Реферат: Kind Of Student Essay Research Paper People

Реферат: Kind Of Student Essay Research Paper People


Kind Of Student Essay, Research Paper
People go to school to get an education. What individuals make of school is what they are going to take with them when they are on there own and for the rest of their life. There are two different types of students, passive and active. Attitude, the amount of energy you put into your classes, and the quality of work determines the type of student you are going to be. Attitude is the first element that determines the quality of a student. A passive student is almost always negative. Normally his or her attitude is that they have something better to do then study; they just do not care about how well they do in the class. Often passive students tend to think that when they receive a poor grade, it is because the teacher does not like them. On the other hand an active student has a very positive attitude. He or She is a go getter?often optimist always looking for the best in every situation. They try to learn as much as possible about what they are studying. The second component that helps determine the type of student is the amount of energy he or she puts into their work for their classes. A passive student is lazy. Since he or she s attitude is poor, they tend to put only enough energy in to just get by. An active student does just the opposite they always study. They have their priorities straight. They make the time to study instead of going out and having fun. Such as not going out with their friends when they know that a quiz or test is coming up. They are usually willing to help others. Finally, the quality of work also determines the type of student. A passive student often turns in poor and unfinished work. He or She does not take time to fully understand the directions, so in turn the assignment will not meet the instructor s standards. An active student tries His or Her best to turn in complete work on time. They strive for top-quality work, which they are proud of. By striving for good work that is what gets them a good grade. The type of student you are can be a major decision for the rest of your life. If you at a young age develop good study habits and really care about your work then you will benefit from it for the rest of your life. Not only when you are in highschool is this important, but if you continue into higher education. I am sure that it is everyone s goal to be an active student. But it is all up to the student, hopefully He or She will realize how important it is. Knowing and learning the components that it takes to be either a passive or active student.

Название: Kind Of Student Essay Research Paper People
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 05:40:28 14 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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