Reform School Enema

Reform School Enema


Reform School Enema


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Tricia Christensen

Last Modified Date: June 10, 2022


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Reform schools were essentially holding places for juvenile offenders, and particularly focused on holding boys. In the US, the reform movement was started in the 19th century as an alternative to jailing younger children with adult offenders, but unfortunately, incarceration in one of the many US reform schools was just as likely to cause emotional damage. This trended against the initial intent of the reform school movement.
Along with establishment of reform school locations in much of the US came greater changes to how juveniles were perceived by the law. Initially, many people thought it was an excellent thing that teens were given an opportunity to correct their behavior and find a straight and narrow path before becoming adults. It should be said that some people did find the reform they needed, though the early schools were still formed prior to much development of psychological theories.
Unfortunately, reform schools also became places where children were abused, not just by custodians of the school, but also by older children. Tendency to be sexually abused in reform schools was noted by the mid-20th century, and many states began to rethink the way that juvenile crime was treated and to find alternatives to incarcerating children and teens. This doesn’t mean the reform school is completely gone, but standard state or federal incarceration facilities for youths are not called reform schools and instead are named juvenile correctional institutions. The term reform school had become loaded with many negative connotations.
The idea of reform schools was not solely American. In Ireland, a number of schools led by the Catholic Church were designated for “juvenile offenders.” Even more than in the US, these schools participated in near systemic offenses against children. In 2009, Ireland released documents that confirmed intense abuse of children usually by priests and/or nuns in 50 of these schools to which children could be sent for little cause. Unlike the US reform school, children could be placed in the Irish institutions if a parent was deemed unworthy of parenting them. This higher level of authority in removing children from homes may have led to greater license to abuse.
Today the term reform school is usually not used, unless it is used by private organizations that offer some type of reformatory care for older children and teens. These may vary in the quality of care they offer, and parents considering sending a child to a reform institution should carefully consider the credentials of the people running it; some schools are excellent and others have highly questionable practices. There has also been a trend toward not incarcerating youths for milder offenses. They may instead live at home and attend schools that are better trained to handle children with behavioral issues. These are often called alternative schools.
Tricia has a Literature degree from Sonoma State University and has been a frequent wiseGEEK
contributor for many years. She is especially passionate about reading and writing, although her other interests include
medicine, art, film, history, politics, ethics, and religion. Tricia lives in Northern California and is currently
working on her first novel.
Tricia has a Literature degree from Sonoma State University and has been a frequent wiseGEEK
contributor for many years. She is especially passionate about reading and writing, although her other interests include
medicine, art, film, history, politics, ethics, and religion. Tricia lives in Northern California and is currently
working on her first novel.
My older brother went to one of these, and it was not too great he said. Depends of what you did, I guess.
Our town is considering a "reform school" of sorts that has a different look. It is a home that has a mom and dad figure, they will try to run it as an actual home. The courts have decided that many of kids in trouble are from broken homes, so maybe this type of setting will help them.

The only other thing we have is a traditional reform school that is more like juvenile detention, where the kids are sentenced and incarcerated for a specific amount of time.

They go to school there and have counselors, but I don't think it works very well.

I hope this other model will improve the rehabilitation percentage.
My school district had a sort of reform school. It was called the "opportunity school", and everyone knew you had to really break lot of rules in order to be sent there. My county also had a real reform school for boys called "Boys' Village", though it was more of a "Let's behave better by connecting with one another and planting vegetables and doing manual labor" than an incarceration sort of situation. I also don't believe that it had very serious offenders in it, but more boys who had gotten in trouble in school too many times to go anywhere else, even their own areas' version of an öpportunity school".
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Date Posted: 22:53:11 10/22/10 Fri

In the 1950's, I got my RN pin by attending a three year nursing school next to and associated with a big New York City hospital. All the (lady - there were no males at that time) nursing students lived in a dorm with two students to each room but we all eat together at the same time in the nursing school's cafeteria. A month before graduation, we were informed that even though we had been taught the basics about giving enemas, we all were going to be given one like those given before most abdominal surgeries or colon xrays - in other words a full can soap suds type. The way it worked was each evening several groups of student room mates were selected to give their room-mate an enema and then be given one back. The first embarassing thing was that everyone eating dinner got to know who was on the enemas list that evening before bed because they were not served the regular dinner but just a bowl of clear chicken broth instead. At the appointed time, one of the teachers visited the rooms selected and observed the enemas to make sure they were given "fully" and "properly. The teacher as well both room mates were in the room together thru all of it including the sounds coming from the bathroom when one of us was having the really big bowel movement that always follows a big soapy enema, and also everyone got a whiff of the stink that filled the bathroom after each student was done on the toilet. Although we were very embarrassed and red faced during the ordeal, it did teach us a lot about what a patient would have to go through and this was especially important for 3/4 of the 140 students who had never had an enema or only had had a little bulb syringe squirt to get them going a little when they were young.

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[> Subject: Re: Nursing School Enemas

Date Posted: 01:22:49 10/24/10 Sun

My first year as an RN, I was stationed in a men's surgery ward and most all of them needed big soap suds enemas the night before their surgery. Many of the young studs spend the afternoon of their arrival making passes at me and acting real macho. However, those guys sure changed their tune at bedtime when I wheeled in a cart with a soap suds enema can. Within minutes of the hose going up their butts they became almost like fussy little babies telling me they couldn't hold anymore and how bad they had to go. A few pushed out the enema water almost as fast as it was going in, making a mess and not getting enough enema to clean their bowels out and for those, I made a return trip with another full can, but this time, instead of adult sized rectal tip, I had a bardex balloon, nozzle attached to the end of the hose and that kept them absolutely plugged up until the enema can was nicely empty and they were not so nicely filled! Later, when I worked in a woman's ward, I found most all of the ladies took their full enema albeit gritting their teeth, clenching their butt together, and having a not very pleasant lady like expression on their faces. Conclusion, men might be strong and masculine when it comes to a lot of things, but when it comes to enemas, most become little babies real fast!

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[> Subject: Re: Nursing School Enemas

Date Posted: 21:09:05 10/25/10 Mon

I am a RN who has never given anybody, other than myself, an enema. Most would consider that lucky. During the training we were shown how to use the Fleet disposable bottle and Fleet Bag Enema disposable bag, on a dummy. No one actually got an enema. During discussion and demonstration some students were like OMG, others just giggled, some displayed no reaction. The instructor, an older RN, explained for simple constipation the Fleet disposable bottle is used most of the time and the bag primarily for cleansing prior to procedures and other special cases. She recommended to the class that if we had never experienced an enema we should try it at home to see what it was like. It would not hurt anybody and it would be interesting.
I had not experienced an enema myself to that time so I was a bit curious. Some time later I was in the local drugstore and walking by I saw a Fleet Bag Enema on the shelf, just like the instructor used for the demo. On impulse I bought it. That evening as I prepared my first ever enema I couldn’t help but think there is no way all of that water will fit in me. But it did. Well most of it anyway. Then as uncomfortable as I was, and as unpleasant the expulsion process was, I was somehow compelled to do it again the next night. And numerous times since.
Since getting out of school I have had several jobs in the field, but never in a hospital situation where enemas were needed. Now I work in a company lab testing products. No enemas here. I have no husband or kids. No enemas there. Just me.

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[> Subject: Re: Nursing School Enemas

Date Posted: 16:19:09 10/26/10 Tue

While I never went to nursing school, my sister did and I got to witness and participate in what they had learned in the classroom. She and five of her friends would often "study" at our house.
I can certainly say I learned a lot about nursing, lessons which came of good use later in life, but the most interesting was when they decided to do their enema practice. Each of the girls took two turns giving and receiving ... which meant a lot of bathroom time. when it was their turn to receive, they just got out of their clothing, took the position on the daybed which we had in our basement recreation room, and accepted the small enema, usually about a quart.
When it was all done, I was the only one who hadn't become involved and, obviously, the only one still fully clothed.
My sister said, "how about you" to which I answered, "but I didn't give an enema, so why should I receive."
Well, they decided that both of my questions would be ansered in the affirmative ... I should receive, but I also should be able to give.
They had a lottery to see who would give me the first of two enemas ... my sister didn't win either time ... but did prepare my enema. After the second one, they drew lots to see who would receive from me, and, as luck would have it, my sister and her closest friend were the "winners." of yet another enema.
We had an absolute fun time with that round of education and they even agreed that I could administer to the other three if I wanted.
We all felt the evening had been long enough, but they all agreed to come back during the weekend for yet another "practice" session on this subject. I was made an honorary member of their class ... both the give and take.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Nursing School Enemas

Date Posted: 12:53:55 11/05/10 Fri

Lucky you!!! I would have felt I died and went to heaven if I could have participated in such an event. I love my enemas, unfortunately my spouse wants nothing to do with them. Still looking for an Enemate.

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[> Subject: Re: Nursing School Enemas

Date Posted: 19:39:32 11/16/10 Tue

I went to a tech school after high school and this school also had a program for nurses. I started dating one of the nursing students. We were semi-serious and I was getting it sometimes for special occasions but not on a regular basis. One night we were at her apartment. We were drinking beer while she was supposed to be studying. Out of the blue she asked me if I ever had an enema. I was embarrassed at the question and mumbled something about not since I was a little kid. Then she said for her nursing class they were supposed to give somebody an enema. I said give it to yourself. She said it wouldn’t be the same. To be realistic she needed to give it to someone else. I said give it to your room mate Cathy. She said she was not around this weekend and she needed to do it before class on Monday.
I figured if I get to see her naked and get a piece of a__ out of it I was game. I told her that. She laughed and said the nurse is not supposed to be the naked one, but to my surprise she agreed. I guess the enema was not too bad but I really don’t remember it. All I remember is we were both naked and when we were done we screwed our brains out. A couple of days later she told me she passed all of her tests and got her degree. Soon after she got a job out of town and we sort of drifted apart. I never got an enema or piece of a__ from her again. To bad. It was good.

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[> Subject: Re: Nursing School Enemas

Date Posted: 17:56:40 02/22/11 Tue

I sort of got into the enema situation like John ...not looking for it, but became the pleasured victim of my bf who was studying to be a nurse.
Over lunch on a Friday, just before finals, Jerry (he was my bf at the time) asked if I "would be his patient" because he needed to practice what he had learned in the classroom.
I couldn't say no, and I can tell you I was completely distracted for the rest of the afternoon, to the point where I asked my boss about 3 p.m. if I could take off early "because I wasn't feeling too well."
He made a comment about "big weekend coming up," to which I said "no, I'm going to my apartment and I'm going to try and sleep this off ... w2hatever the "this" was."
He simply said, "oh sure" to which I answered, call me anytime you want to night or tomorrow ... I'll be there to answer the phone. Maybe I can shake this by Sunday and save some part of a weekend."
He signed me out, I went back to my apartment, called my BF and told him any practicing would have to be done at my place, then explained the situation, to which he said, "Oh, two days of practicing, right?"
Well, he arrived about 7, we chatted for a while about what he expected of me, to which I learned it was simply, "cooperate."
It was sort of exciting to get naked for him (although we did some heavy petting, we never got naked or did any of the other things people talked about) and then follow his instructions.
That night, I got five enemas ... none very large ... I think the biggest was a quart ... and I really enjoyed the experience to the point where my BF asked if I could "return the favor so he could understand what I was trying to tell him."
I did ... three times, including one two-quart job ... then we both showered and as we were coming out of the the shower, the telephone rang.
I checked the clock .. it was shortly after 9 p.m. ... it was my boss, calling to ask how I felt. I told him I felt much better right now after relaxing, but wasn't planning on going anywhere either tonight or tomorrow because I had spent a considerable amount of time in the bathroom. (My bf just about flipped out when he heard that). I told my boss it might have been a touch of the flu, or something that got into my intestinges. (My BF was beside himself)
That night, my BF stayed over and for the first time we slept together and did all the things we had heard people talk about.
The next day, after rising about 10 a.m., Jerry asked if it "was time for post-graduate" practice sessions.
I agreed ... we did about a half-dozen enemas each ... I was completely exhausted by 2 p.m. ... we went back to bed, this time only to sleep and, wouldn't you know it, my boss called about 6 p.m., wanting to k
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