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Reddit Sugar Forum v. Real World of Sugar
Comment deleted by user · 4 yr. ago
Comment deleted by user · 4 yr. ago
A forum where SDs and SBs discuss the sugar lifestyle, share experiences, and learn from one another
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It seems like the gap is yawning more than ever between the views expressed on this forum and what is really going on with sugar.
More of the new SBs I see now have typically had one and done or a short series of pay to play meets, fewer have had a traditional arrangement, almost none have ever seen a monthly allowance. Some even prefer it this way, avoiding even the strings of an arrangement, SD expectations, texting/attention seeking SDs.
No condom is very very common in the real sugar world but heresy on this forum.
The forum tends to auto-reject SBs who have acute financial need, but they are quite common on SA's as are virgins looking for their first experience.
A surprising number of SBs are in it in no small measure for the sex so they compromise on the money, a dynamic this forum pretty much ignores.
If our discussions present an artificially idealized/theoretical version of sugar I wonder how well we are serving new SBs who come here for real world help.
Well you know what, I'm going to say you sound like a bitter John and make that 50% rate go even higher
While it's anecdotal, I think that the OP's facts sound VERY familiar to me.
As I've mentioned before, I live in a large city with a lot of colleges and universities. Thus, there are a LOT of undergrad and grad school SB's, as well as recent grads. Also, the cost of living is high; rent is very expensive.
While I can categorize SB's into a few common categories, there DEFINITELY is a large contingent who definitely need the $$, want the sex (if given a choice they will pick a sex date over a dinner date), and are HAPPY with PPM as it means no commitment. This doesn't mean that they only want one, or two-offs; I have had several long-term SR's on this PPM basis. Indeed, it seems most common that when such a SB finds someone that they click with, they prefer to keep that going vs. merely looking for variety. Us men seem more interested in "variety" then they do.
Anyway, this is my empirical and somewhat anecdotal evidence.
Men have wanted variety since the dawn of humanity. Any time we get it, we get shamed for it. Even if it's fully consensual and paid for.
men look for more variety ,women want more money.
Different views and experiences don't make anyone's idea of a SR any more wrong than your own. I have never seen PPM because that's not what I go for. I don't compromise on an allowance for sex. Not that it's my motivation, I just like having an amount I'm happy with. No condom is real, yes, but on the first time before you're tested is not going to happen with me. We all give insight on what we deal with personally so no, not a fantasy, just not what you're accustomed to. People can sugar however they please but if they don't want different opinions then a forum isn't the place they want to put their ideas.
It's been said time and time again that this forum is just a small sample of the sugar world.
A lot of the SBs on the forum talk about ppm and many admit they sugar for money and not sex.
We tell people looking for advice that they shouldn't sugar out of desperation and condoms should be used until trust is established and tests are taken. How is any of that bad advice?
We tell people looking for advice that they shouldn't sugar out of desperation and condoms should be used until trust is established and tests are taken. How is any of that bad advice?
Because these aren't the usual real world terms. So an SB looking for an SD is less likely to succeed because this forum skews her views. I'm very unapologetic-ally no condom. For better or worse, any POT who takes this forum's advice will never enter an SR with me or anyone like me. In short, your advice is unrealistic.
We projecting our experiences, not idealized SR.
While no condom is “very very real in the sugar world”, SBs and SDs should not have to drop their morals for pleasure and/or money because of its commonplace in the sugar lifestyle.
We are serving SBs advice of our own encounters, definitely not some fantasy. Not sure where you have derived this information from.
There's a clear struggle between the $200 PPM SDs and the $10,000/month minimum diva SBs.
Somewhere in the middle lies reality.
Regardless of the $ amount, the no condom crowd creeps me out. Even if a SD doesn't care about his own health, why risk other people?
This post is long overdue. The problem is, the less this forum reflects the real sugar world, the worse it gets. Because real world SD/SBs don't find the forum helpful, they don't stick around and offer advice to newbies. Honestly, to avoid blowback, I've taken to PMs to express how things really work. I've found SBs are starting to do the same with me .
Same with me they PM me to tell the truth
As a new(ish) SB who came here for "real world help", this sub has helped immensely in so many ways.
I've been very well served by advice given by more experienced SBs here and it has definitely contributed to my success (so far at least) in the bowl.
But that's really sweet that you're so concerned for new SBs, and worried on their behalf that they'll get some crazy-unrealistic ideas in their head, such as insisting on safe sex, or standing their ground on their financial needs :P
As usual, political correctness overrides brutal truth for the sake of higher karma.
I've actually met a couple of brand-new SBs on SA and sent them here for more information - then never heard back from them! Not sure what that says . . .
I think I fall into this category, and it's a result of being in it for so long that my "old ways" are currently not the same standard as they were 7 years ago (and wish desperately it wasn't so). The whole PPM thing is still hard to wrap my head around but I've been needing to adjust my expectations the past few years.
All we can do is share our own experiences and try to help people. I'd rather tell people what's possible and what they should aim for long term than tell them to rush in headfirst or go along with what I know won't end well.
Does that mean everyone takes that advice? No. Does it mean there isn't a huge amount of young girls who are desperate for money on SA? No. Does it mean people like yourself are not willing to take advantage of knowing that? Of course not.
We should be helping people not end up being taken advantage of and not end up in misery with nothing for all they put into it.
There is a huge number of guys on SA who aren't really interested in being the SD ideal either. Their mantra is that you don't have to pay out to "empty their balls" and will talk about how all girls on there are sluts who love sex so they'll take a small amount to pay off their bills.
Doesn't mean we should entertain that idea here and I'd hope the mods wouldn't.
I'm a newbie and this sub has helped me immensely! Especially with being able to screen for people trying to scam or pump/dump. I'm not desperate for money so I like knowing that the ideal SR talked about here does exist, and it gives me motivation to be patient in my search. Thanks to all the experienced SBs offering advice!

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symptoms after stopping sugar intake?
I’ve managed to almost cut soda out. How do I take it a step further?
A place to discuss your sugar habit.

Do you want to cut down on sweets?

Has your sweet tooth become an insatiable craving?

Are you wondering whether you should give up added sugars completely?

Let's talk about sugar and how we can have a better relationship with food.
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I came home from work early as I was feeling really sick and running a fever. I tried to sleep, but after a while I got the idea in my head that I'd make a mug cake. I have no idea why--this isn't something I do regularly, or at all, so I have no idea why I'd do that in the first place. Well, it wasn't very good, but I ate it. And I tried to make a second one, and I finished it as well. From that point, I was in binge mode, but as I was raiding the cabinets, I had trouble finding anything to satisfy my cravings because I recently confessed my issues with sugar and binge eating to my mother, and she's tried to cut back on buying snack foods. I ate what few cookies were left in the house, and when I wanted more, I turned to...
Just plain sprinkles, straight from the jar.
They were probably from 2013, but I wanted that sugar hit so badly that I ate fucking 7 year old sprinkles.
This is the third day in a row that I've binged, but god, if what I just did hasn't woken me up. I've realized just how bad my addiction is.
Where do I go from here? I've tried to cut out artificial sweeteners, I don't (and never really have) drink soda, I don't eat pasta or other starchy, processed foods, I only consume about 2 slices of Nature's Own double fiber bread per day (and I think the total sugar content for those two pieces is 1g), the pancakes I eat are unsweetened and I don't use syrup, I've been trying to only eat fruit (I love,,,, love love love frozen fruits) to satisfy my cravings, I've limited myself to 1tsp of honey in any sauces I make, which is maybe twice per week, and the biggest source of sugar I can think of in my diet is the sausage that I have with my breakfast, which has 3 grams, some of which I think are from apple.
I'm just so frustrated. The only real sugar intake I get is from my binges, but my binges are largely caused by the sugar cravings. It's a cyclical hell. I've tried letting myself occasionally indulge with something like halo top, I've tried to stop counting, I've tried to eat intuitively, I've tried to be crazy stern with myself and be concrete in my dieting plans. I feel like I've gone in every direction, and I've ended up right back where I am now. I'm not overweight, but I certainly feel sluggish, I'm irritable, I'm preoccupied with food, my skin has gotten worse, my sleep is worse, and my weight is on the rise. I can so potently feel what this addiction is doing to me, but I can't stop. What do I do?
Note: This is mostly just a method of getting my feelings off of my chest, but feedback and interaction would be incredible right now. I could use some support.
I stop eating sugar (the unhealthy kind) and I faint. I stopped eating “bad” food and was eating a little less and I felt great and I went to a truck stop bathroom, and when I got up. That’s all I remember I hit the floor and toilet seat hard. I was staring at the ceiling when I came to. I was so disoriented. I came out of the restroom and I was trying not to make a scene so I splashed cold water on my face and called my husband he ran and got me a dr. Pepper and it brought life back to me. I’m not diabetic and I don’t think I’m obese, I am out of shape. I’m 24 and weigh 190lbs and I’m 5’7 and I also sweat if I don’t have sugar and when I’m about to hit a goal weight I start stuffing my face with filthy food. Idk what’s wrong with me
i want to stop eating sugar (i recently threw out my powdered sugar because despite anything id still eat it) but now if i don't have sugar, i feel fidgety. Any tips or has anyone else experienced less-sugar symptoms?
Long story short: I love sugar and can’t get enough. Problem is, I work in a doughnut shop. We hand make over 400 doughnuts a day and I work both front of house and kitchen. So sugar is around me all day long. (I would find another job but, 1. I’m new in Norway and don’t speak the language and, 2. I’m not just an employee, I manage and make schedules, and we’re opening a new store and my responsibilities will be much higher).
On any given day, I will snack on 2+ pretty big doughnuts, sometimes more.
I just wanted to know if anyone else is dealing with a similar situation, and how they have coped with it.
Hey all. I’m a sugar addict and the last two days really made that clear. I’m trying to get back on track and thought maybe this would be a good place to start that process. Here’s to moving forward 🤞🏻
This year I admitted to myself that my sugar intake is why I’m 220 lbs. I began an active attempt to limit how much sugar I eat. The first step was cutting soda, obviously, and it was actually a lot easier than I thought it’d be. I drink at most 2 a week now, whereas before it was one a day at least.
But man, getting rid of sugar is hard. Everything has so much sugar, and I crave it so much. I did good for about 2 weeks and really started slacking after that.
How do I take it a step further and eat less sugar?
I get cravings especially during tha time of the month (I dont feel guilty for those..unless is a little debbie snack those always make me feel like sht)
I have in the past cut it for a while cold Turkey but eventually right back. Now I find myself wanting to stop but somehow forget most of it when I am in the store and purchase a sweet item ( my list arent strict that's also why).
Any how...just asking overall. Cheers

Comment deleted by user · 4 yr. ago
Comment deleted by user · 4 yr. ago
Comment removed by moderator · 4 mo. ago
A forum where SDs and SBs discuss the sugar lifestyle, share experiences, and learn from one another
Reddit Inc © 2022. All rights reserved
I’ve tried reddit, seeking arrangements and they’ve been a flop. Any ideas?
I wouldn't recommend tinder tbh, even if it can technically *work*. I used this trial from seeking arrangement and found plenty of success.
There's a recent thread about using Tinder for sugar dating. Eye opening for me.
Seeking arrangements is really the best bet. If you’re not having luck it’s something about you/your situation. Try working on your profile.
You can try freestyling depending on your location - but it’s harder.
I changed my settings on tinder and switched up my bio to hint that I'm looking for a sugar daddy. In the last two days I've gotten quite a few offers. If you're having trouble on SA, I definitely recommend giving sugar tinder a try!
If you are getting "offers" on tinder they are probably not sugar offers but rather those looking for something
any advice for a young SD, 26.. i mean the SBs are setting their ages higher im assuming, can i change my age or something?
I literally put in my profile i want to be your sd
Maybe you can try Tinder. Your assumption is correct. I set my age range from about 35-55 as I wouldn’t expect anyone who’s only a year older than me to be a POT SD.
Seeking arrangement. It takes awhile to find the right guy. If not, go to bars / nice restaraunts in expensive cities and sit alone at the bar.
tinder is a great place but most likely you'll go the sgf route. Most of the men i met on tinder who are sd's want something serious
Maybe the easiest way to find a sugar daddy is online dating. Just choose the best sugar daddy website and find the right one for you.

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