Реферат: Space Odyessey Essay Research Paper 2001 SPACE

Реферат: Space Odyessey Essay Research Paper 2001 SPACE


Space Odyessey Essay, Research Paper
After watching this movie, a lot of it is very
confusing to me and is really hard for me to understand.
You really have to think about what is being said in the
movie to get a good understanding of the points that the
director is trying to get across. I would really like to
get a professors view of the movie to get a better
understanding. Throughout this paper I am going to give a
little review of the movie and discuss interesting facts
that I thought were helpful and appealing.
The beginning of the movie was pretty weird I thought.
I wasn?t used to a movie without any spoken words.
Throughout the whole movie the music is usually playing the
role as the speaker or communicator. I thought this part
was very interesting that the music is the link between the
audience and what they are viewing. Space Odyssey begins
with a group of apes that show how they feel and their
personality through their movements and sounds they are
making. I didn?t really understand this part but I think
when the ape picked up the animal bone and shattered the
skeleton it was a part of his learning experience. I
believe that the ape was in the process of learning and
adapting to his surroundings by the way his actions were.
He then uses the the bone as an attack method to kill
The movie then moves to the world of human beings that
exist. This was the most interesting part of the movie I
thought. How the director makes everything look so real
and interesting. The part in the movie when a man has to
use a voice identification to verify who he is. Also the
same man goes and uses a phone where you can see the other
individual and you don?t even have to hold anything up to
your ear. Technology in this movie I thought was crazy.
Some of the stuff, like the visible telephone I thought was
cool but some of the other technology seemed so normal in
the movie but when I think of it, it feels as a second
What I thought was crazy about this movie was Hal. Hal
is a computer system which can speak to its user. I
couldn?t understand how this computer pretty much has
control over the people in the space ship. I think it is
really interesting that the computer system could do so
much. This movie illustrated to me how important technology
and computers are to the world as a whole. How you can
pretty much live your whole life in a room with a computer.
The possibilities are endless with a computer at your

Название: Space Odyessey Essay Research Paper 2001 SPACE
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 06:20:03 03 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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