Реферат: What Is Literature Essay Research Paper Literature

Реферат: What Is Literature Essay Research Paper Literature


What Is Literature Essay, Research Paper
Literature is an interpretation of experience and an analysis of the findings made into a perfect unity. Literature allows people to experience without having to brave it in real life. They are able to learn the lesson from a certain circumstance without having to deal with the real-life outcomes. Literature is a vice that people use to share lessons and experiences with all people through writing. Literature most often has an major message or moral. Works of writing called literature have most often stood the test of time and have been acclaimed by readers of many generations. However literature is not limited to the old. Modern works such as To Kill a Mockingbird, “The Hand” and “The Story of an Hour” all show how, in their time period, peopled lived. It tells a message through what the people learned in their life.
The piece of literature To Kill a Mockingbird explains the life of Scout, the protagonist, allowing readers to experience her life, who otherwise would not be able to. For many, the only way to experience different things is by living the experience through characters in literature. This stunning piece of literature is necessary for many because not everyone can live in the south, during the depression. Another aspect is that the author’s childhood was very similar to the childhood of Scout the book’s protagonist. Haper Lee wrote about her life’s experiences and of profound lessons that all people should learn. Literature allows people to share everything that they have learned and enrich the lives of others by giving them a head start with the knowledge that usually comes from a terrible ordeal.
During the 1920s, there were less opportunities for women; using literature readers are able to share the experience of the women of that time. In the 1920s years girls grew up with the expectation of marring and having children. Today, women can be virtually anything I the workplace. Literature, can asist readers in
“The Story of an Hour” tells of how one woman’s life and happiness was destroyed by a marriage to a certain man. After she finds out that he is dead she begins to think of what she can do with her life now. When it turns out that her controlling husband is not dead the sudden realization of her imprisonment and instantaneous loss of hope kills her. This story shows through extremity that people should live their life to the fullest and above all else give full attempt to be happy. The wife in this story allows her husband to control her and limit her life to that of an inclosed depression. In that small moment when she believes that she is free everything becomes whole and she is able to live her life the way that she wants. All people should live their lives the way that they want everyday. The story is saying that people’s freedoms should not be contained by others regardless. Life should be lived, people shouldn’t allow others to be repress them.
Literature is produced by analyzing the aspects of life.

Название: What Is Literature Essay Research Paper Literature
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 08:30:57 04 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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