Reddit Selling Panties

Reddit Selling Panties


Reddit Selling Panties
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I sell my Used Panties online as my (current) primary source of income. AMA!
Comment deleted by user · 5 yr. ago
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Was made redundant a couple weeks ago, and have taken up an old occupation of selling my Used underwear on the internet.
I typically sell on eBay (not recommended, it’s against their policy) and online forums. From what I know it’s completely legal, you just have to watch out for shipping restrictions to certain countries.
As for price, my standard 2 day Panties go for about $35. Each additional day adds $5. Any special requests such as masturbating or peeing in them go for anywhere between $50 to $90 a pair.
Would you rather fight one pervert sized panty or a hundred panty sized perverts?
I’d have to go with one pervert sized panty.
Aren't you afraid that someone uses your DNA and clone you? Legit question
Eh, cloning my DNA seems like so much work.
I do however take measures to make sure my identity is mostly hidden. I never post my real address, I even set my postcode to the closest major city. I make sure all my photos are in front of a blank wall with no distinguishing features, and I use a fake name.
Did you get the idea from orange is the new black?
I’d seen and heard of it before but never thought it would be something I’d do, until one day a year or two back I was watching it and in dire need of money. I took a few photos of the pair I was wearing (literally on my couch with OiTNB in the background) and posted them online, not expecting anything. Within a few hours I had gained over 100 viewers, 5 bidders, and ended up having someone buy them for $45. That’s when I decided to keep doing it!
I read that it's more work than just wearing panties and that most guys want to have a long convo with you about your habits and such before purchasing
Some guys do, usually I just ignore those guys. I’m happy to answer a few questions from them about height, weight, shaved/unshaved, and what I’ve done in the Panties, but it’s always important to remember that from your side it’s a business deal, and if you spend too much time on one customer, you lose money on others. A lot of my customers at this point are returning ones, and just click buy without asking anything.
How much do people pay for that? Do you have to be attractive?
Anywhere between $35 for a standard 2 day Worn, or up to $90 if I pee in them.
And not at all! I consider myself to be on the unattractive side, but I have a decent butt, and all my photos where I sell are of my butt.
Was there requests for piss in them?
Occasionally! Those set a way higher price point, usually around the $75 to $90 mark.
I'm trying to enter this market as a seller, any general advice? I'm having trouble finding places to sell. I've tried craigslist, but my account's been placed on hold for violating their community rules. I'm waiting for verification on a reddit community, have you had any luck with places like that?
Never used craigslist as I’m in Australia and we don’t really have a lot of people using it unless you’re in major cities, and I’ve never tried selling on reddit.
Honestly I usually sell on eBay (against their rules so be careful) or on online forums.
I'm curious about this. May I have the link to your store?

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