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Private Storage


Private Storage

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' Private Storage ' is a revolutionary new concept within the storage industry which gives power to the average person to either provide or rent reasonably priced, privately owned storage space. Private storage 'space' may be an unused cupboard, a garage or shed, or part of a spare room in a house or office.
Private Storage allows average people to benefit from free, previously 'lazy' space, either in the form of significant savings for those storing their stuff ( SpaceSeekers ), or passive income for the owner of the space ( SpaceOwners ).
Private Storage could ultimately revolutionise the storage industry, resulting in financial benefits for millions of people!
Traditionally the only real options available to individuals or businesses looking for somewhere to store their stuff, has been existing Public Storage and Self Storage facilities and services.

Public Storage usually involves having your items packaged up and stored away (usually in large warehouses) – where you have little or no access, until the end of the rental period - when you get access to your stuff again. 

Self Storage , provides a more flexible service – often with a bigger variety of storage size options, and usually with the ability for you to come and go within the facility, accessing your items as required.
Private Storage provides even more flexibility - often with a variety of different storage options and locations in your own local community. Private Storage is also likely to compare favourably on price, and will in many cases be in people's own homes – with the added security benefits associated with a “live in” SpaceOwner to look after your stuff.      
The Private Storage concept is also significantly more community oriented. Most SpaceSeekers will initially look for storage space in their own suburb or even their own street. Storing “stuff” in the homes and business premises in your local community, presents opportunities to meet and get to know members of your own local area - it's great networking!

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You can use private endpoints for your Azure Storage accounts to allow clients on a virtual network (VNet) to securely access data over a Private Link . The private endpoint uses a separate IP address from the VNet address space for each storage account service. Network traffic between the clients on the VNet and the storage account traverses over the VNet and a private link on the Microsoft backbone network, eliminating exposure from the public internet.
Private endpoints are not available for general-purpose v1 storage accounts.
Using private endpoints for your storage account enables you to:
A private endpoint is a special network interface for an Azure service in your Virtual Network (VNet). When you create a private endpoint for your storage account, it provides secure connectivity between clients on your VNet and your storage. The private endpoint is assigned an IP address from the IP address range of your VNet. The connection between the private endpoint and the storage service uses a secure private link.
Applications in the VNet can connect to the storage service over the private endpoint seamlessly, using the same connection strings and authorization mechanisms that they would use otherwise . Private endpoints can be used with all protocols supported by the storage account, including REST and SMB.
Private endpoints can be created in subnets that use Service Endpoints . Clients in a subnet can thus connect to one storage account using private endpoint, while using service endpoints to access others.
When you create a private endpoint for a storage service in your VNet, a consent request is sent for approval to the storage account owner. If the user requesting the creation of the private endpoint is also an owner of the storage account, this consent request is automatically approved.
Storage account owners can manage consent requests and the private endpoints through the ' Private endpoints ' tab for the storage account in the Azure portal .
If you want to restrict access to your storage account through the private endpoint only, configure the storage firewall to deny or control access through the public endpoint.
You can secure your storage account to only accept connections from your VNet by configuring the storage firewall to deny access through its public endpoint by default. You don't need a firewall rule to allow traffic from a VNet that has a private endpoint, since the storage firewall only controls access through the public endpoint. Private endpoints instead rely on the consent flow for granting subnets access to the storage service.
When copying blobs between storage accounts, your client must have network access to both accounts. So if you choose to use a private link for only one account (either the source or the destination), make sure that your client has network access to the other account. To learn about other ways to configure network access, see Configure Azure Storage firewalls and virtual networks .
To create a private endpoint by using PowerShell or the Azure CLI, see either of these articles. Both of them feature an Azure web app as the target service, but the steps to create a private link are the same for an Azure Storage account.
When you create a private endpoint, you must specify the storage account and the storage service to which it connects.
You need a separate private endpoint for each storage resource that you need to access, namely Blobs , Data Lake Storage Gen2 , Files , Queues , Tables , or Static Websites . On the private endpoint, these storage services are defined as the target sub-resource of the associated storage account.
If you create a private endpoint for the Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage resource, then you should also create one for the Blob storage resource. That's because operations that target the Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint might be redirected to the Blob endpoint. By creating a private endpoint for both resources, you ensure that operations can complete successfully.
Create a separate private endpoint for the secondary instance of the storage service for better read performance on RA-GRS accounts.
Make sure to create a general-purpose v2(Standard or Premium) storage account.
For read access to the secondary region with a storage account configured for geo-redundant storage, you need separate private endpoints for both the primary and secondary instances of the service. You don't need to create a private endpoint for the secondary instance for failover . The private endpoint will automatically connect to the new primary instance after failover. For more information about storage redundancy options, see Azure Storage redundancy .
Clients on a VNet using the private endpoint should use the same connection string for the storage account as clients connecting to the public endpoint. We rely upon DNS resolution to automatically route the connections from the VNet to the storage account over a private link.
Use the same connection string to connect to the storage account using private endpoints as you'd use otherwise. Please don't connect to the storage account using its privatelink subdomain URL.
By default, We create a private DNS zone attached to the VNet with the necessary updates for the private endpoints. However, if you're using your own DNS server, you may need to make additional changes to your DNS configuration. The section on DNS changes below describes the updates required for private endpoints.
When you create a private endpoint, the DNS CNAME resource record for the storage account is updated to an alias in a subdomain with the prefix privatelink . By default, we also create a private DNS zone , corresponding to the privatelink subdomain, with the DNS A resource records for the private endpoints.
When you resolve the storage endpoint URL from outside the VNet with the private endpoint, it resolves to the public endpoint of the storage service. When resolved from the VNet hosting the private endpoint, the storage endpoint URL resolves to the private endpoint's IP address.
For the illustrated example above, the DNS resource records for the storage account 'StorageAccountA', when resolved from outside the VNet hosting the private endpoint, will be:
As previously mentioned, you can deny or control access for clients outside the VNet through the public endpoint using the storage firewall.
The DNS resource records for StorageAccountA, when resolved by a client in the VNet hosting the private endpoint, will be:
This approach enables access to the storage account using the same connection string for clients on the VNet hosting the private endpoints, as well as clients outside the VNet.
If you are using a custom DNS server on your network, clients must be able to resolve the FQDN for the storage account endpoint to the private endpoint IP address. You should configure your DNS server to delegate your private link subdomain to the private DNS zone for the VNet, or configure the A records for with the private endpoint IP address.
When using a custom or on-premises DNS server, you should configure your DNS server to resolve the storage account name in the privatelink subdomain to the private endpoint IP address. You can do this by delegating the privatelink subdomain to the private DNS zone of the VNet or by configuring the DNS zone on your DNS server and adding the DNS A records.
The recommended DNS zone names for private endpoints for storage services, and the associated endpoint target sub-resources, are:
For more information on configuring your own DNS server to support private endpoints, refer to the following articles:
For pricing details, see Azure Private Link pricing .
Keep in mind the following known issues about private endpoints for Azure Storage.
Clients in VNets with existing private endpoints face constraints when accessing other storage accounts that have private endpoints. For example, suppose a VNet N1 has a private endpoint for a storage account A1 for Blob storage. If storage account A2 has a private endpoint in a VNet N2 for Blob storage, then clients in VNet N1 must also access Blob storage in account A2 using a private endpoint. If storage account A2 does not have any private endpoints for Blob storage, then clients in VNet N1 can access Blob storage in that account without a private endpoint.
This constraint is a result of the DNS changes made when account A2 creates a private endpoint.
Currently, you can't configure Network Security Group (NSG) rules and user-defined routes for private endpoints. NSG rules applied to the subnet hosting the private endpoint are not applied to the private endpoint. They are applied only to other endpoints (For example: network interface controllers). A limited workaround for this issue is to implement your access rules for private endpoints on the source subnets, though this approach may require a higher management overhead.
You can copy blobs between storage accounts by using private endpoints only if you use the Azure REST API, or tools that use the REST API. These tools include AzCopy, Storage Explorer, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, and the Azure Blob Storage SDKs.
Only private endpoints that target the Blob storage resource are supported. Private endpoints that target the Data Lake Storage Gen2 or the File resource are not yet supported. Also, copying between storage accounts by using the Network File System (NFS) protocol is not yet supported.

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