Mom was parked in front of the computer, while she and one of her parent's friends played video games on the couch. Samantha asked a question which caused her opponent, Aaron, to completely drop his controller.
"Mom, a girl at school today said it was dangerous to let a guy put just the tip of his wiener inside you, even if he didn't cum."
Sputtering, Aaron answered first. "Didn't you just turn fourteen Samantha? You're too young to be thinking about that sort of thing at all."
"Hey! I am too old enough!" Samantha protested. "If a guy tries to get me to let him stick just the tip in, I need to know why it might cause problems."
"It's because when a guy tells you that, he really wants to do a whole lot more." Samantha's mother explained without taking her eyes off her computer screen.
"But now that I know that, why would I let the guy put in anything more than just the tip?" Samantha wondered out loud.
"Why don't you try it and see for yourself." Samantha's mother suggested.
"OK, how about it Aaron. What to help me do an experiment?"
"You can't be serious! Tell your daughter that there's no way you'd let me do that." Aaron yelled.
The mother's response stunned both other people in the room. "Actually, I think it would be fine. Go ahead and help Samantha with her experiment."
"What the fuck? If I had said something like, 'Yeah Samantha, let's get it on!' You'd have told me to go for it?"
The response to that question surprised Samantha and Aaron again. "No, if you thought this was a good idea, I'd have told you not to touch my daughter. Since you think it's a bad idea, I think you can go ahead and show Samantha what can go wrong with that sort of plan."
"But what if I..." Aaron trailed off.
"You think it's such a bad idea that I don't think you'll have any problems."
Samantha shouted "Goody!" Her developing hips swayed, and her nice sized breasts jiggled as she worked her panties off under her skirt. Despite his protests, Aaron couldn't take his eyes off the teen removing an article of clothing.
Realizing that he was becoming hard from watching Samantha, Aaron grunted. "I guess I need to do something like this." He unzipped his fly, and tugged a mostly hard tool out of his pants. He pumped it a few times with his fist to bring it too full hardness for Samantha's e
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