Puberty Boy Nudist

Puberty Boy Nudist


Puberty Boy Nudist
Puberty in boys, Part 2: Tackling wet dreams and unexpected erections
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Dear boys: Our article Puberty in Boys , gave you an outline on puberty. This one will give you some significant pointers on the changes your body is undergoing. So if you are a boy who is going through puberty, this is a must read!
When a boy’s penis hardens and lengthens, it is called erection. This usually happens when he has romantic or sexual thoughts, or upon physical stimulation. But, during puberty a boy will get erections more often, at times even without any stimulation.
When you have an erection — if your penis doesn’t stand up straight — don’t worry. Most erections tend to either curve to one side or curve upwards. And boys, don’t worry about the size of your penis – most penises are around the same size when they are erect.
It’s very common to have spontaneous erections during puberty, and there is not much a boy can do to stop it. Nevertheless, there are ways to deal with it.
Wearing tighter styles of underwear can help in a big way.
Another thing you can do is to sit down when you have an unexpected erection, or cover it with something.
Focus on something else till it goes away.
Most importantly, remember, it happens to everyone.
Erections can happen any time, even when a boy is asleep. A wet dream occurs when a boy is sexually aroused during his sleep and ejaculates (releasing semen, a whitish sticky fluid which contains sperm, from the penis). Sometimes one can remember the sex dream. But mostly, one will just notice a wet patch on his clothes, after waking up.
There is nothing embarrassing about a wet dream. It is natural, and happens to many people. However, there is nothing to fear if you don’t have one, as not everyone gets it.
A boy must wash his penis and testicles, especially behind his foreskin, every single day. Or else he can become vulnerable to infections.
When a boy starts growing facial hair, there is usually very little hair – mostly on his upper lip and chin. This can be removed with a razor.
At first, a boy may need to shave once in two weeks or even less. Eventually, he’d have to shave more often. However, this varies from person to person. Read the tips below:
Use a facial cleanser or scrub to remove dead skin cells and open skin pores to prepare it for a close shave.
Massage shaving cream onto areas where you have hair growth.
Use a sharp blade. A dull blade is usually the culprit when it comes to shaving cuts, as it drags over the face and catches the skin along with hair.
Shave in the direction of hair growth. Shaving against hair growth can cause redness, rashes, and ingrown hair, which are all painful.
After shaving, finish it off with an oil-free moisturiser or an after shave.
During puberty, boys go through sudden changes in feelings. He might feel like laughing at one moment and crying the next. These sudden mood changes are caused by chemicals called hormones. Speaking to a trusted friend or adult is the best way to cope.
Sadly, our culture teaches boys not to vent grief through crying – because of which sadness is often suppressed, leading to difficulties in expressing emotions later on.
It’s important to realise that every human being goes through a range of emotions and it is healthy to express it constructively.
So if you’re feeling sad — cry it out — there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing that.
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Medically Reviewed by Renee A. Alli, MD on February 11, 2021
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Puberty's changes start when the brain triggers the production of sex hormones. Although physical changes follow a predictable pattern, every child develops at their own pace. Puberty usually begins for girls before boys. For most girls, puberty begins around age 11. For boys, puberty starts from 10 to 14. The average age is 12.
Breast growth is usually the first sign of puberty girls will notice. First, small lumps form behind the nipples. They can be sore, but the pain goes away as breasts grow and change shape over the next few years. As they grow, it’s not unusual for one breast to develop more slowly than the other, but they will even out in time. Boys also may have some swelling on their chest but it tends to go away within a year or two.
The first sign of puberty in boys is subtle -- an increase in testicle size. About a year later, the penis and scrotum start to grow. Semen can be released during an erection when they are awake or when they are asleep.
After breasts and testicles start growing, body hair will start to grow in and become thicker. For both boys and girls, new hair will start growing in the armpits and pubic area around the genitals. Arm and leg hair gets thicker. Boys also may start developing chest and facial hair.
Mild acne may be normal in early puberty. Puberty's high hormone levels can trigger acne outbreaks. During puberty, the oil glands are more active and your child will probably sweat more. Keeping the face and body clean can help, but if acne is a concern, talk to a doctor. Medications may help.
About a year after puberty begins, girls have a growth spurt. A girl will get taller and start to get wider hips and fuller breasts. Some curve-related fat will appear on their stomach, buttocks, and legs. Girls usually reach adult height by their mid- to late teens.
The peak growth spurt for boys happens later than it does for girls. It occurs around six months after pubic hair development. When it does, your son's shoulders will become fuller and broader, and they'll grow taller, too. Their face shape will look less round and more adult-like. Depending on when puberty starts, they may not reach their adult height until their late teens or even early 20s.
A girl usually gets their first period between 10 and 16 years old (about 2 to 2 1/2 years after they start puberty.) Menstruation is a sign that they're physically an adult and able to get pregnant. You may want to talk to your doctor if your daughter doesn’t get their first period by the time they're 16.
Toward the end of puberty, your son's voice may start cracking. This is normal, and will stop after a few months. When it does, their voice will sound deeper. Voice changes are caused by testosterone, a hormone released in boys during puberty. It causes the vocal cords to get thicker and longer and their larynx to grow bigger. This is their "Adam’s apple."
Some kids become sexually mature at a very early age. Early or precocious puberty is when a child reaches a physical or hormonal milestone -- breast, testes, or pubic hair growth -- before age 6 to 8 in girls or 9 in boys. Early puberty is linked with obesity in girls. Early puberty rarely is due to hormone exposure or a problem with the thyroid, ovaries, or brain. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned.
Keep track of your child's bodily changes in a way that respects their desire for privacy. Call the doctor if:
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American Academy of Pediatrics: "Puberty: Information for Boys."
Family Doctor, American Academy of Family Physicians: "Puberty: What to Expect When Your Child Goes Through Puberty."
Healthy Children, American Academy of Pediatrics: "Physical Development of School Age Children, "Stages of Puberty," "When Puberty Starts Early," "What's Happening to My Body?"
KidsHealth: "Everything You Wanted to Know About Puberty," "Your Child’s Changing Voice," "Causes of Precocious Puberty," "All About Menstruation," "Breasts and Bras," "When Does Height Happen?"
4Parents, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: "Physical Changes During Puberty For Girls," "Physical Changes During Puberty For Boys."
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Emily Edlynn, Ph.D., is the author of The Art and Science of Mom parenting blog and the upcoming parenting book Parenting for Autonomy. She is a mother of three from Oak Park, Illinois and a clinical psychologist in private practice who specializes in working with children and adolescents.
I have boy/girl 9-year-old twins. My daughter has started showing signs of puberty but is happy with her body. They tend to goof off while getting naked before taking separate showers. I feel at this point it's time for them to not be naked together but they seem fine about it. Is it me? What age should they not be showing themselves to each other & how do I do it without creating body shame? 

I applaud you for starting from a point of addressing your children's changing bodies in a positive way. You recognize that your daughter is happy with her body, and we know the long road girls and women face with body image and all the risky social and cultural messages surrounding female bodies. It can be tricky for adults more versed in sexuality to view nudity very differently from how our children do. We know the sexual implications of how bodies are shown and used, and we want to be careful about how we project this onto children to avoid unintentionally sexualizing bodies when they don't need to be.

When it comes to their bodies, it's ideal to allow children to take the lead on what feels natural to them around covering up and having privacy. Some children may need some coaching around refraining from running around the streets pantsless, but most really do come to a natural body awareness and new desire for privacy in an appropriate time frame. In terms of seeing each other naked, it sounds like neither of your 9-year-old twins has reached a point of discomfort, yet. For your peace of mind, there is no expert consensus on an age limit that you have missed! Think through some of the following considerations for next steps.

The concept of sex differences has deservedly received a lot of scientific debate, and it's important to tease apart socially constructed ideas of gender versus actual gender differences. However, biologically, boys reach puberty later than girls. So, your daughter will have to be the one charting the course for her brother. She will likely come to the realization before he does that it feels strange to be around each other naked. Although he needs to be part of dealing with this dilemma, your daughter is the sensible starting point.

It matters where your daughter is with understanding and accepting her stage of puberty. Changing bodies can create all kinds of confusing and conflicting emotions, including wanting to stay young and childlike. It would be interesting to hear from your daughter what it feels like to her to start these changes, especially because her brother likely hasn't yet. Is still playing with her brother before showers a part of wanting to not feel different about her changing body?

My psychologist brain may be analyzing way more than is actually there, and of course I have never met your daughter, but it can be helpful to at least consider the emotional experience of puberty and how this may be influencing behaviors.

In your mission to not impose a feeling of embarrassment about her body on your daughter, approach your conversations with her from an angle that helps her come to her own conclusions. Instead of a "don't be naked in front of each other" talk, The Body Talk is about more than puberty and physical changes. It's about how we care for our bodies, and how others may see or treat our bodies in healthy and unhealthy ways.

Each family has its own values guiding how they approach talking to children about their bodies, but sex is invariably part of this conversation, whether implied or directly discussed. Research shows key aspects of having this conversation, including the importance of using the right words for anatomy, not cutesy nicknames or euphemisms, and making sure to address the concept of autonomy over one's body.

In the broader parenting pursuit of doing our part to help our children develop positive relationships with their bodies, a critical component is teaching them that they have control over their own bodies. With this in mind, you don't want to unintentionally convey that you have control over her body with a direct command to not be naked in front of her brother. (You already know this since you are bringing up the question and haven't done that already!)

Control cannot be discussed without consent, and this is where your son needs to participate in the conversation. Many people think about consent as something we need to teach our daughters, but it's equally important to discuss with our sons. With your 9-year-olds, ensure that if either one tells the other to "stop" any sort of physical contact (wrestling, tickling), this is respected. The same goes for their play before showers. As soon as one feels at all uncomfortable, they should be able to say it and have their wish respected. You can explicitly let both of them know this is the family rule, giving them permission to say, "I'm not comfortable."

Laying this groundwork for how consent works within your own family not only helps them find their boundaries as siblings, but will serve them in navigating relationships outside of the family.

Addressing these issues underlying the innocent behavior of naked goofing off will give your 9-year-old twins the tools to make their own decisions. Healthy dialogue will lay the foundation for your children to have a positive relationship with their bodies and to feel truly in charge of themselves.

Submit your parenting questions here , and they may be answered in future 'Ask Your Mom' columns.

Emily Edlynn, Ph.D., is the author of The Art and Science of Mom parenting blog and a mother of three from Oak Park, Illinois. She is a clinical psychologist in private practice who specializes in working with children and adolescents.

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