Lesbian Hypnosis Story

Lesbian Hypnosis Story


Lesbian Hypnosis Story
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sissy hypno addict - databaseor
May 20, 2022 at 2:36 am

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Facebook picture of the male friend after he was hypnotized .
My friend tried lsd for the first time a couple of weeks ago. For some ridiculous reason he and his girlfriend thought it would be a funny idea to see if he could be hypnotized while on acid.
So they hired someone claiming to be a professional hypnotist – I have no idea of his actual credentials. They both agreed that only the girlfriend would know what he was going to be hypnotized to do, that way they would know if it really worked.
I was there for some of the time, and what they were doing seemed pretty intense. I don’t really believe in hypnosis, but it really looked like he was in a deep trance and tripping REALLY hard on lsd. (I think he had about 5 hits).
What I don’t get it why his girlfriend decided on hypnotizing him to dress up like a girl. From what I heard when I was there, the hypnotist tried to implant the idea that he would feel like he was on fire if he wasn’t wearing women’s clothes and makeup along with the need to show it off to other people.
I didn’t take any of this crap seriously, which is why I laughed it off and left after a while.
But what really disturbs me is that he posted this picture on his facebook yesterday:
This guy is one of the straightest most masculine guys I know. I honestly don’t think he would ever do anything like this. But that is definitely him in the picture, without a doubt.
I went to go visit him today, but he wouldn’t come to the door. I don’t believe in hypnosis, but is it possible that the LSD had some kind of effect and now his mind believes everything the hypnotist told him? I’m really worried for him. Is there any way we can get him out of this mess?
This message was reposted anonymously in a number of forums. Don’t know if it’s a hoax, but I do know it’s pretty hot.
[…] Hypnosis Feminized on Acid? – Adult HypnoticWishes […]
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influencing thoughts and expanding ideas
August 20, 2018 By George Hutton Last update: August 20, 2018 1 Comment
I was at this party the other night. I don’t really remember why I went. Maybe a friend of a friend called me. I was just hanging out talking to whoever.
I saw this woman across the room. She was mid to late 40s. When I saw her she wasn’t, she didn’t appear to be overly attractive. I mean she looked normal for what you’d expect the mid-to-late 40-year-old woman to look like but something about her was intriguing.
I approached her and I started a conversation. Within a minute of a conversation with her just about random stuff like who do you know at the party type stuff, I could tell that she had an incredible amount an almost irresistible amount of sexual energy.
I was trying to figure out why this not normally attractive woman had such powerful sexual energy. I was starting to get a very very positive biological physiological response to her invisible sexual energy.
By the time she was a junior high school she kind of figured out this is what was happening she hated her dad for being such an idiot. She hated her mom for putting up with it and not taking her away and helping her live a normal life.
She figured if she was going to have to keep moving every year she may as well do it on her own where she could at least choose where they’re going to go. So she ran away from home when she was in junior high school.
Of course a young girl that age running away from home and can end up in a very dangerous predicament. Within a couple of weeks she found a lot of other similarly situated young females. She lived in this abandoned house with about 20 of them.
They had this one kind of father figure, and as you would expect they were all involved in this kind of prostitution, but it wasn’t like regular prostitution where he would be like a pimp and he would put them out on the street to have sex and bring the money back.
What he did was he trained them in this very powerful form of sexual brainwashing hypnosis. What they would do they would go out in groups of three or four. They would dress very very upper-class.
They would put themselves in situations where they can interact with a lot of older single wealthy men. They would come up with these incredible stories where at the end of telling their stories to these older single wealthy men the older single wealthy men would volunteer them to stay at their house for a few days out of compassion.
In the back of his mind was always a hidden agenda of hopefully turning these underage girls into his personal sex slaves. Once they got to his house it only took about two or three hours of conversation using this very powerful sexual brainwashing hypnosis to get this guy begging to give them all of his liquid savings.
They couldn’t convince them to sign over the deeds to their houses of their businesses or their cars but they could use this very powerful sexual brainwashing hypnosis to convince them to give them all of their liquid savings.
They would get thousands of dollars, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars per person and they would keep 10%, the three girls and keep 10% their leader would keep 90%. They could use their own take for whatever they wanted.
After doing this for several years by the time she was in her mid-20s she had saved up enough money to pay for her own college education.
She went to college. She got a normal job the only drawback to her childhood she said was that by the time she graduated college she had lost all respect for men. She could still respect men that she had to work with and do certain job functions that she didn’t do.
But she couldn’t respect men enough to be in a relationship with one because she had spent so much time seeing how easy was to absolutely manipulate men to get money. She couldn’t see yourself in a relationship with a man that was so easy for her.
I noticed that by the end of this conversation I had completely become so enamored with this woman I was willing to do anything she asked of me. I was paying attention while she was talking to see if she was actually using any kind of weird hypnotic language patterns but she wasn’t. She was just using regular everyday English.
After her 10 15 20 minute back story I was willing to do anything she asked. She looked at me, she knew that, she knew I would do anything she asked, and she just looked him and she smiled and said I think you should go home now.
That made me incredibly sad. I was so willing to follow orders. When I got home and after this kind of her affect wore off, I kind of kicked myself that I would’ve loved to find out more about this guru that she lived with this cult leader who taught this hypnotic sexual brainwashing technique.
If you can learn something like this, if you can learn some type of sexual brainwashing, you could use these skills to make a lot of money. If you could learn how to sexually brainwash people you could use these skills to not only make a lot of money but get people to do whatever you want.

Mind Persuasion has plenty of books and courses to teach you how to speak hypnotically and persuasively.
two times I was told by two different hypmotist mostly because of the wife any way
they tried to hypmotized me to become a rich younger girl so what if I do treat women like little sluts and my wife wanted me to become one I laugh it can not be done I told her that all these so called hypmotizeing if bull she ask me too see if you will do it to me I said last time but also I am asking you to tell her the truth also please that it is mostly or all the way not real I am hard of hearing so leave message too 3039316163 man cannot be turn into a slut or women or girl by any means that is not real or will happen tklingenberg@msn.com you are the right to try but like I said never happen good luck and after your do if you do or if you cannot do it then tell her please that it not real
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Feminizing Hypnosis: Making Yourself Girly from the Inside Out

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As crossdressers, we all strive to be womanly when we decide to dress up and have some girl time. Appearing feminine is one thing; adopting feminine mannerisms is another . Still, another more intense level is thinking like a woman ; believing that you’re truly a woman deep in your bones.
If you feel that way, or are looking for a way to mentally escape from your masculinity from time to time, perhaps experimenting with some feminizing hypnosis is something worth trying. Perhaps you’ve never heard of feminization hypnosis, or are wary of trying something which seems awkward or strange. I can assure you that there is nothing wrong or dangerous about it. We’ll cover some of the basics about feminizing hypno, where and how to find it along with a few recommendations, and finally some of the benefits. Hypnosis or hypnotherapy can really help you become more feminine.
Hypnosis is a state of being where your awareness to immediate stimuli is reduced and your attention can be more focused. In this state, you’re more open to suggestion or direction . Hypnosis has a number of applications; some will use it to help quit smoking or as a form of therapy . We, as crossdressers, can take advantage of hypnosis to make us more able to accept and internalize feminine habits, mannerisms, or mindset. Don’t expect to be dropped into a trance like state and then wake up with a completely feminine mind at the snap of a finger.
Most of us are likely to explore this online, using self-hypnosis videos or audio . In my experience, these will be hit and miss. Most are produced for novelty reasons. Most of what you’ll find available for free online is meant to tempt you to buy into a more involved program , but there will be nuggets of quality. Depending on what you plan to focus on, or your reason for trying feminizing hypnosis you’ll want to look on different sites.
So why should you consider feminizing hypnosis? I think the best application is to overcome a mental barrier or break a bad habit. Hypnotherapy can help people quit smoking and is even used to help relieve chronic pain by ‘training’ your subconscious to ignore impulses or sensations. When applied to our crossdressing, we can utilize this to improve our confidence. One of the biggest issues many of us will have is a fear of being found out, perhaps a deep apprehension about a secret hobby. Repeated feminine affirmation hypnosis might be able to help you overcome this.
Other benefits may be just momentary and short lived. Some feminizing hypnosis might be titillating for you because what it encourages you to do or think is in some way taboo. More explicit hypnosis is intended for those of us who find the idea of being pushed over the edge arousing. These sessions are just for entertainment though, they won’t permanently change your mind.
This is perhaps the most important part of what we will explore here. If you type feminization hypnosis into a search engine, you’re going to get a bunch of different results; if you turn off your safe search option, the range of results is going to grow immensely. Most of the results you will likely notice first are going to be videos on sites like YouTube, but dig a bit deeper and you’ll notice that there will be a lot of results on more adult or fetish websites as well. Depending on what you’re going to be trying to accomplish, the website you’re looking for is a good place to start a filtering process. So, the first thing to do is to think about why you’re going to try some self-hypnosis. Are you looking for a goal to achieve, a fear to overcome, or something else entirely?
If you’re just looking to improve your confidence or lessen anxiety about crossdressing, you probably can find something helpful on YouTube. Be specific with your search , otherwise you’re going to have a hard time finding what best meets your desires. There will be lots of general hypnosis videos for feminine affirmations or validations.
Feminine Affirmations – A video to listen to while you fall asleep and through the night. It’s meant to seep into your subconscious while you dream.
Good Girl – 30 minutes to help you embrace femininity .
You’ll notice that both videos start in a similar way; a calming voice talking about relaxation and breathing. This is meant to help you relax, lower your filters, and become more receptive to the hypnotic process. Depending on the video, that can go on for 3 minutes or 15 or even longer.
Feminization Secrets (Paid) – This website has a number of hypnosis programs, some of which come with some supplementary materials . All of them are only available for a price ; I’d advise looking at the samples before buying.
If you’re looking for something more focused, like achieving a more womanly voice through hypnosis, just search for it. Something like these will likely have minimal initial effects, but repeated use could help lower your affective filter over time.
I’d suggest trying to find really narrow topics here; think about one skill to improve or insecurity to overcome. Here are some just a few hypnosis videos I found on specific feminization topics.
Voice Feminization – hypnosis to encourage you to find a female sounding voice.
Encouragement to wear lipstick – This one is meant to help you be more comfortable wearing make-up and lipstick . It might make you want to wear them more often or embed the desire to wear it in your subconscious.
Fit and Femme Program – Perhaps you’ve got an issue with food or your weight. I know that I can’t resist a late night cookie craving, and when it’s time to decide between having pizza or a salad, I always choose the pizza. This program can help you control your cravings and stick to a weight loss plan . This program isn’t free though.
So far, we’ve just covered some more innocent hypnosis topics. If you’re looking for a greater degree of escapism, or to indulge in some femme fantasies, you can amend your searches to reflect that. When I engage in some hypnosis, I’m usually trying to trick my mind into thinking my body is changing to be more feminine. It’s possible to find hypnosis videos that gently repeat that you’re starting feminine puberty, or growing your own breas
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