Repopulation Sex Story

Repopulation Sex Story


Repopulation Sex Story
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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Repopulation Pt. 01
Post-Apocalyptic tale of kidnapping, mutants & breeding.
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None of the survivors knew what triggered the 37-minute nuclear exchange that constituted the Third World War. For the scattered remains of human society that survived the cascading explosions from Chinese, American, Russian and Indian atomic weapons after June 7th, 2012 survivors were more concerned with the immediate threats to their own survival, not analyzing history and trying to apportion blame. With only rudimentary skills and tiny groups of healthy people, declining capabilities to support technologies and economies that provided food, warmth, housing and culture before the cataclysm meant that life gradually became more and more brutish. And in the days, months and years after the apocalyptic war, the future of the human race became a ferocious and savage struggle, marked with acts that in a more civilized age would have been marked as barbaric and criminal.
Allie Cooke life took a tragic turn the moment when a Chinese ICBM slammed into the air force base outside her home town in rural Nebraska, not because she suffered horrific injuries but because unlike most of her family and her neighbours she survived the blast and the following months of radiation sickness. A college nursing student, she was drafted by the local emergency council that assumed all governmental responsibilities into the chaotic, collapsed medical system. Only 19 years old when the war devastated her country, Allie spent day after day consoling the dying, caring for the terminal radioactive-ill people, all the while grieving for her parents and her kid brother Billy. She knew there was no way they could have got away from the missile's blast zone; Offut AFB had been turned into a molten glass crater, and her family had their home only a couple of miles down range from the base. The only way to get through the numbing shock, the terror, the fear and the aching loneliness was to care for the yet living or the not yet dead.
As the summer of 2012 rapidly turned colder, thanks to the climate changing effects of the worldwide nuclear war, Allie and other people still alive in Nebraska found their lives harder yet again. First electrical power to the hospital she would spend hours each day at was cut after only a few weeks. The generators ran out of fuel, and couldn't keep up with the demand to warm the colder wards. Then, vitally important staff like Doctor Terry Johnson (the only surviving oncologist at Omaha Central) either died from radiation sickness itself, or like an older nurse Allie worked with, Mildred Pierce, collapsed through a nervous breakdown. The young Allie was burdened more and more not just with her personal losses, her increasing responsibilities and her deepening feelings of despair, she was almost overwhelmed by expectations from anyone who believed she could help them. When bandages ran out and the local government delegate refused to requisition more, it was Allie who had to beg him to bend his petty bureaucratic mind. As children and old age pensioners, jocks and invalids, mothers and father, men and women alike grew sick and died it was left to Allie and a slowly diminishing cadre of medical staff to try and keep people alive, healthy, functioning at some level.
By Christmas, probably the most heartbreaking day of Allie's young life, the weak and the sick were almost all gone. Wards and operating theatres that over 6 months had teemed to overflowing with the casualties of a war that had effectively destroyed the functioning USA emptied and grew silent. Omaha's population had declined to only 3% of its pre-war size, and Allie was one of only 3 nurses left on the hospital staff. She'd achieved at times near impossible levels of endurance. She'd suffered and hurt with every death till it numbed her as badly as the cold snows lashing the windows of her chilled room on the third floor. Her cheeks had gone sallow and her eyes dark and hooded. Life in a post-apocalyptic Nebraska was truly ugly and barren of any joy.
New Years Day 2013 dawned on Omaha Central wanly and with a cruel bite of ice in the air. Allie Cooke was dressed in the same faded nurses uniform she had worn for since the earliest days of her drafting into medical duties, and though she hand washed it every few days streaks of faded blood and other human excrescences marked the uniform. It was 8am according to the old fashioned alarm clock she religiously wound every night, and the promise of a cup of coffee was the only meal she had to look forward to until at least dusk. Fresh food stores had run out long ago, and scavenging bands had stolen much of the tinned food hoarded by the hospital staff in the basement. Hunger gnawed in Allie's belly, but with a mental resolve worthy of someone with far more years and physical strength, she went on duty.
The almost empty Ward 13 on the fifth floor was now only reachable by a flight of fire stairs that were perpetually in darkness due to the absence of electricity. The murky clouds and heavy snowfalls outside didn't alleviate the gloom for Allie as she walked with resignation to the doorway of the stairwell. "So cold today...what I wouldn't give for a big plate of pancakes." Allie mused to herself. Although drawn and tired, she had tried to at least appear clean and tidy. Her long blonde hair was held at the back in a ponytail, tied with a plain rubber band. The shoes that echoed on the unpolished floor were simple black low heels, given to her by another nurse who had stolen them from a Wal-Mart (before committing suicide), and through no conscious effort they still gave Allie a slight feminine sway with every step. Before the war, when she was a freshman at college she had known that a few guys loved to check her out as she walked to class. Now; well the only witnesses to her travail were the ghosts of dead patients, the mindless souls of those too traumatized to be aware of Allie's existence, and the half-dozen remaining patients of Ward 13.
There was nothing to indicate when Allie reached for the stairwell doorway handle that what lay in wait was another criminal and tragic incident in her young life. Somewhat immured to minor angst by the long-suffering in her life these last 6 months, a footfall or a suppressed murmur from the darkened upper stairs didn't really register. Allie's feet took each unseen step one after the other. She knew the count between the entrance on level 3 to level 5 to be exactly 40, with 8 right hand turns. On the stairs Allie counted them to herself.
"27...28...29...30...31...." A loud hiss above and to the right echoed She stopped counting and stared ahead. "Hello...anyone there?"
"32...33..." Allie climbed the next two steps gingerly, then heard a louder groan; an almost guttural moan that sounded like "Closerrrrr...come closerrrrrr."
"Is there anyone there? Daisy?" Daisy Williams was an older registered nurse who had stayed at Omaha Central with Allie, and had night duty so could have been coming down the stairs unseen. "Daisy...if you're there how bout saying something. It's me...Allie."
Allie held her breath, stopping and standing dead still in the inky blackness. A few seconds past. Nothing was said or heard.
"Going crazy...hearing freaking voices." Allie mumbled to herself and walked again. "34...35...36..."
Her right foot was about to land on the 37th step when without warning a massive black hand flew from over her left shoulder, grabbing her hard and viciously over her face. Another hand, bent and twisted into a stump sought and found her waist, and as it snaked around Allie's stomach her scream of surprise died. In the fingers that were digging into her cheeks and eyes sockets a handkerchief soaked in ether smothered her nostrils as well. In the lightless stairwell Nurse Allie Cooke collapsed into the anesthetic slumber that her kidnappers wanted. The 19-year-old girl was in the thrall of a barbaric new type of post-nuclear war survivor. A mutant misshaped into a slobbering, libidinous monster.
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Introduction: Corey is the 16 year old son of the leader of the survival clan. There was a massive nuclear war and the clan is confined to a maze of bunkers and catacombs until the surface world is safe. Corey is beginning to have feelings about one particular person here: Casey Greene. Casey is the daughter of Timothy and Susanna Green, two prominent people in the clan and helped Corey’s father, James, with the bunkers and catacombs. This is the untold (and maybe told in part) story of Corey and Casey’s love
“Why are you staring at her?” Mikey asks the survivor
“Well, I don’t really know.” Corey replies, feeling the embarrassment spread across his face.
Mikey laughs as he continues with his friend, “It’s all good man, nice choice. I guess we gotta repopulate somehow.”
Corey gives him a playful punch on the shoulder, “Shut up dumbass.”
Both laugh it off until Mikey speaks again, “Seriously man, talk to her. I know before it wouldn’t work because you were a loser but now, you’re the second coolest 16 year old guy on the planet.”
Corey halfheartedly laughs, and says “Mikey, there’s only two of us. But-” he is cut off by Mikey grabbing him and throwing him in the direction of the beautiful teen. She turns, and smiles when Corey begins to stammer a hello out.
“Well, hello to you too Corey.” She replies
“Wait… you know me?” A shocked Corey inquires. How did a girl as popular and sexy as her notice lame me?
She begins to giggle, “Yeah, I’ve seen you guys skateboarding. I’ve always wanted to learn.” Now what the hell does that mean? Girls are so fucking confusing.
Before realizing what he was saying, “Well, I have a little skating stuff in my bunker if you wanna come.” He shoots a glance over to Mikey, who smiles and gives a double thumbs up. Oh shit, now what have I gotten myself into
Just as he is preparing for the imminent rejection, he hears her say “I’d love to. When are you thinking?”
Trying to contain his excitement, which is in vain, he nearly shouts out “What about now?”
Once again, the teen goddess laughs, and replies “Then let’s go!”
Corey reaches his hand out, but stops himself. Don’t push it too far dumbass, you might still have a chance. However, he is shocked when she grabs his hand anyway. “Lead the way,” she whispers in his ear. He smiles and leads her away from the common bunker and towards his rec area, which his parents luckily felt they had time to install. As the teens walk through the dimly lit hallways, Corey learns her name is Casey, which he already knew, and that she was a gymnast before the war. He tells her the boring details of his life, skateboarding and guitar, but she seems to love it. “I always thought skaters were cute,” she says at one point.
After a long walk, they reach a blast door, which Corey keys a code into. The door begins its loud, slow opening process and reveals a skater’s paradise. With jumps and grind rails and anything you could want, Casey can’t help but to mutter a “Wow.” Corey closes the doors behind them and turns around to see a curious Casey
“Why’d you close the doors, think you’re gonna get lucky or something?” She questions, hands on her perfectly toned hips.
Corey takes a breath and replies, “No, parents get upset when I leave it open. Apparently it’s too loud or some bullshit like that.” Casey keeps up her stern look before cracking a smile
“So, why’s it so hot in here?” She asks now, as she sits on the polished wood floor.
“Because I like it, it reminds me of the hot summers we used to have before all this happened.”
“And you’re sure it’s not because you’re trying to make me strip?”
He blushes, and feeling bold, replies, “Not really, but if you want to, be my guest.”
After a little wait, as if she was pondering his offer, she shakes her head and smiles. “Horny boys, always trying to get a girl naked on the first date.”
Now it’s Corey’s turn to question, “So, this is a date now?”
She laughs, “I guess it is, I mean, that is what you wanted when you brought me here, right?”
“Yeah, it is” he replies, visibly embarrassed by the turn of events
“Good,” is all she says before grabbing the hem of her pink shirt, “It is pretty hot, you won’t mind if I take this off will you?”
“Not at all,” he replies, “In fact, I’ll join you.” Both teens peel off their shirts and look at the other’s body.
Casey stands around 5’5″ and weighs about 105 lbs. She possesses nice pale skin, like everyone else due to lack of sunlight, and brown hair trimmed to shoulder length. He continued to envy the petite frame and small breasts of the gymnast before him, and she did the same with her piercing blue eyes. He can’t take his eyes off of her small breasts encased in a modest orange and white striped bra.
Corey is taller, standing 5’10” and weighing in at around 140 lbs. As Casey does, Corey’s skin is pale and he has dirty blond hair that is messy and a little shorter than Casey’s. He has a little facial hair on his chin, but not enough to be called a beard. Casey stares at his body now, somehow finding a way to escape the gaze of his green eyes. She notices how he isn’t too skinny, nor too ripped. He is in the perfect area of fitness for her, with some muscle definition here and there.
Corey’s voice interrupts the stares of the lustful teens, “So, what do we do now?”
“I have no idea,” Casey replies, “You were the one that brought me down here.”
Corey wouldn’t allow himself to be the controller right now, he was afraid he would do something to mess it up. Stay calm Corey, he thought, don’t mess up your chance here, it might be the only one you get. “What do you want to do?” He asked his guest
“I think I want to try something,” Casey says with a touch of seduction in her voice. She motions for Corey to come over to her and he does, sitting next to her. Corey is about to speak when he feels her hand on his back and sees her begin to move towards his face. Not mistaking this movement for anything besides the truth, Corey moves his face to his, and their lips collide. Sparks are sent through the bodies and minds of the pair as they both share their first kiss in a very long time. Casey pulls away after a few seconds, ending their endeavor. She leans back, resting on one of the many jumps in the skateboarding area.
“So, Corey,” she asks, blushing, “You’ve had your first kiss before right?”
She nods in response. The pair sit in silence for a little, until Corey asks, “How long have you wanted to kiss me?”
The blush darkens on Casey’s face, “Well, since 4th grade. I’ve always thought you were cute, but since I was popular, and you were a skater, it would never work.”
The pair began to talk about their past now, and not the past everyone knows. Corey learns that Casey had multiple boyfriends, but nothing serious with any of them. Corey only had one girlfriend, and the war started before anything serious could happen, and he couldn’t get her down here.
“That’s awful Corey” Casey responds to the sad story.
“Yeah,” he says, with a depressed look on his face, “she didn’t believe anything my parents or I was saying. She thought we were crazy and almost broke up with me, but we had to come down here before she could.”
“You poor thing, I guess I have to make it up for you.” Corey’s head whipped up in time to register another kiss was coming, and the two lock lips yet again. This time, Corey feels a warmth on his outer lip, and soon realizes it’s Casey’s tongue! His hands begin to shake as he opens his lips, allowing Casey to explore the inside of his mouth. Corey begins to lightly play with her tongue with his own, and soon a battle for dominance erupts in their combined mouths. Within a minute or two, the pair parts, breathing heavily and a little sweaty. Corey begins to panic, though, when he sees where Casey’s attention lies.
“Oh, shit Casey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-” his explanation is cut off by a quick peck on the lips from the brunette.
“I think it’s cute,” she reasons, “In fact, I’m flattered you feel that way about me. Now, how about we continue kissing?”
Corey smiles and the duo lean in once again and this time, open their mouths from the start. The battle for dominance reemerges as the two lustfully swap saliva. Corey, mostly distracted by his finally kissing the girl of his dreams, almost missed her hand journeying from his chest down south. The hand reaches the waistband of his shorts, and he takes in a deep breath. Casey’s hand continues its travel over top of his rock hard penis, and begins to softly rub over it.
Casey breaks the kiss and the teens gasp for air. She turns her head to watch her hand’s continued rubbing of Corey’s erection, then snaps her face towards his and inquires, “Corey, how far have you gone with a girl?”
“No-” he swallows, “Not this far. How far have you gone?” He shyly asks
A seductive smile creeps across her face, as she replies, “Wanna find out?”
He nods, fighting back the excitement. Holy shit, she wants to with me. Me!! All the scenarios swim across Corey’s mind like wild dolphins, uncaged and unpredictable. He imagines everything from a handjob, to seeing her naked, to having sex for the first time.
All these thoughts, however, are sliced away by the knife of Casey’s hands. Somehow, without his noticing, she undid his belt and now is sliding his shorts down his slender legs. They reach his ankles and he enthusiastically kicks them off, leaving him one piece of clothing away from being naked with this teen beauty. Casey then stands up and begins working on the button of her own shorts, and then begins to shimmy them down her thin gymnast legs in the sexiest way possible. She also kicks them away, in the same direction as Corey’s discarded clothing, leaving her in just her striped bra and orange boy short panties.
Corey stares at the near-naked teen beauty in front of him and inspects the near perfect specimen as if his life depends on it. He starts at her small breasts, which seem to be beckoning him from their colored home. Now, however, he can better examine her bottom half. Her legs are firm and void of hair of any kind. They reach up to a perfect conjunction in the nether between her legs. He knows her ass is a piece of perfection, even without seeing it yet encased in only tight boy shorts.
“Casey,” he manages to croak out, “can- can you turn around?”
She smiles at his simple request and obliges, letting Corey bask in the glory of her tight ass. She looks back over her shoulder to see the blissful look on his face, and can’t help but to laugh. A deep blush once again spreads across Corey’s face. What the fuck did I fuck up, his mind worries, did I ruin this whole chance?
Casey turns around once again and sits on Corey’s right leg with one arm around his neck and looks into his hypnotizing green eyes. She feels a slight sigh escape Corey, as if in relief. Just wait until later if that was r
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