Rent A Girlfriend Thailand

Rent A Girlfriend Thailand


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Rent-A-Girlfriend In Thailand

Ever wondered when you've seen a western man walking around in Bangkok or other parts of Thailand with a stunning Thai girlfriend on his arm, or just nearby him? Perhaps you've wondered, "Hey! What's this guy got?". The phenomenon is commonly referred to as "rent-a-girlfriend". The girl is hired for the night, a day, a few days, or even a week or longer. Certain western nationalities patronise this "flesh" trade more than others. Any comments?
My comment = This kind of "When Demand Meets the Supply" story has been around for ages in Thailand…sighhhh… Both sides have their own demands and supplies to exchange, right? These kinds of "pair" usually have unique appearance though. You can see it at the first glance. Some even find that they can go along better than just a few days, so they move to further steps. At some embassies, this look is the first element for the consular to refuse issuing the visa, when they come to apply for it together because those girls really have too fantastic dreams. It's hard to help them fix their problems when they are already out of the Kingdom.
This thing causes problem for decent people with clean relationship to go out together. I spent some times studying in western countries so I made fiends from there. I also have "farang" colleagues. From time to time, westerner friends would come over to visit Thailand. Honestly, sometimes, it makes it difficult to go out with my real colleagues/friends who are Caucasian. Well, I know people shouldn't stereotype things, but … I understand, at times, it's hard to avoid it. The best solution is to try to "look different" if we have to act as good hosts to friends who come over to visit. To be more specific, I try to tell my colleagues/friends to dress and behave decent.
I was speaking to a Thai girl about this and she said that whilst there's obviously lots of prostitution about, she said that there's also a lot of Thai girls who go after western men in the hope of the man being able to provide for her better than thai men can, and hence fulfill her dreams. she said that the women chase after these men in the hope they wil become a couple maybe get married, or move to the West, where she believes everything to be better.
Although after spending a week listening to an english man argue with his thai grifriend every night - i don't think it's as easy as they initially imagine it to be. (it was better than trashy soaps listening to the two of them argue!)
the institution of polygamy was decreted illegal in Thailand only some 70 years ago - but still persists. 'Second wife' is not a common occurance in Thailand now - but culturally it's accepteable.
That, so some extend, can explain highler level of prostitution on Thailand.
I am told that a lot of sex workers come from a poorer part of Thailand (Isaan on the North-East) and from Laos (mistaken for Thais as they look and speak similarly). They are 'on the game' only for a few years - and come back to their villages in honours as a bread winners for the whole family.
Authorities don't bother with an organised prostitution (the level of corruption is high) and the biggest pimp in Bkk stand as a candidate in the last year municipal elections.
I read on the net (from a few sources) that approx 90% of the prostitutes working in Thailand don't work in tourist areas and only 10% do, so people who think this sex industry is purely for the benefit of westerners are naive and wrong. I agree with the last post, these girls seem to be under enormous pressure from their families to earn money and this is the only way for them to earn the type of money to get their families respect. Heres a typical story that i read - a girl was working the bars to earn enough to open a beauty parlour and follow her dream, just when she nearly had enough her sister was put in prison for amphetamine use, her family expected this girl to pay for her sister to get out of prison, and the police knew exactly how much this girl had saved and took every penny off her, hence she ended up back on the game. I imagine this story not to be unusual. Whereas the industry is obviously wrong, the girls who end up walking the street with big, fat divorced western men are luckier than the ones who end up locked up in local massage parlours.
I agree with Daveh...I have spoken to many Thais and sex tourism for westerners is nothing compared to the money for sex scene for Thais and other Asian nationalities, this makes up the majority of this 'industry' but it is largely hidden from tourists eyes. It has been going on for many, many years, even before the US armed forces came to Thailand for R&R during the Vietnam war - which is when most people think the sex trade started.
As Jenny said, the girls who do go for Western men just want a better life, some of them don't have a lot of money and my boyfriend and I have talked to girls who haven't eaten for a week and are collapsing with hunger - of course we have taken them to a street vendor and bought them food. The pressure on them to earn money to support their family is huge, if they meet a western man who can provide everything for them and treat them well then they don't have to work (although there are always exceptions to this, some girls do carry on working and have 3 or 4 'boyfriends'!).
At the end of the day these girls are trying to survive in a country whose Prime Minister, although being a multi-millionaire and promising a lot, has not done much to allieviate poverty for the average Thai. I really don't blame them for trying to make a better life for themselves!
I have talked to girls who haven't eaten for a week and are collapsing with hunger
really difficult to believe - more that there bodies are depleted of energy by drug & alcohol abuse and by unhealthy lifestyle - and they just wanted from you a tip or a free food.
My former gf (before she met me) used to find food for herself and 2 small kids in bins (she was a single mother and couldn't afford all the bills).
Hunger might be the case in the NE Thailand small villages - before new crops arrive.
I have talked to girls who haven't eaten for a week and are collapsing with hunger
really difficult to believe - more that there bodies are depleted of energy by drug & alcohol abuse and by unhealthy lifestyle - and they just wanted from you a tip or a free food.
well MassageUK, my boyfriend is a Doctor of Neuroscience - his area of specialism is in drugs of abuse ie amphetamines, cocaine, heroin etc so he knows when somebody is on drugs...the girls we fed most definitely weren't on drugs!
Ever wondered when you've seen a western man walking around in Bangkok or other parts of Thailand with a stunning Thai girlfriend on his arm, or just nearby him?
This phenomena also appears in other Asian countries. In the Philippines one can meet those couples even more often than in Thailand, especially Manila and Cebu are notorious hunting grounds for (fat) foreign chicken hunters. Usually the girl is hired in the big cities and taken away to some beautiful remote island (as Wocca already reported in a previous comment about Puerto Galera/Philippines). This trend has even reached Cambodia, where I've met some old foreign "chicken hunters" in Sihanoukville who hired their stunning young girlfriend in PP.
"...This phenomena also appears in other Asian countries. In the Philippines one can meet those couples even more often than in Thailand, especially Manila and Cebu are notorious hunting grounds ...This trend has even reached Cambodia, where I've met some old foreign "chicken hunters" in Sihanoukville who hired their stunning young girlfriend in PP."
You're right on the ball with this comment, kafri.

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Hi, my name is Rocco. If you want to learn how to meet Asian women and plan unforgettable holidays, then stick around. I've helped thousands of travelers with their journey.
Before getting into a relationship with a Thai girl, you should know the importance to look for her in the right place. This is the biggest mistake foreign men do when searching for a Thai girlfriend.
What happens is they fall in love with the first girl they meet in Thailand, and usually, that is a bar girl or working girl.
That’s why you hear so many stories of infidelity and men cleaned up by their Thai girlfriend. They just met the wrong type of girl.
The reason why this happens is pretty simple: Thai girls that easily give attention to a foreign man do it with the intent to get a financial gain.
And because those women are so charming and manipulative, the man misinterprets the situation by thinking the girl is in love with him.
In other words, he is unaware she is just using his male ego to get financial gains.
So the reality is pretty simple: any man who thinks to fly to Thailand and to find a proper girlfriend just by walking the streets, it’s in danger to end up with a gold digger.
Now, there are interesting things you should know before having a Thai girlfriend as explained in this video…
But there are two essential things you should know about Thai dating culture that can make or break your chances to get a sincere Thai girlfriend.
I’ll also tell you where to look for a Thai girlfriend so you can immediately get started without wasting time, effort and money.
Money in Thailand plays an interesting role in relationships between men and women.
Thailand is developing fast and it isn’t a poor country anymore. Yet most of that wealth is in the hands of men, no matter the social status.
Men get the priority to study and for career advancement over women simply because in Thai society men are seen as breadwinners. On the other hand, women are supposed to look after kids and family.
So the dynamics of relationship and money in Thailand revolve around this fact. As a result, Thai women are dependent on men for financial support for almost anything.
And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing when you understand how to take advantage of it.
For example, there are plenty of university girls that struggle to make ends meet. If you offer financial support – which is a normal thing in Thai society – you can get yourself a young and beautiful rental Thai girlfriend for about 10.000-15.000 baht per month.
The good thing when renting a Thai girlfriend is you don’t have to deal with jealousy, drama and nagging like in a regular relationship. Yet, you get all the benefits like intimacy, friendship and companionship.
Now, where the financial support gets mess up is when foreign men make deals with working girls like bar girls and freelancers.
Tourists fall for the bar girl’s stories that they are forced to work in the sex industry to support their family. The reality is they are too lazy to work a regular job that doesn’t pay so well and it isn’t as fun.
Anyway, foreign men fall for it and give money every month so the girl can leave the bar. But this foolish action incentive the girl to look for more benevolent sponsors while she carries on to work in the bar.
No wonder why so many foreign men wonder if Thai girls are faithful when there are so many such stories online.
Thai girls are very supportive and strongly believe in a monogamous relationship. In fact, once a Thai girl is been taken, it’s extremely hard for any other men to talk with her.
For example, every morning I go for a coffee at 7 am sharp. And there is an attractive Thai girl that walks in for a cup of coffee.
So, one day I talked to her in a friendly manner out of curiosity and interest. But she was distant and not up for a conversation.
And that was weird because usually Thai girls are friendly when approached properly.
After a few days, I saw her with her foreign boyfriend. That moment I understood why she didn’t want to talk with me a few days earlier. She was already taken.
As a matter of fact, Thai girls are conservative and they don’t talk to other men more than necessary when they are already in a relationship. Let alone having sex with someone else.
The stories you might hear about unfaithful Thai girlfriends are always from foreign men in a relationship with a bar girl.
As said earlier, bar girls are gold diggers and they don’t think twice to sleep with another man for financial gains.
In conclusion, it’s all about finding the right type of Thai girlfriend in the right places if you don’t want to be taken advantage of or cheated.
It depends on where you are resident at the moment.
If you are living in Thailand, you should date girls working with you or meet Thai women in places like the gym, library, or yoga classes. But if you live abroad, then you want to meet girls on a dating site as explained below.
If you want to find a sincere Thai girlfriend, you should look in places where good Thai girls hang out. Places where unlikely you’ll find lazy and uneducated Thai girls that work in the sex industry.
Your workplace is a sure bet because companies that hire foreigners employ only Thai girls with a university degree. Education is a strong indicator of good values in a Thai woman.
Another good place is the library or a book shop. Plenty of intelligent and worldly Thai women in those places. Also, you have a chance to find a girl that can speak proper English.
The places you shouldn’t expect to meet good Thai girls are bars and nightclubs. While some good girl hang out with friends occasionally, most won’t.
Thai girls who are girlfriend material don’t drink, smoke or party.
When searching for a Thai girlfriend while living abroad, you need to take a different approach than a foreign man resident in Thailand.
First, you need to get in contact with several Thai girls to find the right partner. Second, you need to get in contact with Thai girls who are looking for a foreign boyfriend.
The best place to find a Thai girlfriend is to use a popular dating site .
There are Thai girls with sexy photos because they are looking for a boyfriend with benefits rather than a sincere relationship.
In popular tourist destinations like Pattaya and Phuket, some of the girls on dating sites might be Thai freelancers looking for customers.
And those girls aren’t suitable candidates if you’re looking for a serious Thai girlfriend, but they can be an option in case you want a holiday girlfriend .
You can get a temporary or permanent girlfriend in Thailand, but if you have the choice, go for a temporary girlfriend.
When you get a temporary Thai girlfriend, she gets an immediate benefit which is financial support. Meaning she doesn’t expect any financial gain in the future.
On the other hand, when you start a regular relationship with a Thai woman, she expects to get married and have kids in the future. And that isn’t something that every man wants.
The only thing you should avoid at all costs is to make a bar girl or working girl your girlfriend. Not only they have bad habits like drinking and smoking, but they are liars and cheaters.
In conclusion, you decide the sort of relationship you want to have with your Thai girlfriend.
If you’re living in Thailand, meet Thai girls at your workplace or where educated ladies hang out. Instead, if you’re living abroad, search for a Thai girlfriend on a dating site.

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Hi, my name is Rocco. If you want to learn how to meet Asian women and plan unforgettable holidays, then stick around. I've helped thousands of travelers with their journey.
Before getting into a relationship with a Thai girl, you should know the importance to look for her in the right place. This is the biggest mistake foreign men do
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