Private Water

Private Water


Private Water
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для обеспечения финансовой доступности.
by wealthy livestock owners, is increasing
группами скотоводов, и зачастую они усугубляются осуществлением
change their farming practices to reduce the risk of nitrate contamination.
фермерам финансовые средства, с тем чтобы они перешли
She also highlighted new collaboration platforms that
новых механизмах сотрудничества, создаваемых в
инвестирование в приоритетные области.
is created that supports WSP implementation in small supplies by providing external expertise,
ПОБВ рассматриваются как действенное средств о
создана благоприятная атмосфера, которая способствует осуществлению
sustainable consumption patterns, technology transfer,
was acknowledged, the point was nevertheless made that water
in the management of drinking water, and, accordingly, that
которых идет речь в случае нефтегазовых ресурсов, прозвучали и такие соображения , что в
уже давно привлекается к распоряжению
completed the publication of a work translated
публикацию произведения, переведенного
communities, minorities, indigenous
the ethics of the environment and the
комиссии – этики освоения космоса, этики
to separate accused persons from convicted
food processing, local transport, plant
производство пищевых продуктов, местный транспорт, плантации,
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private water - Translation into Russian - examples... | Reverso Context
private water - Russian translation – Linguee
private water supply - Английский-Русский Словарь - Glosbe
Water Privatization: Facts and Figures | Food & Water Watch
Private Water Systems | Private Water Systems | Drinking Water | CDC
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en (ii) Develop policy guidelines for private -sector involvement in urban water supply and sanitation.
en · Policy guidelines for the involvement of the private sector in water supply and sanitation in urban areas.
en Social policy, regulation and private sector involvement in water supply
en It also aimed to get private sector involved in water supply services provision piloted under the project.
en Social policy, regulation and private sector involvement in water supply
en Private sector participation in drinking- water supply can be considered in two broad classes
en Unlike the water supply in public places, a cistern or a well is considered private property.
en In many developing countries, the privatization of water supplies during the last decade has created further water shortages.
en · Proportion of vulnerable households dependent on private sources for water supply
en Several examples were also presented of constructive public- private partnerships such as drinking water supply and energy efficiency.
en Innovative practices in the Drinking Water Supply in The Netherlands - Private Business, Public Owners
en Plans were under way to privatize the water supply and the island's one and only commercial port
en · Health risks through private wells and community water supply systems;
en Private sector investment in water supply and sewerage projects, 1992-2002
en Health risks through private wells and community water supply systems
en Projects involving privatization of water supply (paragraph # of the concluding observations/comments
en Public- private partnerships for urban water supply are being explored with mixed results.
en How can the private sector and the local WUAs improve water supply and sanitation services?
en Plans were under way to privatize the water supply and the island’s one and only commercial port.
en Households may also have their own water supply from a private well or borehole.
en Water abstracted to supply private households, commercial-industrial use and public services
en Lack of infrastructure also increased food prices; shortage of energy and water supply continued to stunt private sector development.
en We private hotel Odyssey is already fully prepared rooms, checked all the water and power supply in the hotel.
en Limited public sector resources for the development of potable water supplies is being addressed increasingly through public- private partnerships.
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