Russian traditions перевод текста

Russian traditions перевод текста

Russian traditions перевод текста

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Перейти на сайт так английский ты еще не учил! Материал готовится, пожалуйста, возвращайтесь позднее. Almost every nation and country has a reputation of some kind. The English are reputed to be cold, reserved, easy-going and fond of sport. They are a nation of homebodies. They prefer a small house built for one family, with a small garden and a fireplace in the centre of the house. They like animals very much and follow tradition concerning food and meals. First, about the Russian people. In my opinion, our main character traits which distinguish us from other people are Russian hospitality, our 'open heart' and 'golden hands'. Wise Russian fairytales reflect this wisdom. Our people are hardworking, patient, never losing hope for a better life. Russia is a talented nation. Russia gave the world the magnificent names of Pushkin and Lermontov, Chaikovsky and Repin, thousands of names of world famous poets, writers, composers, scientists. All of them are the pride of the nation because they elevate the beauty of our land and people. Besides these great names in literature and music, our country is famous for Russian traditional folkart, with our skilled craftsmen and women making painted boxes of Palekh, coloured shawls of Pavlov Posad, clay toys of Dymkovo, laces of Vologda, all of which are known all over the world. Gzhel and Khokhloma are considered to be national cultural symbols of Russia as well as matryoshkas and samovars. The history of khokhloma goes back to the 17th century The production of tableware-dishes, spoons, mugs began at that time in the villages of Suomino and Khokhloma in Nizhniy Novgorod Province, on the banks of the great Russian river Volga. Many carpenters, and painters have been working since then reviving the traditions of old masters. The Khokhloma style is characterized by using plant elements in painting the tableware. The prevailing colours are black, yellow, gold, green and red. And nowadays this craft will hopefully be preserved, to be developed and brought into the future by new generations of painters. The revival of old crafts and folkart is connected with the current cultural renewal of the traditional arts in Russia, of all peoples inhabiting our big country. There are different native ethnic groups. They are proud of their culture, costumes, dances and language. It is the revival of our souls. Now we recelebrate the forgotten holidays of the past, Troisa, Maslenitsa, and Easter. Once again we sing Russian folk songs and chastushki, dance Barinya, spring round dances, perform khorovods, and ride in troikas. Traditional Russian cooking is world-famous for such dishes as okroshka, shi, pelmeni, kurnik, and the beverage kvass. We have begun to build, rebuild and repair churches, that sadly fell into disrepair during the Soviet era, following the Bolshevik Revolution. One shining example of this reconstruction is the rebuilding of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the center of Moscow. It is truly a divine symbol of reviving human feelings, national pride and patriotism. Выбрать следующее задание Ты добавил. В вашем браузере отключен JavaScript. Пожалуйста, включите его в настройках, чтобы пользоваться сервисом Lingualeo.

Russian Customs And Traditions

Иностранные языки , Внеклассная работа. People in Russia keep their old customs and traditions and are very proud of them. Customs are changing more often than traditions. Today the most widely spread are the following ones:. We usually visit our friends not only on holidays and week-ends. Russian people usually go to bed late in the evening especially at weekends. They enjoy drinking tea with their relatives or friends in the kitchen and having long chats;. The Russians are known to be a hospitable and open-hearted people. They like to invite guests to their places, they like to give traditional souvenirs to their foreign friends as Matryoshka dolls, beautiful mugs, plates and spoons from the village of Khokhloma and Palekh boxes, Zhostovo tea-trays, Gzhel dishes, Pavlovo headscarves;. Russian people like having parties and receiving guests. According to an old tradition a very important guest should be welcomed with the symbol of life giving food — bread and salt;. All guests watch attentively who takes a bigger piece of the wedding caravay. He or she is supposed to be at the head of the family;. Russian people enjoy reading very much. The Russians are known as pet lovers. Many families keep different pets at home. They take care of their pets and train them. Cats, dogs, guinea pigs, parrots and fish are the most common pets in Russia;. Until the beginning of the 20 th century Russian bath had been the first necessity of home life. People often went to bathhouses. Today it is rather an entertainment or a part of a healthy lifestyle. The main attributes of Russian baths are birch and oak brooms, steam, sweet tea with herbs, kvass or other drinks. Many Russians are religious people. When a new baby is born in Russia he or she is usually christened in a church. Christening is an ancient ceremony during which a new baby is dipped 3 times in to the water. After a baby has been christened we usually say: Russian people celebrate religious holidays such as Easter, Christmas, Christmas-tide, Shrovetide or Maslenitsa and others. Easter is one of the most favourite holidays in Russia. It has no the fixed date. It usually falls on April. Easter is the day of memory of Jesus Christ: The holiday has some ceremonies: On the Easter day we greet each other by the words: The 6 th of January is Christmas Eve according to the Orthodox Church. It was said on that day: If the kutya was good it was believed that the coming year would be a happy one. The 7 th of January is Christmas day by the Julinian calendar. The sun was expected to appear on that day. This holiday is celebrated with all-night services in churches. Nowadays more and more people observe and enjoy the day;. The days from Christmas to the Epiphany are called Christmas tide. Earlier people had carnivals, told fortunes, made snowman, rode troikas, played snowballs, wore fancy costumes and sang carols during this days. At present many people, especially young girls enjoy telling fortunes. The simpliest way is to write down the name of the sweetheart on a sheet of paper, to put it on the plate and to burn it. If the sheet is not burned to ashes, the sweetheart will marry her;. Almost all Russians observe Old New Year which falls on the 13 th of January. Until Russia had used the Julinian calendar which was 13 days behind the European or Gregorian one. In Russia accepted the Gregorian calendar but the tradition to celebrate Old New Year remained. Many Russians stay at home on this day. They invite friends and relatives, have a festive supper, have fun and set off fireworks;. Maslenitsa came to Russia from the pagan Slavs. The most important god in the pagan times was Yarilo, the God of the Sun and Fertility. The Slavs believed that the change of seasons was the struggle between Yarilo and the evil spirits of cold and darkness. According to the ancient beliefs it was necessary to help Yarilo in his fight against winter. Pancakes symbolized Yarilo, the God of the Sun. The Slavs believed that by eating pancakes they received the vital power, light and warmth of the sun. Today the Russians eat them with honey, red and black caviar, mushrooms, soured cream or jam — to any taste;. We celebrate Shrovetide for seven days. The whole week is filled with fun and games. Every day of the week has its special name and rituals. The last day of Maslenitsa is called the Forgiveness Day. Everybody ask one another for forgiveness in order to redeem themselves from their sins. We bow to one another and say: On the last day of the week we burn the scarecrow of Maslenitsa. It means we say good bye to winter and welcome spring;. Now we would like to show you a short presentation of Shrovetide. Of course, it is not full but we are sure you will get the idea of this wonderful holiday. Школа цифрового века Педагогический университет. Подать заявку Личный кабинет. Главная Положение о фестивале и конкурсах Содержание: Иноземцева Нина Дмитриевна , учитель. Школа цифрового века Педагогический университет Вебинары Педагогический марафон Учительская книга.

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