Реферат: Short Story Essay Essay Research Paper Short

Реферат: Short Story Essay Essay Research Paper Short


Short Story Essay Essay, Research Paper
I noticed that i enjoyed most of the storys not only for the obvious
reasons such as good charactors, mood, and imagery but also because of
writing style and fluency. I noticed some storys I enjoyed reading even
thought nothing in it really interested me too much, while other storys that
were about topics I usally enjoy reading about I had to put down because I
would end up going over every sentence two or three times each. So on that
note I belive the most important part of writing is making it fluent and easy
to read. The three storys I will compare and contrast are: “The Jade Peony”,
“Horses of the Night”, and “The Masqe of the Red Death.” I intend to fine
wether o not the author of these storys was sucessful in making it readable
in the sence of comprehanceability and fluency.
The first story i will be discussing is called “The Jade Peony” by
Wayson Choy. I did not enjoy what this story was about nor did I enjoy
reading it. Luckly it was short, If It wasnt I doubt i would have made it
throught the whole thing. The main problem with this story was the
inconsistance of the sentences, some sentences were too long while others
were very short. The only way to truly fix this story would be to re-write it.
The second story I chose to write about is called “Horses of the Night”
by Margaret Laurence. I did enjoy reading this short story dipite the fact it
seem to jump around alot; it would talk about somthing fairly in-depth then
just suddenly jump to a different subject or time-era of the story. The author
seem to show very good writing ability however so I think perhaps she did
this on purpose either just for somthing different or maybe to give you a
break from what she was currently writing about.
And finally the third and personal favourite story i chose to include in
this paper is called “The Masqe of the Red Death.” This story is nice and
easy to read even though it uses fairly large words and complex sentences.
This story just happens to be writen by one of my favourite writers aswell:
Edgar Allen Poe. I enjoyed this story mainly because like i said it was easy
to read and it was actually challenging to figure out, like much of Poe’s
work. The fluency of the story gave you time to just think of what he ment
As you can probibly see the short storys seem to very when it comes
to writing fluency and writing structure when it comes to this paticular short
story book. One may dissagree with some of my opinions toward these
storys but i think to the average novice reader like myself these opinions will

Название: Short Story Essay Essay Research Paper Short
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 15:10:36 13 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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