双语 | 华裔医生群体发声: 我们为何支持川普?

双语 | 华裔医生群体发声: 我们为何支持川普?

萧生客SSK | 点击️️此订阅 | 作者: 华医挺川联盟










1. 我们认清我们在中国的亲朋好友之所以不能得到我们在美国所享受的自由,是因为他们生活在中共的极权统治之下。当川普总统指责中共政府在疫情中隐瞒事实真相而贻害全世界人民的时候,他攻击的并不是中国人民,而是这一个极权政府。川普总统对中国极权政府的攻击,正是动摇这个政府对权力的控制,帮助中国人民得到自由的利器。民主党的施政理念和追逐权力的方式与中共政权越来越相像,而拜登家族与中国之间的勾兑,使得他会为了利益而替中国政府说话,在道义上也没有任何底气在大是大非面前代表美国的价值观。

2. 中国政权在最近的十年来,确实在致力成为世界上最有话语权的国家。他们对于西方世界的渗透无孔不入,不但包括窃取西方技术成果而且也包括散布马克思主义理念和毛泽东的夺权手段。在美国众多大城市造成重大破坏的黑命贵运动和安提法组织的行为里面充满了毛文化大革命运动的影子。波特兰市市长的候选人,一个公开承认是安提法的女性就就身穿一条上面有马列毛头像的裙子街头合照,以此为豪。只有川普总统才能坚决抵制这种中共对美国的渗透,让美国政权不会成为像中共那样的政权。

3. 在我们移民来到美国,在这里生根立业的过程中,我们看到美国人民,特别是那些持有保守理念的美国人民,对于来自不同文化,不同种族,一起来到美国用辛勤汗水追逐梦想的移民所持的善良之心。虽然拜登的政纲里面充满了他要如何帮助少数民族社区的空洞口号,但这些在他作为副总统的8年里面,没有任何实行。川普总统则通过他所制定的政策和个人的行动显示出他真真实实的能帮助弱势的种裔能通过个人的努力得到提升,而不要靠压制成功种裔来达到表面上的均衡。在备受亚裔关心的入学平等权利问题上,民主党的政策一直是打压通过努力和成就入学的亚裔来达到人为性的提高,其他总比入学水平,川普总统的司法部则主动参与亚裔对于常青藤不公正入学规则的诉讼。因此,我们在美华裔应该选择与我们价值观相一致的的川普总统的政纲,而不是轻信那些种族纷争贩卖者的谎言而选择拜登和民主党。



因此我们作为华裔美国人医学工作者在这大选最后的关头,为美国的今天和将来发声回应这些对于川普总统的攻击带来的疑虑。我们相信上帝将眷顾美国人民,让我们在大选作出正确的决定,2020 年11月3日为美国复兴重回伟大之路的荣耀日子。

林伟雄医生代表华医挺川联盟执笔,林伟雄、何刚等100 多名华裔在美医师通过微信群共同签名。(部分签名如下)


It has often been stated that the 2020 election is the most consequential election in American history since the election of President Lincoln, given the stark contrast between the two candidates and the directions they wanted to take the nation.

Chinese Medical Professionals make the case for Trump

As the nation deliberate on who should be entrusted with the helm of the federal government for the next 4 years, we, a group of Chinese American medical professionals, would like to offer some perspectives on why we support President Trump amidst criticisms regarding the pandemic, health care and relationship with China, areas where we are uniquely positioned to offer helpful insights.

First and foremost, we support President Trump out of love for America, our adopted home, primarily due to our nation’s founding principle -- personal liberty secured by constitution and guided by traditional morals. President Trump and the Trump-led Republican Party platform most closely represent our values –to pursue our American dreams in a society honoring freedom and fairness, rewarding hard work and respecting achievement. Only with these values can America continue on the path of peace and prosperity.  

Joe Biden is just a place holder for the extreme progressive leftists who now rule the Democratic Party. If he is elected to power in this election, the free and prosperous America would almost undoubtedly speed headlong towards socialist state that has failed everywhere it was tried, including China, under whose communist regime we experienced firsthand the oppression and impoverishment. We have the right and responsibility to act now with all our might to protect the future of this beloved nation for us and our posterity. 

As medical professionals, we can offer insights on the issue of President Trump’s handling of the pandemic which has become a frequent point of attack by his critics.  The pandemic is caused by a novel virus with infectivity and virility not fully understood even by the experts, and the situation was made much worse by the Chinese government’s initial coverup. It is totally unreasonable to blame all the death on the President’s response. It is akin to blaming the death of a patient with cancer on the attending oncologist who has done all the right things in attempts to save the patient. After objectively evaluating all the decisions President Trump made, we can rightfully conclude that he demonstrated strong leadership leading the nation against the pandemic, quite contrary to the picture painted by the mainstream media critics.

His decision to shut down the flights from China in early Feb, when only few than 5 cases were reported in US, all returning travelers from China, was nothing short of heroic. Even more so, this decision was made while the democrats were busy trying to impeach him over a made-up scandal and they immediately called him xenophobic and many other names.  The mobilization of the private industries for the production of PPE and rapid development and deployment of testing also illustrated the strength of our market-based economy.  He was at the media briefing daily taking questions from journalists, and was praised at that time by even the democrat governors like Cuomo for the job he was doing. 

His urging to reopen the society as soon as the curve was flattened showed the understanding that the nation’s wellbeing is not simply measured by statistics on the corona virus, but rather a influenced by economic, social and religious activities that may be valued differently among different groups. His pushing and guiding states to reopen at their own pace is completely consistent with how the constitution construct the separation of power in the federal system. These actions helped usher in a rapid V shape recovery of the economy that positively improve many aspects of people’s health, while European nations with more extreme shutdown measures, which is the only thing different that Joe Biden has to offer, didn’t see better numbers in COVID control but instead seeing their economy continue to plummet. The Operation Warp Speed sped up the development of safe and effective vaccines and therapeutics which are essential for complete return to normal life sooner rather than later.  All these accomplishments showcased the strength and wisdom of President Trump in a time of crisis. 

The reliance on individuals and industries, instead of government bureaucrats and institutions, to provide the best care for Americans, is good policy not only for the pandemic, but also for everyday health care. Many of us lived in China at a time when the health care was purportedly provided for by the government before coming to US, and experienced how inferior such a system was to what we do have now. So when we warn of the harm of socialized medicine, we know what we are talking about. When the government decides on how resources are distributed, behind the façade of equality of access are universally inadequate access, low quality and lack of innovation. Joe Biden’s health care plan will harm the medical community, and ultimately everybody.  

As ethnic Chinese who fled the communist regime to come to US, we have some mixed feelings about the strained relationship between US and China. After all, many of us still have strong ties with family and friends who are still in China. We wish that they can be free citizens of the world as we are. And some Chinese Americans are legitimately concerned about potential discriminations based on race and ethnicity as the rhetoric gets heated.  But we firmly believe, Chinese, whether living in US or in China, would live best lives in a society with economic freedom and liberty of thoughts and speech.  Therefore, we support President Trump’s policies towards China for these reasons:

1.   We recognize that the only reason they are not free is the oppression of communist party in power. When President Trump stood up to condemn the wrongs and atrocities committed by the CCP, it is not an attack directed against the people, but rather something that would weaken the grip of the CCP and help bring freedom to Chinese people.  In contrast, the platform of the Democratic party is becoming more and more a copy of the CCP, and the Biden family’s corrupt dealing with China will make him weak-kneed against CCP dictators, if not outright mouth-piece of that regime.

2.   CCP is intent on becoming the new dominant power of the world and they do try to infiltrate the western world to sow their ideologies, and to reap the western technological advances. The Mao strategies have been employed by Antifa creating chaos in many American cities. As American citizens, we expect our president to look after American interest as first priority, and we would be irate if US continued the trade policies that cuddle the CCP and weaken the US. The Biden presidency to make US more like the CCP controlled China, exactly what we came to US to escape.

3.   Through the years during which we put down our roots to build our lives and careers here in the US, we have seen the kind hearts of American people, especially those with conservative values, towards immigrants who have come here to contribute to the society while pursuing American dreams with hard work.  President Trump has demonstrated through his actions in policies he made regarding minority Americans that Chinese Americans’ best interests are aligned with his vision for America. In fact, in regards to the college admission issue which affects the future of Asian American communities, President Trump’s administration stands firmly on the side of fairness. Chinese Americans should reject the misinformation of race hustlers intended to create resentment.  

If we research the facts beyond what we are fed in the mainstream media, we will find that President Trump has achieved a great deal in the 4 years as president. The nation’s economy was the strongest it has ever been prior to the pandemic, and its recovery outpace that of any western nations. In his foreign policies, he was not only firm against the threat from the CCP, his doctrine of “peace through strength” made him one of few US presidents who didn’t start foreign war while in office. He successfully eliminated the threat from ISIS and Iran, and brokered multiple peace deals in the Middle East. Obama and Biden didn’t achieve a fraction of these in their 8 years. Why do we think Biden can now? The only thing they could run against President Trump with is the biased media’s smears and misinformation. We can see that of all the presidential debates, the line of questions had been framed in a way unfairly critical of President Trump to the exclusion of his accomplishment.  

Therefore, we wanted to particularly address these particular concerns and smears against President Trump with our insights gained by our backgrounds.   

Only 10 days left before the day to decide America’s future. We will be witness to this historical day as the day of glorious revival of the American greatness, if we make the right choice based on straight facts and values.

Authored by Wei-hsung Lin, MD, PhD for CHAMPs for Trump with over 100 cosigners of Chinese American Medical Professionals.


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