Private Things

Private Things


Private Things
Home Self-development 6 Important things you should always keep private and some good reasons why

By Kris Di
On Feb 7, 2020
Last updated Apr 2, 2020

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We all want to share our accomplishments and happiness with the world.
We want to have someone listen to our stories of heartbreak and pain.
It isn’t about being secretive – it is about shielding yourself from emotional (and sometimes even physical) harm by keeping some things in your life private.
Studies have shown that publically announcing your dreams and goals can make you less likely to achieve them. Experiencing the joy of letting others know what your plans are damages your motivation to actually accomplish them later.
Combine this with the judgment and expectation of other people, and you have the perfect recipe for failure. Don’t allow this unnecessary stress into your life.
Letting other people in on the secrets of your personal life will ultimately work against you. In our current world trust is almost nonexistent. It is truly hard to meet an honest, trustworthy person these days. Why would you share sensitive information with people you don’t even know that well? Keep it to yourself.
What people don’t know they cannot ruin.
We all have family troubles. But our families also have their own way of functioning. No matter if it’s a love-hate relationship or something of a different nature, these are private matters. You do not need to involve others in your family business.
Showing off with your material possessions can easily be misread by others. You never know how others may interpret your bragging.
There are people out there who would put their life on the line to have what you have. Some of them don’t even have access to clean water, while others can barely afford to eat.
The world is in desperate need of kindness. But it is wrong to only be kind when others are watching. If you want to help other people, do it for its own sake, not in order to get a pat on the back from society.
Talking about your finances is definitely not a wise move. Your salary shouldn’t be known to other people. Asking how much somebody earns shows a lack of manners and respect, and it is definitely an idiotic move to talk about it. Your finances are nobody’s business but yours.
Keep in mind that there are people who would be more than happy to contribute to your downfall.
Shield yourself from them by putting these boundaries around you.
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5 Things Only Very Private People Understand

Because our walls are never thin enough.

This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.

An outdated Southern rule or proper etiquette?

Celebrate Labor Day by learning about the law changing activities that created the holiday.

What's Labor Day? A farmer never complains and he has no break.

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There are two types of people in this world. Okay, scratch that, there are many kinds of people in this world. But for the relevance of this list, we are going to think of it as two different types of people: the public and the private. The public people are rather well-understood because they are an open book for all to see and read. The private people, on the other hand, can be a mystery. So here are five things only very private people understand and know to be true.
Whether on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or what have you, it is rare to find a private person posting anything on their social media pages. If we do post something it is because we were told to (ahem, Odyssey) or because our peers have advocated that changing our profile pictures has been long overdue.
Now this is not the way all very private people appear to be. In fact, some can seem quite gregarious in person. But the truth is, if you are a private person, you do not want to let many people into your life. Very few will get to truly know you — and that is alright, because it is just how private people prefer it to be.
People talk, people gossip, people are curious. Well, curiosity killed the cat and the soul inside private people. My advice to the public people who do not seem to understand boundaries: stop asking the private people about their personal business. If we wanted to open up to you, we probably would have by now.
We are human. We like talking and socializing. But if we have formed walls around us, there is a good reason why and it could be due to a myriad of reasons: our own past mistakes, some kind of PTSD, betrayal, etc.
Unless they totally screw things up, in which case they become no better than an entrance mat — that gets stepped on, repeatedly.
An open letter to the place I call home on the 20th anniversary of living here.
We fail to see that Our home is a sinking ship, Vanishing slowly.
They failed to see that This place was a sinking ship Inevitably doomed.
For anyone living in the southeastern part of the United
States, you’ve probably heard your mother or grandmother stress the importance
of not wearing white after Labor Day at least once in your lifetime.
The Industrial Revolution of the 19th century sparked a growth in business and production for the United States. Factory and mill working began to overtake farming as more and more people moved out to the cities to find work.
So as we all know, last week was a shortened week due to Labor Day. It was a typical Monday afternoon and I was scrolling through my Facebook posts. I usually read like the first sentence of a post and if I'm not intrigued I keep scrolling. Well, one post really struck me, it read, 'I think everyone should be off on Labor Day. Kinda pissed I have to go in today.'

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In times when everyone shows and tells every single detail of their life, privacy turns into power. The truth is, what people don’t know, they cannot ruin. That’s why, in a world where people are carelessly exposing the most vulnerable bits of themselves, we need to practice and value discretion more than ever.
Keeping your goals private is crucial. While it’s always exciting to share your plans and dreams with others, you need to realize that not everyone deserves to know your next move. Sharing the things that make your soul shine with just anyone makes them less special. It makes you vulnerable to people whose intentions might not be as pure as you believe. Dream big, but make sure the ones you tell your dreams to are worthy of hearing them.
Your relationship should be between you, and your partner. That’s it. No one else needs to know about your romantic issues. All the juicy bits, such as deep secrets and intimate conversations, should never be let outside of your relationship. When these details stay only between the two of you, they remain sacred, special, and valuable. But once you let them out by sharing them with people who shouldn’t get their hands on such information, the intimacy dissolves.
The money you earn, the savings you have, and the balance in your bank account is private information only you should have access to. Even if you make an insane amount of money, you should never brag about it or share it with others. Perhaps you can trust your family with this information, but no one else should know how much you earn and what you choose to spend it on. The sad truth is, today’s world is filled with envy, selfishness, and atrocity. And as you never know who might turn out to be the Brutus waiting to take advantage of you, better keep your balance to yourself.
The selfless deeds you do are already powerful enough. You don’t need to make them vocal or to seek validation for them by telling others. People whose hearts are pure don’t need to be praised by others for their acts of kindness. The fact they have somehow improved another human being’s life is just enough to fill their soul with love and joy. The feeling of being the reason for someone’s smile is the ultimate validation you would ever need.
Exposing yourself to unworthy people could be lethal. If the wrong ones are aware of your fears and weaknesses, they wouldn’t hesitate to use them and take advantage of you. And you wouldn’t be able to protect yourself, as they will hold the key to the most vulnerable bits of your soul. What you need to remind yourself is that not everyone out there means you well. Not everyone wants to see you thrive. Some people want to crush your spirits, and knowing your weaknesses will only help them succeed.
We live in a day and age where a person who acts like your friend today, may turn into an enemy tomorrow. That’s why you need to be extremely careful who you tell your secrets to. And if someone decides to share their secret with you, don’t be the one who would disrespect their trust. Don’t turn into someone who can’t keep their mouth shut. Protect others’ secrets as devotedly as you should protect yours.
Just like your romantic relationship, your family issues should also remain only between you and the ones directly involved in them. Sharing them with someone who isn’t concerned is not only irresponsible, but it’s also disrespectful to your family.
Remember this: You don’t need to explain yourself to others. You don’t have to make your next move transparent for others to see. Telling people every single detail of your life can cause you troubles you might not be able to deal with.
Update your personal privacy policy. Instead of revealing too much of yourself, turn privacy into your superpower. Learn how to control others’ access to your heart and soul. You will soon realize that life is so much better when people don’t always know what you’re up to.

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We've established that all couples are disgusting , and I'm not just talking about the pet names — I'm talking about the way that every time you and your sweetie exchange a tender kiss, that kiss contains 80 million bacteria (okay, I'm also talking about the pet names). Yeah, those are 80 million harmless bacteria, but the whole thing still feels a little gross. And that's not even touching on all the gross stuff that couples do that doesn't involve swapping any bacteria, but does involve being wildly foul —like sharing toothbrushes, pooping with the door open, or picking a stray piece of broccoli out of their teeth. It's enough to make you want to swear off dating and barricade yourself inside your house alone forever, right?
Well, you might want to think it over a little more before you take a vow of celibacy and commit to a monogamous relationship with Seamless — because as foul as we are in pairs, we are inarguably a thousand times fouler on our own. After all, no matter how long you've been in a relationship, you still probably hope that the other person still finds you kinda sexy, or dignified, or at least doesn't think that you have actual chunks of garbage flowing through your veins.
But when you're alone, there's no one you have to impress by not peeing in the shower, or, you know, even taking an actual shower. And that is why when we're alone, we let loose —with these 19 thoroughly disgusting solo behaviors below that pretty much every woman does (but I'm sure you've never done any of them, fair maiden).
Especially when someone in your office mentions a "weird smell." I mean, it's never actually you that's the weird smell, but that fact seems to have little impact on one's overall crotch stank paranoia levels.
Soap down the pits and crotch, hit your roots with some dry shampoo, and no one is the wiser (right? RIGHT??).
Raise your hand if you have ever suffered the instant karma of peeing in the shower, only to have the drain immediately become clogged, leaving you covered in soap, standing in pee water, and cursing the day you were born.
Bonus points if the hair strand is so long that it has managed to wedge itself into both your butt crack and vulva. Double bonus points if you only realize the hair is stuck there after you start hooking up with someone, and desperately try to figure out a way to extract it without drawing too much attention.
Even though every other time you've done this, it's gotten torn to weird shreds and left your underwear a bloody mess, you still hold out hope that this time is going to be different. No one in the world is as blindly optimistic as a woman who has just made a pad out of toilet paper.
I mean, it does look kind of cool. But it's still probably not an acceptable topic to bring up at brunch. Same goes for poop.
It's so strange how when you dealt it they somehow don't smell as bad.
Everyone has a favorite, right? Mine's a Neutrogena microdermabrasion wand with the exfoliating pad ripped off. Sonicare toothbrushes can, however, be disappointing.
The feeling of relief that washes over your body after you successfully extract an ingrown pubic hair is probably life's greatest feeling that can be shared with absolutely no one else ever.
I have a single chin hair, which I once measured before plucking it. It was one inch long. Does admitting this on the internet mean that I'm no longer eligible for any political jobs?
Your skin always looks worse after, but you feel so satisfied.
And not just because you forgot to bring your phone in with you when you went to the bathroom (but also that).
You know, the piece of gum that's been knocked out of its wrapper by random purse crap? The kind that you'd act super disgusted about and make a big show of throwing out if someone else were there?
Admit it: when you are all alone, you caress your last-shaved-five-days-ago calves lovingly, as if they were a beloved house pet.
Dudes, you are not the only one who stick your hand down your pants in a non-sexual way while you're watching TV. This is your notice.
Sometimes just around the bra band area; sometimes all over the boobs themselves, if you've gotten really sweaty that day. Way more pleasurable than it should be.
The crack between your bed and the wall is not a trashcan.
Or a whole package of Oreos. Or most of a pizza. Then falling asleep next to the plate; then looking at the evidence in the morning with an air of shock and confusion, like you have no idea what happened. Who ate garlic knots in your bed last night? Probably aliens! It's the only reasonable answer! Or ghosts. Could have also been ghosts.

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