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By Dan Avery June 4, 2012 at 6:06pm · 112 comments

Free of an agenda (except that gay one)

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Today, Minneapolis Judge Daniel Moreno sentenced Chrishaun “CeCe” McDonald to 41 months in prison for stabbing to death a man she claims attacked her and her friends .
McDonald, a black trans woman, initially faced second-degree murder but after accepting a plea bargain, her charges were reduced to second-degree manslaughter due to negligence. She is also to pay $6,410 in restitution.
In June 2011, McDonald stabbed Dean Schmitz outside Schooner Tavern. In her trial she claimed she acted in self-defense after she and her friends were confronted by Schmitz and a group of people shouting racist and transphobic slurs. At one point, she said, one of Schmitz’s friends smashed a glass on the side of her face.
The trial attracted much attention from LGBT activists nationwide. Stone Butch Blues author Leslie Feinberg, who attended the proceedings sent a letter to ADA Michael Freeman requesting he cease prosecution. “The right of self-defense against all forms of oppressions–the spirit of Stonewall–is at the heart of the demand to free [McDonald],” she wrote.
According to the Trans Youth Support Network, during McDonald’s sentencing hearing community leaders, clergy and McDonald’s family testified to her character and expressed concern for her safety if she was sentenced to a men’s prison, as is likely.
“This is not a resolution to CeCe’s case: she should not be serving time simply for surviving a vicious attack,” said supporter Josina Manu. “But the prosecution felt so much pressure in this high-profile case that they knew they had to offer a less egregious charge than second-degree murder. We’ll stand by CeCe throughout her sentence and after she’s released.”
She got off with a slap on the wrist for murdering someone.
Hmmm, Schmitz had 3 priors for assault? Sad for CeCe
Can’t help but feel the first two posters are the same people. Self defense guys, please read the article.
I think it’s a fair sentence. Whole thing could have been avoided, it’s crazy to engage any aggressive person on the street.
The lesson is -> Get Away, Get Safe, Call Cops
No the real lesson is: be white and your life will be better.
But if it was a gay man defending himself it would be acceptable,HUH? There are some real transphobic ,closed mined waspy queens on here!Some real fascist bitches!I applaud the fact that she was successful in defending herself. She shouldn’t have to go to prison because she did.I don’t hang with you type of queens-so I thought the most of you had died off with clones as a fashion! But…then we got bears as a replacement and here you are!You ,and your type,are the reason I gave up on the notion of “community” long ago. Shrill,desiccated husks of bitches!
An outrage!CeCe was protecting herself, and she goes to jail?!? And a men’s prison is dangerous for her. This is not justice!
P@ What the f**k : For jaykay and what a surprise
Neither the killer nor the victim was gay. This is not a gay news story. Why does Queerty think that stories about transsexual killers have something to do with gay people?
@ Shannon1981 : Exactly,that’s some brutal punishment!…for defending yourself!
This article in the Minneapolis City Pages is what convinced me it was not self defense:
@ JayKay : No, SHE was harassed on the street and defended herself.
And show some respect and use the correct pronouns.
Shannon-This person is a man/she male. Yes they did get off with a slap on the wrist since it’s murder and not self defense. As for going into a men’s prison karma is a bitch.
@ Drew : She is a transgender woman. The word “she male” is an offensive, transphobic term used in pornography that exploits trans women. Transgender women are women. The transphobia in the gay community is amazing.
What people are forgetting is a man is deceased at the hands of another human being! Whether the murder is white/black/Hispanic or otherwise! The accused needs to prove their innocence and/or pay the consequences! This man had a family! What I don’t understand is why Ce-Ce McDonald is acting as a victim when a man was killed and He/She hasn’t said one thing about remorse or any feelings about the incident! There seems to be more Denial and sympathy for Ce-Ce and nothing for the family that is in mourning.for their loved one!
Transgender activists often confuse being loud, obnoxious, and insulting, as effective tactics in persuasion. It is sad to watch a group of folks who deserve to live their lives freely, continue to latch onto the wrong causes at the wrong time.
All of McDonald’s supporters would probably get more credit if they didn’t hurl insults at everyone that doesn’t automatically agree with them. Looking at this string of comments and how people are responding, it makes a lot of sense to dismiss her supporters as heavily biased and irrational.
McDonald and her friends had a choice. They could continue walking down the road and ignore the insults, turn around and go home, or make the physical effort to cross the street and escalate the situation. Self-defense is reserved for people in fear for their lives and with no other choice. Insulting me isn’t going to change that.
Shannon-You’re a perfect example of “POORME” or professional victim syndrome!! If everyone needed as much attention as YOU..There would be a freaking circus act in every alley!
For one thing, Killing someone because of name-calling, or making fun of is just crazy!!! I don’t think Dean should be the one on trail here!! Dean did not even know that CeCe was a t r a n n y! The fight started with a stupid bitch that likes to run her mouth!! She should be sitting behind bars as well! If people can go around crying “I’m Black! I’m Transgender” OR even I’m Albino!! Then stab people around town….I sure would not want my kids walking in that neighborhood!! In other words…How safe do you feel if you don’t let a killer know they have consequences for their actions? You let this one go and whats NEXT????
Shannon I know ts/tg “women” who freely use the terms she male and trany so they’re not slurs at all.
TS/TG women can claim that they are women but biologically and physically they are male since that’s what they were born.
@ JayKay : She is a transgender woman.
@ Tomas : Birth sex does not= gender. Basic transgender 101. And the fact that they use it does not give non trans people that right.
@ Tyler : You are the perfect example of pandering to heteronormative society, wanting to ignore hate crimes and hate speech.
I also do not agree that it was self defense at all.
@ What the f**k : It is comments like this that make the trans community look unreasonable, reactionary, and out of touch. No one said it would be ok for a gay man as compared for a trans individual, you said that. Then you proceed to make references to queens, think everyone had died out, and then something unintelligible about bears.
So next time you wonder why you don’t get respect from the community, or you don’t feel your issues are taken seriously, you can take a look at your own comments, because you make yourself easy to dismiss.
@ Shannon1981 : The correct response to speech, regardless of how hateful is never violence.
@ Tyler :
@ Matt :
Hey Matt and Tyler you are busted:
You are posting the exact text of comments from the City Pages article:
Nice try, but I am not fooled.
@ Chris : Perhaps not. However, do we know that the dead man didn’t attack CeCe and her friends? No, we do not know that. Trans women walking alone have every reason to believe someone shouting hateful slurs will do them bodily harm. Just look up the murder stats for trans women of color for Exhibit A.
A sick, unstable man and a murderer who deserves to rot in prison.
Welcome to the world of magical thinking when it comes to Transwomen and their genitals and gender identity!
Just because a TS/TG “woman” wants to claim that they’re actually female or biologically female this does not make it true. They’re born male and are genetically and biologically male no matter how much elective cosmetic surgery they get or how many hormones they take.
You guys are totally transphobic. I’ll listen to the many medical groups over a bunch of people on a blog about this issue any day.
Shannon-Trans people are NOT a part of the larger bisexual, gay, and lesbian community.
People here are wondering why you’re defending this psychopath? What he/she did was NOT self defense at all.
I have been called homophobic names and even punched but I didn’t attack anyone like this psycho in the article did.
@ Matt : ?What exactly do you know that hasn’t been reported on.This fine upstanding nazi white trash with the drugs in his system and the history of criminal convictions ….. is that really what you’re on here defending…
Shannon go cry about it to womyn kind (lesbians) and take your ultra PC crap elsewhere.
@ Paulo : Then what is the “T”on the end of LGBT for, then? Also, as gender identity and sexual orientation are separate things, there are trans people who are gay, bi, and straight. Try again. Many trans folks are also gay and bi.
I defend the right to defend oneself. Trans women, particularly trans women of color, have astronomical murder rates.
@ Formosa : Last I checked, this blog was welcoming to gay women as well. I am a gay woman.
what the F-What’s your point? CeCe is a ghetto as hell TS/TG woman who went psycho and murdered someone, and she also had drugs (hormones) in his/her system.
@ Carrots : Almost all trans people have hormones in their systems. I don’t know what that fact has to do with the story.
Of all the articles on this site that have nothing to do with the gay community, only trans related ones get called out, and then it’s a giant shit-storm of ignorant people spouting nonsensical bullshit.
Shannon, women aren’t gay they’re lesbian, that’s why there is an L at the beginning of LGBT.
Nevertheless many bisexuals of both genders, lesbians, and gay men, as well as Trans people want to break away from being grouped together with Trans people.
You’re correct Jabaroo! I have noticed how very few of the articles on this site actually deal with gays, bisexuals, or lesbians or the larger community that we live in. This article has nothing to do with anyone that’s bisexual, gay or lesbian. This isn’t a Trans site.
@ Carrots : *sigh* The terms are used interchangeably. There are many same gender loving female bodied humans who do not identify with the term “lesbian.” It is not up to you to tell people how to identify.
@ Jabaroo : Yep, the transphobia on this site is amazing.
What the F… who cares! Stop being so homophobic.
WTF-Go cry about “misogyny” to womyn kind or lesbians. You clearly have issues with being gay or with gay and bisexual men who are masculine. People like you are hypocrites and bigoted homophobic and biphobic people.
Watch out, it’s ok for them to murder you for saying things like that.
@ Kurt : Trans men don’t get periods, shows how much you know. Not everyone is as focused on genitals as you, and I can’t see anyone I know, gay or straight, dating someone as closed minded as you.
Jabaroo-That’s nice. I have a partner and we’ve been together for 25 years. He and I are in an excellent relationship together.
So if a white man killed a black man because he called him “white trash” and he was afraid for his life, a 41 month prison sentence would be acceptable, right?
@ ErikSF : That’s where your wrong -I’m masculine enough ,thanks,no complaints from any of the masculine men I deal with either!!!I’m just not a small minded ,exclusive,ghettoised bitch!
What the F-Mary please. You’re one of those queens who thinks she’s LMAO “Masculine” but then flowers of velour pop out of her mouth!
@ Mrs. Patrick Campbell :yeah that’s right girl and you should know better than to test these flowers!
I like it when a Mary has a hot rose bud. Legs in the air, presenting rosebud, and no rubbers!
@ Mrs. Patrick Campbell : And any way what the f**ck do you want?
*Sniffs and Licks WTF’s hot rosebud*
@ What the f**k : Oh,that’s right….someone to notice!….aaaahhhh.
Marisol tiene una vida difícil. Tiene una cicatriz que desfigura en la cara de caerse en un espejo roto cuando fue pequeña, su madre, Sofía, se muere y debe vender papel flores para ganar dinero para apoyarse y su madre. Sofia, cargado con un secreto terrible, se da cuenta de que debe decir Marisol la verdad antes que se muera y la deje solo (especialmente con novio sórdido de Marisol, Mario, esperando en las alas para aprovecharse de a su hija). ¿Desafortunadamente Sofia se muere sin revelar que Marisol es realmente la nieta de del de Don Alonso Garces Valle, el patriarca de una familia muy rica, que incluye el a pintor guapo y amable, José Andrés, también uno de los nietos de Alonso… o es él? ¡Para complicar asuntos, José Andrés y Marisol se enamoran de uno al otro (aunque sean comprometidos a otras personas) – ambos completamente en la oscuridad acerca de sus identidades verdaderas!
Yet another perfect example of the Bigotry that is so widespread within this community. I’ve been around gay people all my life and I’ve never had the displeasure of meeting such vile creatures as the “Queerty Gays”. You bash this woman because she didn’t want to be come ANOTHER victim of a Hate Crime and some of you people even have the nerve to defend her homophobic attacker. Utterly Disgusting.
What the f-when was the last time you had your man pussy fucked o fisted? You need it bad!
Str8-This woman is NOT gay, bisexual, or lesbian. Stop defending a murdering psychopath. It was not self defense at all.
@ Nelson : Fisted..????ya sloppy c**t! HA HA HA Is this tha best ya got! And lo they came forth proving your point.And each every one weak as piss which they did also drinketh!
str8-how many times do we have to tell you, this is an LBG-Lesbian, bisexual, and gay site-not only a “Gay” site, and I’m sure there are some trannys who chime in.
I was at Pride this weekend and I had a heck of a time trying to remember to say “she” or “he” when referring to transpeople there.
A transwoman from my church was helping us put up a pop-up tent and I said “oh he has it”. I had to immediately cover my tracks and apologize. I find it very difficult to actually think of this transwoman as a woman, she has a very male spirit.
Because I care about this woman and want to respect her I say “she”. It feels sort of like I’m pretending but I want her to feel accepted.
To those of you that put down transpeople, you need to know one and when you see they are just people it won’t matter. I have grown leaps and bounds in my acceptance of them since knowing many trans folks in my church. Really they jus
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