Vch Piercing Stories

Vch Piercing Stories


Vch Piercing Stories
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COVID-19 Update: Piercing tours are...postponed again, due to cases of the Delta variant rising around the US, and concerns of vaccine immunity waning over time.
UPDATE 8-28-2021: COVID-19 status page . 
I am continuing to do online (photo) anatomy consultations and piercing problem consults , and also one-on-one piercer coaching .
I received a message from a woman who was concerned that her second VCH piercing was still not properly placed. Turns out, she was right.
I had been so excited about getting my VCH, I've read stories, looked at pictures, everything! There was a limited number of shops where I'm living at the moment, and going to a bigger city was out of the question! I called the only shop who has a piercer at the moment, talked to the guy, he has 14 years experience piercing, and he told me he has done 100's of hood piercings. And because of this I trusted him and was actually excited about going!
The only thing is, now that I'm home and really taking a good look at it, it looks like it was done wrong!Well I took your advice, thought long and hard about taking out my surface hood piercing, and did. I waited, and got it re-pierced. This time however, I had a bit of trouble with healing as it swollen for about a week straight and slightly red. Its absolutely fine now, and I love it.
My concern this time though, is that I'm worried my piercing is too close to the edge; I'm also sure my piercing has moved slightly, either from the weight of my ring pulling down, or it simply moved to a more comfortable place. Though I am worried that it is actually migrating out since so little skin is pierced. The placement itself seems fine, it touches my clitoris when the ring is sitting and when pulled back, unless I lift the ring itself. It seems to be in a higher place than previously, though I still don't know if it should be placed at the slight indent at the top of my clitoris under my hood. (Should the placement be different than what it is when I lift my ring back and you can see under the hood?)
My major concern though is how little skin there is from the edge, to the ring. Do you think its fine where it is? Or that it may be placed higher, and therefore more skin, and have less of a chance of moving or being ripped out. Right now it feels like there is too little pierced, and if I chose to put in a curved barbell, it would not be able to support it. I would also like to know if you know of anyone in my area that would be able to do a re-piercing? I'm wondering if I do chose to take it out, that it will be harder to pierce on another date? Would you again suggest giving it some time to "close" even if the piercing seems to be already healed, before I get re-pierced? If I chose to do so that is.
I'm afraid this piercing is not properly placed. It should be up where you described, at the "apex" or deepest natural point of your hood--which is quite a distance from where it is currently located.
It does appear too shallow for safety. So my advice is to remove it, let the area settle for a month or so, and then have it repierced properly. A curved bar is the usual starting jewelry, especially for someone with your build (you don't have full outer lips that enclose the area). A prior piercing would only make it hard to repierce if there's excess scar tissue in the area, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Also, where it needs to be pierced is far enough away from this existing piercing that it shouldn't be an issue.
Also, with your build, a curved bar would be safer for initial jewelry. Generally, I reserve rings for women who have very full outer lips and recessed hoods, so the ring is well protected. After healing, either is fine.
Here's your photo marked with a red dot where the piercing should rest on the underside.

Cancellation & Refund | Privacy Policy ©2022 The Piercing Bible. All Rights Reserved.
COVID-19 Update: Piercing tours are...postponed again, due to cases of the Delta variant rising around the US, and concerns of vaccine immunity waning over time.
UPDATE 8-28-2021: COVID-19 status page . 
I am continuing to do online (photo) anatomy consultations and piercing problem consults , and also one-on-one piercer coaching .
The vertical clitoral hood (VCH) piercing is by far the most popular piercing I perform. It has a number of benefits, as genital, "clit piercings" or "vaginal" piercings go! 
First off is the fact that the VCH is a hood piercing with the potential to add sensation during sexual activities . This is the primary reason most women seek it, or any piercing of the "lady parts" as some refer to the genital area. In the case of the VCH, this is how it works:
The majority of women have a clitoral hood that partially or completely covers the clitoral glans--the clitoris. That's the hood's job, much like the foreskin covers the glans of the penis. However, many women enjoy (or "need") more direct stimulation than they can receive unless a hand is involved. With the VCH piercing, jewelry rests beneath the hood, atop the clitoris. So, when there is activity with friction, pressure, or motion in the area, there is more direct clitoral stimulation, since the jewelry is in contact with it.
Variations in individual build, piercing, placement, and jewelry size and style will affect how the jewelry feels. And that leads us to another benefit of the VCH piercing: versatility . There is an endless array of jewelry options, and each different post length and shape (curved, straight, or J-curve), and ball or gem size will feel a little (or a lot) different!
Aesthetics is another benefit, as the VCH is quite an attractive hood ornament! Most women feel empowered and beautified after carrying out their decisions to get pierced, and many find that their nether regions look extra pretty when ornamented with some jewelry 
One of the reasons the VCH the so popular among the female genital piercings, is that the majority of women are anatomically suited to it. Most (but not all) have a hood that is deep enough, and space for jewelry to rest there without excessive pressure from the pubic mound above. 
Further benefits are that the VCH tends to be comfortable because it is a vertical piercing, which matches the vertical orientation of the region. And, on many builds, the jewelry rests tucked in and well protected so it is not subject to trauma and irritation from daily activities.
If you wish to know whether you're eligible for the VCH or any of the other female piercing options , I am happy to do an online (photo) anatomy consultation , even if you plan to go to another piercer. I can also evaluate any existing piercings if you wish to know whether they're optimally placed for your anatomy. Shallow VCH piercings, and surface VCH piercings are terribly common errors! This site contains four pages of blog post listing for the former, and five for the latter!!!
If you won't be getting pierced by me , please make sure to find a good piercer !
Another of the benefits of the VCH piercing is that it tends to be easy to receive --at least when I do your piercing. I'm extremely quick, and smooth, so the actual procedure takes just a matter of moments, and the sensation fades away quite quickly. (I apply a cooling pad as soon as the jewelry is in, which is instantly soothing!) The piercing itself takes but a moment! I've had friends and partners of piercees present who commented, "I was watching and I missed it!" It is very rare that anyone complains of discomfort even just a just a few minutes after the piercing! Nor do women tend to find it bothersome after that. Of course, some tenderness is to be expected and it is best to avoid wearing tight, inflexible pants or riding a bicycle or a horse right away. But short of that, most women find that it is not even noticeable during daily activities. Once dressed after the procedure, I most frequently hear the comment, "It feels just fine--I don't feel anything at all." Really! 
Additionally, it the VCH also extremely quick healing . It heals as fast as any part does on the human body--about the same healing time as ear lobe piercings: about 4-6 weeks. Of course, every human body is unique, and sometimes it may take 8 weeks to heal. But when you consider that a navel piercing has a healing time of at least 6 months, and that nipple piercings (though worth it!) also take at least that long, then you realize the VCH is super fast to heal.
Yet another benefit is that it is easy to care for . I simply suggest that you spray it 3-5x daily with Briotech . That's it! 
If you've got a VCH piercing and you can think of something I've left out, please contact me!

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While female genitalia offer plenty of pierceable places, the vertical clitoral hood (VCH) piercing is by far the most popular.
This is for a number of reasons. When you place a piece of jewelry through the clitoral hood, especially if it has a bead, it can increase sexual pleasure for the wearer. Many who have struggled to orgasm in the past claim that after they got the VCH piercing, they were able to climax (some for the very first time). This is because the VCH piercing takes place in the hood that covers the clitoris, leaving one end of the jewelry directly touching the clitoris, increasing sensation.
Additionally, many women receive the vertical clitoral hood piercing for aesthetic and empowerment purposes. A pretty piece of sexy body jewelry in such a sensitive area allows them to claim their body and their sexuality as their own.
However, when you’re getting such an important area pierced, it’s imperative that you do your research. While other piercing types can be done somewhat on a whim (but it’s still advisable to make sure that you choose a reputable piercer), you should make sure that you see a specialist in genital piercings , and you’ll likely want to schedule a consultation prior to the procedure. After all, a poorly pierced VCH can lead to desensitization or hinder arousal, which is the opposite effect that you’re looking for.
Beyond the risks associated with poorly placed piercings, you need to make sure that your clitoral hood can accommodate such a piercing, and you should take your sensitivities into consideration. If you’re more sensitive in that area, the VCH piercing could lead to stimulation and arousal at times when you don’t really want it.
Here’s everything you need to know about the vertical clitoral hood (VCH) piercing. 
Since you’re piercing such a sensitive area, you’re going to feel some pain. However, many report that it’s not as painful as they expected, and some have even compared it to the lobe piercing (albeit, it still stings).
After you’ve been pierced, you’ll likely feel throbbing throughout the day, so you might want to wear comfortable cotton underwear and sweatpants to the procedure. Additionally, you should bring a sanitary pad to catch any potential bleeding. It’s important to note that bleeding might not start immediately, so wear the liner even if there’s no sign of blood, just in case.
The pain level will largely depend on your personal pain threshold as well as the expertise of the piercer (although, we’ll say it again, when you get a genital piercing always choose someone who is specialized in these types of piercings). 
The vertical clitoral hood piercing actually has a relatively easy healing process. You should expect to spend only 4 - 8 weeks on healing. Aftercare for the VCH piercing is much the same as any other piercing; make sure that you clean it with saline solution 2 - 3 times daily, and try to protect the jewelry from snagging.
Besides standard aftercare practices, there are some things that you need to be aware of as your VCH piercing heals. Here are some tips for happy healing.
Watch what you drink. You might be worried about your urine causing infection in your healing VCH piercing, but your own urine is actually a pretty good sanitizer. In fact, it can also help clear out any crusties as the VCH piercing heals. However, acidic urine might make the piercing sting. Make sure to drink plenty of water to dilute the urine and stay away from cranberry juice, orange juice, or any other acidic liquids.
Wear tight, clean cotton underwear. Tighter underwear will keep the jewelry in place as you move and avoid snagging. When you put on the underwear, be careful; if you accidentally step on the center, it should not touch your VCH piercing, since you’ve now introduced it to tons of bacteria. 
Be careful when you sit or exercise. Curved barbells are common starter jewelry choices because they better match your natural anatomy, and you should hardly feel it when you participate in daily activities. However, as you heal, you will feel extra sensitive when horseback riding, riding a bike, or otherwise straddling something. It’s a good idea to take a break from these types of activities for at least 1 - 2 weeks after receiving the VCH piercing.
Wait to play with it until it’s fully healed. This can be frustrating, especially if you got the vertical clitoral h
Merilyn Sakova
Teri Weigal

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