Russian Cosplay

Russian Cosplay


Russian Cosplay

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it's a group for us! Join and enjoy! ) I hope you'll like it ) luv u ^^

it's a group for us! Join and enjoy! ) I hope you'll like it ) luv u ^^

Handsome Jack cosplay


Narciso Anasui cosplay


Erume 6


CatWoman DC Comics Batman Arkham Knight Injustice


Hisoka cosplay


Hisoka cosplay


Hisoka cosplay


Hisoka cosplay


Illumi Zoldyck cosplay


Hisoka cosplay




Itachi Uchiha cosplay


Itachi Uchiha cosplay


Neji Hyuga and Hinata cosplay


Hisoka cosplay


Orochimaru cosplay


Поздравляем победителей конкурса на лучшее фото июля и августа! Ура, (model: adelhaid, photo by JustMoolti, )!… Кроме того!… - папка для фотографий, поданных на конкурс сентябрьского фотокосплея. Участвуем, не стесняемся!

CONGRATS! and September Contest
October 12, 2010
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Featured By Owner
Jul 21, 2016
 Student Photographer

Привет. Я из Македонии, я могу присоединиться к этой группе?

Featured By Owner
Apr 10, 2014
 Student Artist

Featured By Owner
Oct 16, 2013
 Hobbyist Digital Artist

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Jul 28, 2013
 Professional Photographer

Всем привет! Тут есть косплейеры из Санкт-Петербурга? Я должен скоро посетить СПб на некоторое время, и был бы рад организовать фотосессию. Если кто-либо заинтересуется, пожалуйста напишите личное сообщение. Успехов!

Featured By Owner
Jul 2, 2013
 Hobbyist Artisan Crafter

Уже 3-4 месяца не могу заливать работы, при попытке выдает : Due to an unexpected error, submission to this folder is not currently avilable.

Featured By Owner
Jul 6, 2013
 Hobbyist Artisan Crafter

Featured By Owner
Jun 18, 2013

Приветствую соотечественников!!! Можно ли запилить моего прокси в раздел аниме? И хочу сообщить, что сейчас я делаю косп на демонический образ тёмного дворецкого. Спасибо братюни и няши за внимание

Featured By Owner
Apr 7, 2013

Приветствую! А нельзя ли добавить фолдер TV-Movie Cosplay? А то обидно как-то

Featured By Owner
Jan 9, 2013
 Hobbyist General Artist

Может нагло прозвучит, но как-то обидно просматривать новости группы и видеть зарубежных косплееров может как-то ужесточить отбор фото? американцы во всю постят свои фото сюда, видимо для увеличения собственной популярности. Я не расист, просто как-то хочется любоваться тут соотечественниками и ближайшими странами, а не теми, кто висит во всех группах и набивает себе вотчеров

Featured By Owner
Jan 10, 2013
 Student General Artist

Если название группы Русский косплей, то мне тоже кажется лучше действительно чтобы свои фотки грузили сюда только русские...О.о deviantART muro drawing

Featured By Owner
Jun 5, 2012

Hi all, Thanks for your support to Cosplay Show I & II We have a happy ending last time. Now it's been almost a year time, the " Cosplay Show" event come back. I wish you can also enjoy the fun from our show . Name of activity : Cosplay Show 3 website to join [link] Participants : Anybody who is fond of Cosplay How to join it ? Option 1: Click the banner or navigation bar to login and upload images about your cosplay show. Option 2: Vote for your favorite images. Time of competition : 21th,May to 10th,June-------Uploading images 11th,June to 21th,June------Voting 22th,June-------Announce Voting Results Love you all~~ Sincerely Damon

Featured By Owner
Jan 3, 2012

Народ, живые есть? Давно сообщений не было. Зима же, время тематических съемок! )

Featured By Owner
Nov 12, 2011

Здравствуйте, поддержите наших - голосуйте за русского автора в международном конкурсе игрового косплея [link] .

Featured By Owner
May 6, 2011
 Hobbyist Photographer

Приглашаем принять участие в Первой Российской Выставке Фотокосплея! Это первый проект в России, который серьезно представит такое направление, как косплей-фотография. Выставка будет проходить в течение нескольких дней в одной из московских галерей. Цели выставки: - показать лучшие работы фотографов и косплееров из России и стран СНГ; - поднять фотокосплей и интерес к нему на более высокий уровень; - повысить интерес у косплееров к качественной фотографии; - дать возможность выставиться уже известным фотографам и косплеерам, и заявить о себе начинающим. Всю информацию вы найдете здесь: [link]

Featured By Owner
Dec 12, 2011

Приветствую. Это уже выставка по готовым работам? Или фотосьемка будет проходить и на самой выставке тоже?

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Russian Cosplayer Can Transform Herself Into Any Character (30 Pics)
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#2 Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson)
#8 Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke)
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Imagine if you had the ability to transform yourself into anyone. Who would you choose?
With the ever-growing hype around cosplay, people are getting utterly creative with the tools they use: from budget-friendly household items to food . And while the results of those parody-style experiments can be hilarious, we definitely still appreciate the traditional cosplay classics created from make-up, wigs, and costumes.
21-year-old Russian singer, make-up artist and goddess of cosplay Jules Gudkova has a natural talent and killer skills of bringing characters of popular movies, TV shows, modern and childhood cartoons, and even toys to life with extreme accuracy. One day she’s an innocent princess, another - a whimsical animated character or a badass superhero. And although her uncanny impersonations look effortless, we guarantee that a lot of time and effort is involved.
A combination of various media, genres and creative tools make for head-turning makeovers that compliment any taste. From geeks to little princess wannabes, her stunning artistry has built her an impressive following of 83k on Instagram.
We don‘t encourage you to change your appearance, and self-love always comes first but turning yourself into someone you look nothing alike can be fun and very entertaining. Here‘s some inspiration for your next Comic-Con or a dress-up party!
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"Remake of my make-up on Emily from “Corpse Bride”... this is my favorite cartoon by Tim Burton. And yeah, and I still cry every time I hear a "Tears to shed'"
"Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable"
The Moscow-based young artist says she is a ‘Disneynerd’ and her affection for cartoons perfectly reflects in her works. She’s transformed herself into probably every princess created: tomboyish Merida, gorgeous Ariel, and the beloved “Frozen” sisters, you name it she's done it. Jules draws inspiration both from modern pop culture, like superheroes from Marvel’s blockbusters or Game of Thrones characters, and nostalgic classics, like voluptuous Jessica Rabbit, Princess Leia or enchanting Morticia Addams.
"I'm not a queen or a monster... I'm the god of death!"
"I won’t think about it now, I’ll think about it tomorrow, when I can stand it!"
The surreal world of cosplay invites talented individuals to pay tribute to their favorite movie, video game or book characters. Naturally, we see imitations of same characters all over the Internet which reflects whatever’s trending in today’s pop culture. Jules Gudkova is no exception, but while she has impersonated some of the most famous characters, some of her artworks are a breath of fresh air.
"Modern Tinker Bell from art by amazing artist Fernanda Suarez. I’m deeply in love with her arts!"
She looks more like Tinkerbell than Tinkerbell.
"For me, so sad that Gamora died in “Infinity War”... But honestly it's not so sad as a trailer of 'Endgame'"
It's really amazing how she can change her face shape just by using makeup!
While cosplay at its core is the practice of transforming into a particular character, it’s more than just playing dress up. Rather than buying a finished costume, cosplay involves handcrafting and sourcing perfect pieces to recreate detailed looks. Taking into account the professional approach, lots of time, effort and expenses are invested, and cosplay becomes more than a hobby or creative pursuit for many people; it becomes a career and, for some, a way of life.
"Have you already seen "How to train your dragon"? Honestly, I laughed like crazy! This is a very funny and cute cartoon. So, this is a fast cosplay test for Astrid Hofferson."
This one is the best from animated heroes. Here she nailed it.
This is really amazing, she's very talented!
Ive always wanted to be Jessica Rabbit!!!
"Move it, people! Sometime today would be nice!"
I used to have the biggest crush on Helga
"When you dream of swimming underwater and have a gorgeous mermaid tail, but sea witch doesn’t take (sic) your legs back"
When is Ariel like this? I never saw her in a t shirt in the movie...
"A' gi'd mah mammy a cake, she turned innta a big bear, n' mah auld yin tries tae dae her in! If that's not pure mess, a' don't know whit is!"
I love this, Merida is my favourite!
"Do you love American McGee’s Alice in her new dress? I’m in love with concepts of “Alice: Asylum”! Btw I’m a big fan of Alice’s game and I’m really good as a player. American McGee’s Alice was my favorite game in 2010, and I bought PS3 only for 'Alice: Madness Returns'"
I bet she steals the show on halloween!
"When you're ugly, and someone loves you, you know they love you for who you are... Beautiful people never know who to trust"
I love the addition of Mantis in Guardians 2, opens such opportunities for humor and deeper emotion with Drax.
"Are you ready for Halloween? Who will you be in (sic) this day? Omg the last days of October is (sic) best days in the year. I just love it!"
"Since my childhood, Salem witches were interesting to me with their witchcraft, coven and other magic things. In Russia, we know very little about the culture of American witches, but this is really fascinating."
"Do you remember “The princess diaries”? What is your favorite part?"
In the first movie when they crash into the bus and the queen makes the police officer and bus driver special (idk what it’s called) with a parking brake
y'all acting like her whole chest is exposed lmao
"Rapunzel, look in that mirror - you know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady... Oh look, you're here too!"
Look at anna's shirt. We finish each others SANDWICHS! that's what i was going to say!
"Today I’m Giselle from “Enchanted”. Do you like this movie? This is one of the best movie (sic) for me and my mom, we watch it very often and every time we laugh and cry like the first time. And we love the story of Robert and Giselle, they are the cutest couple ever"
How does she know we, he loves her... How does she know, he's rigg9?
"I don't want whatever I want. Nobody does. Not really. What kind of fun would it be if I just got everything I ever wanted just like that, and it didn't mean anything? What then?"
This movie scared the shit out of me in 6th grade... was horrified of buttons for months afterwards... awesome cosplay though! Hair on point!
"You know, you should sweep me off my feet out yonder window and down a rope onto your valiant steed."
"Cosplay test on Rapunzel from 2017. Honestly, Rapunzel is my most unrealizable cosplay plan. While still a teenager, I often watched a cartoon about her, and I really wanted to make her costume entirely... Her dress and crown look incredibly beautiful! But I understand that my nose and face shape are completely different from Rapunzel, so... and without Eugene, I would hardly have decided to do it. I had the same situation with “Zootopia”, but then I found myself Nick and cosplay happened"
"Do you remember this hot bunny? Nostalgia time"
Woah she cosplayed a bunny! Was low key hoping for rabbit ears though ;P
"Jessie is one of my first cosplay plans ever. I adored characters
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