Dolcett Men

Dolcett Men


Dolcett Men
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FYI. This story is over 5 years old.
Welcome to the Tasteless World of Online Cannibalism
You probably remember that German case. A guy named Armin ate a guy named Bernd after they met on a forum. The forum was removed in 2003, but eCannibalism is still very much alive.
You probably remember the German case: A Berlin engineer named Bernd Brandes was voluntarily murdered and eaten by a computer technician named Armin Meiwes back in 2003. They’d met on a forum called Cannibal Café and upon meeting Armin cut off Bernd’s penis, who died a few hours later from blood loss. For the following ten months Armin proceeded to cook and eat 20 kilograms of Bernd, all the while updating his online profile with an array of incriminating photos. Predictably, someone snitched and Armin was sentenced to life in 2006. After all that media excitement, Cannibal Café was pulled from the net and that was the end of convenient online cannibalism.
But actually not. Online cannibalism has evolved since 2003, most notably in the way it’s been rolled into something called Dolcett, which was originally the name of a Canadian fetish artist. Dolcett’s drawings of roast women and torture really took off in the mid-90s (in certain circles) and the space between S&M and snuff adopted his name. This was solidified in 2003 when the founder of now defunct Cannibal Café started a new site called Dolcett Girls, which at time of writing has 52,899 members. It’s now by far the most popular site for Dolcett, but for purist cannibalism it’s perhaps not the first stop. Like everything else, cannibalism has moved onto social media. Facebook generally pulls fetish pages, but Google Groups allows just about anything.
And this is how modern cannibals find each other. Nine out of ten ads are from men wanting to be eaten, with only a minority wanting to do the eating. Here's another example from , which also doubles as a cry for help.
The kind person responding to the ad has suggested the number for Lifeline, which really gets to the point – who the fuck wants to be eaten? Is this just a sort of kinky euthanasia? Or is it more of a sexual thing? I asked a few people this and the answer seemed to be the latter. An Experience Project member named Fatboy1384 explained that is was simply fantasy. “As a kid I had dreams about it. I also dreamed about being a pig and as I got older the feelings stayed.” The Pet from Dolcett Girls explained this idea more articulately “I'm not interested in the cannibalism aspect of Dolcett. I'm more interested in the death and dying side to it. As a girl, I would end up being eaten right? So by then I would be dead so therefore I don't really get to have any input. For me the whole being killed in a graphic way or dying thing is more my side of Dolcett.”
And this is where Dolcett has its own doctrine. For such a radical pursuit, it follows old-school gender roles pretty tightly. Men are always depicted at the muscled sadists, while buxom women just have to take it. Dolcett Girls Forum takes this one step further with their own back story, dreamt up by the founder Perro Loco. He role-plays the mayor of some lawless Californian town called Dolcett where the men trade and process the women as meat. There’s also a lottery that calls women up to be butchered. The only rules are that everything exists as fantasy only and no one’s allowed to post child porn. This former bit is probably a hangover from Perro’s last site, which as I explained was shut down for facilitating real cannibalism. The other odd part is that after a while you notice a weird kind of community about the place. To illustrate this, Perro announced he had leukaemia last year to the forum. “Assuming I survive the initial round of chemo,” he wrote, “I'll be keeping my eyes open for someone reliable to succeed me as mayor. The DGF has a life of its own and it's as close to a legacy as I'm gonna have.” The show of support for the mayor was actually kind of touching.
The other community thing is the way they share fantasy art. I got talking to a guy named Femsnuffer who makes Photoshop art for the members using photos they send in. As he explains “I use images of girls who are members because they get a kick out of it and we become friends.” I was keen to get my own photo done so I sent him this one of me drinking coffee:
Originally I wanted to be butchered and eaten but Femsnuffer said it’d be emasculating so he wouldn’t do it. ”I absolutely hate it when a man is submissive to a female mistress. To me he is no man.” So with that, he knocked up this image of me being non-submissive with a porn star.
The final question is how much of this is real. How much non-Photoshopped cannibalism is going on? Femsnuffer doesn’t know but he did know some girls who were into crucifixion. “They were mostly originally from Russia but they were living in Kentucky. One of the girls would be the executioner and usually 2 of the other girls would be crucified. They would see which girl would last the longest before begging to be taken down. From what they said the goal was usually about 3 hours. One of the girls was so into being nailed to the cross she had tubes inserted into the nail holes so she could be crucified more often.”
As for cannibalism, “It’s out there,” he says. “There’s always someone out there who has to carry anything to an extreme. And if it was legal I'd have to at least try a bite of girl. I imagine like everything else she'd taste like chicken.”
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This site has graphic violence, sex, and death. Absolutely not for anyone under
the age of twenty one!

The Machine
(Transforming girls into… )
Kristy and Alison were in the line already, and they had no idea what was going to happen. As they stood there watching, a girl walked to a machine, and within 30 seconds, she was being led out, collared and leashed. The girls in line had no idea what was happening, but there was a lot of guessing.
As the line moved forward rapidly, it soon came time for Kristy to enter a machine. As she stepped in, a gate closed behind her, and a metal probe encircled her head. The machine asked her some simple questions, then a buzzer sounded, and suddenly, Kristy found herself in a bikini, being led to the pool.
Alison was also in a machine, being questioned and scanned, but when the buzzer went off, she found herself being led to the field, with a bell around her neck.
Kristy stood at the edge of the pool, wondering what had happened, when she was pushed in from behind. As she hit the water, (it was water, she thought) she felt her body begin to change. Her legs seemed to fuse into one limb, and her feet transformed into a tail. Within moments, she was breathing underwater and swimming. Kristy was nervous, because she knew she had always been fascinated with mermaids, but never dreamed of actually becoming one.
Kristy and the other mermaids swam around, trying to get used to their new lives. They didn’t know it yet, but their transformation wasn’t going to allow them to last long when the mall opened for real.
As the 15 mermaids in the tank swam around, they waited, wondering what was going to happen. After the hour was up, there were 20 mermaids in the tank, and then they heard a sound like shouting, and suddenly, nets and hooks were entering the water. The mermaids swam madly in different directions, but already 5 were captured.
Kristy was on the bottom, with 2 other mermaids. They watched as the other mermaids were slowly but methodically captured. By 2:00 Pm, only Kristy and one other mermaid were in the tank. Kristy was really hungry now, not having anything to eat. Suddenly, she noticed a slice of pizza in the water, and swam out to eat it. As she closed her mouth around the slice, something tugged at her, and suddenly, a net was spinning up around her. She struggled with all her strength, but the net held fast and she found herself rising to the surface.
As she was landed on the side of the pool, she noticed the other mermaid girls hanging by their tails, with hooks coming out their fins. She screamed as a hook was passed into her tail. She was raised up and soon was hanging next to the other mermaids. As she watched, a man came down the line, feeling each mermaid’s crotch and breasts, causing the girl to squirm.
As the man passed, another came down the line. Kristy couldn’t see what happened, but each time he stopped, the girl he was with started to quiver and shake violently, then stop and remain still. The man continued down the line, till he was in front of Kristy. Kristy finally saw he was holding a knife in his hands, and she started to shake. The man placed the knife to her throat, and SWICH , the blade sliced her, spilling blood all on the deck of the pool.
Alison joined with some of the other cowgirls in the field, and waited and watched. As the line at the mall shrank, Alison watched as girls joined the other areas, but she did not see Kristy again.
As the last girl entered the cages at the end, the machines doing the sorting disappeared, and then Alison saw men coming into the mall, carrying many tools. Some went to the pool, and started fishing.
Other men approached the field where the cowgirls were, and Alison got nervous.
As she watched, the men and some women entered, and pulled out cords and began to tie lassos and loops, making what turned out to be preparations for capturing the cowgirls.
Alison watched as the men circled one cowgirl, and quickly tied her up, and left her wiggling on the ground, while they prepared to get another cowgirl.
Alison and the others started to panic and flee, but one by one, each of the cowgirls was captured and tied. Then the men and some of the older women did something the cowgirls couldn’t believe. They were going to brand the cowgirls.
Alison and the others were tied with their asses exposed; arms and legs tied together, and very soon, the men began applying the brands to the exposed cowgirl flesh.
Alison screamed as the brand was placed on her, but the magic in the field made her screams sound like the mooing of a cow.
As the men finished the brands, they carried the cowgirls into a barn, and strung them up by their ankles.
Alison and the other cowgirls didn’t last long once they were strung up. A man came around and slit their bellies open, removing their internal organs. Other men then came forward to help with the gutting and cleaning. As the men worked, the cowgirls moo’ed their final cries, and died.
Their meat was then cleaned out and taken to the local market, where the individual pieces were sold to waiting customers.
Oh, a transformation story, very nice. I like transformation, hell any type of magic-type of spell, when it comes to stories. It adds a wonderful flavor to the things.
Yeah, I’m really glad she posted this one. Sarah is a good writer.
Welcome to rodo , an archive of erotic and violent stories that cater to a
wide range of interests including ponies, cannibalism, and snuff. There is
probably something that will offend you on this site, but many of these stories
disappeared off the Internet in the deluge of other content and the
thought they merit giving some attention.

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.
Sounds perfect
Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

meat girl

18 y/o meat. Single. Loves to talk.


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