Read these are more

Read these are more

Read these are more

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I hate the concept of guilty pleasures because it often does an injustice to the pleasure. But if I am ever feeling stuck, bored, under-stimulated, over-stimulated or tired and on the road, I know there is one book genre that will get me out of my funk—narrative non-fiction. Sure, these books are for entertainment purposes first, just like Mad Men or Breaking Bad. They blow my mind for that reason. How do the authors do it? To tell this epic story and make even the background details seem exciting? To keep you on the edge of your seat even when, most of the time, you already know the ending? They can tell you the way the sunset looked on a day they never witnessed, they can tell you what the hero was thinking—deeply and intimately so. All of this is more than journalism, more than facts—it is storytelling. These are books I loved so much that I read them in marathon sittings, wanting to get to the end but hoping they never finished. These authors are masters of their craft who can teach us not just about writing , but at their best, give us insights about life and the human condition. Did you know that Moby Dick was based on a true story? And that the real story is arguably better? There was a real whaling ship that was broken in half by an angry sperm whale. And then it gets crazy. The members of the crew escaped in three lifeboats, traveling thousands of miles at sea with little food and water until they slowly resorted cannibalism like drawing straws, killing and then eating the loser, cannibalism. Besides being an utterly unbelievable story, this book also gives a great history into the whaling industry and the cowboy-like entrepreneurs who led it. Honestly, a leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco yes, the cracker company and the tobacco brands were once one company by a couple of investment bankers in should be a really boring book. There are so many characters, so many twists and turns, so much detail. The Big Rich and Public Enemies deserve to be on this list. I thought I knew about Theodore Roosevelt. And then it gets better from there. I mean, did you know he is credited with being the first to chart and navigate a totally unknown river as long as the Nile? And that he did that after he was President, just for fun? Not only is there a bunch of great history and drama here, it shows a human side of Roosevelt I had not understood before. Bugliosi was famously the prosecutor of Charles Manson and wrote a great book about it in Helter Skelter. They were caught when they pulled into a Hawaiian yacht club with the dead couples boat…painted in a different color. Was she in on it? Did her weird boyfriend do it alone? What possible motivate did they have? Bugliosi empathizes with his client but she remains a mystery to him and to us. Most people think she was complicit in the murders but not Bugliosi, who tells the story not only of what happened on this lonely island but the riveting trial and ultimate acquittal. One of my favorite books ever is a book called A Nervous Splendor , which looked at the insane intersection of Crown Prince Rudolf, a young Sigmund Freud, Gustav Mahler, Theodor Herzl, Gustav Klimt, and the playwright Arthur Schnitzler in Austria in The book begins and ends with Rudolf, a melancholy, difficult young man whose suicide , one could argue, put in motion the events of WWI. Truman Capote, childhood friend of Harper Lee, writes one of the greatest true crime books of all time. Why did they commit this murder? Who were these men? Why the unspeakable violence? These are the questions that fascinated Capote who spent hours interviewing the murderers at great length. As Perry Smith told him in one interview: I thought he was a very nice gentleman. I thought so right up to the moment I cut his throat. This book is a classic and perhaps the first in its genre for a reason. Holy shit, this book is good. Even if it was just the main narrative—the chase to kill a man-eating Tiger in Siberia in post-communist Russia—it would be worth reading, but it is so much more than that. The author explains the Russian psyche, the psyche of man vs. You may have heard about the story on the internet a while back: The autopsy later revealed that the tiger had been shot something like a dozen times during its life and lived. And on top of that Vaillant also wrote an amazing book called The Golden Spruce , about one of the most unique trees to ever grow on this planet—until it was chopped down by an eco-terrorist with mental problems…and then mysteriously disappeared and was never seen again. This book has got an entrepreneur who builds three billion dollar companies during the course of the book Silicon Graphics, Netscape and WebMD. Jim Clark is the vehicle through which you come to understand Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship and in some ways, the new American Dream. Michael Lewis knows how to tell a story, yes, but mostly he knows how to find stories and his best books— The New New Thing being one of them tell stories through characters that are almost too good to be true. I would put his newer books The Big Short and Flash Boys up there with this book but they are less narratives and more explanatory. Sir Ernest Shackleton makes his daring attempt to cross Antarctic continent but his crew and boat are trapped in the ice flows. What follows are days of harrowing survival, first from the elements, then from hunger, then from the sea as he makes a daring attempt in a small lifeboat to reach land miles away, then again as he struggles over land and mountains to bring relief to his men. And when he finally arrives with it, Shackleton simply boards them on the boat and returns home as if nothing had happened. He was an immensely brave man in the midst of terrible adversity and we see this so clearly in a book based on the remarkable diaries of his men. He never quit, never seemed to despair. This book and his life were living proof of his family motto: What makes these books so impressive is that at times it almost feels like they did—the books read so well you could think they were fiction. That the storyteller was creating the story to fit their purposes and not the other way around. But of course, these books are history at its most interesting. And course, feel free to add your own recommendations below. Ryan Holiday is the bestselling author of Ego is the Enemy and The Obstacle Is The Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Brought to you by thought. Hateful or weaponized writing. Spam or misleading text. Ryan Holiday Ryan Holiday is the bestselling author of Ego is the Enemy and The Obstacle Is The Way: Follow Ryan on Twitter Facebook Instagram Quote Catalog. More from Thought Catalog. 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