Реферат: The Problem of Holmelessness in Canada

Реферат: The Problem of Holmelessness in Canada


Homelessness is a huge problem in the whole world. In poor countries, so called “third world countries” you can meet homeless people on every corner. That’s why government of “third world counties” tries to solve this problem by building more homes and shelters. Ministry of Health encountered with many strange diseases caused by unsanitary conditions of living. Homeless people eat from dirty waste, drink from not clean creeks or even puddles. Huge wave of sickness grabbed streets of India, Nigeria, Nepal, Somali and many, many other “third world countries ”
Unfortunately diseases and viruses is not only problem caused by homelessness. Statistic shows that level of crimes is much higher in those countries and cities where the major issue is homelessness. So homeless people don’t have places to work, government pays not enough money for living. Charities and donations also to not enough to live a good life, that’s why homeless people go the wrong way to get some money for living. People steel money from those who’s richer than they are. Sometimes robberies end up with serious injuries or even homicide. Crime is another problem caused by homelessness and homeless people.
Homeless people mean poor people, poor people mean hungry people and hungry people mean angry people. I think non country want angry citizen in it. Just dig some historical facts, revolution in Russia in 1917 year. Poor and angry lays of society rise up against Czar and monarchy system in Russia. Poor people also started revolution in France year in 1848. And guess what? They won the battle because they had much more people in the army than the Czar or King. And history has more examples of up rising of angry mass of people Revolution is the same as war, war can’t be without killing. Nobody wants dead bodies on their street and government should not let this happen.
Toronto is the most beautiful city I’ve ever seen. Canada has wonderful nature, all kinds of animals, kind and polite people. And it’s really sad to see people who live in bus stops, dirty doorways or right across the sidewalk in downtown. I always give some to them but my small donation won’t change their lives. And sometimes I notice men with good athletic abilities, strong and seem to me pretty young. I think government of Canada should make more vacant positions for people like that. Homeless people got to have motivation to work and it governments responsibility to let homeless people have a dream of a bright future.
It’s in the governments own good to stop the wave of homelessness in the country, which causes crime, sickness and chaos on the streets. Government has all power to help homeless people and solve the problem with homelessness. Government doesn’t have to make more charities for homeless people, but it should make more activities, which involves homeless people themselves. Build more houses and shelters or even temporary places of living, it’ll help to solve the issue with living place. I know that civil volunteers will help with money and many other activities. Major of Toronto could take some taxpayers money to make changes in homeless condition in Toronto. He also can get more votes at next election. Should they raise taxes or cut budget of some unimportant science research, I don’t know. But problem of homelessness must be solved! Canadians must not loose their conscience and help their brothers and sisters on the streets.

Название: The Problem of Holmelessness in Canada
Раздел: Рефераты по политологии
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 01:09:47 03 июля 2005 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 703
Комментариев: 16
Оценило: 6 человек
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